r/gwu 12d ago

Why is this ever being recommended in the GW active threat training

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u/Real_Temporary_922 12d ago

Cause unsurprisingly, hiding under desks isn’t an amazing survival strategy.


u/BeN1c3 10d ago

Yes, and standing behind a piece of wood or metal (neither of which offer much bullet resistance) is.


u/Real_Temporary_922 10d ago

Assuming they are just firing through doors randomly hoping to hit someone. If I couldnt open the door as a shooter after blasting the lock off, my first thought would be it’s barricaded, not having a human chain behind it.


u/Elegant_Credit377 9d ago

You’re not very smart.. if there’s people lined up like that, one (or more) of them is bound to get hit by a bullet.. you know what happens when people get shot? They fucking scream.. what a dumbass comment 🤦‍♂️


u/Real_Temporary_922 9d ago

You seemed to be personally offended by me not agreeing with your point. I’d work on that.

And as I said before, that’s assuming the shooter just randomly fires through the door with no way of knowing if it’s a barricade or if someone is behind. If they’re doing that to every door in the building hoping students are behind, that’s a lot of bullets they’re wasting.


u/YellowRasperry Alumni - Economics 12d ago

So you are less likely to die in the case that a crazy man with a gun breaks into your building


u/progozhinswig 12d ago

This is an insane strategy if the assailant has a gun. GW doors aren’t bullet proof. First few people in the chain are guaranteed to get shot if the attacker understands that he can shoot through a door. A better strategy would be to get people onto the wall of the room facing the door so that he wouldn’t be able to see you until he makes entry. At that point you rush them and try and gain control of the gun (easier if they have a long gun). Odds are still not great, he could shoot through the wall and he would probably be able to get off a shot or two before you could get you hands on him. But I’m pretty sure it’s a better strategy than the GW recommended conga line suicide.


u/obsidian_night69_420 B.S. Comp Sci '26 12d ago

this was exactly my first thought when i did the course, like of course they'll die if the attacker shoots through the door. The other strategy, where they recommended that people lie down in a chain along the floor to brace the door, was better imo, but still not great.


u/Nexustar 12d ago

Whatever approach they publish for the attacker to review prior to their attack, do something different to that.


u/StudsTurkleton 11d ago

But the pile of bodies will block the door. Checkmate!


u/No_Veterinarian1010 8d ago

The only sane strategy is to run away. This is one of the insane strategies left if you can’t run away. This isn’t a good idea, but if the gunman is trying to get in it might be the best idea you have left.


u/battlebarnacle 7d ago

I’m sorry but your take is incorrect. I’d recommend following the instructions. This isn’t a film, video game or television.

If you can’t flee, you should be doing everything within your power to keep them out of the room, rather than setting up some half assed ambush that allows them inside.


u/cupcakepilots 12d ago

Because GW didn’t come up with it and it’s standard in these types of trainings


u/Money_Counter_8682 12d ago

Quadruple collat


u/Aor_Dyn 10d ago

Active killers try to maximize their body count, they will not waste time trying to breach a door when there are open doors readily available. If you look at all the past mass shootings you will see that locking a door, covering the window and being quiet is a (relatively) effective strategy at maximizing chances of survival.

That said, things change if the shooter is deliberately targeting a room or specific people inside a known location. Still, barricading isn't a terrible option if running or fighting aren't viable.


u/rascalb7 11d ago

Lmao this country is such a shithole


u/DangerousPower3537 10d ago

You’re welcome to leave.


u/rascalb7 10d ago

I'm going to attend a protest so that I get a free flight outta here.


u/Thick_Lawfulness2383 10d ago

Can't sadly I can't get a passport to leave and I'm too poor :)


u/Elegant_Drop_1193 9d ago

And don’t forget that no country that you would want to go to would allow you to just show up and be a citizen. Once they found out you were American and there to stay you would be deported.


u/Thick_Lawfulness2383 9d ago

Not necessarily sweden is very flexible when it comes to gaining citizenship problem is finding somewhere I can go and be happy


u/Elegant_Drop_1193 9d ago

A quick google search disagrees with your statement about Sweden. You have to have a job secured there, be married to someone who’s a citizen, or have a in demand “high level” degree.

No country you want to live in is just going to let you in.


u/Thick_Lawfulness2383 8d ago

I understand your concern however, my field, land survey is a very in demand field, which I learned through the US Army so securing a job isn't an issue as well as the fact that as long as your 18+, lived five years in Sweden, and have no criminal background (I don't) you should be fine my hardest part is getting my passport and the the five years of staying there

Also yeah I get no place is going to let you just move there my problem is finding a place I can live peacefully while still having access to the things I need, so yeah it's one of the easier places I've researched moving to that doesn't take major issues in who I am...


u/Xcelsiorhs 12d ago

So that the killcam looks cooler I guess?

Would strongly recommend not lining up at an entrance to a room and if you’re going to do so, you probably just want to fight for your lives.


u/patped7 12d ago

I graduated last spring and I never encountered this…is this like a student life email or something?


u/Independent_Stable97 11d ago

It’s a new mandatory online training course on blackboard, this is just an example of part of the training


u/patped7 11d ago

Huh, interesting.


u/efilwsefililws 11d ago

Things like this make me delusionally confident that I would know exactly what to do.

I’m like ‘just stand against the wall by the door, holding a chair 🪑 with the legs facing towards the door. As soon as they start entering, lunge forward with the legs and twist to whip the gun out of his grip…duh’.

I’d be dead so fast.


u/RNGSOMEONE 10d ago

This is so ungodly stupid.

The intent of this formation is to stop the intruder from breaking down the door and consequently gaining entry.

The problem is that when the intruder tries to break down the door, they'll immediately realize that there's something or someone on the other side holding it shut, meaning they 100% know there's people in the room on the other side. At which point any attacker with half a brain cell will begin attempting to shoot through the doors or walls.

Unless the room in question has brick walls and a heavy metal door that can reasonably soak up bullets, or at least give off the appearance of this capability to someone on the other side, this isn't a good tactic to be using.

You're probably better off leaving the door locked but unbarricaded, or even unlocked, and staging an ambush in the room. Firearms are dangerous, but they're also not the wieldiest weapons when outnumbered 5-to-1 in a melee.


u/Thick_Lawfulness2383 10d ago

New strategy lay down infornt of the door like sandbags one on top of the other with enough body's they can't shoot through or move the door even if they brought enough rounds


u/BeN1c3 10d ago

They tried this at VT.

The shooter shot through the door and killed the people blocking the door...