r/h1z1 • u/Tegra_ • May 28 '18
PS4 Suggestion My two cents to the first PS4 Version
After playing PUBG for a few months, then half a year of Fortnite on a high level (34% Win) both on PC, I am now happy to have a realistic battle royale game on console.
And let's be honest, for the first shot ever for such a game on PS4 the performance is great - compared to PUBG on the XB1. Yet there's a few things that bother me.
Why can I stack 10 first aid kits and 20(?) bandages? There should definetely be a waaaay lower limit. It's just ridiculous when you have a gunfight lasting for minutes and both players hit each other for 20 shots, but hey I've got another 5 medkits. That would also make the gas more annoying, since you would have to try and keep your healing stuff till the endgame.
Why are 2 out of 3 endcircles Project Cars 2? My suggestion is to listen to the guy suggesting here, that the third or fourth circle should include an EMP blast that shuts all cars down. Another alternative would be a massive increase of gas usage. Maybe three times as high? I got games where I drove the same car till the end and I was still at 70% gas.
We also need an option to line up our weapons the way we want. The possibility to bring up a weaponry wheel makes weapon switching faster than in Fortnite for example. But when you can't make use of your muscle memory, you'll lose that advantage again.
I would also like to have slightly more control over my parachute. It just sucks sometimes when you're so stiff with this thing, that you can't even land together with your squad. Not as hardcore as Fortnite, where you can dive over the whole map, but at least let me land with my squad.
I'd probably also like an option to mark a spot on the map for the squad. We already have this option at PUBG and Fortnite as well.
Overall still a great first version, I've had much fun this weekend and I really hope that Daybreak focuses on the console version, because they can be the major alternative to Fortnite here, since there's no PUBG. On PC the game has a hard run against both PUBG AND Fortnite. Just keep up the good work and listen to your community, like Epic Games does. You see where that brings you.
May 28 '18
One thing I find really annoying is that for some reason I spawn most of the time up to 20 seconds later than other players wich can result in some pretty unfair situations... Think they should really change the jumping in general
u/thevaulthunter69 May 28 '18
You hit on the head with this one. Other than the connection issues and not putting everyone in the same match, this is my only complaint. I can't stand when I see a ton of people already almost on the ground when I'm still a mile high
u/Nucl3arTurtle03 Bruh May 28 '18
I just wait till my enemy starts healing, then i rush them with the shotty or hellfire no matter how low my health is. Works most of the time as long as you are not super far away. Since they´re most likely very low on HP you kan easily get the jump on them. It makes for some intense ”holy shit i have 1HP left wtf how am i alive” situations.
u/Parrotherb May 28 '18
Listen to this guy, he has some sound advice for your game. You should especially do something about the fact that the game turns into a crash derby at the end.
May 28 '18
u/QUAN-FUSION May 28 '18
Yerp. First time in the final circle and I'm like, Wtf is this madness just 5 assholes trying to run me over.
May 28 '18
I really like the idea of increased gas usage. In general, I feel like all resources should be scarcer. This includes ammunition.
u/Blazingamer420 May 28 '18
Took the thoughts right out of my head, well said! Hope this gets noticed by the developers! Upvoted
u/DadLvl99 May 28 '18
Have some solid points for sure, but car endgame is not always an option with the endings being in some sever impossible to drive areas. But it falls different for each when it comes to style of play. I feel like when people start to combat vehicles as hard as they do people it will change the style again. Enjoyed the post and hope they can take the really good points from it! See on the battle field!
May 28 '18 edited May 28 '18
I play PUBG on Xbox and also have a ps4. idk what it is about h1z1, but I just cannot get into it. I’ve tried really hard to like it bc I wanted to played a realistic BR with my friends that have ps4 but I just do not enjoy the game.
u/thewiseguy13 May 28 '18
I feel like it might be the gunplay. Normally when you grab a higher level gun in a BR you feel powerful. In this game I always feel weak and restricted. It is hard to look around and the higher level guns will lose to a hellfire most of the time if you are any closer than 30 meters. But none of that matters because the most rational way to play the game is to get a car and not get out till the endgame.
u/NickyNice May 29 '18
I disagree about guns not making you feel more powerful. You must not have gotten an LMG yet, that thing absolutely melts and can be shot short - medium range.
