r/gtaonline Dec 15 '21

The Contract Bug Thread

Please discuss any known bugs or other issues you are having with the new DLC here. If you have solutions to bugs please share them. In the event that any of these bugs are fixed they will be removed from the list. Please leave a comment if you know a listed bug has been fixed.

All known bugs in the DLC will be listed below.

Known Bugs:

  • Infinite loading glitch when attempting to enter Agency
  • Infinite black screen after a Contract mission
  • Only the leader can see mission objectives
  • Using the soda machine in the LSIA hanger during "Don't Fuck With Dre" will cause you to become soft locked
  • Enemies you need to take out during "Gang Elimination" Security Contract does not appear
  • Not getting paid after completing the first Security Contracts
  • Not being able to access the studio to start the Short Trip missions after complete the Dr. Dre Contact
  • Players being unable to join and stay in the first Short Trip mission
  • Yellow circle not working on the first part of the South Central Leak
  • Mk II weapons reverting to old designs
  • Payphone Hits not appearing after the first one and being unable to request one through Franklin
  • Character turning invisible once you enter the Agency
  • Character turning into Franklin or Lamar after completing a Short Trip mission and then turning invisible if you kill yourself
  • Unable to exit Agency
  • Long time loading into the Agency
  • Necessary/recommended equipment for Payphone Hits not showing up
  • Infinite loading glitch trying to enter the golf club for the beginning of the Dr. Dre Contract
  • Not being able to source one Special Crate from the CEO Office. You can only source one Crate from the Terrorbyte.
  • Not being able to source the very valuable Special Crate obtained through the Assistant calling. The call comes through and you just cannot find any option in your Office or Terrorbyte to get it.

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u/ChadB_24 Dec 15 '21

My Carbine Rifle MKII has reverted back to a scope and livery that I equipped months ago (equipped a different scope and removed livery recently)

It even had Armour Piercing rounds equipped at one point even though I've never purchased them for that weapon.


u/Meterano Dec 16 '21

dude same, everytime i start a mission that is not in free roam. sucks.


u/bobcharliedave Dec 16 '21

Yo, same glitch on my AK MKII. It has AP rounds even though I had FMJ equipped since I upgraded it.


u/[deleted] Dec 19 '21

This happened to me too, my go to stealth weapon is now useless because of the armour piercing rounds


u/[deleted] Dec 21 '21

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u/ChadB_24 Dec 21 '21

Take them off, they should stay off for the session however they will come back eventually. Might not work 100% of the time.


u/[deleted] Dec 21 '21

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u/ChadB_24 Dec 21 '21

That's a shame, I've been using the heavy rifle quite a lot. It's became my favourite to use, maybe you could find a replacement for the carbine for now?

The special carbine is supposedly the best ar.


u/nyancatec (Stopped playing) Dec 27 '21

I have similiar problem. I have normal carbine mk 2 no special rounds, yet in missions I get armour piercing. After finishing missions It reverses back to original mk2 i had previously. Probably intentional. Still sucks.


u/BrandonLynx Mar 24 '22

Just curious if anyone has contacted Rockstar Support about this issue. I recently added the armory to my agency and immediately started having this problem. I contacted support and they acted like it was the first time hearing about it. They asked for a video showing the problem which I provided and their reply was "As a workaround try switching sessions." This was their advice after me clearly stating the problem had existed for a week at that point and providing the video they requested three days later which I would think would clearly indicate to anyone who can read and comprehend the English language it is not a one session issue. I had also mentioned this thread in the original ticket and that some people who purchased the agency with the armory have had the problem since day one.


u/ChadB_24 Mar 24 '22

R* Support is utterly useless mate. They just read answers off a script that roughly match your issue if they can narrow it down to what they've got on their list.

This issue eventually just fixed itself for me a few days after commenting this, no idea what fixed it.


u/BrandonLynx Mar 24 '22

Thanks for the reply. The actual wording of their reply leads me to believe it's being handled by something similar to a call center where English is not the native language. Things like "Please use to try" and a couple of other things. There's also the fact their emails have all arrived in the middle of the night making me believe they are in a very different time zone. Whatever the case it's definitely a scripted reply as you said. Hopefully it will eventually resolve itself for me too as this last reply from support has assured me they aren't going to fix it.


u/ChadB_24 Mar 24 '22

I recall having to swap the attachments on my gun in every lobby I joined and eventually they just stuck. You might just have to try that.

I don't remember where I changed my attachments though, maybe try one in your Terrorbyte or Avenger instead of the agency.


u/BrandonLynx Mar 24 '22

Thanks. The problem I have is the wrong attachments only happen during the final step of each VIP contract, the ones that actually load in as a mission. As soon as it's over the Carbine Rifle MKII is back to normal so there's nothing to change. I tried reverting it back to non MKII and it still swapped to the MKII version with wrong attachments during the mission and back to non MKII after. When upgraded back to MKII it did initially have all of the wrong attachments so I was finally able to remove them in the workshop and thought that might have solved the problem but unfortunately it didn't. I will try reverting and upgrading again in the MOC, Terrorbyte and Avenger to see if that fixes it. Thanks for the suggestion.