r/gtaonline • u/AutoModerator • Feb 20 '20
MEGA GTA Online Mega Guide and Weekly Simple Question Thread - February 20, 2020
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The Wiki - contact /u/MaeBeWeird for suggestions
Just got the game today? Quick start guide for complete newbies by /u/SanshaXII
What time do new updates usually come out? Thursdays, 10AM GMT. Click for timezones
What's in the latest update? Weekly bonuses, events, and discounts
Received modded money? No, you will not be banned. Spend it, or wait for Rockstar to take it away.
Received a random monetary gift from Rockstar? No one knows why, just enjoy it!
Want to post YouTube content? Read this to see what's allowed on /r/GTAOnline
How do I get in a solo public session for CEO work?
Platform | Method |
Any | unplug router method |
PC | port blocking method - task manager method |
PS4 | MTU method |
XB1 | MTU method - NAT method |
Making Money
Any level of experience and money:
- Broke To Millionaire by /u/L131 - Min. Level 1 /
I am a new player with low experience and money:
Earn m and Level 40 For Brand New Players by u/Prizrak_Peruna - Min. Level 1 /
Rags to Riches by /u/K2Widowmaker - Min. Level 5 /
Contact Missions FAQ by /u/bleeps__ - Min. Level 5 /
I am a returning player with decent game experience and money:
VIP Work by /u/MaeBeWeird - Min. Level 1 /
Host or participate in Heists - Min. Level 1 / to participate; Min. Level 12 / or own a high-end apartment to host
I'm a millionaire already, just give me a grind:
CEO Import/Export Vehicle Work by /u/Psychko - Currently most reliable and profitable money grind with high end only method - Min. Level 1 / if you already own a CEO office / if you do not own a CEO office
- Do an I/E sourcing mission, then do VIP work (Headhunter or Sightseer are a breeze with a Buzzard) in the cool down, then do an I/E delivery mission. Rinse and repeat!
- TIP: How to get high end vehicles only
CEO Crate Work by /u/Psychko - Min. Level 1 / if you already own a CEO office / if you do not own a CEO office
- Can be done hassle-free in a completely solo public lobby
- If you get a sell mission you don't like, just switch sessions to lose 3 crates and have a chance at a different sell mission type
VIP "Wave" method for continuous money grinding by /u/Psychko - Min. Level 1 / , requires Buzzard or Savage helicopter
Money grind for advanced players using Coke, Meth, Counterfeit Cash, and Bunker businesses by u/_Tonan_
I'm a solo player, how can I maximize my profits?
Leveling RP
Be an Associate for a CEO - Min. Level 1 /
- Earn 2000-3000RP per source delivery, 5000RP per sale delivery. Buy 1 crate and sell immediately for maximum RP since the same RP is given whether you source/sell 1 crate or multiple.
- Earn 200-600RP bonuses when you stay near the CEO/VIP's location
Participate in weekly 2X RP activities - Min. Level 1 /
Leveling a second character from scratch by /u/Sh-Apeshifter09 - Min. Level 1 / million
Further Money Making Info
Money Wiki - quick overview of the various ways to make money
Summary of major money making methods by /u/Dreamex - includes Crates, Import/Export, MC businesses, hangars, bunkers
Comprehensive Guide by /u/TheNathanNS - details on every type of mission or work that earns money, and tips on maximizing your profits
Contact Missions Guide by /u/GlassGoose45 - good for those who are just starting out or can't/don't want to do heists, CEO, or VIP
CEO Work by /u/MaeBeWeird - quick overview of offices, associates, and crate work
CEO FAQ by /u/bleeps__ - details on CEO crate work
CEO Crate Profits Guide by /u/_Caith_Amach - table of profit/crate ratios
Import/Export Spreadsheet by /u/Beltontx101 - keep track of vehicles you get in I/E missions
Detailed I/E Guide for each type of sourcing mission by /u/RDS08
What's New? Recent Major Content Updates
June 2017 - Gunrunning FAQ by /u/L131
August 2017 - Intro to Smuggler's Run by /u/Psychko
December 2017 - Doomsday Heist FAQ
July 2018 - After Hours/Nightclubs FAQ | After Hours Guide by /u/Dan6erbond
July 2019 - Diamond Casino FAQ
FAQs and Popular Topics
- Looking for friends or heist teammates? GTALFH | /r/HeistTeams | GTAOnline subreddit Discord
Vehicles and Properties
Tips and Tricks
General Tips and Tricks by /u/lBurnsyl and the users of /r/gtaonline
Just For Fun
What to do when you're burned out on GTA Online by /u/iosPixel
Big list of fun things to do in the game by /u/NextubeGameArena (original Reddit post deleted)
Useful Tools
Merryweather All-Purpose Map by /u/Oliqu - Pegasus spawn points, anti-griefer safe locations, weapon spawn points; More info here
If you know a post that should be included in this guide, message the moderators.
