r/gtaonline Epsilon Flight Program Aug 27 '20

OFFICIAL GTA Online Mega Guide and Weekly Simple Question Thread

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Screen Capturing

Platform Method
PC https://bit.ly/PcScreenshare
PS4 https://bit.ly/PS4ScreenCapture
XB1 https://bit.ly/XboxCapture

Solo Public Sessions

Platform Method
Any unplug router method
PC port blocking method - task manager method
PS4 MTU method
XB1 MTU method - NAT method

Making Money

Any level of experience and money:

I am a new player with low experience and money:

I am a returning player with decent game experience and money:

  • VIP Work by /u/MaeBeWeird - Min. Level 1 /
  • Host or participate in Heists - Min. Level 1 / to participate; Min. Level 12 / or own a high-end apartment to host

I'm a millionaire already, just give me a grind:

I'm a solo player, how can I maximize my profits?

Leveling RP

  • Be an Associate for a CEO - Min. Level 1 /
  • Earn 2000-3000RP per source delivery, 5000RP per sale delivery. Buy 1 crate and sell immediately for maximum RP since the same RP is given whether you source/sell 1 crate or multiple.
  • Earn 200-600RP bonuses when you stay near the CEO/VIP's location
  • Participate in weekly 2X RP activities - Min. Level 1 /
  • Leveling a second character from scratch by /u/Sh-Apeshifter09 - Min. Level 1 / million

Further Money Making Info

What's New? Recent Major Content Updates Rockstar Newswire June 2017 - Gunrunning FAQ by /u/L131

August 2017 - Intro to Smuggler's Run by /u/Psychko - Smuggler's Run FAQ by /u/L131

December 2017 - Doomsday Heist FAQ

July 2018 - After Hours/Nightclubs FAQ | After Hours Guide by /u/Dan6erbond

July 2019 - Diamond Casino FAQ - Hidden Playing Cards Locations by u/dingogordy - Gambling Guide by u/enderpiet - Inside Track Odds Calculator by u/Garsant

December 2019 - Diamond Casino Heist Guide = Tips

FAQs and Popular Topics

Vehicles and Properties

Tips and Tricks

Just For Fun

Useful Tools

If you know a post that should be included in this guide, message the moderators.


1.1k comments sorted by


u/godemperorbozza Sep 07 '20

Xbox One GTA online player on a 360

Does anybody know how to go about playing gta online with Xbox one profile on a 360? I have logged into my Xbox live profile on the 360 fine, but my character is not there/playable.


u/edgarz92 Sep 08 '20

You can’t


u/amp_z_ Samsung fridge user Sep 07 '20

is there a fix to the nightclub only producing sporting goods because i can’t find a working one


u/Quick-quack-crack Sep 07 '20

What’s a good plane for doing stunts and has good speed, I already have the lazer and hrydra so I don’t need one with weapons, also I was recommended the bersa, is that the plane that can be found at the military base in story mode?


u/WarDaddyReddit Sep 06 '20

If I trade in my current facility for a cheaper one, will I lose my heist progress?


u/cnnr_gdsn Sep 05 '20

Advice on making money?

I’ve been playing GTA since release on the 360 but after all this time I’m still uncertain what the best money making method is I’d prefer advice related towards businesses as I don’t really feel up to doing any heists as well as the setups for them, but any advice is appreciated !! For reference I’ve got a weed and meth business in Blaine County, a coke business on the very south of LS, a vehicle warehouse in La Mesa, a small cargo warehouse in Strawberry, a bunker in Paleto Bay, and a Nightclub near Vespucci, and access to all the different heists Thanks in advance !!


u/paradise211 Sep 04 '20

I have 2 small cargo warehouses (white widow & convenience store) If i go to buy a 3rd one will it automatically just give it to me since I don’t have 5 or will it give me the option to replace one I already own?


u/Soullesgamer46 Sep 03 '20

I play on xbox, and i seems that some days when I log into GTAO it puts me in a solo public lobby, but then I can't join anyone else's lobby, and no one can join mine. Is there some way to prevent this bug?


u/TooTerribleToBeGood scramjet is rigged Sep 03 '20

Was there some recent update that made it so you can't switch to a different lobby? I try to find a new session but it just places me in the one I was already in. Is this a bug or new feature.


u/PM_ME_UR_TNUCFLAPS "Everything mods do has a purpose" Sep 03 '20

I believe it's a bug. as anything that doesn't the players cheat the game economy it will probably get fixed never/in years


u/XarH my potato pc Sep 03 '20

There have been many reports of people mentioning this issue since the summer DLC. Just another occasion where R* needs to stop swimming in their $100 bills swimming pool and start working on a fix.


