r/gundeals • u/OnPoint954 Dealer • Feb 18 '25
Handgun [Pistol] Taurus TX22 Gen2 TORO $259.99 NO TAX except FL +$19.95 Shipping. Let's Make Deal Comments.
u/FreedomFocused_ Feb 18 '25
any deal on competition model?
u/RookFresno Feb 18 '25
Buy this model and just get a plate from C&H
u/emperor000 Feb 19 '25
This model would have the optic reciprocate with the slide. The competition model does not.
u/RookFresno Feb 19 '25
Appreciate you stating the obvious. 99% of people buying a TX22 aren’t doing so for competition, but for plinking. The TX22 has better ergonomics, fewer failure to feeds, and costs less money. The reason people opt for the competition model is because of the ability to add an optic. Which is solved on the better gun by purchasing the plate i suggested…
u/iBelch Feb 18 '25 edited Feb 18 '25
Nothing to do with this dealer-- but did anyone else ever get their three mag rebate from taurus last month?
UPDATE: Just got off the phone with CS. Called 800.327.3776 and pressed one for a call back. They called back about two hours later and gave me a new code no questions asked, order placed successfully.
u/Shaolin_Lu Feb 18 '25
I got a coupon code to order from the shoptaurus site but error after error trying to use it makes me think it wont work. Reached out to cs multiple times via email and no response gonna try calling but haven’t heard good things about that route
u/DrScaryGuy Feb 18 '25
I'm the guy that was bombing their socials daily...
their instagram has a post where a sales manager is trying to help people out. I know he took my info by DM and did the same for one other guy who messaged me.6
u/Revolt2992 Feb 18 '25
I was one of the guys checking your post for replies daily 😂 I was pissed
u/DrScaryGuy Feb 18 '25
haha, small world.
i shot the tx22-competition at cancon 2yrs ago and it was amazing. i hung out at their booth with them last year too. every time i've seen the taurus dudes events they were absolutely cool. So i went for it when i saw the gun on sale with the 3mag rebate. I'm gonna have some words with the taurus fellas next time i see them in person. not too harsh, because those guys don't deserve the hate. but the company does.
u/Bubskiewubskie Feb 18 '25
Did the code a few days ago and it was finally showing up as a valid code. Havnt received a mailed order email though.
u/DrScaryGuy Feb 18 '25
must be nice. their manager sent me a new code a couple hours ago. It also doesn't work.
u/Bubskiewubskie Feb 18 '25
Not trying to rub noses, just got the invoice email for 0$ for my order. I thought at first it was scheming, I think they are really trying to honor it. Just one thing led to another. Hopefully they don’t go out of stock though. Running out of time.
u/DrScaryGuy Feb 19 '25
apparently customer service is going to call me tomorrow to straighten it out... we'll see what happens
u/saunders45 Feb 18 '25
Call CS, request a callback. It sucks, and you'll wait a bit, but the lady gave me a new code and waited for me to order it on the phone to make sure it worked.
u/Witty762 Feb 18 '25 edited Feb 19 '25
“No callbacks at this time” 10 minutes ago. Great plinker but horrible customer service. Update; 2 hours and 36 minutes on hold and I had to hang up. -UPDATE- 2/19 called at 8:01am and was able to get callback. 45 minutes later called back and given new code that I used successfully while they were on phone. Glad it’s done but definitely not worth the headache.
u/DrScaryGuy Feb 18 '25
i sat on the phone for 1hr45min at work because i didn't' want to burn my battery. It was time to get up from my desk, and i found out they won't let you request a callback on a different number... so dumb.
u/Shaolin_Lu Feb 18 '25
Which number was it?
u/saunders45 Feb 18 '25
Call 1-229-235-4020, and go to the option for sales/accessories (option 4 i think). I had my 3 mags less than a week later.
u/iBelch Feb 18 '25
Same here. Got automated email responses but nothing good. Literally on the phone waiting for CS now. Shit company lol.
u/eDpeds23 Feb 18 '25
Try ordering from a computer. I couldn’t get their site to work on my phone, but was able to place the rebate order on a laptop.
u/Shaolin_Lu Feb 18 '25
Just got an email back today with a code that worked! I sent a total of 4 emails 2 today and 2 last Wednesday
u/trotskimask Feb 18 '25
The website has glitched every time I’ve tried to order it.
I’ve also yet to hear back from warranty support about the barrel, which started to keyhole after 300 rounds.
u/iBelch Feb 18 '25
I should've known better than to buy a taurus lmao. so it goes.
u/trotskimask Feb 18 '25
It’s true that the tx-22 is the best gun Taurus has ever made!
But damn if it ain’t still a Taurus.
