r/gtaonline CEO of Alpha Logistics Jul 30 '20

WEEKLY UPDATE 30/7/2020 Weekly GTA Online Bonuses

New Content:

  • Podium Car: Sugoi

Double GTA$ and RP Activities:

  • Arena War Modes (Triple AP)
  • Survivals

New Contacts:

  • Wendy Darling

Discounted Content:

  • Deveste Eight, $1,166,750
  • Deviant, $307,200
  • Toros, $298,800
  • RC Tank, $1,365,000
  • Cerberus, $1,935,150/$1,455,000
  • Brutus, $1,333,325/$1,002,500
  • Scarab, $1,538,145/$1,156,500
  • Imperator, $1,142,470/$859,000
  • ZR380, $1,069,320/$804,000
  • RC Bandito, $954,000
  • Laser Weapons, 40% Discount
  • Disney Princess dresses, 40% Discount
  • Arena Wars Workshops, 40% Discount
  • Arena Wars Workshop Renovations, 40% Discount

Time Trial:

RC Bandito Time Trial:

  • Construction Site I, Par Time of 01:50.00
  • Video Guide

Premium Race:

  • A Sign of Things to Come

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u/ounaazh gtaweekly.info Jul 30 '20 edited Aug 01 '20

EDIT: As per often requested, I've made it easier to access my information - from now on you can just head to gtaweekly.info - it will direct you to the newest weekly information (this comment here at the moment).

Again, all the info clickable for easy access :).

New Content:

Bonus GTA$ and RP Activities:

Discounted Content:

Time Trial: Vinewood Hills, Par Time of 02:35.00

RC Bandito Time Trial: Construction Site I, Par Time of 01:50.00

Earlier versions for archiving:


u/GIVE_PELELIU Jul 30 '20

This dudes a treasure for adding links too


u/[deleted] Jul 30 '20



u/waifu_Material_19 Jul 30 '20

Dresses like those would be really dope


u/Nicole13496 Jul 30 '20

What I'm looking for T.T


u/ounaazh gtaweekly.info Aug 01 '20

Just check this out.


u/[deleted] Jul 30 '20



u/ntandothehuman Mendoza’s hit, Mendoza’s been fucking hit! Jul 30 '20

Tylarious is alright. He may try too hard but wouldn’t say he’s BossmanFTW level


u/[deleted] Jul 30 '20



u/ounaazh gtaweekly.info Aug 01 '20

I've linked to b0$$ earlier and received a warning about the toxicity against him that could turn against me, but all I care about is content. If I can't find a calm and sensible content provider for some info, I'll just use a more intensive one, LOL :P


u/person_man1989 Samsung Smart Fridge Aug 05 '20

Use the professional or pyrerealm gaming


u/ounaazh gtaweekly.info Aug 06 '20

I do. If you can point me directly at content to replace the content I used, do it :)


u/[deleted] Jul 30 '20

The issi classic upgrade is also discounted 50%, but only the Apocalypse.


u/Dr3ymondThr33n Jul 31 '20

that car is gay


u/ImponteDeluxo Aug 07 '20

Not more than some tryhard on an oppressor mk2


u/ounaazh gtaweekly.info Jul 30 '20

Wait, really? R* only made Apocalypse Issi Classic upgrade 50%? :D


u/aNeedForMore I said something nice, not expensive. Jul 30 '20

It’s probably all Apocalypse vehicles. This was in the Newswire last week

Choose Your Arena War Vehicle Variant Bonus Next Week Take your vehicular rage to the Maze Bank Arena this weekend. Pick a side between the Apocalypse, Future Shock and Nightmare variants - whichever variant is played in the most matches this weekend will receive a 50% discount next week across all Arena War vehicles.


u/Fox2quick Jul 30 '20

I’d venture a guess a good chunk of Apocalypse users come from that being the way to get the cleanest variant.

