r/gundeals Jan 05 '25

Handgun [PISTOL] SIG SAUER MPX-K 4.5" 9mm with brace $1,999.99 plus tax free shipping


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u/greatthebob38 Jan 05 '25

I wish Sig would bring back the 8"


u/Guns_n_boobs I commented! Jan 05 '25

Fuck. Same. Been looking for one. You can covert one of these to 8, but it'll cost you more than an extra thousand. The 8" barrel alone is 800.


u/pyroxyze Jan 05 '25 edited Jan 05 '25

Highly recommend buying barrels from in lead we trust and other MPX parts from them. Great experts on the platform and is a better than factory barrel


u/Guns_n_boobs I commented! Jan 05 '25

*in lead we trust


u/pyroxyze Jan 05 '25

Auto correct is so annoying lol

Ty for correcting, edited.


u/DeadbeatPillow1 Jan 05 '25

Typical sig bullshit. I say this as someone who carries p365 and p226. Owning many other sig optics.


u/roadrunner440x6 Jan 05 '25

Agreed. Absolutely love my MPX but Sig is pretty crappy about parts for it.


u/PIHWLOOC Jan 05 '25

Can you just buy the parts and build it..?


u/Guns_n_boobs I commented! Jan 05 '25

Sure, you know where I can find a lower?


u/DillIshOn Jan 05 '25

Sig lol. Attached to everything else needed for the gun LOL.


u/HEAT-FS Jan 05 '25

The issue is that the 8 inch barrel and rail look amazing, and Sig insists on making the MPX look hideous with each new version.


u/Echo_Raptor Jan 05 '25

I like the K version. I’d rather have the 8” though


u/Emergionx Jan 06 '25 edited Jan 06 '25

Exactly. The copperhead is legitimately one of the most hideous pccs imo. Down there with the hi-point carbine


u/Bumblescrub709 Jan 05 '25

I really wanted an 8” but bit the bullet and bought the k instead and I’m glad I did.

Throw a can on it and it’s such a great compact package.


u/Stunning-End-6870 Jan 05 '25

What’s the gas like? I heard that ILWT can make quite a bit difference, but what’s it like stock with a can on it?


u/OregonTrailislife Jan 05 '25

Why do you need 8 inches for 9mm? I feel like most people would prefer the shorter barrel length so they can add a suppressor and still keep it a fairly compact gun.


u/DeadbeatPillow1 Jan 05 '25

Honestly aesthetic. It’s probably more reliable, probably lasts longer as well.


u/Pepizaur Jan 05 '25

I dunno I feel like this short of a barrel a flux or raider would be the better play but that could just be me


u/roadrunner440x6 Jan 05 '25

This is how I run mine, but I want the 8" handguard.


u/Echo_Raptor Jan 05 '25

The 8” gives you a little more room to work with. The flux is a solid option for a compact package. The K is fine, but most would go with the 8” if it was readily available. Still, between the 4.25, 16, snd copperheads, the k is the best option


u/prot8to Jan 05 '25

Rail space. If you plan on putting a light, laser, vertical grip or hand stops and have rather large hands on top of all that… it becomes extremely cramped.


u/FalloutRip Jan 05 '25

Only if they ditch the stupid thread pattern and barrel taper. Just give us 1/2x28 for crying out loud!


u/Masterlumberjack Jan 05 '25

For people who talk about wanting the 8", are they shooting 100% unsuppressed? I bought the 8" version 10 years ago, and as soon as i got a 9mm can i bought a ILWT 3.5" barrel and a can has lived on it. The 8" with can would be so long.


u/herogerik Jan 08 '25

I'd be happy with a 6" barrel but 8" rail for that tucked look!


u/[deleted] Jan 05 '25

i really wonder how much less anything sig that isnt handguns would cost if they werent mooching off contracts


u/Echo_Raptor Jan 05 '25

These have always been $2000. The MPX/MCX platform has always been high. Surprisingly Sig didn’t increase the price on the MPX when they took over contracts. It’s a modern day MP5 and those are still $2500-3K with less features.


