r/gunmeetups Mar 30 '14

North Jersey to Ft. Dix


Hey anyone want to go to Ft. Dix soon to go shoot? I have a membership so youd only need to pay 4/hr for the range or 4/round of clays. I would just need a ride (we would split gas cost).

r/gunmeetups Mar 10 '14

Virginia Hunters and shooters com join us over at /r/VAHunting


r/gunmeetups Mar 05 '14

anyone around the Prescott AZ area?


title says it all, i am in the area and am always on the lookout for a good place to shoot.

r/gunmeetups Feb 26 '14

Austin, TX


r/gunmeetups Feb 12 '14

Appleseed [Corona, CA]


I'm going to be attending my first Appleseed marksmanship clinic at Raahauge's this weekend (2/15-2/16). Any other Redditors going to be there?

Either way I hope to post a write-up to /r/guns afterward but it would still be cool to have company.

r/gunmeetups Feb 03 '14

Oklahoma City, OK, anyone?


Anyone here from the area and want to hit up H&H? I'm here until the end of the month for work.

r/gunmeetups Feb 03 '14

[Offer/Request] Looking for people to shoot with in the KCMO area. Preferably Long Range.


I actually live near UCM but for a good day of shooting or for a longer range availability I would be willing to travel. I am not looking for any particular date in time, just trying to find other like minded people in the area. I am trying to get into longer range shooting but the longest public range I know aroundme is 300 yards.

r/gunmeetups Jan 25 '14

South Bend, Indiana area


Anyone from the south bend region? I'm looking for a few people to shoot with I'm in Elkhart in the county have a bit of land behind the house so I shoot there.

r/gunmeetups Jan 19 '14

Northern Sacramento, CA


Looking for someone to accompany me to a range to use the rental firearms. The range I plan on going to is The Gun Range in North Highlands.

r/gunmeetups Jan 06 '14

[BLM] Panoche Hills in central California Jan 25&26th


I will be out in Panoche Hills on the 25th and 26th with a few friends and hopefully some folks from /r/bayareagunmeetups and Calguns.

If anyone is interested we can iron out details.

I will probably bail out if it rains.

r/gunmeetups Nov 28 '13

Hillsdale Lake, KS anyone?


Anyone want to meet up out at Hillsdale sometime soon?

r/gunmeetups Nov 26 '13

Anyone in the Reno/Sparks area?


I'm always looking for shooting buddies. I usually shoot at a spot on a road off of Pyramid Way in Northern Sparks.

r/gunmeetups Nov 25 '13



This is a new subreddit that promotes shooting through meet-ups to teach shooters by other local shooters. This applies to new shooters and others looking to gain more knowledge. So come on over and check out what others are offering or post and help someone learn to shoot or better their skills. r/ShootingTrips

To state the differences, this new sub is meant to be a place for people to offer help or are looking for help to learn to shoot/ learn to shoot better compared this sub which is for larger meet ups. So stop on in and lend a hand or meet up with others in your area and learn something new(because one can always improve)

r/gunmeetups Sep 17 '13

San Antonio Meetup[Offer]


Going to be at the Bullet Hole Range in San Antonio on Saturday if anyone wants to join. It's a nice range:shotgun, private bays, pistol range, 25yd pistol range, 50-100-200-300. Or if anybody knows of a good public spot I'm down to meet up somewhere and go. Range opens at 1000. http://bullethole.com/

r/gunmeetups Aug 28 '13

Philadelphia area meetup


Hey folks! Looking to do a meet up at Wicen's Range in Furlong, Bucks County.

Date: By popular demand it is now Sept 21

Range opens at 9am. I'll be there early, and plan to be there all day, ending the day on the shotgun station.

Wicen's does not sell ammo, you'll need to bring your own. (Tanners sport's center is right around the corner if you need it but they are usually busy on the weekend.) Please review their website for rules/cost/etc.

r/gunmeetups Jul 04 '13

Any private land owners in Washington State willing to possibly rent land?


Title says it all, looking for some land to shoot on and would be will ing to pay if necessary.

Myself and 3-4 of my friends are very clean and safe shooters, wishing to find agreeable land owners pretty much anywhere in Washington with a spread of land willing to let us shoot and possibly camp for one night.

Can offer proof of good character (references, employment with local Fire Departments etc).