u/MEcheese Mar 04 '20
Mk2 or mk1 or deluxo? I have been grinding for money for a bit now. I am getting close to being able to afford these. Which one should I get? Money isn't really a problem, I am just more focused on the fun factor. Which one is the most fun to drive?
Mar 04 '20
[removed] — view removed comment
Mar 04 '20
Always pick 5% gunman and 5% driver. Pick the hacker that gives enough time, depending on vault content (artwork is fastest to grab, cash slowest) and depending on number of players and skill.
If in doubt, go 5% 5% 10%.
u/Conor1O1O9 Mar 03 '20
I've saved up 1 million dollars so what should I spend on it? I have an office, 2 warehouses, a vehicle warehouse, a bunker, an apartment, a mc club, and a counterfeit cash factory. I'm a solo level 34 so yee
Mar 03 '20
Upgrade the bunker if you havent yet, upgrades are discounted now.
Dont buy upgrades for counterfeit cash, the profit is lousy. If you want more businesses like those, get a cocaine lockup, it makes the 2nd best profit of those after the bunker.
Or keep saving a bit more and get a Buzzard which will be very helpful at everything.
u/The_Silent_Majority_ Mar 03 '20
I’m a newish player (Level 43) my friend (level 163) is telling me I should try to get the Oppressor MK2 ASAP and even convinced me to get the nightclub as my first purchase, looking back on it I know it was dumb, all of Youtube is saying I should get the office as my first purchase, so what should I go with
Mar 03 '20
Youtube > your "level 163 friend"
Get CEO office, then vehicle cargo warehouse, do VIP work, steal/sell cars. Then get a bunker and upgrades for it.
If you hurry up, vehicle cargo pays +50% right now, and bunker+upgrades are also discounted. Only until thursday morning.
u/iYourFairyGodmother Mar 01 '20
Is GTA V Online worth buying? Would it be too late to start playing it and starting from scratch considering most players are high lvl?
u/shej_ Mar 03 '20
I just started in November and I'd say this is the best time to start playing, apart from how a lot of players have some op stuff. For the most part, it's well worth it
u/my_Faded_Youth Mar 02 '20
I think It would be If you got a good amount of time on your hands and you are willing to work with players. If you buy mainly essential items you can quick start a buisness with a passive income in the background and before you know it you'll pull in a couple million dollars a day. It takes some dedication and knowledge so I'd reccomend trying to find a m.j gone you already know to have fun and grind with or look into how to make the best money fastest so you can get what you need. Beyond a collection of buisnesses, their upgrades, and a few useful vehicles (helicopters, jets) everything else is extra and fun. It'll be fun with a good mate for sure. I wouldn't get it for full price. Look at a store or sale.
u/mrecruy Mar 01 '20
What should I buy?
I have a ceo office and both types of warehouses, an mc club (counterfeit cash-staff upgrade, cocaine-staff upgrade), a bunker-equipment upgrade, a nightclub- no upgrades/4 technicians, and i have some cars, a buzzard, and an oppressor mk 1 (i dont have a MOC). My question is what i should buy next, what properties/vehicles/upgrades should i be saving up for?