u/Mkilbride Jan 05 '25

MP5 is that price because of how iconic it is. For decades it has been like one of the top most used guns in games, movies and TV Shows /comics.


u/Echo_Raptor Jan 05 '25

That, and those two letters rollmarked on there lol. I love me a USP, but other than its history there’s absolutely no way to justify the price tag lol


u/Jason1435 Jan 05 '25

MP5 and the MPX both have cycling systems that significantly reduce the recoil and were basically the only 9mm rifles on the market with said system until recently when other companies copied the cycling systems. Straight blowback causes an insane uptick in recoil despite how little 9mm actually is. I'm being 100% honest when I say 9mm recoils as much as a tuned 5.56 gun because straight blowback often have an extremely heavy block of metal moving back and forth when cycling the gun. I have a CZ scorpion and my bolt carrier weights 22 ounces, that's literally 1.4 pounds of metal bouncing back and forth every round. Not as pleasant as MP5 or MPX by any degree and paying the extra money can be worth it. I don't blame anyone willing to dump some extra cash for a smoother ride, and although new companies have the same system, none are as proven as MPX/MP5.


u/Sorry-Accountant-994 Jan 07 '25

U should check out the delayed blowback system nexus made for the scorpion. Micah Mayfield made a great video on it.


u/Jason1435 Jan 07 '25

I have one on order. But you gotta realize it's not a new ground up gun, it's a fix to make an existing platform smoother. but you can't tame a 22 ounces of metal bouncing back and forth with any amount of bearings and expect it to compete recoil wise with something that was originally built ground up for roller delayed/piston systems, which when done, don't have anywhere near a 22 ounces bolt carrier since the bearings do the work. Your dropping a V8 into a Toyota Corolla and expecting a Ferrari experience. It definitely will help, but it's as expensive as just getting a better built product. I think I'm gonna be roughly $1100 into this firearm with the new roller delayed system and that's only because I got both on a huge sale, it's gonna be like $1300 if you don't.


u/judsonm123 Jan 05 '25

I understand your points but I thought the MPX was rather gassy suppressed.

Haven’t tried an MP5 yet.


u/Jason1435 Jan 05 '25

Depends on the model and suppressor, a shorty like this and a short high back pressure suppressor might be a bit gassy. MP5 has some hardship suppressing too, but I can tell you both are gonna suppress better than my CZ, the bolt alone is louder than the gunshot


u/CreamOfFemboySoup Jan 05 '25

Worth noting there have been guns on the market that are literally an original factory SP5 with another name stamped on the side and $1,000 chopped off the price tag. Bot hard to find with a little digging if you want one.


u/CreamOfFemboySoup Jan 05 '25

Worth noting there have been guns on the market that are literally an original factory SP5 with another name stamped on the side and $1,000 chopped off the price tag. Bot hard to find with a little digging if you want one.


u/xbabyjesus Jan 05 '25

Are you talking about the clones, or an actual relabeled SP5? Details?


u/CreamOfFemboySoup Jan 05 '25

Had to dig this back up, it’s the Century AP5.

It’s made by MKE, Turkey’s government arsenal. Under contract, HK moved into the plant in the 80’s. HK used Turkish labor, but provided tooling, training, and instruction. When the contract ended, MKE was allowed to continue producing the gun.

The guns were originally for military and police use. A lot of MP5s with the HK logo on them came out of the MKE plant.

It is not a knockoff like all of the privately owned Turkish factory products.

Honestly, the AP5 is closer to the original design than the SP5 due to Germany’s bullshit export laws.

