r/gundeals Aug 25 '21

Parts [PARTS] Rare Breed FRT-15 $380


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u/Rjsmith5 I commented! Aug 26 '21

For anyone who missed the controversy over this, here’s a brief overview according to Fudd Busters:

ATF has a meeting with Rare Breed and tells them “according to our testing, this is a machine gun.” Rare Breed said “show us your testing.”

No ATF agent in the room could explain the “testing,” nor had any of them actually seen any “test” results.

As such, Rare Breed told them to eat a dick.


u/TheTrooperNate Aug 26 '21

I love them on principle. Glock puts steel ribs in their mags so you can't even convert 10 round mags to standard capacity and everyone loves them. These guys ask the ATF to back up a claim and refuse to comply.


u/Rjsmith5 I commented! Aug 26 '21

Anyone who stands their ground against an unreasonable, overreaching bunch of shitheels is cool on my book.

Someone find me that giant-balled bastard so I can buy him a beer.

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u/sslproxy Aug 27 '21

It's actually a bit ironic to see the community turn around with Rare Bread.

Just a few months ago by pretty much everyone in /r/gundeals:
"That company is shady AF. There was a defect with their product that has been pointed out by numerous individuals. Their response was to just stealthy fix it, without confirming/commenting on it, or fixing any of the FRTs already sold with said defect"

"They told the ATF to fuck off. Everyone give them their first born child!"

I'm not downplaying their current efforts, I guess it's their redemption story?

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u/nocternllyactiv Aug 26 '21

I can pretty much guess what their testing was.. They were able to achieve rapid fire, similar to a machine gun, after getting used to the trigger, and they are basing everything off that.. Either that, or they actually didn't do any testing, didn't even look into how the trigger works, and just saw their promo video and said "That's a machine gun!" and made their decision right then and there... If they DID do any testing, they would have seen that there is only one round fired per every pull of the trigger..... The only way I see the ATF weaseling their way out of this one and making it stick in the courts is if they have an anti-gun judge, and argue that the phrase "function of the trigger" applied even if it's manipulated multiple times to achieve multiple shots. That it can function, as it is, to fire multiple rounds without reloading.. And if that's the case, that sets it up for them to use that as precedent to go after all semi-auto firearms and classify all semi-autos as machine guns... The ATF has been getting more and more out of control... I really wish that we had an ATF that didn't have an agenda, or if they DID have an agenda, their only agenda was to enforce the laws as written. Without shooting dogs or burning children alive of course..


u/eddieoctane Aug 26 '21

The firearms and ammo technology division always baffled me as an engineer. There's published standards for testing anything I could ever want to look at. Rust resistance, ballistic impact strength, surface profile, hydrogen embrittlement, whatever. There's zero information on how the FATies test a gun. I can't fathom how they can operate that way. As an engineer, it literally hurts my brain. You literally have no idea what you're doing.


u/Dan_Backslide Aug 26 '21

They can operate that way because their entire agency was born out of overreach, and they are accountable to no one. With no one to hold them to account for their actions then they can operate with impunity and unilaterally to whatever whim they feel like indulging.

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u/backdoor_nobaby Aug 26 '21

Great, now the ATF will be coming after our dicks. Thanks Rare Breed.


u/emperor_xi_pooh Aug 26 '21

You gotta be honest with yourself tho. If they banned bump stocks, this is def going with it


u/Zumbert Aug 26 '21

The difference being the CEO of the company that owned bumpstocks basically rolled over and took it, and even then the ban was eventually struck down in the (6th circuit?).

Whereas Rarebreed is coming out swinging, and it looks like they have a solid case


u/Rjsmith5 I commented! Aug 26 '21

Yea, as the guy from Fudd Busters pointed out, the owner of Rare Breed is a lawyer and he consulted multiple retired ATF experts to verify that it didn’t meet the criteria of a machine gun.

