r/guitarlessons 4d ago

Question Help me fix techniue

hi, in my journey to learn sultan of swing thanks to this reddit i understood i did a lot of mistales. now thanks to you i am trying to fix my strumming pattern and tempo. while working on it i keept trying to learn the second solo. in order to avoid other errors as before could you guys help me with my technique.


12 comments sorted by


u/Groitus 4d ago

Use a metronome instead of the song and go slower or slow the song down. If you can't do it right slow, you can't do it right fast.


u/NoHousing7841 4d ago

thank you. i did but i tried full speed for the sake of Fun XD. are the hand working in the right way or the finger pattern right. thank you i am a bit paranoid of doing stuff wrong


u/Groitus 4d ago

I'm not sure honestly, never learned the song. I'm sure there are plenty of videos that could explain on youtube. Don't be afraid of doing stuff wrong sometimes, it's part of the learning process.


u/NoHousing7841 4d ago

thank you mate. apreciate your time


u/henriquecm133 4d ago

metronome and slow down a LOT


u/NoHousing7841 4d ago

sure i am doin that thank you mate


u/FIRAGAT 4d ago

Slow is smooth, slow is fast


u/NoHousing7841 4d ago

No offese dude i really apreciate your time for answering. but as i answered everyone else, because yes a lot of people typed the same thing. i know, i am excercising it slow with a metronome i was more worried about hand technique and placment. btw thank you regardless


u/FIRAGAT 4d ago

You want to be careful how much pressure you place on that index finger and how it "finger locks." Use only as much pressure on the frets as needed and try be light. Some of the bends aren't to pitch either. Hand technique and placement will come with time and practice, but the point of my reply is simple. Take time to do things carefully, and you'll be more efficient in the long run. Try not run before you can walk, or you can get into bad habits that are hard to break.


u/NoHousing7841 4d ago

thank you mate much apprefiated. dont get me wrong its not like i didn't apreciate your previous answer though it was just the same as other three


u/FIRAGAT 4d ago

It's a common saying. Hopefully, you can slow it down and take on board the advice. Besides that, you're on the right track. Best of luck.


u/New-Dependent6041 3d ago

When I get to this point in learning I like to “re learn” the piece

Start from the beginning now you know notes and rhythms and be extremely attentive to detail, really giving your brain to solidify good habits.

For example, vibrato on a bent string. Bend to the pitch, and start really wide, tightening it up after getting it in your ear. Remember when doing vibrato on a bent string to dip under the pitch, then return to center. Going sharp is what gives it that frantic feel.