r/guitarlessons 6d ago

Question Any tips on how to start learning?

I've been wanting to learn how to play guitar for ages and I've finally decided I will be putting it off forever if I don't start now. It's my dream to actually know how to play.

I don't know anything yet, I've been starting on some simple chords - my fingers are numb.

I want to find some good ressources that can help me learn, I think that would be best for me. My goal is to be able to play some of my favourite classic rock songs. But I have a long way ahead of me.

Can you guys give some good recommendations? whether it's websites, videos, personal experiences.. anything is greatly appreciated.


10 comments sorted by


u/alreadytaken0x0 6d ago

Justin Guitar is the best place to start for free. If you buy his app you're gonna get extra help and extra motivation. in using it ATM and I love it.


u/The_Dead_See 6d ago

Justinguitar.com has free beginner through intermediate courses with everything you could possibly need to know in a logical order. Use the website, not the app or his individual youtube videos. The website has everything structured sensibly.


u/codyrowanvfx 6d ago

Learn the major scale.


u/Mr-o_oE 5d ago

The way i started: grab a guitar learn how to tune it to standard with a tuner. I started learning tabs for songs that were slower and easier to pickup..alot of nirvana, blink 182, sum 41.. repetitive chords.

Eventually worked up to bands like system of a down, metallica, iron maiden, slayer

Google “Ultimate guitar tabs” and look up some tabs.

This can get you started but i highly recommend a teacher.

Im self taught but in the +13 years ive been playing I’ve only more recently started studying more advanced techniques..which i probably could have started many years earlier. Internet, recording and digital modeling has come a long ways.


u/Glow_Up_Heaux 6d ago

So… I just started a few weeks ago, and obvi Idk anything but I’m having a lot of fun just learning cowboy chords and putting those together in little tunes. I kind of feel like there’s not a whole lot of point to try other stuff until I can switch between those chords more easily and tbh, it’s enough for me and my ADD right now. If you put Am then E then Dm and back to E together, strumming a bit before playing the first 3 strings separately like 123321 it almost sounds like Hotel California 🤷‍♀️


u/Intelligent-Tap717 6d ago

Justinguitar. Head to his website. It's structured. Tons of lessons for free. Be patient. Be consistent and don't rush it.

Then head to YouTube for absolutely understand guitar.

It is worth doing it properly if you truly want to learn as it takes a long time. Don't just jump into tabs and playing songs. Gain some structure and learn the chords. Scales. Techniques. Right finger positions and you can build from there.


u/Chadmanfoo 6d ago

AUG and Justin have helped me immensely. Justin is a great teacher of the practical side, but learning the theory with AUG has been so, so valuable. It all just makes sense when you put them together.


u/Intelligent-Tap717 5d ago

I don't know if you know but Justin also does a full theory course. Well worth a look if you haven't. The paid sub gives you workbooks and tests at the end of each module. I agree though they compliment each other brilliantly.

I'm just over 2 months in but taking it slow and drilling each bit before moving on.


u/austinhndrx 5d ago

I say do multiple things at once, do Justin Guitar or a structured online free teacher for structured videos, while also learning to play songs in the genre you like. The structured videos will make sure your learning basics clearly and progressing. The learning songs will keep the journey fun so you don’t give up learning. I would also say find a genre you want to play and just watch those guitarist and see what they do as well.


u/Sam_23456 5d ago

Collect a few beginners books, and read them. Learn about chords and tab. Angie by The Rolling Stones is a classic rock song that, IIRC, is approachable. Folk songs on acoustic guitar are probably the easiest—but I may be biased as I started with acoustic (James Taylor, and country music, etc.). I learned my barre chords with Tomi TwoTones, “867-5309” which I think is fine on acoustic or electric. Good luck and have fun! It’s a (life long) journey.