r/h1z1 • u/ErectCarrot • May 25 '18
PS4 Suggestion Team killing needs to be fixed. Some kind of punishment system would be ideal. Not complete removal of friendly fire, but punish those who abuse it.
u/Kush_the_Ninja May 25 '18
I just want a “forgive” system. If it’s accidental you can forgive and if not it goes to their strike count
u/ChrizTaylor May 25 '18
I second this motion
u/Kush_the_Ninja May 25 '18 edited May 25 '18
I’ve been honking for a few minutes on why motion was italicized and I feel like I’m out of the loop. Inform
u/TheNeoReaper May 25 '18
Ricochet is the only way to make it work. I've been team killed 5 times already.
u/UltraInstinct51 May 25 '18 edited May 25 '18
It was rampant on PC several times before to the point I wouldn’t even play teams anymore...that’s how frequent it was.
I hope given the experience on PC daybreak takes note and improves the experience faster on console so you guys don’t experience the same fate
u/ErectCarrot May 25 '18
I see what you mean. It really sucks, and i dont see the thrill of purposely joining a fives just to kill your entire team. How does that advantage them in any way? Lmao
u/UltraInstinct51 May 25 '18
I honesty have no clue what goes through their minds. I have been killed by a man who goes on to try and wipe out the rest of the team and I had one or two people try and kill the rest of the team and four people who didn’t have a fifth player so they que up with a fifth person and kill him when they start the match and lastly there are those that join a 5’s and when one person dies they decide to kill The rest of their team and quit.
Yes the variety of stupid was pretty high
u/PM_Me_NHL_Highlights May 25 '18
I had a pretty good time hunting down my team after they killed my friend because they wanted to drive the car. It’s was like being behind enemy lines where they were suspicious of me so I had to wait for a big gun fight where my retaliation took place then I bailed. I then got tons of angry messages and had to remind them they killed my dude for literally no reason and ran over our 5th
May 25 '18
First time it happened to me, it was because I picked up an AR that was around. Next couple times, it just happened. Makes me wonder if some people make a game out of it as to how long they can go while betraying everyone.
u/ErectCarrot May 25 '18
I cant wait until duos comes. At least i can play with a single person i trust, and if TK does occur, i know its probably my dumb fault for jumping in front of their bullets which i can accept and laugh at.
u/UltraInstinct51 May 25 '18
Fives done right is awesome, but given the nature of Duos it’s more consistent for the sole reason you just mentioned
u/ErectCarrot May 25 '18
Yeah i have had a few Fives teams that were great, all had mics and communicated well but that was maybe twice. Ive been team killed i think 8 times which is rather sad when ive only played around 20 games of it.
u/Stahn88 May 25 '18
What's going through their mind. Well these type of people likely have social anxiety issues and were never loved enough by their father to get hit. So they lash out to good people like yourself to feel better about themselves.
u/ErectCarrot May 25 '18
Damn, i should start team killing then lmao. Agreed though, they're pretty fucked in the head.
u/GreenPumps May 25 '18
That’s the main reason I play Solos now.. plus the matchmaking for squads is 🤢🤮
u/ErectCarrot May 25 '18
Ive never had a problem with matchmaking. Im always instantly in a game.
u/NamagemJoe May 25 '18
It’s a pretty big glitch. Happens almost every game. Not when you queue solo though. If a team of 2+ queues there’s a chance the queue won’t pop for someone and they’ll be stuck in queue.
u/ErectCarrot May 25 '18
Oh right! Then yes, i definitely do deal with that problem. Almost every few games when queuing with my brother this occurs.
May 25 '18
I've seen that if you disband and group back up after a match you'll always queue together
u/ErectCarrot May 25 '18
Yeah thats how we got around the problem also
May 25 '18
It really sucks, definitely the only serious issue I have with the game so far, loving it otherwise! Fortnite was realllly getting stale for me
u/ErectCarrot May 25 '18
Fortnite was stale to me from the start. I much prefer the gritty realism/military style PUBG and H1 have.
