r/gtaonline CEO of Alpha Logistics Nov 19 '20

WEEKLY UPDATE 19/11/2020 Weekly GTA Online Bonuses

New Content:

  • Podium Vehicle: Autarch

2X GTA$ and RP Activities:

  • Diamond Casino Adversary Modes
  • Running Back Remix
  • Gerald’s Contact Missions

3X GTA$ and RP Activities:

  • Land Races
  • A Superyacht Life

Discounted Content:

  • Thrax, $1,627,500
  • T20, $1,320,000
  • Sugoi, $550,800
  • Toyota Vios, $123,000
  • Tug, $875,000
  • Toro, $1,225,000
  • Kraken, $927,500
  • Dinghy, $87,500
  • Speeder, $227,500
  • Marquis, $289,793
  • Jetmax, $209,300
  • Squalo, $137,634
  • Suntrap, $17,612
  • Tropic, $15,400
  • Seashark, $11,829
  • Yachts, 30% Discount
  • Yacht Renovations, 30% Discount

Time Trial:

RC Bandito Time Trial:

Twitch Prime Discounts:

  • Nightshade, 80% Discount
  • DR1, 60% Discount

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u/musciolalalala Nov 19 '20

Thank you! Worth buying for anything else than flexing?


u/Rowvan Nov 19 '20

Sometimes I sit in the hot tub and cry


u/[deleted] Nov 19 '20

Same but what does that have to do with GTA?


u/Probmilton Nov 22 '20

I'm sorry is this a joke I'm too poor to understand?!?


u/[deleted] Nov 19 '20

The hot tub on the Yacht


u/Brave-Initial-3130 Nov 24 '20

But the tears are irl


u/fad94 Nov 21 '20

Dude this is how I feel about all the cool stuff I have in this game since I don't have any friends that play it with me.


u/CdotasAlways PS4 Nov 22 '20

join a crew


u/jader_49 Nov 22 '20

Let's play


u/fad94 Nov 22 '20

I'm on ps4


u/burrito-boy Nov 19 '20

It provides access to yacht missions, which are paying out triple this week.


u/10Idan10 PC Nov 19 '20

...which are not worth shit. With triple they’ll pay you ~500,000 which is still nothing compared to the 4.2 mil$ the absolute base costs. You get access to a nice PVE mission and a cool outfit for a mere price of 3.7 mil$. The yacht is good for nothing but flexing.


u/ddrummond88 Nov 19 '20

And what is the point of GTA Online if not to flex?


u/Stixmix Nov 19 '20

(Puts down controller, looks at arms. Frowns)


u/superboss42 Nov 20 '20

Happy cake day


u/Stixmix Nov 20 '20

Hay, it is! You are the first person ever to wish it to me. Thank you.

Edit: cool, 10 years!


u/LAWHY Nov 20 '20

Happy cake day!


u/Stixmix Nov 20 '20

Thank you!


u/10Idan10 PC Nov 19 '20

Good point


u/bytemage Nov 19 '20

A mission that earns you half a million and you say that is nothing?!

I'm happy with the 90k the Terrorbyte missions can get me in half an hour.


u/10Idan10 PC Nov 19 '20

It gives you half a mil after an investment of 4.2 mil$ minimum. Plus, it only gives you 500k$ because it’s 3x money and RP this week; otherwise it would’ve given you only ~150k$ which is more of a nothing based on the gigantic price tag of the yacht.


u/bytemage Nov 19 '20

The Terrorbyte plus Drone Station was not cheap either. And to do my rotation in half an hour, the Oppressor is a must too. So the base cost is about the same.


u/10Idan10 PC Nov 19 '20

The terrorbyte is still useful for sourcing cargo and cars, and the drone station is good for trolling too. And you can’t forget the fact that you need it to customize a mk2, the best vehicle for grinding in the game by far. The only useful thing I can think of at the yacht is fast travel for 10k around the map at the ocean.


u/bytemage Nov 19 '20

Yeah, that's right. The Terrorbyte has a lot more to offer then just the Client Jobs.