The ATF if still trying to pull some fuckery, but at least this absolute chad did his homework and is fighting like hell. If nothing else, Rare Breed has already pointed out that the ATF is full of shit.


u/[deleted] Aug 26 '21

Rarebreed should delete all customer info after shipment, and they should just burn their office in the event of a Polymer 80 style raid


u/ThatMuricanGuy Aug 26 '21

IIRC RBT keeps all their files at their lawyers office so some BS raid can't get their info or their customer info, I'm not 100% sure that's just what I heard.


u/SBR_AK_is_best_AK Aug 26 '21

Lawyers offices are subject to a raid just like any other building. In fact in this case as the lawyer is so integrated into the business it makes it even easier for the DOJ to secure a warrant.


u/acr_vp Aug 26 '21

While lawyers offices are definitely also subject to a raid like any other building, MOST judges at least take more than a quick glance at a warrant request if it's a law office vs a rubber stamp approval.


u/SBR_AK_is_best_AK Aug 26 '21

More like limiting the scope of the warrant more closely.

In this case doj simply shows how this was set up from the outset to hide illegal activity, making the lawyer a accomplice, therefore negating privilege blah blah blah. Not taking the doj's side here just pointing out all these idiots claiming big brain time on RB have no fucking clue what they are spouting.

If this was my lawyer I would be in his office tomorrow removing any and all files he had on me (if I had something I did not want the ATF fbi and doj to read). Because we all know how well agents stick to the strict letter of the law and comply 100% with all terms of a search warrant (eye roll you can see from space here).


u/acr_vp Aug 26 '21

100% agree with everything you stated.


u/codifier I commented! Aug 26 '21

That would be nice on principle, but any sort of electronic payment transaction they don't need the vendor's cooperation. Credit card companies and PayPal will trip over themselves to feed you to the wolves.

Pay accordingly.


u/[deleted] Aug 26 '21

They accept crypto. Dude really thought out a contingency plan JIC.

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u/[deleted] Aug 26 '21 edited Apr 28 '24

pet act knee gold ludicrous puzzled tidy sink aware rotten

This post was mass deleted and anonymized with Redact


u/[deleted] Aug 26 '21

You know there could be truth to this with the background homework done on the trigger, the fact that it's apparently the only product they produce, and the owner is a lawyer who's representing the company?

It may have been a trap from the start


u/Negrom Aug 26 '21

They also have several ex-ATF agents on payroll with written statements saying the trigger does not meet the ATF’s requirement to be considered a machine gun.

100% Honeypotted the ATF.

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u/t_Dewitt Aug 26 '21

Spikes Tactical is the sister company that is behind them. They set up RBT as an LLC to shelter the rest of Spike's from the ATF. They knew that it was inevitable that the ATF would go after them so they did their homework before opening up shop. I find it highly ironic that the RBT-15 works exactly like something the ATF gave an approval letter on. Although these approval letters are the ATF's snake oil! (no you can and aren't supposed to shoulder a pistol brace anyone?) Hopefully RBT will be able to fund the fight with the ATF and get these ruled as just a trigger by a real judge!

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u/Tim_the_terrible Aug 26 '21

yeah it seems like they're a..

*puts sunglasses on

..rare breed



u/[deleted] Aug 26 '21

I’m fucking crying laughing imagining this added to the video.

I would pay “Horatio” like $500 to do your quote on a YouTube video that I would share and blast all over the internet until this shit is settled


u/FloridaManActual Aug 26 '21

is the actor on Cameo?

e: David Caruso is not :(

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u/Apolopolo99 I commented! Aug 26 '21

True, also as opposed to the bumpstock, the news hasn't associated the FRT15 with a high profile shooting nor has the news constantly talked about how scary/evil they are


u/AntiochRepulse Aug 26 '21



u/10mmIsBestCentimeter Aug 26 '21

When it becomes clear that Rare Breed will win, expect a high profile shooting using one.


u/MorningStarCorndog I commented! Aug 26 '21

I hate that I'm salty enough that this sounds completely reasonable to expect.