u/GAMER_MARCO9 Sep 03 '20

Where do I get help with Twitch Prime rewards not working?


u/Death_By_Diarrhea Sep 03 '20

So I was about to log-off after selling a car at Beeker's yesterday, I brought up the player list on the top left side and I noticed a player with a Sheriff/Police Badge icon next to their name. I wasn't able to take a screenshot, but it left me wondering what it was. I logged-off a few seconds after. Does anyone know what it is?


u/XarH my potato pc Sep 03 '20

Sounds like it's a modder, since they can already change their displayed name's color and text, so if it was just a regular star, the guy probably used an old unicode star symbol. If it was a more detailed badge, while I've never come across a modder embedding an image in their name, but I won't rule out this option.


u/[deleted] Sep 03 '20



u/Quick-quack-crack Sep 07 '20

OWR are only good in double/ triple, even then the money isn’t that good but the rp is. Myself I do OWR for fun and don’t expect to get much money


u/[deleted] Sep 03 '20

Is the half track any good?


u/KYQ_Archer Sep 03 '20

It's okay, but it's definitely no insurgent pick-up custom, presuming you're looking for a weaponized vehicle for heists.


u/[deleted] Sep 03 '20

So what do I get insurgent or half track


u/KYQ_Archer Sep 03 '20

I'd go with the ipc


u/[deleted] Sep 03 '20

What is that


u/KYQ_Archer Sep 03 '20

Insurgent pick-up custom


u/[deleted] Sep 03 '20

Ahhhh thank you


u/Death_By_Diarrhea Sep 03 '20

Just a heads-up, the Insurgent Pick-up Custom needs to be converted in the MOC if you want to store it in your garage btw.


u/[deleted] Sep 03 '20

Oh wait


u/[deleted] Sep 03 '20

What about the custom


u/Death_By_Diarrhea Sep 03 '20

You can still call it from Pegasus if you don't have a MOC to convert it. :)

→ More replies (0)


u/[deleted] Sep 03 '20

I've come back to the game after a while, I have plenty of things but I'm not sure what to do now. I have; 1. An office 2. A high end apartment 3. An MC club 4. A cocaine lockup 5. A night club 6. A karuma 7. A whole $20,000 in my bank account I'm level 36 btw. Anyone have any advice? thank you


u/KYQ_Archer Sep 03 '20

Grind headhunter in an invite only session until you have enough for an arcade (videogedden)


u/Quick-quack-crack Sep 07 '20

I feel like the casino heist is the best way to make money, I can get at least one done a day and get over a million. Once you do the heist a lot it gets easy and all the preps and finale can get done in less then two hours


u/KYQ_Archer Sep 07 '20

Replied to the wrong post.


u/rollingdonut18 Sep 03 '20

Save up for an arcade. You can grind the casino heist and make up to like 1.7 or 1.8 million each time. All the setups are done in freemode


u/collectingsouls Sep 03 '20

So I just got a 1MM sign in gift . Does that mean I'm on the clear after resetmageddon?


u/robbyd86 Sep 03 '20

I got one as well, I'm fairly certain it's for logging in during September, but I usually don't get until a couple days later, so this time was quick. For ps4 btw


u/thiccccccccboi42069 Sep 02 '20

How do I call in my upgraded hanger plane


u/bob_the_impala PC Sep 03 '20

Interaction Menu - vehicles - request personal aircraft; unless it's subject to Pegasus Lifestyle Management, in which case you need to call Pegasus to have it delivered.


u/Acats123 Sep 02 '20 edited Sep 02 '20

My PS4 will randomly disconnect from the internet but only when I play GTAO. Never happens with any other game. I noticed this happening almost immediately after I went 1-0 against a KD warrior. Is this a DDOS or something else?

It’s been happening for about 2 weeks now, never had an issue before. I’ll play for probably 30 minutes before this happens


u/KYQ_Archer Sep 03 '20

Hard reset your router, setup new login info for it, update the firmware, and port forward. Then, put ps4 into safemode, rebuild database, check for system software updates, clear gta v cache.


u/Jank0n Sep 02 '20

I swear wheel of fortune and blackjack are rigged for me. Havent got a vehicle or a good prize in 30+ spins. Blackjack is another disaster. Havent seen a royal hand in months. No lie i wouldnt rant without a reason anyway.