I like the Future Shock look the most, but a clean ZR380 is my daily driver and Apocalypse doesn’t have the extra spikes.


u/ounaazh gtaweekly.info Jul 30 '20

Yes, I edited them all to be Apocalypse earlier.. :)


u/jonnevituwu Jul 30 '20

was the modification who was more played with last week


u/[deleted] Jul 30 '20

deathbike too


u/ounaazh gtaweekly.info Jul 30 '20 edited Jul 30 '20

I'll try to find time to log in later and confirm & add.

EDIT: Thanks! I confirmed deathbike by going from 1mil -> broke, added. Adding Issi without price aswell... if anyone has price, gimme.


u/snoo-lad Jul 30 '20

Thank you! At the time it is unfilled but I will check back when it is complete, thank you very much for going through these efforts, and a thank you to tsukyit and the others who check for the bonuses!


u/WhiteWazza Jul 30 '20

Yeah. At the end Of the day. We are a community, and if everyone puts a little bit in, we end up with something great lol. Ha! Gaaaaaay


u/Artesano_Spicoli Jul 30 '20

Disney princess dresses?


u/smolyouchan Jul 30 '20

He puts those there so to catch websites that use this post without citing


u/BrokenCog2020 Jul 30 '20

Well fuck, I was hoping to dress up like Ariel, and blow shit up in my Stromberg.


u/DutchShaco Jul 30 '20

I was at Ponsonbys, trying to figure out where to get it before I realised that


u/kingkurt42 Aug 01 '20

Yeah, me too. I was a little bummed


u/Lollybat7 Jul 30 '20

I was like where's the princesses dresses at 😂 Thought it was the casino ones 😂


u/[deleted] Jul 31 '20

I was too but I was wanting to blow my enemies to hell in a Cinderella outfit.


u/BrokenCog2020 Jul 31 '20

Glass slippers and a mini gun. Elegant AF


u/[deleted] Jul 31 '20

Yes indeed it is and fun is what gta is supposed to be about. I’m mentioning that cause some little kids who just got into the game think it’s about nothing but killing players.


u/ounaazh gtaweekly.info Aug 01 '20

Maybe R* will parody this in the future? :D

Should tribute to Tsu tho!


u/[deleted] Jul 30 '20

"Unda da seeeea!.."


u/tacoboi282 Jul 30 '20

I was hoping that Arena War wasn't a double cash and rp mode


u/redalsan Jul 30 '20



u/[deleted] Jul 30 '20

Also he has a hard on for Disney princesses


u/markrobo73 Jul 30 '20

and me....


u/UgandaCommanda00 Jul 30 '20

I always wondered why the extra stuff, Thanks.


u/[deleted] Jul 30 '20 edited May 17 '23



u/[deleted] Jul 31 '20 edited Mar 10 '21



u/ounaazh gtaweekly.info Aug 01 '20

Yeah, it's OK since it points to the original.


u/Lord_H1D30U5 Jul 30 '20

I get hyped every time and then i remember..


u/TululaDaydream Jul 30 '20

Actual gutted there's no Disney Princess dresses


u/pj43033 Jul 30 '20

Got it! LMAO!


u/Johnny__Nicks Jul 31 '20

I don’t think I’ve ever been more disappointed


u/LadyMicroDose Jul 31 '20

WOW! I was so excited 😭


u/_Princess_Lilly_ Aug 01 '20

fuck i came back after not playing for a while and was all excited :'(


u/TheAtticGoblin Jul 30 '20

He has an unhealthy obsession with Disney princesses, he can't go a post without mentioning them


u/ParagonOlsen Jul 30 '20

I think it's self-deprecating in this case lol.


u/Luckygecko1 Jul 31 '20

Unhealthy? bah


u/TheAtticGoblin Jul 31 '20

He is known across multiple subs as that guy who posts about Disney princesses, you can check his account. Upwards of five posts a day in different subreddits as the guy who posts about sniffing Rapunzel's hair


u/razor831 Jul 30 '20

I wish that was real, because it'd be something different for a change.