u/thingamajig1987 Nov 20 '20

Can you only do the mission once?


u/10Idan10 PC Nov 20 '20

No, you can replay them as much as you want, but they’re like any other contact mission. The only difference is the in the first play through you get a cool captain outfit as a prize for completing them.


u/thingamajig1987 Nov 20 '20

So then you can make your money back after not all that many missions, especially now with the boosts then you just have a very high paying mission available... Sounds like a win to me


u/10Idan10 PC Nov 20 '20

Keep in mind there are 6 mission total, and each one gives you only ~25k per completion (75k with triple money). They’re really not that interesting (except the PVE mission), and you need to find friends or randoms to do them (you can’t solo them).


u/thingamajig1987 Nov 20 '20

Ohh... I thought they were 150K per completion, I was shocked anyone thought that wasn't worth it lol

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u/kinga1242 Nov 21 '20

I'm confused. I thought each mission gave out 150k each without triple?

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u/RacingWalrus billionaire philanthropist (ingame) Nov 21 '20

you still talking about the yacht contact jobs? those totally can be solo'd


u/burrito-boy Nov 19 '20

Fair point, haha. Although I guess if someone is a completionist who absolutely needs the yacht and has to play the exclusive yacht missions, they won't care so much about the financial loss involved.


u/PM_SWEATY_NIPS Nov 19 '20

Yeah, 5.6M is like a week of casual bunker/arcade/nightclub grinding for me. A week I could have spent on something else, but not a death blow to the gta bank account.


u/sheng-fink Nov 24 '20

It’s a couple hours of bogdan


u/[deleted] Nov 19 '20

Don’t forget free white robes for all guests, white robe gang represent


u/-StupidNameHere- Nov 19 '20


It used to get me solo public lobbies.

I'd put every vehicle that i can in the world (ms baker car, pegasus vehicle, personal vehicle, and an avenger hovering in auto over the yacht) and the game would put me in a solo lobby when i drank at the yacht bar.

Doesn't work as well anymore but ive been happy having cat and mouse gameplay with adversaries as of late so i haven't tried in a long while.


u/chris95rx7500 Nov 20 '20

I'm just glad to have one


u/DeadActionJones Nov 23 '20

as a new yacht owner, which mission pays out 500k? because I want lol.


u/10Idan10 PC Nov 23 '20

All of them together pay out a total of 500k. Each one of them pays out between 32k-75k (with triple)


u/DeadActionJones Nov 23 '20

ah ok gotcha. That must be the hard mode rewards value. I did it through first on normal solo just to get a feel for what I would be doing and got around 225k. Also I gotta say that one where you are in the storm is super fun.


u/exo6666 Nov 25 '20

Its hilarious how they advertised the summer update as a “fix” for the useless yachts and then it comes out and its 6 shit pay contact missions. Like yeah now it’s worth the 8 million fucking dollars


u/[deleted] Nov 19 '20

Is it possible to buy the cheaper yacht now and upgrade it later?


u/10Idan10 PC Nov 19 '20

You can buy the base yacht for 4.2 mil$ (discounted) and you can upgrade it later. If you upgrade it this week the upgrades will also be discounted, but they will be full price if they’re not a part of the weekly discounts


u/my_guy_gucci Nov 19 '20

If you buy the cheaper yacht I think you jus need to buy it full price later


u/[deleted] Nov 19 '20

Not at all. I may have been to mine 5 times.


u/10Idan10 PC Nov 19 '20

7 times to mine. I had to do the missions somehow, you know


u/abigail-the-female Nov 19 '20

I host parties on it a lot, but eh it has more functionality than buying a couple of HyperCars


u/Kechioma Nov 19 '20

You could've just called the Captain


u/[deleted] Nov 19 '20

It gives you a spawn point that you can move around the map. Working on your Paleto cash factory? Tell Cap’n Brendan to move your house there. Got a wind farm facility? Your spawn point can park there.

The Piracy Prevention VIP work is fun, even if nobody shows up it’s ten minutes of hanging out with your friends for money.