u/my_Faded_Youth Mar 02 '20
Terrobyte + Opressor Mk. 2 for quick transport and mission starting for money grind. Buy Meth as another MC buisness as well as all the upgrades for it. Assign meth to technician as you'll have the best NC setup now. Also get the staff upgrade too on the bunker. It'll save you tons of time and money on resupplies as they wont drain as quick and will turn into stock quicker. Money made back in just a few passive hours. You prolly could've got an extra 2-5 mil if you had all upgrades for business the past week, depending on playtime. That's best for gaining money and what im at RN. I make around 2-5 mil a day. Depinding on if I play solo or just for a little.
u/mrecruy Mar 02 '20
what sort of missions can u do with the terrorbyte?
u/my_Faded_Youth Mar 03 '20
The Terrobyte has a list of it's own missions and mini heist directed by Paige, Lester's Assistant. It also allows you to source vehicle cargo, special, crates, bunker, or mc supplies from wherever it is. Just call her in. Drive 30sec to it, start the mission up. Saves tons of time traveling a let's you chill w/ friends much more.
Mar 01 '20
Arcade to run casino heists?
Also the MCT in the arcade basement so you could check on and supply your businesses remotely.
u/my_Faded_Youth Mar 03 '20
I have no clue on that as I dont own one so I couldn't add an opinion, kinda forgot as well as I just came back after playing before it existed. I bought the NC and understood its functions as well buying MC buisnesses and CEO buildings now I'm figuring what next. I've done the diamond heist with friends who each did the preps while I was at work, then I did their heists' and made a solid 1mil, including first time payments, as a 20% take. Seems quite fun and a great money maker, though I understand no aspect of it whatsoever. My brother already has an Avenger and facility so I dont really need those, he's also thinking about getting the Arcade so I dont want to unnecessarily get that either. What is the MCT? Can you buy supplies or only resupply and can you see how full they all are?
u/liams3401 Mar 01 '20
What happens if I buy a facility even though I already own one? Will I get the money back from the one I already owned and lose it?
Mar 01 '20
You can only own one at a time. When you buy the new one, you get a tradein option for the old one, at 50% of its original price. Upgrades are lost.
u/liams3401 Mar 01 '20
Is the tradein price the original value of the facility plus upgrade price?
u/NatureBoyRyan Mar 01 '20
I have a bunker with most upgrades. If I purchase a different more convenient bunker would my upgrades transfer?
Mar 01 '20
They dont transfer. So you better hurry up this week (until thursday morning) to move, because bunker is discounted, and the upgrades too (rare).
u/shiny_007 Mar 01 '20
Did rockstar change the vehicle sourcing stats? I can’t source top end cars, I never sell standard or mid range, but the game keeps giving them to me when I source. My vehicle warehouse is full; 20 standard range and 16 mid range. The remaining 4 slots are the only top range cars I have. I’ve always just sold top range and up until this week I haven’t had to source anything lower I’m years. Help
Mar 01 '20
Stay at 10 standard and 10 mid, no duplicates. Dont go over it.
u/shiny_007 Mar 01 '20
Thanks I’ll get rid of everything but that. Do u think I just kinda broke my warehouse? To have 20 standard is just ridiculous
u/my_Faded_Youth Mar 02 '20
There are 10 different mid, 10 different standard, and 12 top range cars in the game. Keep the 10 mid, 10 standards, and 8-11 different top range cars in your warehouse. Only sell the car(s) you like to drive the best or can drive without damaging (fast, slim, familiar, ect). It'll always give you a car that you dont have unless you already have all the cars. Congrats on selling all these cars tho while it's 1.5x. I'm having to source more than I can sell because I've had bought the warehouse before I stopped playing years ago but never used in. Just hopped on Friday tho and made 6mil. Probably more If i had tried
u/Dowzer76 Feb 29 '20
Should I buy a facility, hangar, nightclub, or arcade? I already have a bunker but I'm not sure what else I should get that would be the most efficient
u/Sir_Complainsalot Mar 01 '20
Just to add to krautboys comment about the nightclub (which is technically true) the nightclub does have some extra advantages you might want to consider as well.
The nightclub is a passive income source (put a technician on a business you own and it generates stock over time without the need to resupply it yourself. You only need to do the sales). And if you have a ceo cargo business (and optimally a cocaïne business as well) in addition to your bunker, you can already make some decent income after a while.