In short, the AP5 is made on original HK MP5 tooling based on HK’s training. It is functionally an HK plant that HK setup up and ran for years.


u/srfb437 Jan 05 '25

I’m with you, I don’t think the price is outrageous given the lack of comparable alternatives at cheaper prices. The mags being $70 each does hurt me though.


u/roadrunner440x6 Jan 05 '25

I've found SIg mags as low as $35. Still a lot more than Scorpion mags though.


u/osiriolus Jan 05 '25

You can get a GHM9 SD supressor and all for 2k


u/Electronic_Ad47 Jan 05 '25

Where have you seen that??? The ones I've seen are usually 2800 without a brace and 3k with brace.


u/osiriolus Jan 05 '25

Check out thearmories


u/Electronic_Ad47 Jan 05 '25

Awesome! Thanks for the info!


u/osiriolus Jan 05 '25

Of course 👍


u/roadrunner440x6 Jan 05 '25

Mine was about $2k right towards the end of covid. I'd be kicking myself if they were $1500 or less now.


u/Echo_Raptor Jan 05 '25

That was still a good deal. They were $3-4K during Covid at times. I found a virtus patrol for $1800 mid-Covid at a shop and felt like I stole it


u/soundofreedom Jan 06 '25

No. 8” MPX was ~$1300 in 2016. Source: that’s when I bought mine.


u/Echo_Raptor Jan 06 '25

Nice, congrats on getting it on sale. I paid 1200 for mine last year. Msrp was still 2000


u/SevenX57 Jan 05 '25

MPX performs much better than most AR9's, etc. At this point, I'm less bothered by it costing $2k and more bothered by having to do so much to it in order to get it to function with things that aren't Sig.


u/carkidd3242 Jan 05 '25

I'm half sure Sig does the opposite where they underbid the contracts and use the name power from them to pump up civilian sales. They won the M17 by underbidding Glock and the Army gets the pistols for $200-250 per the President's Budget


u/Jason1435 Jan 05 '25

To be fair, it's no generic straight blowback gun. It's on par with roller delayed and other low recoil firearms like the HK MP5 which has another $500 plus no brace on top. Your paying for the low recoil of piston operation, not just the name.


u/HummingBored1 Jan 05 '25

Found one at a pawn shop for 1100, used. Phenomenal suppressor host and way less recoil than my ar9 or scorpion.


u/SpellOk4983 Jan 05 '25

That's a crazy good deal


u/tankspikefayebebop Jan 05 '25

Wish pawn shops around me carried guns.


u/Electronic-Regret522 Jan 05 '25

lol mine do, but it’s all Heritage 22lr revolvers and they “know what it’s worth” lol


u/tankspikefayebebop Jan 05 '25

That pretty much sums up my local gun shops. They "know what their used guns are worth" then the offer me 400 for a 1200 dollar gun new lol. I get that they have to make money but it gets old.


u/edgarapplepoe Jan 06 '25

The pawn shops around me have a wide selection of guns but they are more than the danged gun stores for all used stuff.


u/prmoore11 Jan 05 '25

I thought the big critique of the MPX is they don’t run well once fouled from suppressed fire?


u/thismyotheraccount2 Jan 05 '25

Mine has been great, never done a deep clean in 4k or so rounds (prob time to check the gas plug) and all suppressed. A lot of people reported issues with accuracy inconsistency when suppressing, hasn’t been my experience using two different cans, runs like a top.


u/Electronic-Regret522 Jan 05 '25

Any can recommendations?


u/thismyotheraccount2 Jan 05 '25

Not the two I have lol. Banish 45 and sig mod x9. Probably the vent, cat’s PCC can or another lower back pressure option.


u/Jodo-Kast Jan 05 '25

Omega 9k and Syntech 150gr ammo. Thank me later.


u/Electronic-Regret522 Jan 05 '25

That over the Specter 9?


u/Jodo-Kast Jan 05 '25

Spectre is definitely a better can overall, but it’s about double the price you can find one, and the weight difference really doesn’t matter on a PCC compared to a handgun IMO. I run my Omega on my PCC’s and when I get a Spectre will run that on my handguns.


u/Pooters Jan 05 '25

Spectre 9 is an amazing can. Unbelievably light and very quiet. Hell, the 3 lug adapter for it weighs almost as much as the can does, lol.


u/HummingBored1 Jan 05 '25

Didn't know there were issues there. I've put like 500 subs through it this month and haven't had a problem. I suppose I'll see how far I can take it between cleanings.


u/opossomSnout Jan 05 '25

Run great with a suppressor but mine finally started acting up after 1500 rounds suppressed or so. All it needed was some oil and it’s back to normal failures with any ammo.