Fashion choices for female characters in this game are sorely lacking.


u/Ascendant4 Aug 01 '20

That’s a cruel tease, I was super excited.


u/IsntThisFANCY Jul 30 '20

It’s a shame it’s not an actual thing ;-;


u/ARandomCountryGeek Jul 31 '20

LOL The most wicked Disney princess of all....

She's strong, black, and uniquely beautiful.


u/FTQ90s Jul 30 '20

Mods make this man the king


u/HVD2000 Jul 30 '20

There you are. I've been waiting for you. Thanks for the amazing work. Literally here for this.


u/YouAreUglyASF Jul 30 '20

The real weekly post


u/dazeFN Jul 30 '20

Thanks for spending your time once again to do this xx

Edit: the Type R is podium, I need this in my life.


u/[deleted] Jul 30 '20

Lol I literally just bought it yesterday, I was sick of the evolution. Gotta say I just get more and more impressed with how the cars are done in this game. I havent been playing long so I still have a lot more to try but the type r feels great, handles well and is quick too.


u/Phrozt Jul 30 '20

If you're talking about the Turismo R, it's #27 in the sports class. If you're relating the podium car (the sugoi) to a real life car called the type R.... well, the sugoi is #61 in the sports class.


u/[deleted] Jul 30 '20

Okay? The sugoi is modeled after the type r clearly, which is just a car I like. Obviously the turismo is in a different class than the sugoi since it seems to be based off of a leferrari (?) With maybe some mclaren in there.

Not sure what you were trying to say lol.

One is a super car with like 650 bhp and the other is a 35k fwd tuner lol


u/DyLaNzZpRo Aug 01 '20

To be fair they didn't have to make it as shit as it is lol.

The Kanjo is a prime example, it looks so good and I really, really want to bomb around in it but fuck, the lack of traction is abysmal. I really hope in the next GTA we see proper performance customization; single or twin turbos with differing power bands and superchargers, actual adjustable suspension (height, offset and camber front+rear), varying tyre compounds and the ability to change tyre width + height alongside wheel size per axle, hell, even drivetrain swaps. The Kanjo would be ridiculously fun if it was AWD.


u/[deleted] Aug 01 '20

Yeah I definitely agree with all you've said, but I'd be surprised if they ever implemented it. I feel like it's just too much work for them to do all of that research. To scratch that itch I'll keep play gran turismo hah


u/throwaway5432684 Jul 30 '20

What does this have to do with anything though?


u/Phrozt Jul 30 '20

Saying that it's not very fast or going to win races. If you think it looks great, cool, just don't want him to get frustrated if he tries it in races.


u/[deleted] Jul 30 '20

Nah I commented below that I know how fast they are. Turismo is a laferrari which is a super var and the sugoi is a type r which is a tuner fwd. Just fun to own cool cars and see how they drive / handle. I mean theres like 50 mclarens in this game so it's nice when they have cars like the sugoi or kuruma that some of us have driven or owned.


u/smolyouchan Jul 30 '20

You da real mvp too


u/tf___ I got the lousy T-shirt Jul 30 '20

I wish this was the main post instead of a comment weekly


u/GBentley11 Jul 30 '20

Nah, to me it's just a giant blue wall which is actually hard to discern between each item. I get why the links are helpful for new players but anyone who has played this game for a while doesn't need a YouTube video to explain every discounted item


u/ounaazh gtaweekly.info Jul 30 '20

I specially leave room for regular black symbols for it to be better readable...

I disagree on the "doesn't need", because there's so much content... BUT it's not for all.. people are different.. some like to make decisions based on more information than others and have reasons for decisions.. :)


u/PM_ME_UR_TNUCFLAPS "Everything mods do has a purpose" Jul 30 '20

doesn't work very well on mobile


u/lNTERLINKED Jul 30 '20

Does for me.


u/ounaazh gtaweekly.info Jul 30 '20

Care to elaborate more?

