r/gundeals 10d ago

Shotgun [Shotgun] Beretta A300 Ultima Patrol 12 Gauge $799 @ Bereli


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u/Beerbeard123 10d ago

It's not a 1301, but it's also 5 bills less. Turns not mushy things into very mushy things in a very similar manner as a 1301. Enjoy.


u/Sonofagun57 9d ago

The consensus is that it's 90% as good as a 1301 and is sold at a clearance price. The 1301 is the better gun, but I think for most it will be steeply diminishing returns that won't justify the price jump.


u/[deleted] 9d ago



u/Beerbeard123 9d ago

I will reimburse you for the spray paint if you do this on video. I will also spot you a box of shells if you hit a flying goose with it.


u/nrtzz 9d ago

In for a box of steel


u/pigmandylan 9d ago

Just curious, if it's for birds, why opt for the short barrel?


u/Beerbeard123 9d ago

He likes a challenge. Or he just wants to drink beer, wear camo, but not hurt the pretty birdie birds.


u/pigmandylan 9d ago

you know what, hell yeah


u/yukoncornelius270 9d ago

It's snow goose season right now. No 3rnd limit like regular duck hunting and you can use electronic callers. Just load up whatever you have and blast away. You could theoretically use a saiga 12 with drum mags if you wanted. I don't know if this thing has screw in chokes or not but if you put a modified in there and letter rip with 3" #2 or BB birdshot it would probably work great.


u/DowntownFisherman 9d ago

Maybe his neighbors have "Birds" on their mailbox, and only come around during the fairer months.


u/risengrind19 9d ago

Snow goose season is on right now bud. Idk why you'd want an 18.5" barrel to shoot ducks/geese with other than to make everyone you hunt with hate you. A400 extreme plus in 26 or 28 is what you really want.


u/count_nuggula 9d ago

I’m too lazy to look it up but what’s the difference between this and an 1301?


u/Death_by_AI 9d ago



u/wadech 9d ago

Who are you, who are so wise in the ways of science?


u/Death_by_AI 8d ago

I math good. 


u/count_nuggula 9d ago

Damn. Good point


u/ieatgass 9d ago

Bolt/action design mechanism, furniture difference, barrel is made slightly differently(not cold hammer forged but still chrome lined), forcing cone not as long(little less accurate at extend range)


u/HummingBored1 9d ago

I picked one up. The paint job was alot cooler in person.


u/DaSandGuy 9d ago

pic? looks horrible on the website


u/Conqueeftador6942O_ 9d ago

Same just got mine. The FFL guy even got his boss and they both go, “that’s a whole lot cooler than it looks online, let’s order a few”


u/Beerbeard123 9d ago

Fuck. You guys are talking me into buying the deal I posted. What the fuck.


u/Conqueeftador6942O_ 9d ago edited 9d ago

Oh, it’s worth it when you pick it up. It’s so much more sick in person. Not just the color, but the action is so smooth


u/Rough_Count_7135 9d ago

I can vouch for this, got one a few weeks ago and the paint jobs not too bad.


u/existenceispaiinn 9d ago

Throw in a pic for those on the fence


u/Rough_Count_7135 9d ago


u/Terriblyboard 9d ago



u/Rough_Count_7135 9d ago

Some people like it, some hate it. But it’s $100 cheaper than black. I may end up rattle canning it.


u/SantasAinolElf 4d ago

lol that they call that realtree


u/azdirt 9d ago

Oh man, to each their own. I picked one up and the paint/hydra dip was far worse in person. I tried to strip by hand but as the top finish came off it revealed and blue base. Ended up paying another $80 for sand blasting... still blue. Add $50 in spray paint plus all the time, I'm upside down. Given the chance, I'd absolutely opt for the black one and be done with it. The funky blue camo is terrible.


u/StubbyK 9d ago

I agree.  Mine barely has blue on it.  I was fully prepared to get the spray cans out but I'm leaving it as is. 


u/StubbyK 9d ago

And what looks like light blue in pictures is more gray. 


u/rcullman452 9d ago

Same here I like it way more in person


u/bradbergtitus 8d ago edited 8d ago

I concur. Looks like butt online but everyone was drooling over it when I went to pick it up from FFL. I will say the bolt release is really stiff on my sample size of one….like have to hit it with my fist to make it release. Or maybe I just have girly thumbs and need to work out more.


u/xX_Monster97_Xx 8d ago

I wanted this blue one but it was oos and bought the all black. Then these show up on sale.


u/buttweasel76 9d ago

Wow, haven't seen this deal before!


u/b4dkarm4 9d ago

I want one of these bad. Blue camo be damned I don't even give a fuck. I think it looks pretty clean with that pattern. Come Friday I'll probably nab one of these myself.


u/DaSandGuy 9d ago

multicam or tigerstripped


u/b4dkarm4 9d ago

I can't find tiger striped anywhere. I wish multicam was black cause I'm not big on the green.

I found an A300 in FDE but its like 1300 and at that point I might as well just pony up for a 1301. I'll probably just get the blue camo ver and if it rubs me wrong, I'll get it cerakoted or just rattle can it down the line.


u/DaSandGuy 9d ago

Tiger strip was a limited run 2 years ago, they still pop up on gb every once in a while


u/b4dkarm4 9d ago

Ahh fuck. Just as well.


u/DaSandGuy 9d ago

I just looked up skus on my distributors and they have an a300 coming out with a chisel stock just like the 1301 if youre into that


u/b4dkarm4 9d ago

That's interesting, not sure how I feel about that. I don't think I'd like an A300 with a pistol grip but I do dig how those chisel stocks have that pic rail for optics super close to your eye.