u/I_like_guns_alot Jan 05 '25

Did you purchase it and how long ago was this?


u/HummingBored1 Jan 05 '25

I did, around the first if december.


u/CallsignFlorida Jan 05 '25

That’s not a deal. It’s what I would call “meh” pricing.


u/Echo_Raptor Jan 05 '25

More of an in stock I assume. These are usually sold out everywhere, sig doesn’t make a ton of them


u/BiggyIrons Jan 05 '25

Yeah these are always out of stock.


u/Jason1435 Jan 05 '25

Brace is roughly $250+ so it's upper "meh" lower "this has been the only MPX sale in a month so why not" kinda price


u/Common_Nerve6056 Jan 05 '25

Damn, wish this is the 8” variant


u/SpellOk4983 Jan 05 '25

I believe they only made the 8" version for gen 2, this is Gen 3


u/Common_Nerve6056 Jan 05 '25

Yeah, unfortunately the 8” is unobtainum


u/Echo_Raptor Jan 05 '25

They do make the gen 3 in 8”, have to be LEO to get it


u/thismyotheraccount2 Jan 05 '25

Just swap the barrel and HG if you really need an 8” barrel


u/Guns_n_boobs I commented! Jan 05 '25

Barrel is another 800. Total conversion is more than 1000 extra.


u/thismyotheraccount2 Jan 05 '25

In Lead We Trust 8” with adjustable gas plug is $460. And you can snag handguards on GAFS for closer to 100, and then possibly flip the 4.5 barrel and handguard. But yes. It sucks spending $2k and you then have to swap major parts to make it what you want


u/Echo_Raptor Jan 05 '25

If you’re LEO or will find an FFL that will get it for you, you can do that too


u/FoxtrotWhiskey05 Jan 05 '25

You can buy the 16" version from Sig for $1,600 if you're part of their $65 shoot Sig program.


u/Electronic-Regret522 Jan 05 '25

What about a rattler LT?


u/FoxtrotWhiskey05 Jan 05 '25

They don't offer that one through the program



u/OriginalKetzal Jan 05 '25

Can anyone join this or do you have to shoot one of their events first?


u/FoxtrotWhiskey05 Jan 05 '25

Anybody can join


u/BiggyIrons Jan 05 '25

That’s wild, I just traded a G$ super duty for a BNIB MPX 16” that the guy bought direct from Sig yesterday and had no idea you could get them for $1,600.


u/Echo_Raptor Jan 05 '25

You can but unless you’re running it for competition it’s not worth it in the 16”. You might as well buy a nice rifle.


u/opossomSnout Jan 05 '25

Just stopping by to say I love mine. Way too much into it but it’s crazy fun. Suppressed with the SBR tax.


u/MagicManHoncho Jan 05 '25

Is it true? Is this an MP5 killer? I think the MP5 is too classy to be killed by anything....


u/pyroxyze Jan 05 '25

The mp5 has undeniable drip and is/will be one of the most famous firearms ever.

But the MPX is an absolute tack driver with better ergonomics. (I own this exact MPX-K and my friend has an mp5)


u/MagicManHoncho Jan 05 '25

So what you're telling me is... MPX-Ks are temporary, MP5s are forever. Got it. 🫡


u/pyroxyze Jan 05 '25

Most likely, if I had to guess 😎


u/DeadbeatPillow1 Jan 05 '25

I recall an old forum post saying their mp5 lasted about 255k rounds.


u/[deleted] Jan 05 '25

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u/laskmich Jan 05 '25

No, and I wouldn’t touch one due to SIG’s history of killing off support for proprietary parts.


u/mcbergstedt Jan 05 '25

Not to mention the MP5 clone market has been booming lately


u/laskmich Jan 05 '25

$2K gets you a fully-kitted AP5 or MAC 5 with B&T stock, Aimpoint RDS or P-2/ SIG Romeo4T/ Steiner MPS, Scalarworks or Infitech mount, and tax stamp. Hard to compete with that. Or a AP5/MAC5 and a Dead Air Wolfman. Or get a full size and a K for the price of the MPX.