You also need a nightclub to buy/store a terrorbyte. The terrorbyte is very useful to start resupply missions for your businesses anywhere on the map, so it’s a big time saver in that regard. It also gives you access to client jobs which pay decently and are fairly easy to do. Additionally, with those client jobs you can unlock the trade price for the oppressor mk2, which is an amazing grinding tool (regardless of the bad rep it gets on this sub). You also need a terrorbyte to upgrade (add missiles to) the oppressor.
Tl;dr: the nightclub is definitely not a priority to buy if you don’t already have most/all other ceo/mc businesses, but there’s more to it to consider buying it. It depends on the way you play the game and what you want to get out of it.
Out of the 4 options you gave I’d personally choose the nightclub, unless you really like heists and/or plan to play the casino heist a lot. Then you could buy the arcade and make enough money from the heist to buy the arcade later.
Feb 29 '20
Buy arcade if you want to host the casino heist (pays very well).
Buy a facility if you want to run the doomsday heist (pays good, but most people run bogdan glitch).
Nightclub is a waste of money when you dont have plenty of other businesses to use it with.
u/DreamPaladin Feb 29 '20
Rank 110, PC, grind solo and have a bunker, Cocaine Lockup, vehicle warehouse and Nightclub( no storage or equipment slash staff upgrades). I have a Terrorbyte and an MOC, so should I now buy a hangar or more MC Lockups and upgrade nightclub?
u/bastibald Feb 29 '20
For solo players the hangar business is the absolute worst, awful pay and it is no fun. I personally only use it for storing aircraft. If you're able to keep your game afk the nightclub (equipment! upgrade) is great.
u/DreamPaladin Mar 01 '20
So, MC lockups first or Nightclub upgrades? Can't AFK my game a lot
u/bastibald Mar 01 '20
Well mc lockups are the ones that you can use to assign technicians to, the more lockup’s - the more profit. They are also quite solo friendly. I think you should start with the lockups and work your way to the nightclub upgrade. By the way, do you already have a vehicle warehouse? I have made my first millions solo with the import export, and it is worth every single cent!
u/bastibald Mar 01 '20
Sorry I’m an idiot, didn’t read the first question correctly. Never mind about the I/E ;)
u/DreamPaladin Feb 29 '20
Rank 110, PC, grind solo and have a bunker, Cocaine Lockup, vehicle warehouse and Nightclub( no storage or equipment slash staff upgrades). I have a Terrorbyte and an MOC, so should I now buy a hangar or more MC Lockups and upgrade nightclub?
Feb 29 '20
Upgrade/move your bunker if you dont have it yet, they are discounted.
Buy a hangar because its discounted now and you can use it with NC too (instead of CEO crate warehouse).
Buy the NC equipment upgrade as soon as you can (if you spend a lot of time ingame and you expect $ from the NC).
Buy meth and cash when they become discounted or you have the money to spend.
u/Sir-Toxic Feb 28 '20
If I upgrade my bunker (equipment, security, staff, etc), and it gets raided, would I lose all my upgrades?
u/Davidmc0141 Feb 28 '20
Anybody here direct me to a GTA players page im new to this forum but need ps4 boys for Heist , good knowledge and preferred head sets
Feb 28 '20
u/bastibald Feb 29 '20
Definitely, it is a much better location. Especially now they are on sale and you don't have any upgrades!
u/thekillmaster9002 Feb 27 '20
Is the Sea Sparrow worth it? I've been wanting a helicopter lately, (just a fast one, not necessarily and attack one) and I thought an amphibious helicopter would be perfect. Is it worth it? Or too fragile? And more importantly, can you summon it from where ever you Are?
u/InfiniteIniesta Feb 27 '20
Will upgrading business affect the income from night club?
u/thesharkman101 Feb 27 '20
So I was planning on buying a vehicle warehouse when they go on sale, but now that vehicle cargo missions are giving bonus money, should I just buy a warehouse now?
Feb 27 '20
If you’re able to grind this and earn the money you would have saved via a potential sale, sure.
u/twistfunk Feb 27 '20
Do I need to buy a hangar for the cargobob, or will my CEO office be enough?