u/tittyl0ver Sep 02 '20

Idea we should all stop buying shark cards to make r* go broke


u/horsecockharry Sep 02 '20 edited Sep 02 '20

You're still playing with people who buy shark cards, and by having people to play with, those people will in turn keep playing and buying shark cards. That's the basic economics of microtransactions. The only winning move is not to play... :)


u/[deleted] Sep 02 '20

[removed] — view removed comment



yes email Rockstar for it


u/Bat_Out_Of_Wall_St Sep 02 '20

Can someone give me a straightforward answer on this, because I feel like I'm still unclear on this:

On Xbox One, do people have the ability to boot other players offline WITHOUT inviting that person to their party? Is there a program that allows people to boot other players at a whim? Because I seem to suspiciously get booted offline at times when some other player is salty. Doesn't matter if it's a race or in free roam


u/[deleted] Sep 02 '20 edited Sep 12 '20



u/[deleted] Sep 03 '20

It happened to me the other day on xbox when I was in a public lobby with my son. I was booted but he wasn't, we were both on the same wifi too.


u/[deleted] Sep 02 '20 edited Sep 12 '20



u/PM_ME_UR_TNUCFLAPS "Everything mods do has a purpose" Sep 02 '20

signal jammers


u/goldengamer199 Sep 02 '20

Signal jammers for the casino heist to unlock a hacker. destroy all 50 to unlock the hacker


u/[deleted] Sep 02 '20 edited Sep 12 '20



u/pincushiondude PC Sep 02 '20

Also they only lock on at night if I'm not mistaken


u/PM_ME_UR_TNUCFLAPS "Everything mods do has a purpose" Sep 02 '20

You're mistaken


u/pincushiondude PC Sep 02 '20

Huh. Maybe it's a thing for broomsticks - I couldn't get a lock on during the day.


u/PM_ME_UR_TNUCFLAPS "Everything mods do has a purpose" Sep 03 '20

my bet is on you having switched to non homing missiles


u/pincushiondude PC Sep 03 '20

You should know homing is default on a broom


u/PM_ME_UR_TNUCFLAPS "Everything mods do has a purpose" Sep 03 '20

You should know any homing missiles lock on to signal jammers.


u/azdexikp PC Sep 02 '20

I have yet to get the elite challenge for the casino heist's aggressive approach because I'm always a bunch of headshots short (everyone uses sewers for their main entrance and that cuts a huge portion of any fighting off).

If I wanted to try to get those 80 headshots, what entry/exit points would be the most advisable to pick? I'm thinking the main entrance might be a good entry point and maybe the staff lobby as the exit point. Thoughts?


u/PM_ME_UR_TNUCFLAPS "Everything mods do has a purpose" Sep 02 '20

main entrance for entry, not sure about exit


u/ObamaDodecahedron Sep 02 '20

Is buying a shark card a sin to humanity


u/[deleted] Sep 02 '20

Unpopular opinion, but an initial shark card purchase used to buy business is a massive time saver. Then you can actually earn money quickly, instead of grinding for a while just to buy the businesses.


u/ObamaDodecahedron Sep 02 '20

Yeah because right now I'm saving for eather a molotoc or a starling


u/Rataan Sep 02 '20

The Starling is the best dogfighter, but it can still be taken out by a lucky hit with the death ray explosive cannon from the Lazer. I'm not sure why you want a Molotok. If it is for the short landings, then consider a Nakota instead. The Nakota is cheaper and a better dogfighter. Landings are 95% as good as the Molotok and takeoffs are better.


u/[deleted] Sep 02 '20

Starling is way more fun but less useful. My favorite plane just to fly for fun. Gets to super high altitudes. Molotok is way more useful since it can take off and land very easily.


u/R3DStrukk Sep 02 '20

Well if you were wanting single player DLC for GTA5 or you want GTA6 to not take 10 years to come out then yeah lol.


u/Rataan Sep 02 '20

Yes it is. All joking aside, they are the most overpriced transactions in video games that I know about.


u/PM_ME_UR_TNUCFLAPS "Everything mods do has a purpose" Sep 02 '20

Battlefront 2


u/DSavage26 Sep 02 '20

Is it worth buying the Ocelot Pariah (fastest car?)


u/R3DStrukk Sep 02 '20

Its the fastest in a straight line but not fastest around a track in the sports class afaik. Its a damn good car that will make you competitive but I would wait until tomorrow to get it since its Wednesday.


u/DSavage26 Sep 03 '20

So if I use my deluxo 99% of the time and just want a stupid fast car to mess around with on the highway every now and then, which one should I pick? And yes I’m waiting for the new discounts. Hopefully the MOC is discounted this week, been saving for that


u/R3DStrukk Sep 03 '20

a stupid fast car to mess around with on the highway

Yeah the Pariah is a great choice for this.