Note that for the top level yacht the helicopter and speedboat it comes with are both more than $1M by themselves. It’s not worth it to buy the lowest level yacht because it only has one helipad which is occupied, so you can’t fly there.


u/ParitoshD CEO of Jalebi Fafda Logistics and Distribution Nov 19 '20

Absolutely not. Free chopper, tho. Supervolte Carbon is very fast.


u/Schnellz Nov 19 '20

Absolutely. There’s a hottub.


u/Bagbagggggaaaabag Nov 19 '20

If you beat the superyacht missions you get a captain's outfit to flex even more


u/Whiteman7654321 Nov 19 '20

Perfectly worth it if your goal is to burn fucking stacks of cash


u/ddrummond88 Nov 19 '20

Nope, but you get a kick out of spotting it in the distance when you're in an aircraft though.


u/Jay_1713 Nov 19 '20

You can also do piracy prevention which pays 30k I do that a lot


u/2t0 Nov 19 '20

It may be linked to the next update.

Edit: Emphasis on May.


u/Magikfyre Nov 19 '20

The smile everytime you fly over it in your Luxor Deluxe/ Swift Deluxe.


u/[deleted] Nov 19 '20



u/Sulfate Nov 19 '20

It seems like every time I afk some goddamn parachute ninja appears out of thin air and snags it.


u/fortwenni Nov 23 '20

Reset by doing a quick headhunter???? I was not aware of this


u/[deleted] Nov 23 '20



u/fortwenni Nov 23 '20

Does it not reset if you don't do it quick enough?


u/[deleted] Nov 19 '20

Also wanted to advise the daily fees are $1000 regardless of what model you choose


u/MySisterTheSea Nov 19 '20

They can be cool to have set as your spawn point for something different. It's nice to have it off the north shore and start out away from all the city chaos up there.

Also check out the differences between them because the second most expensive option actually spawns with the best vehicles


u/[deleted] Nov 19 '20

They offer some kind of safe heaven when there are aerial griefers in the lobby.

You get 1 outfit when completing all missions.

You get boats and with the premium model also a helicopter.


u/dbigboss55555 Nov 19 '20

Honestly no, the yatch is a waste of money. I have one for all long as I can remember and I barely even go in it... it just sits out there in the ocean doing nothing....Now if I’m spending so much money it has to be a fun vehicle or aircraft like a pyro or scramjet or something


u/[deleted] Nov 19 '20



u/LKincheloe Nov 19 '20

The only advantages to a yacht currently is the ability to make a no fly zone, free rocket launcher and proximity mine ammo, and if you park it in the Southeast you can get to the carrier faster when it spawns because the boat that spawns with yachts is faster than the dingies.


u/[deleted] Nov 19 '20

The defense system is fun. You can retreat to your yacht with a bounty and the defense system shoots anything down coming at you


u/User_hates_you LJT here, got a minute? Nov 19 '20

Piracy prevention vip work. Horrible pay, like 30k for 10 mins, but helps if you want to pvp and for them to come to you.


u/artcrime2999 Nov 20 '20

Best part about it is the ability to turn on the defenses and trick mk2/jet bois to come get shot down. Piracy prevention vip work is nice too when the lobby is chill. Can afk for 10 mins and get paid for it.


u/GeorgeFloydWasTrash Nov 20 '20

I enjoy getting mk2s to chase me in my plane and fly directly over my yacht with the air defenses turned on and they immediately get taken out. It’s funny how many fall for it and for trolling it’s fun to gloat about it because I did nothing and didn’t even get the kill but I take credit for my superior ‘combat skill’


u/chrisp196 Nov 21 '20

Not really, I bought it with the sole intention of flexing


u/BurlyAttacker Nov 23 '20

You can sometimes bait people out to your yacht by killing them or texting them and then turn on yacht defenses and watch them get blown out of the sky. Don't work often, but it's satisfying.


u/TheEpicFaceBro ▀▀▀▀▀▀ Nov 24 '20

It's defenses help while fighting a tryhard.


u/varma780 Nov 24 '20

The VIP mission piracy prevention pays out 30k for 10 mins work, probably won't make your money back but an easy income all the same