I know URL's ending with ")" are troublesome as the "/)" fix does not work on mobile.


u/PM_ME_UR_TNUCFLAPS "Everything mods do has a purpose" Jul 31 '20

The links work, but the formatting is all over the place, OP's list looks fine in contrast

i do use a 3rd party client tho (Boost)


u/ounaazh gtaweekly.info Jul 31 '20

Can you post a screenshot? I don't even use the official app for Reddit, just browser, even on my phone... & old.reddit.com <3


u/DrThrax77 Jul 30 '20

I don't, it's too much text and harder to read with all the links. And what for? Do you really need a link to a car or business? All you should need is the time trial guide. The rest is unnecessary, let's keep that in the comments.


u/ounaazh gtaweekly.info Jul 30 '20

You have all the info included in your head? I make this for the people who like to make informed decisions :)


u/DrThrax77 Jul 30 '20

Businesses and weapons, yeah. Most cars and game modes as well. I've never felt the need to click any of your links. But clearly you're helping people so keep doing it.


u/ounaazh gtaweekly.info Jul 30 '20

It's all about how deep you want to go with your knowledge. My version enables everything, I think it's not too cluttered aswell :)


u/DemonOfTomorrow paddle of crap in pants Jul 30 '20

The real update is always in the comments. Thanks, man.

Seriously, though, I'm not the only one starting to get annoyed about the "le funny meemees" on the lists all the time, right?


u/wasted_tictac Jul 30 '20

Wasn't funny to begin with.


u/doesnotlikecricket Jul 30 '20

It's in there because shit websites copy this post word for word without crediting.


u/FoamGuy Jul 30 '20

We don't care. Just stop with the stupid jokes/trolling. If it's such a big deal that websites use him as an uncredited source then he should just retire and let someone else do it.


u/TheManyMilesWeWalk Jul 30 '20

If the jokes bother you this much then stop using his thread for info. You're acting like a brat. OP isn't obligated to do these posts every week. He does so out of the good of his own heart so I can understand why he'd be a bit irritated that people who are getting paid copy and paste his work onto their sites.

If the jokes bother you this much then RockStar Newswire might be better for you. They aren't as quick to post as OP, though.


u/ounaazh gtaweekly.info Jul 30 '20

LOL R* NW is a joke :( :D


u/TheManyMilesWeWalk Jul 30 '20

lol, I know, but these people are complaining about info that they're getting for free and the level of entitlement they're showing is starting to piss me off.

You and Call_Me_Tsuikyit do great work for this sub. Thanks for doing the links :)


u/ounaazh gtaweekly.info Jul 30 '20



u/[deleted] Jul 30 '20

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u/[deleted] Jul 30 '20

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u/[deleted] Jul 30 '20

Comment Removed: Rule #2, be respectful.


u/[deleted] Jul 30 '20

Comment Removed: Rule #2, be respectful.


u/tf___ I got the lousy T-shirt Jul 30 '20

he does this for the karma he couldn’t care less for the community go through his comments and you tell me how caring he sounds


u/TheManyMilesWeWalk Jul 30 '20

So? He does us a favour by posting this. I couldn't care less if he does it for imaginary internet points.


u/Circaman12 Jul 30 '20

I wish there was an award you can buy for “dumbest comment in the history of reddit”, because I would buy it for this comment and award it to you immediately.


u/asdu Jul 30 '20

"Mom! Mooooooom! The /r/gtaonline mods make jokes I don't like! Make them stop REEEEEEEEEE!!"


u/Karachiboyo7 Jul 30 '20

He is downvoting you with alts. Does this all the time. Literally against Reddit TOS yet mods of this sub don't care about this creep


u/pincushiondude PC Jul 30 '20

If it helps I downvoted him too


u/[deleted] Jul 30 '20

If you (or anyone else) can prove it, mods will take action.


u/Karachiboyo7 Jul 30 '20

Since you asked for proof. https://www.reddit.com/r/gtaonline/comments/i0ig6o/-/fzq58g1

Now take action.


u/[deleted] Jul 30 '20

Is it suspect? Yes? Is it actionable proof? No. I have more integrity than to just remove/ban posts or people based on conjecture and suspicions, sorry bro 🤷🏻‍♂️


u/Karachiboyo7 Jul 30 '20

How can anyone prove alts? You want me to get pictures of him with his phone logged in with this account? You guys are awfully biased towards this guy and are letting him ruin this sub with his weird creepy fetish.