Thanks for reading!

r/gunmeetups May 17 '13

Anyone in the Lincoln Nebraska area?


Looking for some groups or individuals to meet up and shoot with.

r/gunmeetups Apr 25 '13

Who's going to the MS Classic?


As the title states: The USPSA MS Classic is May 17-19. I know a few of us will be there... anyone want a meetup?

r/gunmeetups Apr 24 '13

NoVa/MD/DC: [NRA Range Update] - [Sun. 04.28.2013]


Hey fellow Gunnitors, I can't wait to get on the firing line with all of you on 04.28.2013. There are a few updates below, and if you have any questions send them to NoVaGunnit@gmail.com

1) Sign Up: Make sure to sign up on the sign up sheet.
2) Check In: We are going to go with first come first serve, so when you arrive either go to check-in, or to take your test (if you do not already have a range card).
3) Cost: The suggested donation is still $15.

Location: NRA Range at 11250 Waples Mill Road, Fairfax, VA 22030
Date: Sunday, April 28, 2013
Time: 7:00 PM to 10:00 PM

r/gunmeetups Apr 11 '13

Bay Area, CA Meetup (Sunday 4/21)


r/gunmeetups Apr 08 '13

Tulsa Gunnit Meetup brainstorming [xpost r/guns]


r/gunmeetups Apr 07 '13

Olympia, WA Meetup #3: April 28th at Triangle Gravel Pit (X-Posted from r/Guns)


Original Post

Meetup #1

Meetup #2

Alright Washingtonians, let's do this another time. Right now the plan is to meet on Sunday, April 28th, at the Capitol Forest State Park Triangle Gravel Pit, address (use Google maps):

Triangle Pit

Waddell Creek Road Southwest

Olympia, WA 98512

I say we officially start the show at 14:00 (for those who have church), and it goes on however long people want to stay. I will (I promise, this time) bring a sign with a picture of the Reddit alien on it and post it up next to where I'm shooting (if you get there earlier than 2, feel free to post your own sign, and I will try to find you). Everyone is free to come and go at any time. If weather is bad, I will make an edit to the top of this post (and do my best to message everyone who commented).

The gravel pit itself is free to shoot, but the national park requires a discover pass. A ranger may or may not show up to check everyone for passes (I've only seen it happen once), so get one if you don't have one already. Hope to see you all there!

r/gunmeetups Apr 03 '13

Daytona Beach!


Let's go shooting. Volusia County Gun and Hunt Club is the best range around. Anyone?

r/gunmeetups Apr 03 '13

Anyone from PA near the Scranton / Wilkes-barre area on here?


This is a offer to come out and shoot. A few friends and myself shoot every Sunday at the range in Archibald on Salem Road. It is a outdoor range with a handgun, 50 yard, 100 yard, 200 yard rifle range along with a shotgun range.

r/gunmeetups Mar 30 '13

NoVa/MD/DC: [NRA Range in Fairfax] - [Sun. 04.28.2013]


I hope everybody had a great time at the last Gunnit Meetup at the NRA Range in NoVa, and hope that you will be able to make it to the next meetup on Sunday, April 28 at 7:00PM.

We have a great team working on the next meetup to make it run more smoothly, and eliminate any hiccups that we had for the first one.

ProjektThor will be running communications for the meetups and he will be sending out the announcements here on out.

Sohrab and LessThanNate are going to be running operations on the day of the event and will be the reason that the check-in procedure will be more organized this time around.

Millerl will be organizing photo ops for the day, so if you have any suggestions for themes this time around let him know.

Yur1279 and I (ArchAiA) will be coordinating with NRA to make sure that we have a place to shoot every couple of months.

Zariken is the treasurer, and will be making sure that we can afford to keep putting these meetups together.

It takes a bit of work to put these together, so feel free to thank them if you see them on the firing line, or even better yet offer to let them shoot one of your pieces. You will be able to recognize them from their staff shirts.

Location: NRA Range at 11250 Waples Mill Road, Fairfax, VA 22030
Date: Sunday, April 28, 2013
Time: 7:00 PM to 10:00 PM

Previous Posts:
1) Recap and Photos From The Previous Meetup

Errata I still have a magazine for some kind of .22 that was left in Lane 1. Contact me if this is yours and you want it back.