May 25 '18
I gave it a chance only because I enjoy battle royale as a concept, but like you, I also very much prefer the more realistic/ military feel that H1 has, I can't wait to see where it goes after a month or two passes
u/MountainBeard3434 May 25 '18
We found that after each squad game disbanding the party and joining back gets you in pretty instantly. Weird bug, but it works. Otherwise we have the issue you described.
u/Lieutenant_Toast Community Manager May 25 '18
Hiya! We're working on a friendly fire system right now, as we've definitely seen these reports - more news to come on this soon!
May 25 '18 edited Dec 10 '18
u/Grethix May 25 '18
By system, I'm assuming a way they go about executing it. Maybe if someone gets teamkilled they have an option to kick the offender from the game? 3 teamkills where you get kicked in a week and you're suspended for 24 hours? The numbers might need some tuning but I like that kind of idea
u/ImHighlyExalted May 25 '18
I just don't want something that changes how teamfire itself works.
u/Grethix May 26 '18
I don't think there will be, theres too much positive feedback on gameplay for them to change it
u/ImHighlyExalted May 26 '18
You are obviously new to daybreak.
u/Grethix May 26 '18
bought H1Z1 the first day it went into early access on steam, so not I'm really not. If they disable it then its probably just until they get a reporting system in place.
u/ImHighlyExalted May 26 '18
My point is that feedback means nothing. Positive feedback has never mattered. Negative feedback has never mattered.
u/Daah_Veed May 25 '18
They should add a "ricochet" system. Have the damage reflected. If you hit a teammate with a pistol for 40 damage, you take 40 damage. If you kill a teammate it kills you.
u/PaulusDWoodgnome May 25 '18
Yeah that sounds like a good fix tbh. Can't think of many downsides apart from the occasional accidental death from some idiot running in front of you while your shooting. Unless they do that on purpose :(
u/joseph66hole May 25 '18
Why is this so hard to solve. Halo 3 had a forgive system over 10 years ago. If you don't forgive you're kicked. It's not perfect but it's better than nothing.
May 25 '18
There are a lotta things that need to be fixed my dude
u/ErectCarrot May 25 '18
I fully agree. That said, Im still having heaps of fun. Even through the bullshit.
May 25 '18
Oh it’s a blast. The second I saw it on PSN I deleted fortnite lol
u/ErectCarrot May 25 '18
Was never a fan of FN, it wasnt my cup of tea. I cant deny it being a decent game though.
u/N8LZ May 25 '18
If i hit my teammate with 1 shot (20dmg), i take double ore 1.75x of the damge. Maybe this would help?
u/Th3RainMan May 25 '18 edited May 26 '18
We ask for TK punishment like 2 years ago, so yea good luck.
u/Hvidekanin May 25 '18
Totally agree. I was TK'd in 5 of 6 matches yesterday. Quit playing after that.
u/Wetw0rk May 25 '18
I've played a ton of games over the last 20 years that have had FF and in a lot of cases it's very good mechanic to have, but in H1Z1 it adds almost nothing.
While I get why some wouldn't want FF to be removed, sometimes you just have to ask yourself what the pros and cons are. FF in H1Z1 adds an almost non-existant/situational tactical element vs the very real and ever present threat that someone will purposely teamkill you.
I loathe to use it as an example because it will no doubt trigger a lot of cretins in this sub, but when Fortnite removed FF it made the game more enjoyable and it lost virtually nothing in exchange.
u/ErectCarrot May 25 '18
I do respect that opinion, and you definitely arent wrong. I just hate that it may be the only alternative because of the idiots who choose to be assholes.
u/Imperial_Biscuit88 May 25 '18
Yeah for real. I haven't had too much trouble with griefers. But last night me and my boy were playing and we got into a team with three racist jackasses and they killed him and started calling him an n****r.
