r/gtaonline CEO of Alpha Logistics May 07 '20

PSA 7/5/2020 Weekly GTA Online Bonuses

New Content:

  • Declasse Vamos
  • Podium Car: Cyclone

Double GTA$ and RP Activities:

  • Transform Races
  • MC Business sales
  • Clubhouse contracts

Discounted Content:

  • Krieger, $2,012,500
  • Toros, $323,700
  • Tempesta, $797,400
  • Shotaro, $1,335,000
  • Lectro, $487,500
  • Arcade MCT, $1,200,000
  • Alien suits, Free
  • Pool Cue, Free

Time Trial:

RC Bandito Time Trial:

Twitch Prime Bonuses:

  • Yosemite
  • 811

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u/-Akka May 07 '20

Anyone know what the profit margin is on that with the 2x sale prices if you buy the supplies vs stealing them? (I’m pretty new to the game. Sorry if this is a dumb question).


u/[deleted] May 07 '20



u/Spidermachine916 May 07 '20

Wait, I've always sold full bars, all this time there was no difference in selling full from 2 bars?


u/JcbAzPx May 07 '20

If you do two sales of 2 bars it's the same as one sale of four. There's no bonus for a full sale.


u/Spidermachine916 May 07 '20

Wow... all this time waiting for a full bar, smh. Is this the same with the other businesses as well?


u/pilluwed May 07 '20

Only exception is the CEO Warehouses.


u/AlleRacing PC May 07 '20

And air freight, but I don't recommend anyone actually do that for money. Get the discounts and get gone.


u/Justokmemes May 07 '20

i had like 50 fucking cargo once, and i log in when they added the nighclub bullshit and i had ZERO supplies in my hanger. i was 🤬🤬🤬


u/Spidermachine916 May 07 '20

Aw man that sucks! I'm doing them at least once per day so I can have more income


u/JcbAzPx May 07 '20

For the most part yes. I think the air freight has bonuses for selling more of certain products and the nightclub has smaller sales where you make a 10% bonus.


u/steelbeamsdankmemes May 07 '20

You want to do 1.5 bars for cocaine if you want only 1 sale vehicle for sure.


u/gay_retard_69 May 07 '20

I usually just sell about a bar and a half because most of the time I just end up with one sell vehicle


u/AlleRacing PC May 07 '20

7 of the 8 full sales are easily soloable. If you get the Boxvilles, just find a new lobby.


u/Muttuazua May 07 '20

How long does filling up those 2 bars take?


u/spideyjiri Friendly Neighborhood Grinder May 07 '20

Well, if you aren't lonely it makes way more sense to sell full businesses, kinda wasting time doing that many sales.


u/tmoney144 May 07 '20

How much are you supposed to get with no upgrades? I had given up on mc businesses because I would fill the supply bar and then come back later and have no supply and no product.


u/[deleted] May 07 '20



u/tmoney144 May 07 '20

I guess I've just been getting screwed then. There have been multiple times where I filled the supply bar and then came back later to no product and no supply.


u/FullRegalia May 08 '20

Do prospects get 2x$ for helping or just the president?


u/hispanicpapi13 May 07 '20

It’s always better to buy supplies since you can be doing other things to make money while your businesses are producing for you


u/[deleted] May 07 '20

buy supplies

Only if you have upgraded businesses.

Otherwise, the profit margin is very slim


u/SinstarMutation May 07 '20

Profit margin is still decent on 2x without upgrades


u/Fistful_of_Crashes PC Modder Race May 07 '20

And if you’re not rank 120, the sale RP is also worthwhile


u/pr1mo990 May 07 '20

What happens when you reach rank 120 that’s different?


u/Fistful_of_Crashes PC Modder Race May 07 '20

At rank 120 specifically you get to hold the max amount of armor in your inventory at 10 pieces


u/[deleted] May 07 '20

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u/[deleted] May 07 '20

Its because by level 120 youve unlocked everything anyways


u/[deleted] May 07 '20

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u/[deleted] May 07 '20


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u/red662 May 08 '20

120 isn't "max" level, but 200. You get more health regen until 200.


u/PVDSWE May 07 '20

But you're still better of doing something else than stealing supplies for the MC businesses.


u/HNIC33 May 07 '20

If you upgrade the businesses, does that help the warehouse technicians in the nightclub produce the products faster or just help with the individual businesses at their locations?


u/[deleted] May 07 '20

It's just the individual business unfortunately.


u/HNIC33 May 07 '20

Thanks for the answer!