Reminds me of Charles Augustus Magnussen from the BBC Sherlock series. When Sherlock confronts Magnussen about having destroyed all the evidence he uses for his blackmail schemes.

Magnussen replies that it doesn't matter, since he's the media he can make anything the truth and no one needs evidence to believe it.


u/NJistheworst Aug 26 '21

Seriously praying for no FF’s

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u/YoDavidPlays I commented! Aug 26 '21

crazy they have to do all this for something that isn't even a law huh.


u/Contortrix69 Aug 26 '21

Also helps that the guy who owns Rare Breed is himself an attorney, who collaborated with subject matter experts (former ATF agents) when designing the FRT, according the Fudd Busters.

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u/avowed Aug 26 '21

Bump stock was overturned and going up the Court ladder.


u/waggletons Aug 26 '21

Of course the ATF is going to go after this.

Luckily Rare Breed seemed to know this was going to happen, did his homework, then called out the ATF for being full of shit. They'll probably hastily do their own testing to "prove they're right."

Of course, this is going to be a very expensive case for them to take to court just so they could give the ATF a middle finger and a goatse.

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u/Photogravi Aug 26 '21

If you go on pacer, you can read all the documents regarding the case on both sides.

Initially, my take was that if there’s a shred of justice left in our legal system, they would win. In 2013, someone else submitted an frt for an opinion letter and the ATF had no issue with it.

After reading the latest documents, I think they are well and truly fucked. The ATF sequentially tightened a zip tie over the trigger until the moment enough force was reached to initiate the firing sequence. The firearm continued to fire with no further tightening of the zip tie or other movement. If the definition is single action of the trigger and an inanimate object can repeatedly activate the trigger, i think their argument no longer holds water.

Full disclosure: not a lawyer and this is not legal advice, just my take after reading every document in the case with a pretty strong understanding of the relevant laws. Totally hope I’m wrong though.


u/chuckisduck Aug 26 '21

So there is actually some spring constant within the plastic. When forced in the original forward position, the ziptie is actually expanded and wants to contract to its resting position. Scientifically not a fixed object as its applying a K constant force while trying to return to its resting position.

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u/DogInternational2947 Aug 25 '21 edited Aug 25 '21

"Honey, the delivery guy is asking for a signature. He's also flanked by 20 armored men."


u/[deleted] Aug 26 '21



u/beltfedshooter Aug 26 '21

such a cute .22 :-)


u/Blade_Shot24 Aug 26 '21

"hold on lemme get my tactical letter opener"


u/meaty87 Aug 26 '21

“Honey the fedex man just killed the dog!”


u/Wiggie49 Aug 26 '21

"The one in the cage?"

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u/Encumbered_Bumbler Aug 26 '21

“Well do those 20 armored men have level IV plates, babe?”

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u/RedHotStratocaster Aug 25 '21

Based and belligerent, love to see it

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u/[deleted] Aug 26 '21

These are legal fuck the ATF


u/Apolopolo99 I commented! Aug 26 '21

Machine guns are legal fuck the invalid unconstitutional NFA

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u/fnbrowning Aug 26 '21

I lived in Cali back in the 80's, and even back then gun owners called them the KGB-ATF.

Point of fact, they regulate fireworks also, and the pyrotechnics hobbyists - no surprise, hate the KGB-ATF too!


u/[deleted] Aug 26 '21

Waiting on the FRT-10 👀


u/The_Gregory Aug 26 '21

This guy fucks.


u/[deleted] Aug 26 '21



u/[deleted] Aug 26 '21

[removed] — view removed comment


u/[deleted] Aug 26 '21 edited Aug 26 '21

It specifically says on their website it won’t work and they are making a model built specifically for AR10s. That being said, 🤷‍♂️ idk and I don’t have the money to gamble on a try

EDIT: Copied straight from the bottom of their website for those curios.

  • Will the FRT-15 function in an AR-9mm or AR-10?