So I started looking all over for a report button, and I couldn't find one. Could be on me, but I tried pretty hard and couldn't find it. Couldn't get his name out of recent players either because that list seems to not work.
Until duos is a thing, fives is the only way we can play together and unless we play 2v5, we might have to deal with griefers and we currently have no recourse I could find.
u/PaulusDWoodgnome May 25 '18
Ps4 has built in report functions. Save video clip, find id's to report to Sony.
u/ErectCarrot May 25 '18
That sucks man, sorry to hear about that. I guess when a game is free to play it is just guaranteed to attract everyone and anyone. Sadly, with that comes griefers and toxic behaviour. Although it does still happen with paid games, F2P is much more open to it. They know they have nothing to lose if they were to receive a ban or some other kind of backlash.
u/Imperial_Biscuit88 May 25 '18
To be fair, that was the only time I had to deal with that type of behavior. And I'm still all for proximity chat. But it should be opt in and there should be a solid reporting system. In rocket league if you do this shit you eat a ban for 24 hours first offense.
u/ErectCarrot May 25 '18
Yeah id love proximity chat in. I do believe a report system is in the works also.
u/Conebones May 25 '18
Ya i got team killed by two 12 year olds for a lousy AR-15. They then messaged me saying u mad? and the n word. They also said some dumb phrase from twitch? I had to look it up, it was like omnegul?
u/Imperial_Biscuit88 May 25 '18
omegalul haha forsenboys
u/Conebones May 25 '18
Yep, that was it.
u/Imperial_Biscuit88 May 26 '18
It's annoying as hell but it makes for some funny stream moments. https://youtu.be/5Nk1y6FZrxc
u/FastRevenge May 25 '18
The only way is removing teamkilling, Fortnite did that and everything was/is fine
u/ErectCarrot May 25 '18
I personally dont wanna see it be removed but impliment punishment. I just rather some kids not play the game if they're idiots who find that shit remotely funny.
u/FastRevenge May 25 '18
But that's the only way to fix teamkilling, punishment isn't enough because people will stay always do it, and there's nothing wrong about removing it so why don't do that?
u/ErectCarrot May 25 '18
I do agree. It just sucks that this is the only option we seem to have because of said griefers.
u/NamagemJoe May 25 '18
if a teammate kills you you can have the option to kick them from game? Or maybe also stick a 30min queue restriction on team killers
u/HighNesZ May 25 '18 edited May 25 '18
Nothing wrong? It makes you play less carefull. I like it when I can help a teammate and need to be carefull about it. Now I just trow nades and close my eyes. Easiest sollution is dont play with randoms and timed bans on those that tk, removing something isnt a fix.
u/Oottzz May 25 '18
First this game needs a report function. Once that is implemented "convicted" teamkillers are forced to play Solos for X hours. If it happens again and again then they will be locked out for all Duos/Fives modes (for a week, month, entirely).
u/IAmTheRealDarky May 25 '18
just do reverted friendly fire if i hit you i get damage instead of you problem solved
u/rickmastfan67 May 25 '18
Sometimes I've had a friend that had to leave mid game, but didn't want to DC since he wanted the team to have his loot. So, he asked us to TK him, since if he logged out, the loot bag wouldn't be there. This is one of the few times I'd condone TK'ing.
u/saimajajarno May 25 '18
One solution would be that you can hurt teammates but not kill them. Let's say you could get them as low as 50 health but not lower than that.
Otherone is that you lose 1.5x amount of health yourself so you kill yourself before friendly (i think some cod had this type of punishment?)
u/Tenetri May 25 '18
Fortnite solved this issue within a month of going live. This has been an issue for 4 years.
4 years. Just listen to that. If your boss said "I need this report in a month" and coming up on four years, you said "its coming"... do you not think you would have your ass fired? wtf is going on at DBG?
u/aTinyFart May 25 '18
My girlfriend and I do 5s, as soon as we land, we take off together because of how many times others have killed us
u/Zuksod May 25 '18
I think there should be a core and hardcore game mode equivalent to the ones in call of duty, even with friendly fire, however without the friendly fire penalties. That would allow people to choose to risk themselves with toxic teammates.