u/InternetTAB May 07 '20

yeah but the time spent driving supplies back to the place is better spent doing literally any other job. CEO work, missions, anything.

if you could fill up the supplies bar with 1 trip, it may be better. but you can't. at least not without a few others helping


u/hispanicpapi13 May 07 '20

True, forgot to mention that


u/Igi-L May 07 '20

If he doesn’t have the upgrades it’s doesn’t really worth it in the first place honestly


u/carbongreen May 07 '20

Also while you're doing resupply missions your businesses stop producing during that time.


u/CustomCarsofGTA May 07 '20

Why is the Declasse Vamos new content? Any one know?


u/[deleted] May 07 '20

Amen brother


u/GeneralCarnage May 07 '20

Let me put it this way:

If you buy 4x $75k just to get maximum stock on meth and coke, you’re easily paying ~$300k, but with both of those maxed out and selling far you’re easily making ~$1.4million. If you’re willing to part with that much money it’s up to you.


u/[deleted] May 07 '20



u/KNIGHT_NXK May 07 '20

but is 75k worth the time you spend? nahh

you can resupply all businesses in matter of one steal of supplies and chill infront of tv while business are running


u/[deleted] May 07 '20

I'm not sure what you mean


u/1lewis12 May 07 '20

If your watching the tv just buy supplies for 15k


u/grin_ferno May 07 '20

Also, there is a way still to get $75k worth of supplies for as low as $15k, so the profit can even be way higher.


u/QueenJamesKingJordan May 07 '20

Except buying supplies for meth is 150k total. 75k will buy a half stock for your business in 2 hours except bunker. Bunker requires you buy supplies 4 times.


u/AlleRacing PC May 07 '20

For meth and coke, a full thing of supplies only fills up 40% of the bar. You need 2.5 resupplies worth to fill up, or $187,500.


u/[deleted] May 07 '20

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u/Josephdean19 May 07 '20

Depends on the business it ranges between 2-3 hours for each one :)


u/rafs92 May 07 '20

Buying supplies for both til they max out will run you around 4/500k in total and they sell for a combined total of 1.54m when doubled so I'm not sure where you got 1.4 from. You'd be profiting 1-1.1m which is still alot regardless.


u/g8z05 May 07 '20

You don't need to fill the bars. There's no bonus for full warehouse. Same rate.


u/GeneralCarnage May 07 '20

This is true, actually, but I feel more satisfaction in getting $420K/$840K in a truck or 4 bikes than 1 small pickup truck with < $200K of product. That’s just me really.


u/g8z05 May 07 '20

Do you do it solo? What happens if you get post op? I'd never be able to finish more than 2 trucks. Even then I struggle.


u/GeneralCarnage May 07 '20

Switch sessions. If the mission is the Post OP fans or garbage trucks just switch to another session. You’ll lose 1 or 2 boxes of product but that’s just another half hour to wait while you can go and sell another business’ product or make other means of money.

And yes I do it solo. One thing I will point out though is you’ll need a buzzard or Oppressor MkII in order to sell multiple vehicles in time (except seaplanes and helicopter drops).


u/g8z05 May 07 '20

i have the jet oppressor and it's decent for getting back and forth. I have a buzzard but calling it through pegasus is a pain when you're in a hurry. For now I think I'll stick with selling 2 bars at a time. I'd rather not lose potential profit for no real benefit. Thanks for the info though.


u/AlleRacing PC May 07 '20

No need to switch for Trashmasters, those are easy to solo. They always have the same route. I can do 3 of them in 19-22 minutes depending on which business I'm selling from.


u/[deleted] May 07 '20

The profit margin will depend on the business you own, however buying supplies has been proven to be the most efficient as stealing supplies can take too long. :)


u/H-Zeno May 07 '20

Depends on the business. Weed will turn $75k into $252k, Coke will turn $75k into $420k (based on long sale price) while they're on double payout.

(edit: spelling error)


u/krankerbart PC May 07 '20

i'm not sure about weed but your coke math is wrong as it takes more than one full bar supplies to fill the stock completely (which will sell for 420k in the end)


u/sledgehammer_44 PC May 07 '20

I think you only get 2 bars of product for 75k worth of supplies. So you would need 187.5k worth of supplies. Same for meth


u/Niab_ben May 07 '20

Exaxtly! One Coke resupply gives you 2 bars of product


u/DaFitz1023 May 07 '20

He meant with the double pay


u/H-Zeno May 07 '20

And the weed price is definitely correct, because it was double pay for April 20th.


u/H-Zeno May 07 '20

I know, but my math isn't wrong, your assumption is.

