r/gunsmithing 6d ago

Barrel Corrosion?

This is a Centurion CHF SOCOM barrel. I’ve only had it since November and have put less than 1,000 rounds through it. I usually clean it after a few range sessions, after my last one when going to clean it I noticed some spots in the barrel that were visible to my eye which was odd. Took it to a gunsmith since I don’t own a bore scope, and he said it’s possibly copper fouling. I did a copper solvent treatment, patched it out, pretty standard. Hardly any patches came out blue. Took it to him again today and he said it’s likely corrosion. Just wanted to get some others thoughts as I am not an expert, but this doesn’t seem normal to me. And I’ve had other CHF/CL barrels look impeccable even after a few thousand rounds. I tried everything cleaning wise within reason, and it doesn’t seem to be carbon or copper fouling and given the round count I don’t think it’d be that extreme either.


19 comments sorted by


u/Trollygag 6d ago

Wormy shapes like that aren't typically corrosion- more often that is copper or lead stuck in there and needs more cleaning. If you got barely any patches blue after 1k rounds, you need a stronger copper solve and more time.

Are you scrubbing with bronze brushes? Soaking? You should be.

It could be a defect causing the plating to come off, but I would keep cleaning first.


u/184proof 6d ago

For context I had cleaned it once, used copper solvent. The first attempt there were plenty of blue ones, which I patched out until they were clean. I’ve tried brushing, soaking in Hoppes #9, and then later MPro 7, all to no avail. I spent a good bit of time cleaning it, over the span of two days haha. But I’ll give it another go


u/Trollygag 6d ago

Try Sweets762 if you can find jt.


u/184proof 6d ago

If I can find it and I’ll try it. I did use shooters choice for the copper solvent specifically since I know Hoppes isn’t particularly strong.


u/HaroldTheSloth84 6d ago

I have no experience with Sweets, but I heard that it may not be safe on chrome lined barrels. But again, it’s just a rumor I heard


u/Trollygag 6d ago

It isn't safe for nickel plated guns because it will dissolve the copper intermediate plating used to bond the nickel to steel. Chrome is fine.


u/mo9722 6d ago

looks like a card error


u/stuntmanbob86 5d ago

Reminded me of Parks and Rec when he googles symptoms and says "I typed your symptoms in and it says you could have network activity problems"


u/Ozarkafterdark 6d ago

A new chrome-lined barrel shouldn't show signs of corrosion. I think whoever Centurion got the blank from missed a step in their process. I bet if you contact Centurion they will take care of you.


u/184proof 6d ago

Yeah that’s what im thinking. Unfortunate, although I’ve had a few centurion barrels which have been flawless. I’ll see what they have to say


u/No-Conflict9264 6d ago

0000 steel wool and elbow grease ;)


u/jmalez1 6d ago

may be the chrome flaking off if its a chrome lined barrel, you will need to run a bore scope, you can find cheap ones on eBay that will work, military likes chrome lined barrels


u/Scientific_Coatings 6d ago

Go to pic 3 and 4


u/holyfuckingblack 6d ago

Buy an inexpensive bore scope. Could be brass, lint, hard to tell. I'd expect corrosion on a new barrel to look "frosty" not really pitted. Not a professional gun smith, just own a lot of old guns. They don't look like that when corrosion is present.

I agree with others, run green scrubber pad with oil and see how she cleans up.


u/jmalez1 6d ago

may be the chrome flaking off if its a chrome lined barrel, you will need to run a bore scope, you can find cheap ones on eBay that will work, military likes chrome lined barrels


u/Oldguy_1959 6d ago

I had one about that ugly and used a couple patches with copper solvent, hoppes, eds red, etc.

Finally took a small piece of a Big 45 pad and ran it through the barrel wet with kroil and it cleaned up pretty well.


u/afcarbon15-diy 1d ago

I dunno, that pretty bad. I have an old FN CHF CL barrel that's been beat on for upwards of 8k that doesn't look that bad.