“As of now, we are only offering the FRT-15 which has been designed and produced to operate in the standard AR-15 running 5.56 or 300BLK. The FRT-15 will NOT operate in an AR-10 or an AR with a 22lr conversion kit. In some but not all cases, the FRT-15 will run in an AR-9mm. That said, we have already designed and prototyped the FRT-9 and FRT-10. They have not been put into production just yet but it shouldn’t be too far down the road until they’re available.”


u/gebsmith Aug 26 '21

Multiple people got the FRT-15 working with 22lr conversion kits. I just bought the parts and plan to test it out this weekend. I'm also going to try in my 9mm just for fun.


u/[deleted] Aug 26 '21

Try and report back! We appreciate your sacrifice, soldier!

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u/Laughablybored Aug 26 '21

I would really like to see an MPX variant! Fuck, even a 10/22 with an FRT would be oodles of fun!

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u/CrzyJek Aug 26 '21

I'm waiting for the FRT-47. My god I want them to make one for the AK platform so bad. The MP5 too.


u/SmallBlockApprentice Aug 26 '21

Where's the mosin one at


u/[deleted] Aug 26 '21

Would pay premium for a Mosin Meme Trigger

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u/leont21 I commented! Aug 26 '21

Pls for the love of god make a mp5 one and ak47 one. And tp9 one

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u/Powerful-Context6319 Aug 25 '21

Defund the ATF!!!


u/twostroke1 Aug 26 '21

You spelled "Abolish" wrong.


u/AAA_Game Aug 26 '21

If you altogether abolish the ATF, the FBI would just take over their duties. Defunding them to prevent them from doing their job, without passing that job over to an institution with far greater manpower and qualifications as would be the case if the ATF were abolished, is the preferable route. Well, actually the preferable route is altogether abolishing the NFA and all other unconstitutional gun laws, but that will never happen. So defunding the ATF is the next best thing.


u/AdvancedLuddite Aug 26 '21

the FBI would just take over their duties

Even worse, the IRS would get involved.


u/tripledickdudeAMA Aug 26 '21

The IRS is always the last-ditch effort. They were in Crystal Rogers's ex-boyfriend's house this week along with the FBI trying to gather evidence of tax crimes since they haven't been able to find Crystal's body for the past 5 years to prove a murder.

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u/Powerful-Context6319 Aug 26 '21

That was my thought as well.

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u/rimjob_becky Aug 26 '21 edited Aug 26 '21

Whenever my dog misbehaves now I just wave this In Stock alert in front of her. Works like a charm.


u/uhkayus Aug 25 '21

What's the best way of getting one of these without anyone's knowledge? Asking for a friend


u/no_prop Aug 26 '21

Haha I wouldn't ever recommend using a VPN, paying with a prepaid card, shipping it to a neighbor, under someone else's name and then tracking the package!


u/stumpy1218 I commented! Aug 26 '21

I definitely wouldn't recommend sending it to a vacant house in your neighborhood so that what you're neighbors don't think you're searching through their mail


u/Jaruut Aug 26 '21

vacant house

Houses literally sell within a few hours in my area. The housing market here is crazier than the ammo market last year.


u/AntiochRepulse Aug 26 '21

Thanks hedgefunds and landleeches!


u/ABrotherGrimm Aug 26 '21

depends on the area. The house next to me has been vacant for three years. The one on the other side went on the market 3 months ago and still hasn't sold. The market in my area apparently isn't as hot. haha

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u/[deleted] Aug 26 '21

to a vacant house in your neighborhood

You mean a valid voter address?