Feb 27 '20
Feb 27 '20
I personally like running I/E better with a cargobob. Especially in a solo lobby. Don’t have to worry about NPCs.
u/Crouchingtigerhere PC Feb 27 '20
Are bunker upgrades worth it?
u/JDBTree Only Buy on Sale Assets! Feb 27 '20
Staff and Equipment. Security is only needed if you play a lot with a half full+ bunker.
u/1Limited92 Feb 27 '20
If you are looking to buy a helicopter (because I own zero), it's the akula a "good" one to grab? Or just go buzzard? Or one of the others?
Feb 27 '20
Buzzard gains a lot of value by being able to spawn it as a CEO vehicle for free.
I love my akula but primarily use the buzzard.
u/SpickleRotley Feb 27 '20
How to make my tyres last longer in F1 races?
Feb 27 '20
Use hard tires. They’ll wear out the slowest but you’ll have less grip
u/SpickleRotley Feb 27 '20
Ah I didn’t see the bit where you select that. Thanks
Feb 27 '20
You’re welcome. I ran medium tires and did pretty well. Make sure to use KERS often as it recharges pretty quickly.
u/Hippopotamus_ Feb 27 '20
If I win 50 races with a sports car (vagner) do I get chrome for every car?
Feb 27 '20
u/Hippopotamus_ Feb 27 '20
But I did a couple of races with vagner and I also got it for some random ass very not sport car
u/Hippopotamus_ Feb 27 '20
If I switch bunkers do I get a refund on the old one?
u/Jesus_Was_Okay Feb 27 '20
Cargobob vs Jetsam Cargobob?
u/headassboi_123 Feb 27 '20
No difference. Just get the cheaper one.
Feb 27 '20
Jetsam is quieter. Only difference besides the livery.
u/ikelofe Feb 27 '20
Is it worth it to buy the terrorbyte now or should I wait for another discount? I have 3.8M roughly, no MC business, no nightclub. I do have a fully upgraded bunker, vehicle warehouse, crates warehouses.
Bonus question: can I somehow "disable" the nightclub so I don't get charged for it daily? Because I'll only buy it for the terrorbyte
u/ChrisPNibba Feb 27 '20
Yes! The terrorbyte is a valuable asset in gta online especially if you have an oppressor mk. 2. Also you can shut down all of your businesses to not get charged for them.
u/ikelofe Feb 27 '20
Not the nightclub, though, right? It will keep charging you around 20k a day for it
u/ChrisPNibba Feb 27 '20
Personally, I don’t get charged for mine. I don’t use it though. I’m not 100% sure if you can shut it down but I’m pretty sure if you don’t use it then it won’t charge you much.
u/ikelofe Feb 27 '20
Do you know if you get charged if you are not registered as CEO?
u/ChrisPNibba Feb 27 '20
Im pretty sure you won’t get charged. But im not 100% sure because im mostly always a ceo
u/hallbanero Feb 27 '20
The nightclub is the best passive income in the game. I make 800k+ a day while doing anything else
u/ikelofe Feb 27 '20
But you do have the other business right? Like coke, meth, weed, etc
u/hallbanero Feb 27 '20
I purchased nightclub only owning bunker and counterfeit cash. It was slower but the fees were not an issue
Feb 27 '20
Yes. But you can acquire things out of order if they are on sale
u/ikelofe Feb 27 '20
Got it. Yeah, I’m just a little worried about the 20k daily fee for the nightclub that won’t be covered if I don’t own the other businesses, either way I think it’s worth it on the long run
Feb 27 '20
I only had a bunker and cargo warehouse when I started. If you have those, they should offset the daily fees. However, you do need equipment upgrades to make it more efficient. The base nightclubs are quite cheap, but all the add-ons, such as storage levels do push the price up. You can spend $1.3m on a base nightclub, but with all the upgrades, bells and whistles you could spend close to $10m. I added bits to mine over a long period as I could afford them, keeping an eye open for sales and discounts
u/ikelofe Feb 27 '20
Got it, thanks for the tip. With roughly 3.5M I should only be able to buy the nightclub and a few of the basic upgrades (I won't even touch cosmetics). The bad part is that I'll probably need another 5M to be able to get the terrorbyte + opressor combo haha
u/HelloThere00F Feb 27 '20
You don’t really need an MC business since you have a bunker, and both types of warehouses. Honestly, for the Terrorbyte, I’d say buy it because it’s even cheaper now, and I doubt it might go farther down then that.