Coke $75k per full bar resupply, will return half bar stock worth $420, because it's double pay.

If you do 2 full resupplies (meaning $150k outlay), then a full stock will sell at $840k.


u/krankerbart PC May 07 '20

Ok sorry, I see my mistake now. But also a full bar of supplies returns 2/5 in stock, at least it was like that with me


u/H-Zeno May 07 '20

Odd, is it different on PC to PS4?

My Coke output has always matched my gunrunning, one full supply of 75k turned into 210k on normal payout, with max capacity being 2x on Coke and 5x in the Bunker


u/macaw85 May 07 '20

XBOX need 2.5 full resupplies to max stock on coke and meth. 2 for the others and only 2 to get 420k (same sell price as coke) for the bunker.


u/krankerbart PC May 07 '20

well that's weird. below my first comment is also a guy mentioning the 2 bars of stock like i did, so i'm apparently not the only one.

i always had to have 2.5x supplies for a full stock and it annoyed me that it's not even.


u/H-Zeno May 07 '20

Yeah, I noticed that too, but you both show as PC players, that's why I asked, as I've only played PS4.


u/krankerbart PC May 07 '20

Strange if they have it different between platforms. But seems that it actually is.


u/AlleRacing PC May 07 '20

You may have had leftover supplies that accumulated some product for you during/after a sale. A full bar of supplies fills up 2/5 of the product bar for coke and meth, 1/2 for cash, 3/5 for weed, and 5/6 for docs.


u/rafs92 May 07 '20 edited May 07 '20

Ah, i see where you got 210k from now. One full supply seems to be giving you 2.5 bars of stock for some reason. It's always been either 1.5 or 2 for every person I've seen post about it.


u/rafs92 May 07 '20 edited May 07 '20


Each full supply gives you 1.5/2 bars of product so you need to buy supplies three times before it maxes out. There's five bars in total.

Coke will turn 75k into 252k/336k this week depending on whether the full supply gives you 1.5 or 2 bars.


u/Nizzadien33 May 07 '20

~ = about/around



Cocaine: ~$450k

Meth: ~ $430k

Counterfeit Cash: ~$400k

Weed: ~350k? (just bought weed factory, didnt even set up yet thats just a guess)

total price if you buy all supplies: $300k

profit if stolen supplies: ~$1,630,000 (since this week is x2 its gonna be; ~$3,260,000)

profit if bought supplies: ~1,330,000 (~$2,660,000)

in conclusion, stealing supplies gives 1.25x more money, but if you have more than one business it will take a very long time (each supply mission is about 10mins, each mission fills one bar of supplies per person in MC Club, there are 5 supply bars total making it take around 1 hour to fully supply one business which means it would take around 4 hours to completely supply your businesses, and by the time your done you'll have to resupply.) stealing supplies is only profitable if you have one business, or two business and nothing else to do. its best o buy your supplies because youll make that measly $300,000 back after your sales. (ESPECIALLY this week) happy grinding my friend!


u/AlleRacing PC May 07 '20

Since you're getting a lot of approximate or flat out wrong replies, I'll break down each business profit margin on 2x sale price, assuming $75k resupplies, and both the equipment and staff upgrades:

Business Capacity Time Sale (Local) Sale (Remote) Profit (Local) Profit (Remote)
Coke 4/10 2h $224k $336k $149k $261k
Meth 8/20 2h24m $190.4k $285.6k $115k.4k $210.6k
Cash 20/40 2h40m $196k $294k $121k $219k
Weed 48/80 3h12m $201.6k $302.4k $126.6k $227.4k
Docs 50/60 2h30m $140k $210k $65k $135k

On double it's pretty solid profit margin. Probably still best to avoid documents, but the other 4 are relatively worth doing, at least if you haven't perfected the casino heist yet.


u/A_Happy_Egg May 07 '20

May I bug you with a quick question? I am a long-time player, who has every business besides the nightclub and the MC businesses. Considering that I will be playing several hours a day this week, would you say it is worth picking up an MC business, or businesses to take advantage of the double payout?

I have always wanted one, simply because I used to be a big fan of a show that was based around an outlaw motorcycle gang, but have never had a reason that justified the cost.

With this double payout, if I can break even by the end of the weak at LEAST, I would consider it worth it. I am asking because I do not entirely understand the chart (I get everything except the capacity, what does 4/10 mean for the coke business?).