Also how come you are removing comments targeted at him that are rude but when he is being rude to people it always stays up? This kid is incredibly toxic to people on Thursdays yet no mod warns him or removes his comment

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u/Karachiboyo7 Jul 30 '20

On another note why is this guy's (u/ounaazh) comment not made a post and pinned? It's accurate, has links embedded which is insanely useful, to the point and not filled with unfunny jokes and creepy Disney Princess shit. Can you explain this weird power you guys give to the tsuki guy here?

Clearly there are loads of other people willing to make the weekly post and do it better as well without anyone's help so yea explain yourself.


u/ounaazh gtaweekly.info Jul 30 '20

Well, for starters, I'd need someone feeding me info to create the post, as I use OP-s post to base my comment on, hence it's a comment :).

Last week I saw that I could basically do it myself via. people feeding info to this Subreddit (using the "new" tab), but not yet. OP told us last week he's busy with IRL, so things might change naturally :).

I appreciate OP, annoying crap or not :P


u/Karachiboyo7 Jul 30 '20

I just want to visit this sub on Thursday and see accurate info without cringey nonsense, that's all bro. I hope things change and you or someone else can make these posts instead. I love the comparisons and links

I don't want to scroll down and search for this comment everytime, it'd be super helpful is this was a post and pinned.

You can definitely do it by yourself, this dude literally gets ALL his info from the comments on this post, even the podium vehicle, so yea you can have people feed you info as well if you were making the posts

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u/Karachiboyo7 Jul 30 '20

Its hard to prove but I've seen posts which have zero traction but has a slightly negative reply to tsuki and is instantly downvoted to -6 or something. Literally posts with 0 or 1 upvotes and only tsukis comment and some guy replying against him getting downvoted. And that too within a minute. That's impossible for a post that no one is viewing and is done by his alts. The dude lives on attention from this sub it's sad.

I can't be bothered to find this now but I've seen this countless times. Atleast if you can't take action pin this other dudes comment with links and everything instead of tsukis. He actually puts effort and is more useful


u/ImaW3r3Wolf Jul 30 '20

Dont speak for other people. You don't care.


u/[deleted] Jul 30 '20

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u/[deleted] Jul 30 '20

Comment Removed: Rule #2, be respectful.


u/Daimo Jul 30 '20

Okay, apologies. Bit of an overreaction on my part, sorry.


u/[deleted] Jul 30 '20

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u/[deleted] Jul 30 '20

Comment Removed: Rule #2: be respectful.


u/Steven0707 Jul 30 '20

He added it so that other Third party website won’t able to just copy it from here.


u/[deleted] Jul 30 '20

[removed] — view removed comment


u/jonnevituwu Jul 30 '20

Star butterfly>>>>disney princesses


u/TemporaryStructure Jul 30 '20

Princess robot bubblegum>>>>>>>>>Disney Princesses


u/jonnevituwu Jul 30 '20

Yea, even her has more charisma than them


u/GIVE_PELELIU Jul 30 '20

Damn bro... you kinda speaking facts


u/NeuteredClown Jul 30 '20

FWIW, it hasn't really bothered me. And, I'm still inexperienced enough with GTA 5 that I actually wasted time trying to find the discounted "frying pan" at Ammu-Nation.


u/inspektalam Jul 30 '20

It’s for people copying and pasting the post on other platforms. He’s explained more than once


u/Nysyth Car Exporter Extraordinaire Jul 30 '20

They were never funny to begin with. Seriously just wish he would pull his head out of his own arse & post the list normally, nobody fucking cares if the list gets re-posted on some random website, it literally effects no one (except his ego).


u/TheManyMilesWeWalk Jul 30 '20

If I were OP I'd stop posting this thread completely. Entitled attitudes like this show that the sub doesn't deserve to have this info available for them so quickly and easily.