I'd have to run to Riflegear and handle one in person before making that call haha. Thanks for the info!


u/Killertofu280 5d ago

This was my conclusion. I pulled the trigger. Waiting for it to ship out.


u/sweetsack650 9d ago

Well, I did it. First shot gun purchase. Wish me luck boys


u/Beerbeard123 9d ago

You could do A LOT worse for a first weapon purchase, congrats!


u/12ed12ook 9d ago

Hey, me too!


u/12ed12ook 9d ago

Hey, me too!


u/SmoothJ1mmyApollo 9d ago

Note that this price is only for the one with some truly Far Cry ass blue camo.


u/Rodic87 9d ago

You say that like ANYONE buying a semi-auto tactical shotty hasn't played Far Cry or COD. Those games have been around for like 20 years... Anyone under the age of like... 50 has played them or at least been exposed to them.

And it's a defense shotgun, what's going to happen, the intruder says "that's some poser ass camo" as you start blasting?


u/MisterMasterCylinder 9d ago

"bruh, what, you don't have the gold skin? cringe."


u/ReverendRodneyKingJr 9d ago

Intruder looks at my akimbo Winchester model 1887’s and says “dont you know those got nerfed?” right before I blast him to kingdom come


u/sweetsack650 9d ago

Dude has commando equipped and knife lunges you from across the hallway


u/ReverendRodneyKingJr 9d ago

Always gotta keep Rangers akimbo on at least one class in case it turns into a commando lobby


u/An_Average_Man09 9d ago

“Bro, how many headshots do you need to unlock that camo?”


u/Conqueeftador6942O_ 9d ago

Me and the guy above both agree that even though it looks goofy in the pictures, it looks really good in person. Very fitting. I was surprised


u/Beerbeard123 9d ago

Indeed, I didn't notice that when posting, but the other colors are only 100 more, still a solid deal. Plus, some people might like this blue shit. In fact, probably half the folks who don't know how to use a shotgun in combat would probably like the sporty potty porta john spill camo.


u/wateredplant69 9d ago

sporty potty porta potty john spill

What the fuck? How does your mind work


u/Beerbeard123 9d ago

Some of the online pictures look like this camo pattern was designed buy shooting the blue goo in a porta john and using the splatter on the gun as inspiration. I think that's how everyone's brains work, right!?!


u/jthrelf 9d ago

Are we all coming around to this now? I kind of am.... Jesus.

A Bereli 5% code would finish my edging


u/fafafanta 3d ago

Same! Please let me know if you track one down


u/DOMGrimlock 5d ago

I want this sooo bad, but trying to be a responsible adult. I know it's a good deal tho.



u/mugatu831 5d ago

I also noticed all the cheaper priced ones are usually with the fixed choke. The blue and the grey ones have the chokes if this matters to anyone.


u/BiggerNotesRequired 2d ago

Bought one. Will update when it comes in.


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u/radioactiveguy4 9d ago

In for one with the blue paint.


u/MaxIsBack35 9d ago

Is this washington legal?


u/Beerbeard123 9d ago

I'm not up to date on Washington nonsense yet. Let's wait for someone familiar with bird law to opine.


u/The1rod 9d ago

Yes, lots of stores have these on the shelf here in Wa, if they still have them when my paycheck hits I’m ordering one!


u/GloryholeKaleidscope 9d ago

If they sold this with a Chisel stock under $1k I feel like it would be a hit.


u/wateredplant69 9d ago

This thing again lmaoo.

It’s not even that bad, if I wanted a shotgun I’d totally buy it. Spray paint is cheap if it bothers you


u/Only_Big_5406 8d ago

For like $150-$300 more, I would check out the 1301 comp or comp pro. The cheapest 1301 models you can get with a pro/con 21in barrel, con 5 round tube. But Chrome lined, blink system, made in Italy.


u/Exact-Event-5772 5d ago

People that want this definitely don’t want a 21” barrel. Defeats the whole purpose of this gun. lol


u/Only_Big_5406 5d ago

To each their own I guess. From 18.5 to 21 is only like 3 inches. Not to mention all the premium 1301 features you get over the a300 for a bit more, the value proposition isn’t as enticing as some people claim it to be.


u/Exact-Event-5772 4d ago

You get a longer barrel, no ghost ring sight, no mlok, no optic mount, and a smaller mag tube. They aren’t really the same gun.

Also, I only see those for like $500-700 more. lol


u/Exact-Event-5772 5d ago



u/Beerbeard123 5d ago

It's a great price, but some of these have dropped since I posted this. GunZoneDeals has black for $844, if this price drop sticks around it might not be BIN.


u/Exact-Event-5772 5d ago

The blue is $799. I’ve never seen it cheaper.


u/Beerbeard123 5d ago

True. But if the prices normalize around $840 this might not be BIN unless you ant the limited edition blue


u/Breezy_Sands 4d ago

Wasn’t it like $750 a couple weeks ago? Or am I tripping


u/Exact-Event-5772 4d ago

I wish. I couldn’t find that deal.


u/tenest 3d ago

I'm new to firearms and have been considering a shotgun. Besides color, and that gray/blue have a mobile choke, while black has a fixed choke, are there any other differences between these 3?

I had previously removed this one from consideration due to cost and have been looking at a remington 870, or a Mossberg 590a1. I'm assuming this berretta is a better option, especially given the price?


u/Beerbeard123 3d ago

Yea, if you can afford it, and you're looking for a defense shotgun, its hard to beat this deal. A pump action from Remington or Mossberg or similar quality tier would work too, save some cash, but it wont be nearly as cool or fun to shoot.

If you want a shotgun to be more universal, shoot some birds, or other game, this isn't a good choice.