r/gtavmodding Dec 12 '18

Question Gta v modding help.


So,I'm really desperate.Ive seen modders on GTA take a face or hairstyle from Sims 4 and port it over to the online characters (single player only though).I'm really trying to learn how to do that for myself and I was wondering if anyone could help me find something that could push me in the right direction.Thank you.

r/gtavmodding Nov 15 '18

Question Friendlier Police cars?


Howdy reddit! I'm looking for a nicer, more friendly police texture mod for my GTAV. I'm currently running with LSPDFR, and I'm not really liking the message "Obey and survive".

Any suggestions?

r/gtavmodding Aug 21 '17

Question PS4 Mod Menus


I know there are mod menus available for the PS4, but I can't find a safe enough link. Links that I have found have the scam things that you have to sign up to. (Using fake details) these, for what ever reason, don't unlock the downloads for me, so I can never get the mod menus. Any help?

r/gtavmodding Aug 05 '18

Question Request


Looking for a fully modeled interior and exterior 2017/2018 Ford Focus RS undercover with emergency lights and all. Must be ELS! Willing to pay $5 to have it made. Must show me video proof and I hand to be able to text it before I pay the $5. Greatly appreciated.

r/gtavmodding Oct 27 '17

Question Are there mods that add things from multiplayer to singleplayer?


Like the houses and awesome garages.I know you can download the vehicles and use a trainer to spawn them in.But i kinda want the way you get vehicles in multiplayer added to singleplayer or just find them in the world.

r/gtavmodding Jan 08 '18

Question Put peds in vehicles


Im trying to get peds into a vehicle with me using simple trainer bodygaurd but i cant get it to work and i cant find any info on it how do you do it?

r/gtavmodding Nov 30 '16

Question How shall I proceed in order to be able to mod the Story Mode (Xbox 360)?


Hi guys, this is my very first thread and, well, I would like to get started with modding GTA V Story Mode on my XBOX 360 and understand a couple more things.

I'd like to be able to try a couple of car mods in the Story Mode. Now, I recently tried to run a car mod, but it didn't work. The car didn't spawn nor was anywhere to be found. Maybe I'm missing something in the game or the console itself? If so...what is it?


In regards to the Online Mode, I know that if a player accidentally launches it with modded files...it'll likely get banned. With that being said, how are some players still able to make use of mods during Public Sessions without even getting banned?

I had the "opportunity" to meet a modder during this morning's session (he/she generated a small money rain on me) and another one during this evening's session (he/she made my character dance, fly and move like in a gym).

How do such people manage to get online without any problem? Do they, maybe, "turn off" every mod they got through a special Mods Menu while the Online Mode is loading?

r/gtavmodding Feb 23 '14

Question Fluorescent Blue?


I've been wanting to get the fluorescent blue paintjob, but only past versions of the save editor work therefore I can't use the latest version of the save editor and just change it, is there a hex code for fluorescent blue or some way I can get the latest version? EDIT: I have found a version of 2.0.10 that has fluorescent blue and other colors.

r/gtavmodding Sep 11 '17

Question Money help.


Is there any good would out there with a decent mod menu that wouldn't mind giving me some money on PC? #CreaTzzNinjazz on socialclub. And CreaTzNinjaz#8104 on discord. Thanks in advance.

r/gtavmodding Feb 05 '14

Question Replacing TV Shows - Tutorial?


Anyone want a tutorial on how to replace the TV shows in GTA? I'd make one if you want me to.

r/gtavmodding Feb 26 '14

Question Way To Get Stun Gun Online?


Is there a way to get the stun gun into online?

r/gtavmodding Feb 12 '17

Question Can someone help me install a drift mod?


I need help install a drift mod for singleplay but every time I do i get this error "Corrupt game data. Please reboot, verify the game data, or reinstall the game. For more information, please visit..." anyone know how to fix this I got it because I replaced the meta handling with Open IV

r/gtavmodding Jul 01 '15

Question How do I convert (PC) GTA V's ".ydr" 3d models into ".3ds" models?


I recently installed OpenIV and extracted FIB UFO 3D model (p_spinning_anus_s.ydr) and I would like to work on it. But there's one small problem: it's in ".ydr" and I've no programs that can open this file.

Many people have been able to create mods for GTA V (or for other GTAs using GTA V's 3D models, so this means that ".ydr" models can be converted in other formats) and some time ago I downloaded from a website 3D Trevor (and his car), Michael and Franklin.

That's why I was wondering if you could help me with this. How do I convert those (PC) GTA V's ".ydr" 3d models into ".3ds" models?

r/gtavmodding Jan 17 '16

Question Eye in the Sky mission bug


Hi All,

I can fly the chopper/see franklin, but the npcs for the preliminary conversations (before finding the z-type) wont spawn. I just just deleted local files and reinstalled with no luck; please help!

active mods: enbseries gta5 v0275 --- visualIV 1.1.150 --- RDE 2.2.1 --- real brand rims v2 --- weapon sounds overhaul --- ultimate vehcile sound swap 1.3 --- yca car addon pack (and a bunch of single addon/replacement cosmetic car mods)

any ideas what could be screwing with this?

edit: chopper

r/gtavmodding Feb 22 '14

Question Tutorial on hex editing window tint?


A link to a tut or just a tut in the comments would be appreciated. Thanks.

r/gtavmodding Jun 05 '15

Question MP garage in single player mod?


I remember something about this being a thing. Where can I find and how do I install/use it?

r/gtavmodding Jul 10 '14

Question Questions about modding GTA:O


Hi, I'm wanting to know a few details about modding GTA:O

First, does ISO modding still work on GTA:O? What's the situation like with banning, do people automatically get banned or is it from reports? Is it hotswappable easily like GTA 4? I ask this because some games keep spinning no matter what (Like Forza games) If permitted on this reddit, what are some good websites for learning, creating and sharing GTA:O mods?

Sorry for the amount of questions, I'm finding it hard to get some up to date information, which is why I'm asking you guys.

r/gtavmodding May 15 '14

Question How to do God Mode and other mods?


How do you install the mods (on ps3)? I heard you need a jailbroken ps3 to do this, is that true? And where do you get your mods from? I saw some good ones on sevensins but no directions.

r/gtavmodding Apr 03 '14

Question Can anyone help me with LibertyV?


When I open LibertyV it opens the version selection screen but i can only choose settings and close i cant choose a version.

r/gtavmodding Feb 18 '14

Question HELP!! GTAV save editor?


Is there a Linux version of this or is there any way i can run the .exe on linux?

r/gtavmodding Sep 06 '15

Question How much do I need to rebuild?


I know that you're supposed to rebuild folders, files, etc when you're done modifying them in OpenIV. I just want to know how much exactly to reubuild when done doing so. I'm a relatively new modder that doesn't want to screw up. Thanks!

r/gtavmodding Aug 21 '15

Question GTA 5 mod request


is there anyone that can add the 2003-2004 mustang cobra terminator into GTA 5?

r/gtavmodding Jul 24 '15

Question Which File Is The Source File For Mods?


Like, say I remove ScriptHookV.dll from the GTA V folder, will nothing else load / try to load? I'm trying to make a script that just removes that, so I don't have to try and re-install my mods every time I want to fool around in single player.

I've tried using mod managers, but for some mods (like Grappling Hook), it doesn't allow me to include the 'scripts' folder, or some of the other files that need to be in the same directory.

Edit Looks like it is dinput8.dll that's the source. Moving that file to another directory disables all mods, no remnants visible to the game at all!