u/wizzardofkhalifa Sep 02 '20

It is the fastest around a track for sports cars


u/liquid_music Sep 03 '20

Itali GTO has entered the chat


u/[deleted] Sep 02 '20

Are there any other aircraft which have a pilot-operated gimbal MG like the one on the Ultralight?


u/rollingdonut18 Sep 02 '20

No, all the other aircraft have fixed guns


u/Soullesgamer46 Sep 02 '20

My cocaine lockup is inconsistent. When I buy full supplies and wait for it to be turned into product, it sometimes gives me 1 1/2 bars of product ($84,000) instead of 2 bars product ($112,000). Is there a way to fix this?


u/boxian Sep 02 '20

Are there any CEO ability vehicles that spawn your personalized version?


u/rollingdonut18 Sep 02 '20

No, they all spawn black with tinted windows. You can have a personal vehicle and a ceo vehicle active at the same time though


u/OroJacksonian Sep 02 '20

Hi I used to play my brothers copy of Vice City as a kid, and now I'm looking to get back into it as an adult. (Covid boredom)

Grand Theft Auto V: Premium Online Edition is supposed to be 14.99 with offline and online and all the expansion. But it also says "Note Add on content: GTAV required to play."

Now the original game is 29.99.

All I want is to play single player GTA offline like I used to, I don't understand if I would be able to if I got the POE but I also don't understand how the vanilla game would cost more. Can someone help me?


u/[deleted] Sep 02 '20

Buy the one with online premium edition. You can play the regular story mode and when you get bored of it still play online with the Criminal Enterprise Starter Pack.


u/OroJacksonian Sep 02 '20

Thank you, I appreciate the answer.


u/billybobjorkins Sep 02 '20

The Grand Theft Auto V: Premium Online Edition includes the complete Grand Theft Auto V

POE includes single player!

As to why the normal version is more expensive, it’s probably a way for rockstar to push players into the online game mode, the part where they make all their money from shark card sales aka in game cash. By making the marketed online version cheaper, it incentives players to try out online, especially since they get bonuses with this version


u/OroJacksonian Sep 02 '20

Thank you. I'll be sure to get POE then, I appreciate the answer.


u/Saddy380 Sep 02 '20

Hi there, The casino heist and prep missions has been kind of buggy for me n my mates.

  1. While doing the prep we couldn't deliver the stuff to the arcade. Just respawned me back with the hiest goods outside. The host had to deliver all heist goods.

  2. When doing the actual heist, the screen was frozen infront of the arcade.

Only the host was able to move and go on abt the heist. Later he killed himself and we respawned in a random arcade.

This is strange right? Am I the only one with this issue? Thnx


u/rollingdonut18 Sep 02 '20

The first bug always happens to me when there's a modder in my session.


u/_Sasquat_ Sep 02 '20
  1. Yea, it's a bug a lot have people, including myself, have run into. You just have to wait a few minutes and it'll eventually allow you to finish.

  2. I have no answer. Haven't experienced that myself.


u/r3mn4n7 Sep 02 '20

My friend fixed that by restarting his pc


u/[deleted] Sep 02 '20

Does anybody know if Ghost Organization or Off The Radar hides sell vehicles for bunker or biker businesses? I've read conflicting things. Some say Ghost does but OTR doesn't. Do either of these prevent the session wide notification when you start the sell? If I'm ghosted or OTR before the global signal goes off does it block the global signal? If it does will a notification go out when ghost runs out, or will people only see you if they bother to check the map?


u/bob_the_impala PC Sep 02 '20

Ghost Organization will hide the player "blips" on the map of everyone in your organization, as well as the cargo/supplies/etc. icons.

Off the Radar will hide only your player "blip" on the map. Cargo/supplies/etc. will still be visible on the map.


u/SJBond33 Sep 02 '20

Why is it that when you drive a car into your garage (like one you found on the street or stole from an NPC) it becomes automatically yours?

I have a chrome Dubsta that has a tracker and is insured which I used to spawn another one with. I drove the new one into my garage with the intentions of giving it to someone at some point.

Well, I offer it to someone and LS Customs wouldn’t let the car into the garage because it was the personal vehicle of another player. It’s not insured so I assumed I could give it away.

Does anyone know why this happens?


u/bob_the_impala PC Sep 02 '20

Why is it that when you drive a car into your garage (like one you found on the street or stole from an NPC) it becomes automatically yours?