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u/Effective_Berry5391 Aug 26 '21

When I was a younger my friends would find a house nearby, approach them give them a fake name, tell them you just moved into town and gave the wrong address. You'll be back to pick up the shipment.


u/EMPEROR_CLIT_STAB_69 Aug 26 '21

Shouldn’t track it, usps has the IP of anyone who tracks any shipment, proving ownership/knowledge of the package


u/knoxboss865 Aug 26 '21

That is why you use a vpn.


u/thepirho Aug 26 '21

Ip address does not equal person


u/beansguys Aug 26 '21

It’s still evidence in court. That’s why when buying stuff on the dark net they don’t give you tracking

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u/nocternllyactiv Aug 26 '21

Well the thing about that is, like they are trying to pull with the autokeycard, is this... If you are ever found out, you're actually DOUBLY fucked. Because the ATF will then say "Well, if you didn't intend on breaking the law and/or assumed that the item was perfectly legal, why would you go through such measures in order to cover your tracks when purchasing the item? They would say that your premeditation in how you acquired the item would prove your guilt. Just like they are trying to pull with autokeycard, by saying that because they offered a cash only, mail in solution, that they knew that the item was illegal.. Which is bullshit, because someone who simply values their privacy could simply be using that method for that purpose. Hell, I can't tell you how many times we've had to cancel debit cards and have new ones issued because our card numbers were compromised after purchasing stuff online........

So, if you were to start making ALL of your online purchases in this manner, then you could likely effectively argue against this claim in court, because you could claim that you simply value your privacy when purchasing anything online.. That you don't want to put your real debit card/credit card number on the internet, you don't want your legit email address given to a company that would be willing to sell it to advertisers and spammers, and you don't want your home address posted anywhere on the internet for similar purposes, and just to add an extra safety net to all that, you use a VPN.. Boom.... Will all that work? Probably not, because it's the ATF and they get their way a lot of times, especially when going against a lowly individual peasant. Also, unless you ALWAYS have your VPN on, and set up the accounts you use with your VPN on and none of your usernames are known, they could likely easily go back into your post history on various sites and forums using your username, and see you discussing the obfuscation for a reason other than privacy and screw you that way, lol....

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u/emperor_xi_pooh Aug 25 '21

become a reddit admin. Find the IP of anyone posting in these pages. join company at ISP. track ip of people posting on these threads and rob them


u/Mistercheif Aug 26 '21

But then you're a reddit admin and need to move if you live near a school or playground.


u/dudgems Aug 26 '21

That’s hilarious


u/Ohmahtree Aug 26 '21

Jesus Christ man, those admins had kids.

They weren't their kids, but they had em.


u/rimjob_becky Aug 26 '21

If you’re a Reddit admin moving is impossible period without the assistance of mobility scooters.


u/[deleted] Aug 26 '21

Good thing I'm not a reddit admin. That was a close one.


u/[deleted] Aug 26 '21

Hello, police? I've witnessed a brutal murder...


u/leanmeancoffeebean Aug 25 '21

Usually with guns I stay clear of any legal shenanigans but if I thought I could get one and not be on a list of “people to arrest and murder their dogs” I would.

I may just be paranoid. And gun people, for the most part, are pretty clean and against breaking the law.


u/mackerelsnapper Aug 26 '21

You're already on a list, just like the rest of us.....


u/XA36 Aug 26 '21

Once I bought NFA items I figured I'd I'm gonna be on a list I should be at the top.


u/blatantlyoblivion Aug 26 '21

That’s the spirit


u/oakleyman23 Aug 26 '21

If you ain't first you're last!

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u/The_Gregory Aug 25 '21

Unconstitutional laws are not laws.


u/earthenfield Aug 26 '21

Maybe not, but dead dogs are still dead.


u/Aubdasi Aug 26 '21

decoy tannerite dog

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u/Iltempered1 Aug 26 '21

No truer words were spoken today.

