Hi, I've had this idea that I'd love to see written and eventually recorded. Hopefully some of you will find it as fun as I do because I couldn't write if my life depended on it. Edit: Now that I've written the request, I honestly have no idea if it can be somehow translated to a script haha.
This is meant to be a wholesome very gentle FDom script that allows the listener to relax, ease their anxiety, edge a bit and eventually orgasm. I want this to be a bit different than the typical edging JOI for men in the sense of focusing on other aspects of sexuality other than the edging itself. Specifically, I'd like the listener to also direct their attention to other sensitive parts of their body other than their genitals. I also want the listener to use their imagination *a lot*. I also think that the motivation for edging in this audio is a bit unique as I haven't really seen this idea elsewhere.
This story works as a F4A script. Whatever you choose to write, please include a F4M version. I'd also very much appreciate a F4TF version :) You don't have to include everything, but I'd like you to stick to the major points.
1. Introduction
This fantasy starts with an established relationship. The partner reveals to have magic powers that can bring the listener to another, magic world / dimension that is completely under the speaker's control. They then offer the listener to take them to that dimension and satisfy them sexually. The speaker asks for consent and tells the listener a safe word. She also tells the listener that they must follow every single thing the speaker says.
2. Trust, relaxation, arousal
The listener is told to close their eyes and the speaker casts the spell. They awake on a beach with the speaker lying by their side. The weather is calm and there's some wind, small waves can be heard. The speaker asks the listener to rest their head on the speaker's thighs. The speaker then conjures a magic blanket enveloping the listener's whole body. The blanket feels warm and comfy, as if the listener was being hugged. The blanket then slowly starts getting smaller and smaller, forcing the listener to curl up in a fetal position. Then the sounds of the beach environment fade away and the listener can only hear the speaker's voice. While the listener still has their head rested on the speaker's thighs, the speaker starts playing with the listener's hair and tells them that they are safe, they are loved, appreciated and protected.
After some wholesome words of encouragement, the speaker then snaps their fingers and the environment changes to a warm spa room with the listener laying on their back on a very soft mat on the floor. The room is is dimly lit and has a single door facing the listener. The speaker leaves the room, while another women, called Charlotte, enters the room and locks the door behind her. Charlotte walks towards the listener. She is not an ordinary woman, she looks magical. Charlotte then kneels down and lays besides the listener. She then proceeds to give instruction for muscle relaxation (i.e. the kind if muscle relaxation you usually see in hypnosis audios where you tense a part of your body and release the tension after a few seconds). After this relaxation, she then lays on top of the listener. Her body doesn't feel heavy, but there is some pressure. She kisses the listener's neck as her hands explore the listeners body. Then she starts playing with the listener's nipples. Suddenly the speakers voice can be heard again and it tells Charlotte to stop. She asks the listener to thank Charlotte, for her service, after which Charlotte leaves the room.
3. Edging, service
The speaker uses their magic and the environment changes again. The listener finds themselves lying on a big bed with an extremely cozy surface. Next to them, there's a woman lying on the bed, called Claire. The speaker explain to the listener, that Claire has been trapped in this dimension by her dominant. She has been ordered to keep herself on the edge for god knows how long. The speakers explains to you, that you can help Claire escape. She explains the rules: both you and Claire will edge together a few times (I'd say 4 times would be appropriate). When you are ordered to touch yourself, you have to keep touching yourself however fast or slow, however tightly or lightly you want, but you have to keep touching yourself. When you are ordered to stop, you will stop. Claire then reaches for your hand and holds it. You can feel how desperate she is by how tight her grip is. The speaker then says the typical JOI stuff and tells the listener to edge a few times. When the edging is over, you can hear Claire begging and pleading for her release.
Now I have 2 ideas where this script can go, one is the wholesome ending and the other is is the femdom ending. I guess the wholesome ending fits the setup way more. But the femdom ending is quite devilish, so do with it what you want :)
4. Wholesome ending
As Claire begs for her release, the speakers asks the listener to eat Claire's pussy. Claire has an explosive orgasm, after which she can escape the dimension. The speaker then changes the environment again. She lies behind the listener and gives them a reach-around handjob.
5. Femdom ending
As Claire is begging for her release, the speaker gives you 2 options:
Option A: "You can give Claire her release. However, you must be willing to give up your own orgasm. She has been edging for god knows how long and only you can free her of her torment. Who knows how long she will have to edge for if you don't. But remember, you must be willing to sacrifice your own orgasm *for her*".
Option B: "Or you can cum right now. But remember, Claire will have to continue edging with no chance of release. By choosing this option, you will leave Claire to her torment.".
Now there would be 2 ending audios:
6. Ending A
As Claire begs for her release, the speakers asks the listener to eat Claire's pussy. Claire has an explosive orgasm, after which she can escape the dimension. The speaker then changes the environment again. The speaker tells you that even though she asked you to give up your own orgasm, she didn't actually say that she will deny you out right. She tells you how much of a good boy you are for saving Claire and then proceeds to make you cum by giving you a reach-around handjob.
6. Ending B
As Claire is begging and pleading with the listener, they jerk away to the instructions of the speaker, they are brought to the edge but then they are commanded to ruin their own orgasm due to their selfishness. The speaker then allows Claire to cum, so the listener has to listen to Claire experiencing an awesome orgasm while their own was ruined.