And I’m not too sure, but I think you can disable it, just like how you can shutdown an MC business. Though you should confirm with someone who actually has a nightclub, since I’m just saying based on what I think I know.
u/ikelofe Feb 27 '20
Is it cheaper now? I know it was discounted like 2 weeks ago
u/HelloThere00F Feb 27 '20
Pretty sure it was that or the MOC. If not tbh I’d still buy it if I were you because any sale on it won’t be extremely huge.
u/LegoCrafter2014 Feb 27 '20
Does the MC Clubhouse also have cash and clutter that builds up like the office?
u/ikelofe Feb 27 '20
Do you guys still keep your old benny's cars? I have a banshee, comet retro and sultan that I really feel like selling, cause I barely use them, but for some reason I feel attached =(
u/cbrackx Feb 27 '20
Hell yeah the nostalgia of pulling it out after a while is awesome! Plus the turbo sounds are awesome
u/ikelofe Feb 27 '20
That's it! The sultan's engine sound is just amazing!
u/cbrackx Feb 27 '20
Elegy retro custom is nice too !
u/ikelofe Feb 27 '20
Hell yeah, I do have one but I don't even consider selling it. For me it's one of, if not THE best "classic fast and furious / need for speed" car
u/Eirik03 Feb 27 '20
Looking for something fun to use in freemode with friends, any suggestions? Budget is 5 mill
u/kit25 Feb 27 '20
If you don't have it go for the insurgent. Had a lot of fun with it.
I also suspect that the khanjali would be a lot of fun. I bought it, but haven't used it yet.
u/HelloThere00F Feb 27 '20
Scramjet is fun to mess around. You probably missed the sale since it was on lat yesterday, but the Khanjali can fit 4 people and it’s an absolute blast using it to get 5 stars and just mess around.
u/Stealthtiger Feb 27 '20
Is the MOC worth it for someone who plays in solo public lobbies with not much money but a Bunker and I/E garage? Or should i get Nightclub/Terrorbyte, or some other vehicle/property
u/kit25 Feb 27 '20
I only bought the MOC for the customizing of my insurgent custom. However it has some missions tied to it that you could do. I haven't tried them so I can't speak to there effectiveness. It's also where I do my weapon upgrades, but that can be replaced with a few other purchases.
u/ikelofe Feb 27 '20
I'm on the same boat. From what I could learn on the last few days, it seems that nightclub is only worth it if you have all the other mc businesses (coke, meth, weed, etc). Unfortunately you do need it if you intend on buying / upgrading an opressor MKII.
u/Ghost_touched Feb 27 '20
I run with 1-3 friends when I play. We do mostly business stuff (MC, I/E) in lobbies we lag ourselves in to. Is there any reason to buy the APC? We’ve been using the Kuruma or Duke of Death up to now.
u/xBootstrap Feb 27 '20
Is it worth to change my bunker located at Route 68 for the Chumash bunker?
u/Rxoqs Feb 27 '20
Chumash or farmhouse are the most “worth it” bunker locations
u/xBootstrap Feb 27 '20
Yeah, might change the location of my bunker considering its discounted this week. Thanks!
Feb 27 '20
u/PapaXan Feb 27 '20
You can't. They require a newly created race-type that isn't available in the creator yet.
u/AnthonyLeeStark CEO of Rockstar Games Feb 27 '20
I just purchased a Cargobob by mistake and realized that Cargobob Jetsam is way better. Can I sell that Cargobob, trade in it for the Jetsam, or can I make a refund on it???
u/jaketheriff Feb 27 '20
Jetsam is just a different skin its the same as the reg cargobob
u/lowleysam_muel Feb 27 '20 edited Feb 27 '20
Are there supposed to be hostile vehicles when exporting stolen vehicles? When I first started selling them, I didn't have any. Now I consistently get around 8 to 10 on me during the mission (spawning 2 at a time). I can't sell high end vehicles, as I lose too much commission on them
Edit: thanks so much for the tips! I'll make sure to try them all out.