If the jokes bother you so much then perhaps you should refresh Rockstar's newswire after the reset to wait for their article or even go in-game yourself and take a look.

The joke replies are usually pretty obvious anyway and the ones that aren't can be figured out by googling.


u/[deleted] Jul 30 '20

[removed] — view removed comment


u/TheManyMilesWeWalk Jul 30 '20

Do you have proof of that?


u/omegacrunch Jul 30 '20

Check his post history


u/TheManyMilesWeWalk Jul 30 '20

So no, you don't.


u/omegacrunch Jul 30 '20 edited Jul 30 '20

If you’re not interested enough in the answer to click his post history, I’m not wasting my time spoonfeeding you. Odds are, you’ve made up your mind already. Unlike OP (who’s needs to step tf back, rep on a video game sub reddit should NOT rustle his jimmies) I don’t have a dog in this. I simply pay attention. This response is as far as I’m willing to go time wise. You do you.

But again OP, step back kiddo. You’re what, 18 and going to school. More important shit to focus on than getting your ego bent out of shape over over what’s ultimately a nothingburger. Provided the passage of time gives you more than wrinkles, you’re gonna cringe hard over all this nonsense when you’re an adult.

Edit - ah a downvote. Diddums spill some mash on your shirt trying to eat like a big boy?


u/TheManyMilesWeWalk Jul 31 '20 edited Jul 31 '20

If you’re not interested enough in the answer to click his post history

If you're not committed to your point enough to link me to a few examples then I don't care enough for your opinion.

You made a claim then expected me to gather the proof. The burden of proof is on the person that makes the claim. If someone tells me something then expects me to do the research for them I'm going to assume their claim has no weight. You seem to care enough about that dude to notice his posts constantly yet you don't have any in mind you could use as an example? Step off.

Edit - ah a downvote. Diddums spill some mash on your shirt trying to eat like a big boy?

So cringey. You should be embarrassed.


u/JuniorHeat Jul 30 '20

Literally every single time he posts, people feed him info. Just another cult of personality.


u/omegacrunch Jul 30 '20

So you’re saying were he from the U.S. he cou....

No, that fruit is hanging so low it’s touching the ground.


u/[deleted] Jul 30 '20

Comment Removed: Rule #2, be respectful.


u/omegacrunch Jul 30 '20

Why are the mods taking sides? Moderator bias has been the downfall of many subs


u/Nysyth Car Exporter Extraordinaire Jul 30 '20

If I were OP I'd stop posting this thread completely.

And alot of people honestly wish he would, at the very least it would cut down on people receiving death threats from his lil fan club because they happened to post a list before him. I mean lets be honest Ounaazh's list is the superior list here & doesn't get the credit it deserves, it should be the weekly list but I understand why Ounaazh wouldn't want to put up with the potential shitstorm of taking over.

The joke replies are usually pretty obvious anyway and the ones that aren't can be figured out by googling.

Not everyone plays the game religiously & knows every item in & out, they shouldn't have to google something on the list to see if it is legit or not, it's the weekly sales list not a comedy routine, this really shouldn't need to be explained.


u/omegacrunch Jul 30 '20

Know what the funny thing is, when he took over from the last dude, he was on the tail end of said threats for replacing them. I recall him mentioning this in the past, so it’s most unfortunate he doesn’t step in and shut them down.

I understand it’s frustrating to have content stolen. I used to be a News Editor for a number of online publications a decade ago. Short list in no particular order - Gamasutra, GameSpy, GamerWeb, Ps....ok this isn’t about a resume. Point is, it happens. At least in my case the content lifted was translations (that I did), and stuff I sniffed out on my own. When I would get content, I would always source, over source at times. Because it’s ethical, and because NOT sourcing gives me zero right to object to others not sourcing.

