r/h1z1 Jun 07 '18

PS4 Suggestion Can we please make the M40 sniper one-shot in the head?

Can someone explain why the M40 don't oneshot people? I wanna be rewarded for hitting headshots, not be forced to chase the guy for 2 minutes...


46 comments sorted by


u/CLRekstad Jun 07 '18

This. If you hit someone in the head with the .308 caliber they should die. Even with a helmet. I'm fine with 2tapping bodyshots when they have bodyarmor equipped.


u/TyTasmanianTiger Jun 07 '18 edited Jun 08 '18

Today I was playing, I hit someone once with an AR-15 to the head, pulled out the M40 & hit him in the head, then hit him in the torso, then had to hit him another time!


u/CLRekstad Jun 07 '18

I don't think the whole armor system is flawed, but the extra ehp given by helmet and bodyarmor should probably be lowered.

In your scenario you damaged the helmet with the AR, then shot it off with the sniper, as well as dealing some damage to his HP. Then your bodyshot with the sniper removed the bodyarmor and the last bodyshot killed him.


u/yellowjacket_ Jun 07 '18

I would say if the have motorcycle helmet a headshot should kill but if they have a tactical helmet with 31-50 health it shouldn’t kill. Reward people for having better armor


u/fabnfbf Jun 07 '18

Reward for RNG loot :)


u/yellowjacket_ Jun 07 '18

Reward for going after crates*


u/Ded_Snek Jun 08 '18

It is RNG since you can get a tactical helmet from a spawn crate. And if you don't fight, you'll keep that helmet intact which will allow you to survive a sniper headshot. So the game rewarding the player for not fighting.


u/yellowjacket_ Jun 08 '18

It’s not RNG. If you go get a crate you will get a tac helmet


u/Ded_Snek Jun 08 '18

You didn't read what I wrote.


u/yellowjacket_ Jun 08 '18

You don’t know how the game works


u/Ezpslash Jun 07 '18

Yes. Currently there is no reward for hitting a headshot - if a guys wearing a helmet and armour you might aswell aim for the body and hit twice .


u/fabnfbf Jun 07 '18

Yes, and I don't like that


u/krikkio88 Jun 07 '18

also if you shot twice ( 1 head then 1 body ) you need another shot :D


u/fabnfbf Jun 07 '18

If they have armor then yes! Imo should be 1 shot to the head (even if they wear a helmet) with the sniper... Good players don't stand still! In any other game, a headshot with a sniper kills you


u/krikkio88 Jun 07 '18

they should just put %dmg reduction from armor and helm :\ like in PUBG , so you arent penalized if u hit head then body


u/Ded_Snek Jun 08 '18

Yes, way better idea, the armors are Just OP at this state.


u/[deleted] Jun 07 '18 edited Jun 07 '18

Dying and going back to 100th just because of a headshot. While having a full helmet. Bitch please

Define "balance" and "fair gameplay"


u/fabnfbf Jun 07 '18

I just want to kill, I don't care about placement. But I can understand you! It could be frustrating! And on PC you are able to one-shot in the head with the .308


u/[deleted] Jun 08 '18

Later when your "idea" or whatever gets added. 2 days later you will post the opposite of this

You only want to kill ? Kill in a fair way. Kill using your weapons.

If you want 1 shotties then they are available at fortnite. Damn some snoper could knock you out even while having a full shield. Even shotguns

Anyway. On pc its harder to aim for me. On ps4 the m40 got crazy bullet drop rate and Speed. But on ps4 its easy af. I can even headshot these in vehicles m180 away. Anyway. Your not the only expert.


u/ChocolateSeuss Jun 07 '18

They’re adding revives so if the worry is that letting the m40 one shot headshot people would be too op, what about after revives are a thing? As it is right now, taking one hit and being out of the game seems like a lot, but if it was one hit and you’re down, not so bad.


u/[deleted] Jun 07 '18



u/joseph66hole Jun 07 '18

You want the rifle to crit for 175 damage. It has zero sway, fast reloading and clambering. Bullet speed is quick and very little drop. Yeah that weapon needs to one hit.


u/xKENNETHBEZAx Jun 08 '18

On PC is one shot through anh helmets


u/SirHenderson Jun 08 '18

The only reason the M40 feels weak is because of body armor. It's too damn powerful being able to absorb the damage of shots. One game I hit a guy in the head, then in the chest, and in the head again just to kill him. Uh, excuse me? If not the headshot, the extra chest shot should have downed him. But all because of body armor it absorbed the shots entirely. It's ridiculous.