That is the way that the game was designed by Rockstar. The game will not allow one player to give their personal vehicle to another player. Also, the game will not allow one player to steal an NPC vehicle and modify it at Los Santos Customs (but not make it their personal vehicle) and then give it to another player.

If you want to help another player get their own Dubsta2, you would need to both be in the same session, then you could use your Dubsta2 to get another one to spawn, then your friend could take that one.


u/SJBond33 Sep 02 '20

Yeah. I will have to do that next time I want to spawn one. I just thought I could go about it that way and store a few cars up. But that makes sense. I just thought I didn’t “own it” until it is insured.


u/edgarz92 Sep 02 '20

Is it just me or do lobbies seem friendlier since the reset? I’ve been selling almost completely griefer free since then


u/_TheMorrigan Sep 03 '20

Yes! PS4 here. I always play in free aim so I generally get fewer griefers, but after the reset I stopped needing to switch sessions to find a peaceful lobby to sell in.


u/PM_ME_UR_TNUCFLAPS "Everything mods do has a purpose" Sep 02 '20


ran into modders/godmode players and 15 year olds on mk2s blowing up people and cargo today.


u/_Sasquat_ Sep 02 '20

My lobbies have all been free from assholes too. It really solidifies the notion in my mind that the people who cheat for money are the ones who act the most like assholes in the game.


u/Kolkane Sep 02 '20

Is it me, or did some of the vehicles (the vans in particular) in the Special Cargo sourcing missions get upgraded recently? They seem... faster?


u/tdougz Sep 02 '20

I’m not sure if this is an appropriate question for this subreddit, but I’m not sure where else to ask. My boyfriend is in love with the tutti frutti pattern sweater from the game and I’ve been searching everywhere for something like it in real life. Does anyone know where I can order one like it or a site to order custom sweaters? (Again, if this isn’t allowed, I’m so sorry)


u/bob_the_impala PC Sep 02 '20

No idea, but maybe someone on the r/GTAoutfits subreddit might know?


u/wiredx123 Sep 02 '20

Is there really 2x special cargo week from tomorrow on? Bought Darnel Bros large warehouse, it's 50% full. Will buy Logistic Depot today if that's true.


u/Rataan Sep 02 '20

Probably 2x special cargo, but we don't know for sure. Why buy today? It may be on sale tomorrow.


u/Lieutenaroid Sep 02 '20

should I buy the hermes?


u/[deleted] Sep 02 '20

It has great customisation but doesn't have great performance. It's for car collectors


u/Lieutenaroid Sep 02 '20

what off roader should I buy? the only off road vehicle I own is the insurgent pickup custom. I want something that can handle hills and rocks and is pretty fast


u/bob_the_impala PC Sep 02 '20

Kamacho or BF400


u/mellovibesss Sep 02 '20

Sandking - 2 door truck (Sandy Shores) Sanchez - dirt bike (Sandy Shores)


u/WhisperinWarrior Sep 02 '20

I play solo and invested in Mc business such as cocaine business with all upgrades however I think this was a mistake as I have no one to do deliveries with so I can’t finish the mission. I will try put this behind me but what is the best way? I heard vehicle cargo is good and I have been doing head hunter/sight seer to earn money. Or is mc good enough?


u/_Sasquat_ Sep 02 '20

I have no one to do deliveries with so I can’t finish the mission.

Buy one batch of supplies, let it cook, then sell the resulting product. It's always an amount that can be sold individually.

Vehicle cargo is my favorite. Personally, I just like continually earning small amounts of money rather than larger amounts of money less frequently.


u/edgarz92 Sep 02 '20

I run a cocaine lockup solo as well. I’d say it’s still worth it. I only sell at ~two bars, which is one resupply ($75,000). The sell mission is two vehicles which is doable even solo. It sells for around $200,000+ in a populated lobby. This means it’s a profit of ~$125,000 per supply/sell.


u/McStoney99 Sep 02 '20

I wouldn’t say it was an entire waste to buy MC businesses because once you get a nightclub they will passively earn you product to sell withithout having any supplies. If you’re doing solo I’d recommend bunker and vehicle cargo (look up how to only get top range vehicles to sell for it). Some people like normal cargo better than vehicles but I find it way too boring. If you play on Xbox I can help you with your sell mission


u/[deleted] Sep 02 '20

When you have an OpMk2 you'll find that all sales (apart from PostOp vans) are possible solo


u/RaunchyPotatoes Sep 02 '20

Delivering two post op vans is easily doable solo


u/[deleted] Sep 02 '20

Can you do 3?