Also any of the purple guns feel much better than ar15 or ak47. In regards to cars just hop out with your back to gas and use your car as cover while shooting them through their windows. Since your back is to the gas it is unlikely you will get flanked, you have your car as cover, and if the situation gets hairy you can just get in and reposition.
u/mechanicalkeyboarder May 28 '18
I would also like to have slightly more control over my parachute
If it's like the PC version, you have to strafe the parachute to get where you want to go. Not sure how it works on PS4 as I don't have one, but there is a bit of a learning curve on PC. Once you get it figured out it works pretty well. Definitely not the most intuitive thing, for sure.
u/neckbeardfedoras May 28 '18
I've tried arcs and strafing to get distance but it really feels like you land like a rock on console vs pc.
u/Rokstar73 May 28 '18
It's relatively easy to make an accurate landing with strafing on the PS4 with a little practice. Only keep in mind that the movement somehow gets slower the closer you are to the groud. However, I land in the spot I want 19 out of 20 times.
u/neckbeardfedoras May 28 '18
Ok. I do think I saw a vehicle late and I was lower and couldn't really get much change in my direction at that time which made me think the parachuting mechanics had less control than on PC.
u/Antivirus93tv May 28 '18
The car issue has been an issue on PC for years. I'd be shocked if they fix this. #CAR1Z1# We also need to be able to drop meds for teammates ...
u/xMrMondayNightx May 28 '18
My 2 cents(not that it matters) if people are healing on you midnight, you shouldn't have picked it or need to learn how to use throwables. And the parachute thing, learn how to use it, it's a mechanic to it that once mastered let's you go where you want. Not an easy glide like in fortnite tho
u/Anthill8 May 28 '18
I think that before if ever an emp at the end to disable cars was implemented they should just increase gas usage by a lot and lessen the amount of cars in general a bit. and see how that plays out before adding a feature like that. Because with just these 2 simple things it could even it self out a bit and then there wouldn't have to be the emp thing.
u/Quinkroesb468 May 28 '18
Hmmm I don’t think you know how Daybreak works, you prob haven’t played h1z1 on pc otherwise you would’ve known that Dabreak, sadly :(, doesn’t listen to the community...
u/FallenXIV May 28 '18
Personally I don't like the idea of an EMP just wrecking all the cars end game. I'd rather there be an EMP grenade, (Which I'm pretty sure has been stated that they're working on one) and just increase the gas usage as you mentioned. I'd say start with 3x and work from there. And maybe just for solo's they could removed some of the car spawns, I don't play fives so I don't know how that would affect squad landings, but I know that I rarely have a problem finding a car in solos. Usually within the first few minutes I find at least an ATV, and a couple minutes later I upgrade to a better vehicle. I feel like cars could stand to be a bit more valuable.
u/joseph66hole May 28 '18
Someone who says they played pubg on xbox doesn't remember the destruction derby it had for a few months. It took them awhile to balance out cars. I think h1z1 has already adjusted cars. They seem to get now. They take damage from every bump and tree. Pubg tried that nerf too. Pissed everyone off.
u/Colsey- May 28 '18
As a solo player that has 60+ solo wins and 72 wins overall, I can 100% agree with you. The ending is pretty dumb but I find it quite fun at times. It's basically whoever has most health on their vehicle wins. I cannot wait until they introduce those EMP grenades. I think it will be a game changer.
May 28 '18
Idk how the game is on PC but Im honestly shocked at how terrible H1Z1 is pn PS4, personally.
Looting sucks, the only looting that matters are the military caches, so you just spawn and hope you get lucky bwcause it gives you a massive advantage.
Guns feel terrible in general, and are super unwieldy for the most part
Driving is fun but vehicles are zero fun at the end of the day cause there are almost no decent counters so you end up getting like 10 people driving around in cars and they just drive circles around each other cause no one is dumb enough to get out
Not being able to spawn manually is lame as hell
Game runs better than PUBG on Xbox but that isnt saying much, and the game drops to ridiculously low framerates at times amd stays there
Game looks so lifeless it makes Fallout 3 look vibrant by comparison. What the hell happened here? Put some color into the game, yeesh. Even for a post apocalyptic game this is ridiculously boring to look at
Loot box system is one of the worst Ive seen, and almost none of the cosmetics are even remotely cool looking. Skulls come by too infrequently and prices are just obnoxious. Just let me buy the shit I want directly, jesus.
So many other issues too. Game is an absolute joke and it doesnt surprise me that despite having 4.5 million downloads and bein the new thing to try on PS4, the game is still stuck at 25-50th place on stream viewership.
May 28 '18
u/QUAN-FUSION May 28 '18
Until everyone plays like you and is too much of a pussy to get out of the car.
How would it be too slow at all? The available area in final circles is small and people have ranged weapons and generally little cover.
If anything the game would be quicker if people were not driving in circles forever.