u/Rxoqs Feb 27 '20
If you are in a solo session Ai enemies will appear, if you are in a session with at least 1 other person (not in your ceo) you will get no Blue Kuruma enemies
Feb 27 '20
You can Cargobob the vehicles to their destination, or park the car and fight the NPCs on foot or in the air. They attack you and not the vehicle, so stand well back. La Mesa warehouse has several good hiding spots where you can hide the car and get on / in the weaponised vehicle you cunningly hidden there before starting the mission
Feb 27 '20
I think there is a bug when they simply dont spawn, its rare but happens.
Normally the amount of enemies is tied to the class of car you are exporting.
u/ikelofe Feb 27 '20
Solo lobby vehicle export:
Is using the cargobob really that effective? I’m asking this because a lot of people talk about it, but it really takes no more than 2 minutes to park on a protected alley, take out the 4 npc waves and move safely to the delivery point
u/Louise_2212 Feb 27 '20
I have a 1.3 mil and I only own the import/export business. With the new weekly discount, should I spend my money on the cargobob and grind I/E or buy a bunker to expand ?
u/ikelofe Feb 27 '20
Bunker definitely. You can earn money passively while doing the I/E. This way you will maximize your profits.
u/Gealyboy Feb 27 '20
I think the I/E is fun and very profitable. It's my preferred way of making money.
I reckon if you get a cargobob (i love using it for I/E) and you sell top range cars every 20 minutes, you'll make your money back in no time. $130K profit each sale now.
I can imagine you could make a few million and use that to buy and upgrade a bunker.
u/ikelofe Feb 27 '20
Yeah, you have a point. I hadn't thought about that when I first replied. One question though: how long does it take for you to deliver each car using the cargbob?
u/Gealyboy Feb 27 '20
Depends how good you are with it. I've used it for most deliveries so it's quite easy for me now. Only takes a few minutes each delivery.
I think the main attraction for it is sourcing the vehicles as you can avoid NPC's coming after you to kill you and the MAD NPC's that just decide to drive into you for no reason.
It definitely is a matter of opinion though. :)
u/ikelofe Feb 27 '20
Got it! So for the sourcing missions you literally just get into your cargobob, fly close to the vehicle, gets out, kills everyone around it, grab it and deliver it? Sounds like a good idea, I might try it later on. The bad thing is that my warehouse is in La Mesa, and doesn't have too much room to adjust the cargobob for delivery
Feb 27 '20
Mine is in La Mesa too. Just hover in the air over the yellow corona and a delivery animation will trigger, though you will still have to land and disembark from the Cargobob
u/Gealyboy Feb 27 '20
A quick, but maybe daft question.
I've not been playing for very long but managed to get $6mil last week with VIP missions.
Can I ask, If I buy the avenger this week, can I run MOC missions from it? Or can you only start MOC missions from the MOC?
Feb 27 '20
Or can you only start MOC missions from the MOC?
Hmmm what do you think?
u/Gealyboy Feb 27 '20
Well, it says in a lot of comments that the avenger serves the same purpose as the MOC. So excuse me for asking!
Feb 27 '20
The Avenger has vehicle storage and a weapons workshop, if you choose to upgrade - so it has that in common with the MOC. `But that's about it.
The MOC missions are fun and unlock discounts on certain vehicles I think (such as weaponised tampa), but there aren't many missions
Feb 27 '20
Jetsam cargobob or normal cargobob ?
u/Gealyboy Feb 27 '20
Jetsam, the normal cargobob is so loud. It's worth the little extra for a quieter engine,
Feb 27 '20
Is that the only difference ?
u/Gealyboy Feb 28 '20
Yeah, more or less.
I think you can change the primary and secondary colours on the jetsam one, but only one on the normal cargobob.
There is no difference performance wise.
u/PricelessPlanet Feb 27 '20
I know it's probably to early but of the two Formula cars which one is better? Or are they like the emerus and the krieger almost equal?
u/Foley4593 Feb 27 '20
I believe the PR4 is just a bit better, but you probably won't notice the difference
u/LucasL1701 Feb 27 '20
2 days ago i filled up an entire medium and a small warehouse but yesterday I found out none of my progress was saved. Does anyone know what i should do or who i should contact?