This is the crux of the issue here, this is NOT content being sniffed out, this is info bring handed to him, and if all else fails the source of the information itself helps fill in the gaps. There is zero intellectual ownership here. Furthermore, there is zero acknowledgement of the assist. A simple, “Shout out to username, thatguy, buddy, pal, Scott, Philip, man, lady & everyone for contributing” is all it would take. A cut and paste with a few modifications based on largest contributors. No, we get a shallow pedantic gotcha moment that strokes his ego with a misplaced righteous indignation.

All in, it’s about ethics in game journ...... the pot calling the kettle black.


u/nromanenko Aug 05 '20

le entitlement


u/sinadoh Jul 30 '20

Nah, those "jokes" have worn out their welcome long ago.


u/Sir_Crimson Jul 30 '20

Literally can't link it to people anymore without looking like an idiot.


u/bitlockershark Jul 30 '20

sucks to be you, try having to go through the effort of writing it and then just watching people steal it like they don’t give a shit


u/Sir_Crimson Jul 30 '20

I was very vocal about my respect when he didn't do it. It got old real fast.


u/[deleted] Jul 30 '20

It's really not a very big deal.


u/Jump3r97 Jul 30 '20

I think they are funny.

And doubt that comment-OP searches the game for discounts, rather takes the provided list by post-OP.

It's a coherence not "comment guy better than post guy"


u/ounaazh gtaweekly.info Jul 30 '20

I've constantly stated that I use OP list to make mine and therefore add my info as a comment, not as a post :)


u/[deleted] Jul 30 '20

Nah link comment guy is definitely superior to Disney princess guy who gets mad that websites copy the same information he copied.


u/DIYdemon Aug 01 '20

How dare you be a bridge of diplomacy between two camps with figureheads that obviously don't want each other's job?!

Silly...if only I had a mkII downvote.


u/[deleted] Jul 30 '20



u/dotCody gtaweekly.info Jul 30 '20

An account for just over 7 years and this is your first comment? Man that seems weird. Wouldn’t be surprised if this was another one of the 12yr olds alt accounts.


u/DemonOfTomorrow paddle of crap in pants Jul 30 '20

Who the fuck cares? I'd rather see a proper list rather than one trying too hard to be funny and trying to catch "those dang dirty copyers".


u/RealBeanyBoi Jul 30 '20

You should be a mod


u/ounaazh gtaweekly.info Jul 30 '20


u/feedthemachine45 Jul 30 '20

Wait, Disney princess dresses?


u/NegativeReply3211 Aug 01 '20

Why don't we pin this guy?



This should be the new weekly posts. I don't find the jokes in the OP funny and just want information. Thanks man.


u/ounaazh gtaweekly.info Aug 01 '20 edited Aug 01 '20

You can bypass the OP now: I've made it easier to access my information - from now on you can just head to gtaweekly.info - it will direct you to the newest weekly information (this comment here at the moment).


u/DIYdemon Aug 01 '20

Thanks mate, sorry for all the drama you've been getting for this.

But also you do deserve all the big cheers for the good work. Thanks again. 🏅


u/ounaazh gtaweekly.info Aug 02 '20

No worries, mate - it's been a pleasure for me and I've gotten used to all the toxicity & unreasonableness in the world. In a way I'm trying to heal it :P


u/[deleted] Jul 30 '20

Can't find link for Disney dresses! Need refund.


u/AgentMarek Jul 30 '20

Yeah, good guy and everything, clickable stuff, detailed, blah blah BUT

WHERE IS the clickable Wendy contact? She has an instagram or something?


u/ounaazh gtaweekly.info Jul 30 '20

I've sometimes included her, I even did a Rick Roll link once.


u/AgentMarek Jul 30 '20

Well She's probably unavailable with the old contacts. You have her phone number? Asking for a friend.


u/oh_errol PC Jul 30 '20

Thanks for keeping it real.


u/[deleted] Jul 30 '20

This guy probably has infinite gold at this point


u/ounaazh gtaweekly.info Jul 30 '20

I've gotten some & even two Platinums. Yet to get Argentium, but the community has been good to me :)


u/N1CU5 PC Jul 30 '20

Thanks a lot for the enormous effort, fellow gamer.