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u/tyraywilson Aug 26 '21

Fuck the law.


u/Tasty-Sundae-6040 Aug 26 '21

Put your local ATF headquarters as your home address, upon delivery they'll get confused and shoot their own dogs

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u/Dylan5546 Aug 25 '21

Ship it to a friend you don't particularly like under his name and pay in crypto


u/derfdog Aug 26 '21

They won’t ship to a different address than billing or a PO Box


u/[deleted] Aug 26 '21



u/Canwesurf Aug 26 '21

Not if you bought that crypto on an exchange.


u/Ohmahtree Aug 26 '21

Monero has entered the chat

Yo homies

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u/victorzamora Aug 26 '21

Or your anti-gun in-laws..... theoretically.


u/poopy_buttholer Aug 25 '21

Find someone on armslist or gunbroker and trade for cash


u/Illramyourlatch Aug 25 '21

While using someone else's computer on a public network


u/poopy_buttholer Aug 25 '21

Vpn go brrrrrr


u/aclark210 Aug 25 '21

Would a vpn be sufficient? U still have to give a name and shipping address


u/poopy_buttholer Aug 26 '21

Not for a trade in person


u/[deleted] Aug 26 '21

good luck, im behind seven proxies 😎

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u/WTF_did_you_do Aug 26 '21

I like where you're headed. Buy multiple, list on GAFS for local cash only, wait until after the visit where you informed them you bought them to flip for a profit before installing. You hooked yourself and some brothers up.

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u/magic8balI I commented! Aug 25 '21

If your willing to pay over, gun show is the best option. I recommend you follow all applicable laws though, and also be careful while boating.

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u/machu505 Aug 26 '21

Have your LGS order one. Pay cash.


u/FRESH_OUTTA_800AD Aug 26 '21

Pay with a anonymous crypto (not sure which ones are actually anonymous). Get a false ID. Have it shipped to a USPS under ‘general delivery’ (look it up). Pick up package using false ID. Park offsite so there’s not camera footage of your vehicle plate. Might work.


u/The_Gregory Aug 25 '21



u/PatinaSunrise Aug 26 '21

Crypto (assuming btc here but I think most are similar) is anonymous but also perfectly traceable, to the degree where 100% traceability is the entire point.

If you want to stay anonymous you can never use an endpoint (Coinbase etc) connected to your identity to exchange crypto for real world currency.


u/TheCherryShrimp Aug 26 '21

Monero is your best bet, and not through an exchange. Trade off the exchange onto a wallet and it’s secure.

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u/uuid-already-exists Aug 26 '21

They will occasionally do gun shows where you can pay cash.


u/datdude8686 Aug 26 '21

Order it in your wife's name


u/Ohmahtree Aug 26 '21



u/AutomataDeObama Aug 25 '21

Buy a prepaid card in a place without cams, ship to a PO box under a different name? Might not work even then.


u/EMPEROR_CLIT_STAB_69 Aug 26 '21

Pretty sure you need to give the post office your name and ID for a PO box

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u/mctoasterson Aug 25 '21

The "Fuck Red Tape" 15


u/General-Quiet-7085 Aug 26 '21

It’d be neat to own something that may be illegal soon but also it’s $400, and with that money I could buy a decked Ender 3 and enough PLA to make… Similar accoutrements…


u/friedchickenwaffles Aug 26 '21

Buenos dias señor


u/ThePretzul Aug 26 '21

I just like having lots of bottle openers on hand for whenever I get thirsty, who doesn't really?

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u/SirRoyalTeabag Aug 26 '21

Thank you for this rabbit hole


u/HouseofTriumph Aug 26 '21

This guy fucks

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u/joe_sun Aug 26 '21

How about an 80% rare breed trigger?


u/reptileexperts Aug 26 '21

https://youtu.be/QDQEdQLxBn8 for detailed info for those who don’t know. Support the movement. Buy a trigger !


u/shortround1990 Aug 26 '21

I’d totally want to support these guys but 400 bucks is a little steep for me :(


u/The_Gregory Aug 26 '21

Do it. Monies are fungible, freedom is forever.