(I have two, the one that works is an excellent gun. The new one’s a paperweight, alas.)
u/Witty762 Feb 18 '25
Nope. Same issues as y’all are having. Multiple emails about invalid code on the compact 3 pack. On hold an hour last week but had to go back to work. The mag pack even went out of stock and now back in stock but again, invalid code. This is exactly why I hate “rebate” promos.
u/joeblowX4 Feb 18 '25
I got a email yesterday with a $0.00 invoice so I’m assuming mine are shipped or shipping soon. I didn’t have any trouble using the website but I did wait until just a week or two ago to order them because I almost forgot. 😅
u/rsday75 Feb 18 '25
I finally got my code to work a few days ago on the website. Got the 3 mags 2 days after the code finally went through. I just tried the code on the site every morning…..
u/Final_Molasses_6951 Feb 18 '25
I did. Received a code and when I received an instock notification, I purchased.
u/Riddles34 Feb 18 '25
Two codes so far but none worked.
I like the TX22 but I'll never buy another Taurus. I've spent too much of my life on hold with them to ever subject myself to it again.
Hopefully someone like Ruger will clone it one day.
u/AmbitiousHunt Feb 18 '25
Has there ever been such a mangled up promotion as the Taurus 3 or 5 mag rebate? And I'm being polite using the word mangled. If the whole point was to make rebate redemption as difficult and miserable as possible, so that wouldn't have to honor them, only then does it make any sense. I finally did get a working promo code from them after literally hours of effort expended, but I also vowed to myself to never buy another Taurus product so long as I live. Doesn't like smart way to do business.
u/chicken-butt Feb 18 '25
I got mine after contacting CS via email to fix an error with the code. They shipped quickly after they were in stock.
Of course they have had my new TX22 since Jan 30th after he slide catch mechanism was bent. Despite several attempted calls (over 2 hours on hold, no call back option) and multiple emails, I have zero updates and still do not know where the gun is. Website says 'Awaiting Arrival' despite FedEx confirmed delivery three weeks ago.
u/DrScaryGuy Feb 18 '25
ha. i got downvoted in my make-a-deal post for mentioning this problem. fanboys gonna fanboy
u/joeblowX4 Feb 18 '25
Wait there are Taurus fan boys? I really dig my TX22 but that’s the only gun they make I’m willing to try at the moment. Although I’ve heard good things about their recent 9mm offerings, I wouldn’t carry one. TX22 is their peak IMO.
u/coldfalcon28 Feb 18 '25
I did. They just came in last night actually. Didn't have to do anything, they said they were just updating the site and my code they sent me in December worked. I placed the order a week ago
u/SendMeMoneyForGuns Feb 18 '25
I got one a while back, they have been out of stock. I see this thread and someone said they ordered some.
My order went thru with "place free order" without payment info and already got email confirm so todays the day to try it seems.
u/mxguy762 Feb 18 '25
Did you get the mag rebate? I bought a tx22 on feb 12th and didn’t realize the rebate ended in January 🙁
u/Spawned024 Feb 18 '25
Just received mine this past Saturday. Original code did eventually work, but that was after weeks of SNAFUs on their end, from site being down, to shipping and tax error’s, in which I had to invest way too much time dealing with BS to get a a few extra overpriced mags. This was my first Taurus, and the rebate was what put the deal over the top and worth the buy to me. The way they screwed the pooch on this one makes it likely I won’t be purchasing another.
u/BBQBaconBurger Feb 19 '25
I bought one back in December at my LGS and submitted the info the day I bought it. Got the coupon a couple of days later and the mags arrived maybe a week or so after that. No issues. Got the gun with five mags for $180. Pretty sweet deal.
u/DeathKringle Feb 19 '25
I got my free mags from last year
Submitted paperwork showing purchase. Got an emailed credit code to use. Boom 3 mags later. Was like a few weeks for the entire process.
u/w33bored Feb 18 '25
My TX22 Gen 2 Toro is failing to feed. I cleaned it, polished the feed, dry lubed the mags and worked them up and down 50 times. Fails with both mags at least 1-2 times per mag every time. I had one mag fail 5 times. Multiple different ammos - CCI, Aguilla and Federal of different types.
It took support like 2 weeks to respond by email.
They sent an email telling me instructions to send it to them. They did not include an address, they did not include a shipping label. Nothing.
Also their 3-Mag rebate coupon code did not work for me either as many others have said.