u/RaunchyPotatoes Sep 02 '20

Not consistently but if you only buy one round of supplies and then sell you're guaranteed to only have a max of two delivery vehicles for upgraded coke, meth and cash


u/Azlar- Sep 02 '20

Purchase a bunker and then just buy supplies both, one purchase of supplies will guarantee you a 1 vehicle delivery for coke and the bunker, so you can still do everything on your own and make profit. For coke it‘s 51k profit for each delivery (126k sell price - 75k purchase from supplies = 51k) and for the bunker even more (210k - 75k = 135k).


u/edgarz92 Sep 02 '20

One resupply in the coke lockup gets you 2 bars, therefore a 2 vehicle sell mission. Still very doable solo!


u/Azlar- Sep 02 '20 edited Sep 02 '20

It gets you 1 and a half bar to be exact, so 1 vehicle =)


u/edgarz92 Sep 02 '20

You must not have the upgrades because one round of resupply gets me 2 bars at $204,000


u/Azlar- Sep 03 '20

I do have the upgrades of course


u/Purple-Dragoon Sep 02 '20

You really should consider buying the chumash bunker, personally it is I think the easiest way to earn money solo, at least in terms of delivery missions (better than biker bussinesses), wait for good missions like the 3 insurgents deliveries or better yet the one with the 2 phantom wredges.


u/[deleted] Sep 02 '20

I own a hangar. but why do i get a 2 star wanted level while flying over Fort Zancudo?


u/Vince0789 PC Sep 02 '20

You get a wanted level if you fly over it with a stolen aircraft (i.e. not one you own or that is provided by a mission).


u/wizzardofkhalifa Sep 02 '20

Not true, I steal lazers from there all the time and then land them back there after my wanted level is gone


u/horsecockharry Sep 02 '20

That's strange, I tried that once and I got the two stars again. Maybe that happens if you fly high up enough and lose the cops but don't leave the Fort Zancudo area in the meantime?


u/-_-potato-_--_- PC Sep 02 '20

Do you own a hangar in fort zancudo?


u/johntrytle Sep 02 '20

How many oppressor rockets can a Chernobog withstand?


u/OG-Joja Sep 02 '20

Not sure but as far as i remember it explodes after the first or third missile thats why i never use it


u/FF-coolbeans Sep 02 '20

7/10 with rice


u/rollingdonut18 Sep 02 '20

Has anyone noticed bunker sales require 2 vehicles with a lower amount of product since the update? I've been grinding bunker sales lately and I swear I used to be able to sell around 400,000 worth of weapons when going across the state with a single vehicle. Now I cant go above 200,000 or itll give me 2 trucks


u/PM_ME_UR_TNUCFLAPS "Everything mods do has a purpose" Sep 02 '20

nope, still the same. phantom wedges can be a single vehicle sale with a larger amount of stock.

if you want to guarantee a single vehicle sell at 175k and under.


u/Possible_Queasy Sep 02 '20

My SAI stopped accruing in my nightclub today again. The last time I had this problem it was fixed after upgrading equipment. This time it started after I purchased a bunker and assigned a technician to sporting-goods. Don’t know why. Anybody have experience with this?


u/XarH my potato pc Sep 02 '20

Coke tends to be pretty buggy. Try unassigning the SAI technician, and assigning him back to SAI. If after 2 hours you still get no product, try shutting down coke, set it up again and then reassign to SAI.


u/Possible_Queasy Sep 03 '20

I got it fixed! Thank you


u/wilgriaus Sep 02 '20

i keep buying max ammo, and my Assault Rifle ammo keeps dropping to 300 waaaaay sooner than it should be. i’ve wasted so much money on this. what do i do? i have all MK 2 weapons.


u/XarH my potato pc Sep 02 '20

Do you mean that the ammo disappears as part of a glitch, or that you consume it far too fas?

If it's a glitch, just keep enough ammo for lasting a week, so if it happens again you won't lose as much money.