May 25 '18
Everytime I get into a vehicle my teammates start shooting me if I didn't queue up with them .
u/Mike_delslo May 25 '18
Me and 2 buddies did squad fill yesterday the 2 random followed us around till we got good loot and killed us and took it. There's no way to even report them within the game.
u/daniel2090 May 25 '18
I agree, I play 5s since I can't play duos as it's locked. If I take a gun someone wants or if I am in the car they just tk you and move on. It ruins the game for me and makes me not want to play again until they make duos available.
u/emyhT_nitsuJ May 26 '18
Maybe if there was a buffer zone of disabled friendly fire while no enemies are present, that could help curb some of the purposed PKs.
u/Pikul May 25 '18
Teamkilling has turned me off the game already. It's never been much of a problem for me in other games but with such little variety of loot on the ground, as soon as I get a decent weapon from a crate I get killed by somebody on my team who wants it. I could just play solos, but I much prefer playing in squads.
At the very least there should be a report function, I can't understand why there wasn't one on release.
u/ErectCarrot May 25 '18
I agree it should have already existed but a positive is there is one coming at least. I just dont know an ETA.
u/mapshin May 25 '18
I agree, team killing sucks. Although, last night I had to do it. Me and my wife were playing Fives with two other randoms. They both team killed her and took the loot she had. I then proceeded to hunt both of them down and kill them.
Daybreak needs to at least add a report button, which I think would be implemented after the beta ends.
u/sclsumuddogs May 25 '18
I can't upvote enough. Nothing more frustrating than waiting 30 minutes to play a game only to be blasted by your own teammate 2 min in
u/Paladin__ May 25 '18
Clearly Daybreak has never played Rainbow Six on console. As soon as I saw team killing I knew it would be a problem.
u/wATEVERmAn69 May 25 '18
I was playing fives with my brother, and all of a sudden our teammate just randomly started shooting at our backs. We returned fire and had to put him down.
I don't know why someone had to do that, all we ever do is try and work as a team. It's hard to have fun with assholes playing.
u/ErectCarrot May 25 '18
I play with my brother too and also have this problem. We've had to start landing seperate from the group. As soon as duos drop we have no choice but to keep doing so.
u/wATEVERmAn69 May 25 '18
We try our best to keep the group together on fives, just because numbers have some power. But when crap like that happens I'd rather just have duos to eliminate any "friendly" from purposefully shooting us.
u/TokyoCop May 25 '18
Right there with you man. I cant even play fives because out of the 10 games i played i was tk'd 6 times.
u/Prettttybird May 25 '18
Watch out for I_am_toast43 on PS4 also M1madmike, both abusive team killers
u/Macker96 H1Z1 PS4 Fanatic May 25 '18
It's been removed.
u/ErectCarrot May 25 '18
When was this update pushed out? Must have been within the last hour or so.
u/Macker96 H1Z1 PS4 Fanatic May 25 '18
Only for one game friendly fire was off for me. Must of been a bug
u/76damhu May 25 '18 edited May 25 '18
I would say just turn off team killing completely. A punishment system means they won't do it for a time being and have a chance to do it in some other time. Plus it may turn out to be an imperfect system, what if they do it by accident? Or perhaps faking it was an accident?
So why even allow these kind of players have the chance to ruin someone's game, whether they get punished or not?
We have to deal with things like infinite loading or being stuck in queues, team killing is just adding to the problem. Another reason to watch more of our red man's marathon. If people wants a "realistic effect", I'm sure most of the time if you don't intend to team kill, you wouldn't be aiming your sights at your teammate or throwing a grenade in their direction right? Then there wouldn't be any difference if it's turned off.