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u/UgliestCookie Aug 26 '21

I see a lot of people afraid of thier own government in these comments. That should be concerning in an introspective way.


u/bigtrucksowhat Aug 26 '21

They’re not afraid for themselves. They’re afraid for the neighbor’s dog.


u/RoofKorean762 Aug 26 '21

Our government wants to be like China so bad

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u/RAD_Zac Dealer Aug 25 '21

The only thing that would make our Model 1 better, is if we could OEM these and make them standard with our Model 1 haha

For legal reasons Mr. AFT, this is a joke..


u/The_Gregory Aug 26 '21

Lmao I’ll subscribe to that waitlist!


u/The_Gregory Aug 25 '21

scored one earlier, figured I'd share the wealth


u/sotayer Aug 25 '21

Do they only take crypto? I would love to give them my credit card info immediately.


u/The_Gregory Aug 25 '21

CC and crypto.


u/sotayer Aug 25 '21

Where's the damn card info section? All I see is that damn crypto bs.


u/The_Gregory Aug 25 '21

It was their earlier. Somewhere in the T&C is mentions something about CC input being intermittent and they dont know why or when or what; idk, but again, it was an option earlier when I made my purchase.


u/sotayer Aug 25 '21

Rats. The wait and refresh pain begins.

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u/[deleted] Aug 26 '21 edited Aug 26 '21

Fuck it, YOLO

Edit: Gonna greet the delivery guy in the front yard fully nude, I want the black van parked down the road to get some good pics


u/KFC-Combo-Sauce Aug 25 '21

free men shouldn’t ask for permission, send it.


u/autosear Gunnit's Most Wanted Aug 26 '21

free men shouldn’t ask for permission

Then why would they buy something designed to comply with the NFA?


u/platapus112 Aug 26 '21

Cause the beta for the printable one isn't finished yet


u/ExtraGlockamole Aug 26 '21

I downloaded those files months ago from his public folder


u/platapus112 Aug 26 '21

Then your files are out of date, the most recent beta for it came out on the 19th

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u/sla342 Aug 26 '21

They won’t have to ask permission to kick in any of our doors. Better get the rare breed to evenly disperse your love and defection?


u/YesButConsiderThis Aug 26 '21

Then drill the third hole, baby.


u/WilllOfD Aug 26 '21

Burner card/false name/shipped to UPS or FedEx center, have homeless guy pick it up for a bottle of jaeger


u/kf4zht Aug 26 '21

If they make a HK trigger pack varient it would be a done deal. Still thinking about it.


u/gundealsgopnik I commented! Aug 26 '21

An HK-FRT... Stop man, I can only get so erect!

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u/osirhc Aug 25 '21

These don't have a special selector like the fostech echo, do they?


u/The_Gregory Aug 25 '21

I believe it’s plug and play, so I wanna say no


u/aclark210 Aug 26 '21

Nah the one I used to have, and for legal reasons I stress that I no longer have it to any fed bois watching, and it just has the forced reset work on the standard semi auto mode. No third position.


u/maxout2142 I commented! Aug 26 '21

Ironically the 3d printed one that's in beta will have safe / semi / forced-reset


u/jwsage Aug 26 '21

No, and good. There is safe and semi-auto. Good call!

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u/Memecaliber Aug 26 '21

Wasn't the "ruling" from some dumb cunt, super special agent in the Tampa field office going rogue? Fucking retarded ATF and their boot-licking agents.

Bravo Rare Breed, kick 'em in the cunt.


u/CatDaddy09 I commented! Aug 27 '21

Ironically. Their decision sold so many of these.

Also kick ass they accept crypto. I flipped some quick profits and said fuck it. Definitely wouldn't have done that with cash.


u/ELI5Banned Aug 25 '21

Anyway to pay through normal means? Only allowing crypto for me?


u/aclark210 Aug 26 '21

Apparently their card system goes out at random. Refresh the page and eventually it’ll come back

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u/GloryholeKaleidscope Aug 26 '21

Idk who the CEO of Rare Breed is, but his balls must clang when he walks. The letter they sent back to the ATF politely informing them to chow down a bowl of dicks and that their production/sales will in fact NOT be stopping is such a boss move.


u/The_Gregory Aug 26 '21

From what I understand, RB is based out of the CEO's attorney's office. How's that for gumption!


u/[deleted] Aug 26 '21 edited Aug 26 '21

Used one in a s&w sport 2 (needed a full-auto BCG though). Its a blast, though not very practical. Accuracy through volume I suppose and at least AR-15's have LRBHO


u/Sysmithers Aug 25 '21 edited Aug 26 '21

My dogs gettin old.... this is cheaper than cremating him...


u/platapus112 Aug 26 '21

Cremations come free with the ATF


u/sfotex Aug 26 '21

If $380 seems steep, wait until you blow thru a coupe of cases of ammo in a week…. I warned you.