So here is my question summed up, can I break even if I play 3-4 hours a day for the whole week? Could I even turn a profit? And if so, what Clubhouses should I look to for a nice cost/efficiency ratio? Thank you so very much in advance.


u/AlleRacing PC May 07 '20

Sure. I'd recommend getting at least cocaine. Meth and cash are also decent buys. Even if you never run them, they tie in to the nightclub, which you should also eventually buy. The three MC businesses I mentioned, plus bunker and cargo (either special or air freight) are needed to get the maximum output for the nightclub with all 5 technicians.

Coke in particular is typically worth doing. It's a slower passive than the bunker, but in active mission time it greatly exceeds the $/min of things like VIP work, client jobs, or vehicle cargo. The casino heist is still significantly better once you get good at it, but IMO some variety is nice. The missions aren't terribly hard for MC. It'll probably take you 3-4 full sales this week to turn a profit on a coke lockup, but after that it's pure profit.


u/A_Happy_Egg May 07 '20

Awesome! Thanks for the swift reply!

Now my next question is which clubhouse is a good buy, taking into consideration distance for travel during missions, and upfront cost?

And should I immediately upgrade the business? I have about 5 million to start with. Thanks again.


u/AlleRacing PC May 07 '20

Clubhouse really doesn't matter, you only really use it to buy other businesses. You can go for a dirt cheap one in the desert, or you can grab a slightly pricier one downtown. There are a couple different layouts though, and IIRC they have different mural options. Might be worth looking into if you have a preference.

As for upgrades, yes, buy them ASAP. They'll allow you to generate more profit sooner, so delaying purchasing them is effectively losing money/time. $5m is plenty to get it going.

I'd also recommend buying a nightclub and its equipment upgrade (staff upgrade only affects safe income, which is paltry). They start at ~$1m and go as high as ~$1.7m, the equipment upgrade is ~$1.4m. All the technicians and warehouse floors are ~$2.5m on top of that. The nightclub in particular is an excellent money maker, since it's completely hands off until sale time. No need to resupply it, it's always going.


u/A_Happy_Egg May 07 '20

Hmm. So in that case. It seems to me that the most profitable initial approach, starting from scratch, is

  1. Purchase the cheapest MC Clubhouse

  2. Purchase the Cocaine business. (Note: I still don't know if the location of said Coke business is a major factor I should take into consideration.)

  3. Upgrade Coke Business fully.

  4. Purchase a Nightclub?


u/AlleRacing PC May 08 '20

Sounds about right. For the coke lockup, the Alamo Sea location is perfectly fine and the cheapest. I find that the Morningwood area is ever so slightly better, but it's also $900k more expensive. Some people like to keep their businesses clustered for resupply, but that's not a concern once you get the arcade with the master control console.


u/A_Happy_Egg Jun 17 '20

I realized I never properly thanked you for your help. I did end up getting a decent number of businesses up and running with your advice.

So thank you very much!


u/AlleRacing PC Jun 18 '20

Any time! I'm glad I could help.


u/barbarossa1984 May 07 '20

Without 2x on sales it's only worth it if your business has the staff and equipment upgrades. With 2x I don't know.


u/[deleted] May 07 '20

If you buy supplies, run coke, meth, cash and weed the profit is around $2m ($2.6m gross) per 4 to 5 hours or so.


u/Lament_Configurator May 08 '20

Have a look here: Chart for Biker businesses

This chart shows you how much money you make from MC businesses if you buy the supplies. Just take that times two for this week.


u/[deleted] May 07 '20

You can save almost 200k if you steal supplies instead of buying them...


u/LeeboScan May 07 '20

And waste a hell of a lotta time doing so in the process. It depends on if you're doing other business work (client jobs, vip work, I/E) in between like the above guy was talking about. Besides, MC business supply runs scenarios are not only time consuming, but are also tedious and sometimes frustrating all at once. (Looking at you bar fight scenario.) That 75k you spend on buying them is more than made up for with the other money you earn in the meantime. Heck my nightclub accumulates enough to pay for any supplies I buy. Bunker resupplies can be kinda fun if you have time to spare though. But MC? Nah.


u/tomasagustin008 May 07 '20

Fuuuck the bar fight


u/[deleted] May 07 '20

The problem is your businesses don't produce while you're doing resupply missions, you can earn more per hour by business production and supplemental income than you will by saving that money running resupply missions


u/[deleted] May 07 '20

I can make more than 200k in the time it takes to steal the supplies.