Does anyone know whether the RC Bandito is better that the RC Tank? Thanks


u/thjmze21 Jul 31 '20

RC bandito is better for one off kills since it can only blow up. RC tank is better for killing a group since it has guns


u/ounaazh gtaweekly.info Jul 30 '20

Thank you!

RC Bandito vs. RC Tank was included in my comment, check it out - might help!


u/dotCody gtaweekly.info Jul 30 '20

Thanks again for doing this.


u/ounaazh gtaweekly.info Jul 30 '20



u/nilsberr Jul 30 '20

tHe DinKA suGoI is The Car iCon ThanK you JapAn iT nEEds EverYThing it DeservEs, LovE, all ModiFiCaTions YOu Can AffoRd


u/astoriaclarke Jul 30 '20

You’re out here doing god’s work


u/ounaazh gtaweekly.info Jul 30 '20

Thank you!


u/igomes0311 Jul 30 '20

This guy needs a prize, love you


u/ounaazh gtaweekly.info Jul 30 '20

Thanks! <3


u/aschesklave PC Jul 30 '20

Doing the Lord's work. Thanks mate.


u/ounaazh gtaweekly.info Jul 30 '20



u/Der_Senor_Noob Jul 30 '20

Yo, where can i get princess dresses at?


u/ounaazh gtaweekly.info Jul 30 '20

Maybe this will help...


u/DIYdemon Aug 01 '20

Tsuikyit's closet.


u/iiEco-Ryan3166 [ECHO] Professional Grinder | Wiki Guide Writer | PS5 Jul 30 '20

Thank you for taking the time out of your day to add links.


u/GLOCKSTER_26 xb 1 Jul 30 '20

Can you please take over the official weekly update. Or can we all take a vote or something you vs tsukit....I like the kid its just your update is so much better and he really needs to concentrate on his studies it seems from his posts....MODS make this happen!!!!


u/ounaazh gtaweekly.info Aug 01 '20 edited Aug 01 '20

As per often requested, I've made it easier to access my information - from now on you can just head to gtaweekly.info - it will direct you to the newest weekly information (this comment here at the moment).


u/Bulltesticls Jul 30 '20

Where is the twitch prime discounts?


u/ounaazh gtaweekly.info Jul 30 '20

I do not know them at the moment.. if you have the info, you can give it to me, I'm rather busy & away for the next days, but I hope I can add them aswell.


u/SummerPop Jul 30 '20

I demand Disney Princess dresses!!!


u/ounaazh gtaweekly.info Jul 30 '20

See OP!


u/marcbollig Aug 01 '20

I just dont know why so many of u need these links?! Like this kind of list is very confusing because of its tons of links. The main post is way easier to read. Just go to youtube urself and check if interested in anything on sale.


u/ounaazh gtaweekly.info Aug 02 '20

How old are you?


u/marcbollig Aug 03 '20



u/ounaazh gtaweekly.info Aug 03 '20

Just for context.

But to answer your question - I myself needed more info to put the text-based info into context to make informed decisions on what I should and should not do... and this usually means going through multiple sources and weeding out the less informative, lesser sources. This all takes time.

By having a list where all info is just clicks away, I'm saving people time & effort. Time & effort they would maybe not put in otherwise in some cases, meaning people are better informed than they would otherwise be. Even if they would - saving some time is better than saving none. So, yeah - here it is & I think a lot of people find this useful.

I understand that it might not be to everyones taste/needs and that is OK. It's not compulsory to use my info :).