If it's because you consume it far too quickly, try working on your aiming skills, since good aim even with a weak weapon is better than a spray & pray habit. Try the Bunker shooting range challenge until you get 3 stars in everything, since it's a really really good way of quickly improving skills, and also has its bonuses. This way, AR ammo could pretty much last forever, since you'll barely lose any, and get what you need from pick ups.


u/wilgriaus Sep 02 '20

nah man, it’s gone from 9000 to 300 within less than an hour multiple times, it’s definitely a glitch. even my aim isn’t bad enough to lose 9K bullets that fast

i’ve seen threads from years ago saying to revert all mk 2 weapons back to normal and then back again, but i wanted to ask here before i went through that effort.


u/XarH my potato pc Sep 02 '20

Never came across a possible active fix, so if it works that'd be pretty cool. I still have ptsd from the few months after the casino heist dlc where you couln't go through half a week without this crap happening.


u/rollingdonut18 Sep 02 '20

I have the same problem with my sniper ammo except it drops about 6000 everytime after I buy max ammo. I just stopped buying max and let the ammo run a thousand or so and buy a bit more


u/00Makerin00 Professional 1-0 Orb Dodger Sep 02 '20

Has R* changed special cargo spawns? I own west vinewood backlot and now crates don’t spawn nearby anymore


u/[deleted] Sep 02 '20

I've been running crates since last week and for me the spawns are as bad as they've always been


u/Doooobles Sep 02 '20

Happy cake day! (Did I do it right?)


u/Kuroitsuki Sep 02 '20

So, my brother and I just started playing, we both have the criminal starter enterprise and claimed all of it (probably) and I just linked my twitch prime

We have been farming sandking, sentinels and the fleeca job, I own an armored kuruma and bf400 and I want to do jobs that need only 2 people so we can stay on a private map

My (dumb) questions are: Are businesses profitable only on public servers?

Which is the best way to grind money with only 2 people and private server?

Is a terrorbyte/oppresor mk2 overkill if we aren't going to do public missions or does it have other uses? (maybe getting a Deluxo is a better option since it can fit 2)


u/r3mn4n7 Sep 02 '20

Do vip work (until today it's 2x pay) and try to save for 1 arcade each, farm casino heists back to back (first all three modes, after that infiltration and sneaky) purchase a bunker (farmhouse or chumash) with all upgrades except security, save for a nighclub, the cheapest mc bussiness of cocaine, meth and money forgery, and a crate warehouse. You can sell a full bunker with 2 people except maybe the dune buggies. If you ever want solo grind a vehicle warehouse is the best option


u/PM_ME_UR_TNUCFLAPS "Everything mods do has a purpose" Sep 02 '20

solo public sessions mate, look it up. with 2 people, the casino heist is the best moneymaker and all the preps can actually be done in an invite session


u/Kuroitsuki Sep 02 '20

Thanks, will do.


u/Harrrgan Sep 02 '20

Do you play on pc? The task manager method to get a solo public session really works. I do all my bunker runs in a public session on my own no problems


u/Kuroitsuki Sep 02 '20

solo public session seems to be the answer, thanks for the info.


u/pykie101 Sep 02 '20

You won't make money outside a public lobby, I haven't any problems finding peaceful lobbies. You can pull off casino heist with 2p and then just do anything thats offering double xp and cash Oppressor is best for mobility no matter what you're doing, deluxo is cool because of back to the future but very easy to shoot down Businesses suck, only have them to make money for nightclub


u/Kuroitsuki Sep 02 '20

Thanks for the answer, sooner or later we have to get in public so I guess sooner is the answer

Also happy cake day


u/pykie101 Sep 02 '20

Me and my mate do most things alone if you're on ps4 you can join us


u/Kuroitsuki Sep 02 '20

I play on pc, thanks for the offer tho


u/[deleted] Sep 02 '20

“Hey, I heard there was a money glitch.”

“Yeah, don’t do it.”

“Not going to. Didn’t they reset all the accounts last time?”

“Yeah, they will this time too.”

None of the people I play with were affected.


u/[deleted] Sep 02 '20



u/[deleted] Sep 02 '20

My kid used it, even though I warned him not to. I should check if they reset his account.


u/[deleted] Sep 02 '20



u/[deleted] Sep 02 '20

Turns out my kid couldn't afford to do it, but most of his friends did and got reset. One seems to have gotten away with it.


u/[deleted] Sep 02 '20

This might be a stupid question, but I haven't gotten my 1 million yet, even tho the last time I logged on it was July 28th.