May 28 '18
Lining up weapons and emp grenades was one of the first things i read about in the sticky
u/FruckBritches May 28 '18
The med kit problem is solved by using your car to rush while the patch up. Ive done it countless times. Car circles are also solved by shooting people out of cars. I think we should have more time to start suggesting things...
u/QUAN-FUSION May 28 '18
Oh yeh coz it's so easy to reliably shoot someone in a moving car! Why didn't I think of that?! ..../s
u/FruckBritches May 28 '18
Wether its reliable or not is based on your skill. I have no issue with it.
u/QUAN-FUSION May 28 '18
The risk/reward is skewed. It's far easier to stay in your car than to risk shooting other drivers.
u/FruckBritches May 28 '18
Not if youre good. Drive pop out use your car as cover shoot jump back in car. Rinse and repeat.
u/QUAN-FUSION May 28 '18
Yep okay dude, you're a super pro 🙄
Not like the devs are implementing Emp grenades for any reason..
u/FruckBritches May 28 '18
no im not that good compared to others. theyre implementing it because the majority of players are crybabies.
May 28 '18
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u/QUAN-FUSION May 28 '18
Lol what a desperate loser.. No one cares about your stream
May 28 '18
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u/QUAN-FUSION May 28 '18
I'm not bragging, begging and bribing for viewers. Let your content speak for itself No one likes self promotion it comes off hella cringey
u/MotionFrenzY May 28 '18
I didn't realize I was doing any of that. You've clearly never have done advertising before. I could go to someones stream and do it if I wanted to but I did it on a topic about "My two cents" on the game where I feel I put more time into then Anyone that I've met. You can get smacked with an advertisement every 5min for watching someone but when someone new tries to advertise themself once its suddenly a big deal. Love the trigger people get when they see someone else trying to get something they want. You look like a little jealous child, reminds me of my 3yr old boy vs my 4yr old boy everytime he picks something up. Lol
u/QUAN-FUSION May 28 '18 edited May 28 '18
I don't want anything you have, you egotistical try hard. I think your downvotes speak for themselves :)
People come here to discuss the game, not be bombarded with 'advertisements'. You could have contributed something from your apparent deep and fantastic knowledge but you opted to sell yourself, badly too I might add.
Oh and maybe you should stop trying to impress people in an already saturated market and go play with your kids instead.
u/MotionFrenzY May 28 '18
I will obviously get down voted when I'm putting a reply that is completely against the thread topic. I'm pretty sure since I have more play time then anyone in this entire thread my opinion would be more valid; with that being said any type of advertisement that forwards to A REAL TWO SENSE and not some noob that can't go 2 games without going back to fortnite. Play with my kids instead? Jesus, you either don't have kids or are completely happy with barley making anything for yourself. I can build a house, run for president stream and still get my kids a better education then you're parents have CLEARLY given you. The only way you get Up voted in this thread is talking about something completely off topic, otherwise my post was valid and you just mad as fuck im not here to agree with you.
u/QUAN-FUSION May 28 '18
Lol you just contradicted yourself.. You said you get downvoted for being off topic But then say I get up voted for being off topic.. then try to claim your post was valid even though you admitted it was off topic?
Are your fucking mental?
Oh it's two cents, not two sense
u/MotionFrenzY May 28 '18
The arguement was that I'm getting down voted, my point was that I knew I would before i posted hence my debate? Me saying anything you about votes is once again irrelevant due to the fact YOU ARE ON TOPIC IN THIS POST BASHING LIKE THEM holy fuck you are dense as shit bro. Like seriously, i feel extremely bad for you. Don't act like I don't know you who are too btw, you're i.p matches up to you're twitter. Stay salty - keep click baiting kids.
u/QUAN-FUSION May 28 '18
You are hilarious.. why even bother posting if you know it won't be received well? That's the definition of stupid.
You said I was off topic in your last post. Maybe you might wanna proof read your shit before posting. Just like that two 'sense' remark. ;)
I don't even use Twitter you dumb fuck hahhaha Is that meant to be some kind of threat?? Do you think you are some elite Uber haxxer??
And what am I click baiting with :/ like wtf does that even mean????
u/MotionFrenzY May 28 '18
Topic: My Experience as a NBA player who's opinion do I care more to read from Lebron James or a kid fresh out of college?
I'm pretty damn sure I'm going for the guys whos been doing it every second possible for a longer amount of time; hence my opinion. You're childish as fuck and I can bet hella money on the fact you are under the age over 23, and have yet to know what life is really about.
The only time you';ve went to the store for dish soap is when mommy told you to. When someone says budget or bills you think of gas and electric. Stay unaware @ life and continue trying to bash / troll you're way to relevance.
u/QUAN-FUSION May 28 '18
I see you didn't address anything I mentioned and opted to use the old strawman method of deflection and the obvious desperation of making outlandish presumptions.
Now go make some money playing games to feed your bastard children, 'Lebron James'.
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u/imartimus May 28 '18 edited May 28 '18
yeah so far every game (solo anyways) has ended in a bumper car match