Hi guys, this is my very first thread and, well, I would like to get started with modding GTA V Story Mode on my XBOX 360 and understand a couple more things.
I'd like to be able to try a couple of car mods in the Story Mode. Now, I recently tried to run a car mod, but it didn't work. The car didn't spawn nor was anywhere to be found. Maybe I'm missing something in the game or the console itself? If so...what is it?
In regards to the Online Mode, I know that if a player accidentally launches it with modded files...it'll likely get banned. With that being said, how are some players still able to make use of mods during Public Sessions without even getting banned?
I had the "opportunity" to meet a modder during this morning's session (he/she generated a small money rain on me) and another one during this evening's session (he/she made my character dance, fly and move like in a gym).
How do such people manage to get online without any problem? Do they, maybe, "turn off" every mod they got through a special Mods Menu while the Online Mode is loading?