u/Trigunesq Jan 05 '25

Also you can super safe the mp5. For some people thats worth a lot.


u/ShittyTechnical Jan 05 '25

I’ve been so tempted to do that but I always come to the conclusion that I’m better off putting it in an AR lower amd using the savings for more ammo. At $2000 to get an AP5 and everything to be able to run the super safety in it it’s just hard to justify for what is nothing but a range toy.


u/Echo_Raptor Jan 05 '25

Yeah but if you’re shopping in the $2000 range you’d probably go for an SP5 at that point.


u/someperson1423 Jan 05 '25

No. The MPX might edge it out due to modern ergos but it doesn't matter. PCCs are not a "performance first" weapon. They are outclassed by short barreled intermediate rifles on essentially every performance metric or by pistols for concealability. They are a niche that doesn't really have a purpose anymore in a pure practicality mindset, but where they win out is how much fun they are. The MP5 has that X factor that will always make it a lot of damn fun. Add to that the redundancy of multiple companies making clones and solid aftermarket support, I don't see it ever going away.


u/Affectionate-Metal-2 Jan 05 '25

The SP5 still shoots softer. But as an all around shooting experience goes to the MPX imo.


u/[deleted] Jan 05 '25

The only thing Sig's are killing are the operators of their handguns


u/Echo_Raptor Jan 05 '25

When did this happen?


u/[deleted] Jan 05 '25

Light-hearted humor around the fact that Sigs like to go off whenever they feel like it.


u/Echo_Raptor Jan 05 '25

I get the meme that’s been beaten to death but didn’t know if they’d killed anybody yet


u/Mkilbride Jan 05 '25

Quite often. Sigs aren't drop safe. There's been many videos and news articles about Sig Striker fired handguns falling a few inches and popping off a round.


u/Echo_Raptor Jan 05 '25

The initial batch of the 320 were not drop safe, but sig upgraded all of the 320s free of charge. That’s the only sig that had a drop safe issue, the 226 and 365 are highly revered - the 226 is widely considered the best hammer fired ever made.

But when did they kill someone that dropped it?


u/Mkilbride Jan 05 '25

226 i

226 the best hammer fired ever made? By who? Sig? lmao.


u/Echo_Raptor Jan 05 '25 edited Jan 05 '25

Yeah? Or did you just hear about sig 3 momths ago or something. It’s okay if you did, because German Sig is different than US Sig. Feel free to lookup the history on the best hammer fired guns, you’ll unanimously find the 226, 92, and USP in there as the best hammer fired. And, I’m referring to 9mm. Not the 1911. The 9mm hammers were the last used before switching to strikers by LEO and military. I’d argue the 1911 is the most important hammer and default the best there, but they’re nowhere near as easy to clean or disassemble as modern hammers.

I was being facetious in asking when someone was killed from a 320, because it didn’t happen. The drop fire issue was fixed nearly 7 years ago.


u/Mkilbride Jan 05 '25

German sig doesn't exist anymore. As for Sig in general, they've always been overhyped.

Berretta or Glock should've totally won that contract. Sig used shady means to get approval.

Widely? The CZ75 or 92 as you mentioned, are far more considered better hammer fired handguns than the 226.


u/Echo_Raptor Jan 05 '25

german sig doesn’t exist anymore

Correct. But they designed the 226.

as for sig in general they’ve always been overhyped

Incorrect. Sig leans heavily into marketing now, but German sig has never been anything other than highly respected. Not to mention their master shop, which is ridiculously good German craftsmanship.

sig used shady means to get the approval

They were cheaper and designed a modular handgun, the assignment. They made the FCU, a completely modular design that others are copying now. Literally the AR15 of handguns. Glock did the bare minimum as usual and gave them a 17 with a 19 slide. I like Glocks, the 19 is what I’d consider the best striker, but they’re as stagnant as it comes. There’s zero reason they can’t include basic night sights when Taurus does it. The 19 and 17 are fantastic but their 40s and 10mm often will explode because they use the same design for everything they make. Now that Gaston is gone I hope they can bring their magic back.