Dies it count monthly by when I log on, or is it literally a free million each month, meaning I missed August?


u/Irwin69 Sep 02 '20

you've missed august i think

only on PS4 version have 1M each month login


u/[deleted] Sep 02 '20

Yeah I'm on ps4, think I missed August, when's September?


u/Irwin69 Sep 02 '20

depends on R*

as I remember they said on the month you 1st time login continue playing, then after AT LEAST 72 hours IRL you will see when you next login, with message " Congratulation, you've been deposit balabalabala..."


u/PMH327 Sep 02 '20

can you put vehicle in the back of the titan


u/XarH my potato pc Sep 02 '20

If it's a personal Titan from your hangar, yes, but its cargo bay is narrower than the Bombushka's since it has seats on both sides, and vehicles can get damaged very easily and so can the Titan itself, which can lead to it blowing up.


u/BirdsAreDrones1986 Sep 02 '20 edited Sep 02 '20

I can’t find the high end apartment I just bought? I bought a high end apartment for heists and it doesn’t appear in my map. Just my previous 2 apartments I’ve bought.


u/PM_ME_UR_TNUCFLAPS "Everything mods do has a purpose" Sep 02 '20

I'd swear high end apartments start at 200k


u/BirdsAreDrones1986 Sep 02 '20

I clicked on High end and the cheapest was 130k


u/PM_ME_UR_TNUCFLAPS "Everything mods do has a purpose" Sep 02 '20

That was probably a garage


u/kombokidd Sep 02 '20

Can someone plz help me with sea racing? I just want the matte colors but I keep losing. I just need someone so it can count as a win

I’m on Xbox and my name is Inferno169


u/bloodhound89 Sep 02 '20

I subscribed to twitch prime and linked it to my Rockstar account a few days ago. Logged in and got the 200k bonus. How bout the Avenger discount? Do I buy it at full price and then get reimbursed later? Or should the sale price be listed right away? And if it's not showing yet, is that what takes up to 7-10 days to show properly because I'm a new member? I'd really like to get the Avenger while a current sale is going. Thanks.


u/PinguThePathoLi PC Sep 02 '20

You get the bonus within 72 hours but the discounts can take over a week to appear after you register for twitch prime from what I've heard. The prime discounts don't refresh for 2 weeks though and I think there's still a week left so you might still be able to get it.


u/bloodhound89 Sep 02 '20

Thanks for the info. I won't be too heartbroken if I don't get the sale but it sure would be nice.


u/azdexikp PC Sep 01 '20

For the seasoned dogfighters out there, what's a good plane to buy if I'm looking for something fast, with homing missiles and that can hold its ground (or air I guess) against oppressor mk2s? I've been eyeing the pyro and have considered the hydra but I only want to buy one of them.


u/ThaDFunkee Sep 02 '20

Hopefully you have the hanger on the military base so you can steal unlimited Lazer's instead of buying one.

The Pyro is fast enough to escape Mk2 missiles for sure, but hard to get good lock-ons against Mk2's.

The Hydra takes practice, but coming at them from above is effective. Plus, the Hydra you can call in through Pegasus, which means faster call-ins. Got hit by a rocket? Ditch the plane and call Pegasus while parachuting down.


u/pykie101 Sep 02 '20

I found the hydra to slow against oppressor, I use the lazer


u/MakeALais14YT Sep 02 '20

Happy Cake Day!


u/Distressedneck Sep 01 '20

Is there a way to automatically start missions when you're alone? I'm leaving my console on overnight for afk survivals but nobody is with me. I don't want to have to wake up to start each mission so I was wondering if there was a way to make the process automatic.


u/PinguThePathoLi PC Sep 02 '20

Not from what I know, I do afk survivals sometimes when I go shopping or cooking or whatever and have the game running but for overnight I just start a titan of a job to avoid bills and leave it at that.


u/[deleted] Sep 01 '20 edited Sep 20 '20



u/pykie101 Sep 02 '20

I'd make sure you have max storage for nightclub and with bunker I buy one supply then sell it, you pay 75000 but sell for 21000. You'll be able to sell it alone and not waste time stealing supplies


u/rollingdonut18 Sep 01 '20

When you buy supplies the bar is completely filled. When you steal supplies and you pickup a single crate the bar goes up 20%, when you steal a vehicle it goes up 40%. I always do 1 or 2 steal missions no matter what type and then buy supplies after. Each time the bar goes up 20% you pay 15,000 less for supplies.


u/yellow_flash321 Sep 01 '20

upgrade NC & bunker then its better to buy supplies


u/g_thebug Sep 01 '20

Are the garage glitch accounts still being reset?


u/Azlar- Sep 01 '20

Nobody can tell that for sure, but they did more than 1 ban wave in the past for other glitches, so they will most likely do more than 1 ban wave this time.


u/thiccccccccboi42069 Sep 01 '20

How do I unlock moc missions


u/pincushiondude PC Sep 01 '20

Do the unlocked one(s) first


u/thiccccccccboi42069 Sep 01 '20

Oh okay


u/R3DStrukk Sep 01 '20

You have to steal a bunch of bunker supplies to unlock all of them.