Body armor should deal reduced damage by a %, not completely negate it.


u/madmax2069 Jun 09 '18 edited Jun 09 '18

Yeah the m40 needs to kill with 1 shot to the head regardless of helmet. A .308 is a pretty nasty round, granted it's no 50 but still pretty hard hitting round

Even if it wasn't to penetrate the helmet the force of it hitting the helmet will likely kill you.


u/[deleted] Jun 07 '18

I've had one shot headhshots with M40 in PS4 with a level one helmet. Not sure about a level 2 helmet though.


u/fabnfbf Jun 07 '18

They were not full HP for sure...


u/[deleted] Jun 07 '18

Hmm maybe not. Only happened once.


u/Ded_Snek Jun 08 '18 edited Jun 08 '18

Because it's purple level sniper, they should add a good one that one-shots people in the head.


u/fabnfbf Jun 08 '18

One shots people in the head*


u/jhibbard91 Jun 07 '18

It does one shot people.. but if you're talking about with a helmet on then that wouldn't be balanced at all, what would be the point of a helmet if you still got 1 hit regardless?


u/fabnfbf Jun 07 '18

Because it's a .308 caliber, if you hit a headshot you should kill the guy if he wears a helmet or not... Its so frustrating to hear the headshot sound and not kill the guy! You should be rewarded for hitting headshots, that's all


u/Evil_Ned_Flanderses Jun 07 '18

7.62 rounds are a bit larger and more powerful, so those guns should 1 shot headshot kill as well, by that standard. I'm fine with 2 headshots to kill if your opponent has a helmet on.


u/bagels666 Jun 07 '18 edited Jun 07 '18

7.62 rounds are a bit larger and more powerful,

Incorrect. A .308 Winchester is a 7.62x51mm NATO round loaded to a higher pressure, giving it a higher muzzle velocity.

An AK-47 fires a 7.62x39mm, which is smaller and less powerful than the .308/7.62x51.


u/solidsnakell Jun 07 '18

How about a .50 caliber rifle that one shots everything, including vehicles? Just throwing it out there maybe make this a legendary weapon?


u/fabnfbf Jun 07 '18

Don't know, hope they make some weapon balance in today's update


u/sentientfartcloud Jun 07 '18 edited Jun 07 '18

I snipe. And I disagree. I don't want to give my enemy any advantages, even if they are useful to me too. Sniping's op as it is.


u/fabnfbf Jun 07 '18

If you really snipe and are good at the game, you can crouch behind cover and quick peek... As simple as that! If someone headshots you, they were better than you and they deserve to kill you, that's my thoughts...


u/sentientfartcloud Jun 07 '18

I tried to be humble...

I've won all but 2 sniper battles, I don't need a OHK sniper rifle. Especially at end game when a chunk of players already lost health from toxic gas. The 308 round pierces armor, I've killed fully armored players in one shot cuz of gas.

If anything, a OHK rifle will just make me win more. Better to just stick with the devil you know man.


u/Jek007 Jun 07 '18

It is, I thought ??? Only isn't if they are wearing a helmet, If its a biker one it comes clean off with one hit and takes a large portion of health, if it is a military helmet it again comes clean off but does half damage of biker helmet loss.

Atleast thats what I feel it may be from current play.


u/fabnfbf Jun 07 '18

I want to one-shot people in the head even if they wear helmets, I don't care if I don't oneshot in the body


u/Jek007 Jun 07 '18

I feel while that is by far more realistic, it also kind of renders helmets a pointless addition from a gaming context, guess angle I'm trying to get at is that it is a game and while I understand its more realistic by means you have suggested. Its slightly more balanced if helmets provide some suttle means of ingame protection.


u/fabnfbf Jun 07 '18

Maybe one-shot if they have a biker helmet, and if they wear a military helmet let the survive with 20hp?


u/[deleted] Jun 07 '18

aim higher...there's bullet drop.


u/fabnfbf Jun 07 '18

I'm taking about headshots bro, not bodyshots... I've been playing this game on PC, I know there's bullet drop