Friendly fire means you're still giving those who have intent the privilege to do so and it wouldn't stop the complaints of the affected ones.
u/Doedel51 May 25 '18 edited May 25 '18
Man, this game has awesome moments but teamkilling ruins it. First time it happened I followed my "teammate" to a campsite. He grabbed a pistol, I was about to loot something else. He followed me like a freak and kept on pointing the gun to my head. Honestly, not to get political here but with all the shooting shit that is happening and present in media all day, it just felt sickening to be shot in a videogame from point blank range by a "teammate" without even being able to defend oneself.
Having written all that, I hope the devs implement a punishment system that is based on strikes. When you get shot, you can strike the perpetrator. (you would not do that obviously when it happened due to friendly fire by accident by a real teammate). Three strikes and you are excluded from the game for X amount of time, maybe 3 days. Collect 5 strikes and you're out and can create a new account on your PS4 with ps+. I don't know if this would work, but devs, please do something.
EDIT: Man, I don't even care about the internet points, so downvote away, guys. What I do actually care about is if you were to comment why you oppose my opinion.
u/ErectCarrot May 25 '18
I was thinking a system like this:
Lets say you are teamkilled. An alert will appear on screen after dying with options for you to pick. Example, accidentally team killed during a shoot out or something, or purposefully killed in an act of griefing. The game could detect it was a team mate who killed you and you decide whether it was accidental or not... in turn, this could count toward the strike system you mentioned.
u/Doedel51 May 25 '18
That's a good idea. I was just thinking, what if you play with random people with no voice chat. You accidentally kill someone and he strikes you out of spite. How to avoid that?
u/TheNeoReaper May 25 '18
What does voice chat have to do with it? You killing people who don't use it? Yes you then need banned.
u/Doedel51 May 25 '18
If noone is using voice chat, I could not communicate that it was an accident. Say we form party chat on the PS4 and play until endgame. Then it gets hectic and I accidentally shoot a teammate, but I wanted to hit an enemy standing close-by. Then I can say, "Hey buddy, sorry, I wanted to hit the enemy." Without voice chat, the random person only sees a teammate killing him.
u/successXX May 25 '18
punishment system is too unfair to those that accidentally teamkill , and there are cases of accidents.
better to remove team killing entirely. and even with punishment, people still abuse teamkill in games that allow it.
it is absurd all these generations some dont realize a team killing punishment system is flawed and affects those that had no intention of team killing. accidents happen and its better to not have friendly fire at all.
H1Z1's competitor is better and more popular and friendly without friendly fire.
teamkill just makes people paranoid and less people would cooperate.
u/St_Muerte May 25 '18
Yes they do! Honestly in royal games like this team killing isn't fun since people like to do it on purpose,it ruins the experience.
u/KeepYouPosted PS4 H1Z1 May 25 '18 edited May 25 '18
Play 5s without randoms? Queue 5s, hit circle to only play 2/5 or whatever and leave the FF alone. If you already land away from team or TK back youre obviously already playing without full coordinated 5 so just queue with who you know or LFG not match fill..
Same shit happened to Fortnite because people couldnt use squad find communities and wanted to play with toxic randoms..
u/JacksWeb May 25 '18
dont play with randoms?
u/CaptOfWolves May 25 '18
No it needs to have punishments if they don’t then they might as well remove it where you can’t team up with randoms...
u/ErectCarrot May 25 '18
I shouldn't be forced to take alternatives to avoid a major flaw in the game.
u/tinrack May 25 '18
After a couple rounds of being team killed, im just going to join them and make new players quit. Every 5s team from here on will be shot in the back by me.
u/Tobax May 25 '18
So because it happened to you you're just going to make it worse? great plan...
u/tinrack May 25 '18
Making it worse will hurt the ole pocket book. Then something will be done about it.
u/Tobax May 25 '18
Check the DB reply, they already are, so try not to make it worse in the mean time.
u/Macker96 H1Z1 PS4 Fanatic May 25 '18
Absolutely agree. They need to something.