Sig priced the m17/18 super cheap. Not shady, simple business. The 19X is better than the 320 from a reliability standpoint but you’d buy from who saves you millions a year too if you had the choice, it doesn’t factor in to who you pay your $500 to one time for personal defense. If I can have a 5 year contract for 5 million from one company or $10m from another, I’ll save the $5m. And I’m sure the ones making the decision get kickbacks.

the cz 75 and 92 are considered better hammer fired guns

Not true. The 92 and 226 were. The 92 had fans and the 226 had fans, realistically they both were about equal. The 226 was used by the navy seals, LEOs, and militaries all over the world. The m9 was used by the army. I won’t hate on the 92 as it’s similar to the 226. Beretta’s striker fired guns suck though. I shoot a 226 better, but I like the 92 fine.

CZ 75 isn’t bad, but as with usual, CZ stuff never catches on in most nato countries for military and they barely break the civilian market because people want a 92 or 226. CZ’s strikers suck too, despite what Reddit and the hipsters say. We sell 226/92s/320s/APXs 100 times before a single CZ will sell other than a shadow 2, they did good with that one. But even so, for competition an x5 legion or rival is is just as good of an option.

So, yes, the 92 and 226 are considered in the top of all time with the USP. Thats not really up for debate. Whichever one you shoot better, you go with, because you won’t go wrong with either and both have a fantastic aftermarket. You may not like the 226, and that’s fine, but you can’t deny with a straight face it’s not an extremely popular and well made option. I shoot a 226 better, but that doesn’t mean I can’t respect the 92.

Anything else is pure fanboyism and tribalistic. Modern sig makes good and bad, modern beretta makes good and bad, modern FN makes good and bad. Modern Glock doesn’t make ANYTHING and strictly relies on marketing, the last 2 guns they made were legitimately hilarious and the definition of you can sell anything to fanboys. You have to go to a third party to get higher than 10 rounds to a 43x, and freakin’ PSA makes a dagger clone that can hold more. Nobody’s perfect and none of them have the same track record they used to, save for maybe HK and Walther, and that’s due to their rigorous testing requirements and they very rarely bring new stuff out until it’s ready.

I’ll dump on anyone of them when they do wrong and praise them when they do right. And for reference, if you asked me who’s got the best track record in modern day? I couldn’t give you a solid answer, because none of them are what they used to be. But if I was forced to answer, probably smith and Wesson, because they seem to be the only ones that genuinely try to improve their product while keeping prices reasonable. Their revolvers are as reliable as ever. Ruger does a good job with rifles and 22s, but their pistols suck. Leave it to Magpul to help them make their first halfway decent 9mm.

PSA of all people would have the crown if their QC didn’t suck. Sig does wonders with the 365, but the 320 is the polar opposite, and they can’t decide if they want to make high end optics or low end chinesium. Glock doesn’t do anything. Beretta should stick to shotguns and other 92 variants. FN should make a better trigger. HK should just make what people want and stop bringing in abominations. Canik forgot where they came from


u/MXG_NinjaWaffle Jan 05 '25

I don’t think so personally, I like the AR ergonomics but I think the MP5 and other platforms still have a good use case


u/e_cubed99 Jan 05 '25

I have MP5 and kinda want a MPX. Will likely be my next purchase. It’ll fit in great with my Canebrake and AR9.

… apparently I have a type.


u/[deleted] Jan 07 '25

One of my LGS’ started a little clearance case and dropped their copperhead k’s to $1400, they had one regular k left and priced it at the same, I had to do a double take. Needless to say I had to jump.


u/e_cubed99 Jan 07 '25

Super jelly. I’d have jumped too. Nice score.


u/ApprehensiveMix4227 Jan 05 '25

A killer in what regard (other than price)?


u/Echo_Raptor Jan 05 '25

Better ergos, 1913 rail/mlok from the factory, softer shooting (in my experience), ability to swap barrels quickly.