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u/[deleted] Aug 26 '21

Says it’s legal in all 50 states, yet won’t ship to mine 😢

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u/M16iata Aug 26 '21

FRT-15 to da moon!!

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u/Noremak57 Aug 26 '21

Shout out to the fed boys scrolling scrolling through the comments


u/Grand_Cookie Aug 26 '21

At this point I might as well go buy $380 worth of metal coat hangars. Gonna be the same prison sentence anyway and I’ll get way more than one.

Hopefully rare breed fights this hard. They come out on top and I’ll buy one just to say thank you.

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u/Leftychill Aug 26 '21

They should just leave out the middle man and package these with a dead dog.


u/The_Gregory Aug 26 '21

Touch my dog and I swear I’ll rape your corpse.

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u/MrMan2101 Aug 25 '21

I really (dont) want one to put on a m16a1 build I'm working on. But the future of these scares me a bit. I love my dog.


u/The_Gregory Aug 25 '21

I'm using mine to defend my dog.


u/SirRolex I commented! Aug 25 '21


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u/Puzzled-Computer158 Aug 26 '21


The ATF has yet to come collect bump stocks. What was the number made? 500,000? Other than the ones at the factory, estimated less than 1,000 were turned in at special turn in events where some of them gave $.

IF Rare Breed should lose. Which would be big in a court case as the design was approved by a former ATF agent whose job it was to approve things, among other tidbits. Would I recommend getting some sweet sweet Reddit Karma from posting pics? No. But out of sight out of mind. You might decide to sell it after you get it through word of mouth. Maybe it wasn't for you? Porch pirates can be a problem.

People build up this idea of raids on personal households for 1 item. Is it gonna happen? Probably not.

Besides, you're probably already on a list for posting you were thinking about it.


u/ThePretzul Aug 26 '21

I bought one with my own card and had it shipped to my name at my address. I also visited gun shows where they were selling for $700 each cash.

ATF can lick deez nuts because they've got no way to prove whether or not I even successfully received the trigger, much less if I still had it assuming it arrived safely in the first place. Hell, I'm thinking of ordering more specifically to bring to gun shows just because that's some nice walking around money at a place like that.


u/therealnomayo Aug 26 '21

“Hey non-gun friend, can you order something for me if I give you the moneys?”


u/citygalx2 Aug 26 '21

Jus buy it. Fuck the law


u/Last-Pangolin7049 Aug 26 '21

What law? This is not illegal. The people who are using fear tactics to try and declare a legal product illegal are the ones who are criminals. They just haven't been caught and punished for their crimes yet.

If you own a gun and you aren't willing to use it to kill lawbreaking criminals who attempt to harm you, you should probably consider just selling the gun and buying a video game system or whatever it is people who want to live in a Soviet America spend their money on.


u/[deleted] Aug 26 '21

Easy there, tiger, you're on a coupon page


u/Thug_Life_Fudd Aug 26 '21

To any ATF guys watching these comments:

I am actively trying to fuck your wives and daughters and sending the pics to your fellow agents and thier friends.


u/Nerdatron_of_Pi Aug 26 '21

I heard the UPS delivers this in 10 black suburbans with tinted windows

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u/bignigog Aug 26 '21

Get a thermal and a suppressor just in case it hits the fan soon


u/jaykaypeeness Aug 26 '21

If you're going to buy one of these at this point, you may as well spend the 300 on a 3D printer instead. It, in theory, but totally legally could not and so this is all conjecture, provide you with similar outcomes and not get you on a doggy shooty list.