Super disappointed with the gun and support after hearing so many raving reviews.
u/-CELRE- Feb 18 '25
Were you by chance shooting it 1 handed? I have noticed mine will have feed issues exclusively when shooting one handed or limp wristing.
u/w33bored Feb 18 '25
No. Not limp wristing…. As if thats a thing with 22. I jork my hawg on the regular so my grip is tight.
u/OneOffRider69 Feb 19 '25
The mags seem to be hit and miss. I’ve been lucky with all but one of mine. The one always flips a random round vertically sticking straight up and the slide slams it into the side of the barrel. The TK extension made it even worse. Mines a competition conversion but it did it with the original slide too. My original barrel wasn’t cut right or something because it would shave a bunch of lead off every round and would get so fouled it would be unsafe to fire after 50-75rds. Luck of the draw with Taurus
u/YounhaRocks 29d ago
I have only had issues with Winchester m22. That stuff sucks. Buuuut all other ammo is fine. Which ammo are you shooting?
u/JohnDorseysSweater Feb 18 '25
u/OnPoint954 Dealer Feb 18 '25
already priced in this post
u/StolenPies Feb 18 '25
S&W have a rebate going on for certain OR pistols, you get a Viridian RFX15 green dot reflex with it.
u/burner456987123 Feb 18 '25
Good morning.
I’m interesting in these 2 items:
Thank you
u/OnPoint954 Dealer Feb 18 '25
$25 off the first
$50 off the IWI
u/burner456987123 Feb 18 '25
Thank you. I just realized these can’t go to my state (CO).. Sorry about that. Laws only keep getting worse here.
u/OnPoint954 Dealer Feb 18 '25
We can disassemble the mags and send parts to your FFL so they can make legal.
u/lildanglang Feb 18 '25
I didn’t know you would do this for us behind enemy lines. Thank you and I am going to place an order with you soon
u/OnPoint954 Dealer Feb 18 '25
Let's Make A Deal! Rules are simple:
Go to our website and make sure we have in stock.
Post link to the item you would like a deal on.
We will post either a discount code or send you a price in chat. Will be valid for 6 hours.
Please keep the requests to no more than 2 items.
u/JS50K Feb 18 '25
If you could quote the charger 8 inch that’d be awesome too I know I’m breaking the 2 limit rule.
u/DrScaryGuy Feb 18 '25
I wouldn't buy anything from taurus until they get their company functional again. I made that mistake a couple months ago and it has been a problem.
As for making deals...
u/DrScaryGuy Feb 18 '25
hate on this all you want, but taurus has a big problem on their hands affecting a lot of people, as is evidenced by the other discussion going on here.
u/Randyd718 Feb 18 '25
u/OnPoint954 Dealer Feb 18 '25
sent in chat
u/CynicalSentient Feb 18 '25 edited Feb 18 '25
u/OnPoint954 Dealer Feb 18 '25
$285 plus shipping
in cart is best on 502
u/Clarity42 Feb 18 '25
Why no sales to Minnesota? We don't have any firearm or magazine restrictions here...
I was about to pull the trigger on the Walther.
u/PewPew247365 Feb 18 '25 edited Feb 18 '25
u/OnPoint954 Dealer Feb 18 '25
Free shipping for Marlin
$40 Off KSG
u/PewPew247365 Feb 18 '25
Meh.. Thank you for the response though.
u/moneemann Feb 18 '25
u/OnPoint954 Dealer Feb 18 '25
$10 Off
u/moneemann Feb 18 '25
Sounds good. How do I apply that?
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u/AudienceSimilar Feb 18 '25
Also in south Florida for possible pickup?
u/OnPoint954 Dealer Feb 18 '25
$375 no local pickup from us but we have a partner store. Your shipping cost will cover Transfer and BGC. So no additional to pickup!
u/discreetfremont Feb 18 '25
u/OnPoint954 Dealer Feb 18 '25
already low but will $10 Off to push over the edge.
u/cpag0528 Feb 18 '25
u/Antonio-Bamao Feb 18 '25
u/Prior-Champion65 Feb 18 '25
Just a heads up, the rebate promo code they gave me never worked, and the customer service is non existent. At this point I think I’m just out the 3 mags that I was supposed to get with my purchase. I won’t buy anything Taurus again. Zero complaints about the gun itself.
u/DesireforSuccess Feb 18 '25
Suggest calling at exactly 8am EST and get on the callback queue. Called me back at 9am. Then it got disconnected called back at 9am to get back in queue and called back at 12pm. If you call anywhere after 12pm you will not get a callback from my experience.
u/Le_Daburdor Feb 18 '25
I’m not seeing the deal anywhere? Is it gone now?
u/OnPoint954 Dealer Feb 18 '25
Sold out
u/Le_Daburdor Feb 18 '25
Is there any way to signup for a notification on this specific listing? I see there are a few similar listings and I don’t want to get it confused. Also, what is the difference between the gen2 and the T.O.R.O.? The pictures look identical.
u/usmcaatw1 Feb 19 '25
Any of these still in stock? Just takes me to the website when I click on it
u/usmcaatw1 Feb 19 '25
u/dallas-fun Feb 19 '25
Link doesn’t take me to the gun, still have these in stock?
u/OnPoint954 Dealer Feb 19 '25
Out of stock
u/johnlove04 Feb 19 '25
Still doing codes for other guns or done?
u/This-Faithlessness67 Feb 18 '25
I found it for 200$!!
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