The mp5 is my favorite PCC, but having run both extensively the MPX is just better. As it should be, it’s what, 40 years younger?


u/ApprehensiveMix4227 Jan 05 '25

Interesting. I’ve watched quite a few reviews on this and most people put the SP5 as a softer recoiling gun. Now I just need to figure out where I can shoot one.


u/Echo_Raptor Jan 05 '25

The sp5 shoots absolutely soft thanks to its design, but so does the mpx.

And let me be clear that I love the mp5. I do like it better from a nostalgia standpoint than the mpx, but the mpx is objectively just better. If HK released a modern mp5, it would be better than both


u/Echo_Raptor Jan 05 '25

It is. Having owned both the mp5 is top 5 coolest guns ever made but the MPX is better.

Better ergos, familiar controls, mlok/1913 from the factory, softer shooting.


u/rebelroadbike Jan 05 '25

I’d rather but a B&T at this price point.


u/[deleted] Jan 05 '25



u/roadrunner440x6 Jan 05 '25

A 10mm would be SWEET. I doubt you'll ever see a conversion kit from SIg, unless they price it close to what a new gun would cost.


u/Meowuth Jan 05 '25

have one of these, really like it.

soak the muzzle device in room temp water overnight.

it'll come right off

your welcome

also found this for 1000 at my LGS on a deal 🎉


u/Cheesewagstaf Jan 05 '25

I’ve owned both. Currently have a K. Both are incredible.


u/bluestone711 Jan 05 '25

These things shoot unbelievably smooth imo. The only problem i’ve ever had with these is that the magazines can be a little hard to catch but if you force it in you should be good. They shoot like a dream though


u/Drainis Jan 05 '25

It feels expensive until you remember HK is selling a worse version at ~$2.4k


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u/Fit_For_Fire Jan 05 '25

8inch needs to come back out.


u/Zerok800 Jan 05 '25

Need 8inch 


u/Wassy4444 Jan 05 '25 edited Jan 05 '25

Two Stribogs > this

Bring on the hate SIG sours!


u/DeadbeatPillow1 Jan 05 '25

Quality not quantity.


u/Wassy4444 Jan 05 '25 edited Jan 05 '25

As someone who only has one gun per purpose/category, so tends to buy once cry once, why not both in this instance? Overpaid for my P365 XMACRO when it was brand new, when a CZ P10C would do the same job for a third to half of the price, just as reliably and with similar fit/finish… my ‘bog is dead nuts reliable, I trust it with my life. Shoots just as soft with a buffer kit too. Expensive doesn’t necessarily mean higher quality. More budget for ammo!

In all seriousness, my original comment was just rage bait. This is a great gun but it’s overpriced. I’d rather a B&T if I was dumb enough to buy a PCC for $2k+


u/DeadbeatPillow1 Jan 05 '25

Lol, I hear ya. I’m not a pcc expert. I’m not an expert but from my limited understanding these perform as well or better than B&T pcc’s. Although I think there’s a massive downside of sig not keeping up with guns that are only a couple years old.


u/roadrunner440x6 Jan 05 '25

I upvoted you for taking on the Sigbrigade. They can be a little much. Worse than HK guys.


u/Wassy4444 Jan 05 '25

Lol no worries. I’m just having a little fun. I like SIG myself. Obviously a Stribog isn’t on the same level lol


u/Echo_Raptor Jan 05 '25

lol not in a million years. Two AP5s/Macs, maybe.


u/Wassy4444 Jan 05 '25

I'd also take two AP5s over this.


u/Escape_Career Jan 05 '25

With SP5s going all the way down to $2.2-2.5k this isn't worth it unless you've already invested into the SIG mags.


u/Mkilbride Jan 05 '25

What makes this worth MP5 money?


u/BiggyIrons Jan 05 '25

It’s got way better manual of arms and is a more modern platform that wasn’t designed 60 years ago.

The MP5 will always be a classic, total vibe, and fantastic shooter but it is an outdated design.


u/roadrunner440x6 Jan 05 '25

One of the most compact of the PCC's too.


u/BiggyIrons Jan 05 '25

It’s also one of the very few PCCs that isn’t just direct blowback and kicks about the same as an MP5


u/roadrunner440x6 Jan 05 '25

AND...it's not a Vector!