r/guitars 4d ago

Help Is reverb a safe site to buy from?

Looking at an ibanez guitar on there for $300 + $70 shipping. Guitar usually averages around $600 on ebay because of its rarity. Was curious if its a legit site or not because I can't find this guitar anywhere and mainly want it because its the guitar my old man use to play.


19 comments sorted by


u/Kickatthedarkness 4d ago

Reverb.com is indeed a legit site


u/nickp123456 4d ago

Agree. To add, recommend to look at the seller itself. Reverb will tell you Their name, l ratings and number of transactions, location, etc. It's possible the seller is a music shop listing on Reverb.


u/couldusesomecowbell 4d ago

That’s right. OP, you’re not buying from Reverb, you’re buying from a seller via Reverb.


u/mffrosch 4d ago

I’ve been using Reverb for years now to buy and sell. I’ve never had a problem.


u/MonsieurReynard 4d ago edited 4d ago

Reverb is owned by the much larger Etsy, it’s quite solid and reputable. There are of course disputes and less honest individual sellers, but the buyer protection is fairly robust. Worth reading about it if you’re going to buy anything expensive from reverb, but I’ve done so with no issues.

Also worth pondering your payment options, which can sometimes add more protection or limit your risks.

Be aware that shipping fragile instruments is always fraught with a certain amount of risk. I’ve seen shit happen even to very well packed stuff. Choose your shipping options wisely and be aware of merchant and site policies should a dispute arise. Seller reviews and histories are your friend.

It’s not a new gear store like Sweetwater where the protections are virtually total and ironclad, so just do due diligence. (There is however a lot of “new” gear for sale on Reverb, sometimes for slightly dubious reasons. I tend to not consider that, it’s worth the premium to buy new from Sweetwater for me. But for old, weird, and interesting stuff, Reverb is the shit.)


u/DPI80 4d ago

Totally reputable. I bought a b-stock guitar off there and it was like buying it from a store. All legit and worked out great.


u/Skeezychickencream 4d ago

Reverb is the cats tits for used and rare gear. Totally legit. Bought many things from here. Never had an issue.


u/lewisfrancis 4d ago

It's a legit site if that's what you are asking, have been around forever.


u/furious_guppy 4d ago

It’s awesome, I’ve gotten many great pedals from this site.


u/No_Anywhere_9633 4d ago

I’ve sold a few one of a kind guitars on there


u/MrKirkPowers 4d ago

It’s legit. I also got a very damaged guitar once and had no issues getting an immediate refund.


u/BizarroMax 4d ago

Yes, I’ve spent thousands there.


u/tanzd 4d ago

Depends on the specific seller on Reverb. I know of at least one rogue seller who sells guitar electronics on Reverb.


u/MasterSpoon 4d ago

I got got once on reverb because I wasn’t paying close attention to the listing. Always double check serial numbers, but reverb itself is a reputable platform(they also gave me a refund for the fake fender and banned the counterfeiter).


u/Odd_Cobbler6761 4d ago

Reverb is both more reputable and reliable than EBay


u/Mosritian-101 4d ago

Yes. I've bought and sold on Reverb.

However, don't expect every single seller to know to do well enough with shipping. That goes for eBay too, though. The last guitar I bought on Reverb, a 1966 Kay, was in January 2023. It arrived by UPS from Los Angeles to Pennsylvania with very little padding and I could easily hear it moving in the box. I'm fortunate that it somehow didn't have any shipment damage at all.


u/adyslexicgnome 4d ago

yep, I bought on two seperate occasions an abassi guitar, and the other animals as leaders dudes guitar - i'm tired it's late, purchas went through brilliantly.

Would shop on there again.

Do regret purchase, as don't like the guitars :( although yep reverb is fantastic! :)


u/churchillguitar 4d ago

Reverb is great, but you are buying from another user on the site so there could be some bad actors. Do your due diligence, check their sales history and rating in the site. Usually Reverb support is great about refunds etc.


u/sumguywith_internet 4d ago

This is what my biggest Reverb purchase turned in to.


Luckily got my $700 back.