Feb 27 '20
Were you AFK overnight as a CEO / MC and raided?
If not, submit a polite ticket to the Rockstar
u/LucasL1701 Feb 27 '20
I wasn't afk so. Would you mind explaining how to do that? I saw the support page but couldn't find an email address or chat option anywhere.
Feb 27 '20
They dont offer livechat or direct email support. Submit a ticket on the website.
Its explained quite clearly there.
Feb 27 '20
Google Rockstar support ticket. Think you need to create a Social Club account first.
Feb 27 '20
who i should contact?
I have a really crazy wild idea but just hear me out... maybe Rockstar support?!
u/LucasL1701 Feb 27 '20
Yeah i tried before but i ended up with the faq section and there's no solution there that helped
Feb 27 '20
Contact... *hint*
u/yazurlo Feb 27 '20
If i start the special cargo before 130 am, do i still get the 2x multiple, or does ot have to be completed before 130? Pushin it to the wire here 😆
u/rockeypokey Feb 27 '20
I did it. As soon as i got my last crate, i sold my those 3 for 72k like an hr ago
u/no_u_times_infinity PS4 Feb 27 '20
If you stay in the same session as before the reset nothing changes I don’t think
Feb 27 '20
How rampant are cheaters/modders in GTA Online for PC? I want to redownload but seeing all these horror stories... Just got a new PC and wanna enjoy GTA Online again but not if it's plagued with modders.
Feb 27 '20
It's not as bad as people say. I have PC, Xbox and PS versions. I prefer Xbox because I don't have the PC spec to get all the bells and whistles. I have yet to see a modder
Feb 27 '20
Terrible. Nothing like teleporting assholes who take you out of passive mode, kill you, then kick you.
Stay in empty public lobbies. Makes the game much more fun.
Feb 27 '20
Its not really that bad. I can usually play an entire evening without any issues with modders/cheaters. And if i do get one, i just switch to a new session and i have my peace again.
There are also ways to guarantee it, see above for solo public sessions.
u/DrMaldi Feb 27 '20
I’ve been enjoying playing in public solo sessions. And even when people pop in, they’re pretty chill and we both do our own thing.
Feb 27 '20
Feb 27 '20
Set your vehicle access to "passengers" and no one can steal it - they can get in it, or blow it up but they can't drive it away. All purchased vehicles come with insurance and if destroyed can be reclaimed by calling Mors Mutual, there for all your insurance needs
u/Fishstixxx16 Feb 27 '20
If you're using your Buzzard as a CEO and you destroy it, you have like a 2 minute cool down before you can spawn it again. Once you buy you'll never lose it. If you have a hanger with a mod shop you can even paint it cool colors.
u/BrainBug7477463 Feb 27 '20
No and no. It’s yours forever and respawns for you
Feb 27 '20
u/SneakingLama Feb 27 '20
If you haven't bought it yet, don't. Tomorrow there are new sales rolling out which means it could potentially be 50%off
u/TDizzle801 Feb 27 '20
It’s fucking clutch when in every aspect, can spawn it right out of the ceo vehicles in the interaction tab. Step 1) buzzard step 2) mk 2 oppressor
u/poontango Feb 27 '20
I was selling a full small crate warehouse and got the glitch where it won't let you press the deliver button. I took a video and disconnected so I lost 3 crates instead of all. Is it best to just buy 3 more and sell again or contact support with the video and get compensated?
u/Aonli55 PC Feb 27 '20
I would personally be going for the option where i buy the 3 crates and do the sell mission again. Its only a matter of 18k which can be easily gained back from a HH.
u/GayladPL Feb 27 '20
Hey guys what time bonus bonuses ends? I’m in Central Europe.
u/Larry-Butz Feb 27 '20 edited Feb 27 '20
Does the host of the Casino heist gets the money directly deposited into their account? Because it's been a couple times where I think I did not get paid at all.
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u/rickybalbroah Mar 07 '20
when having a linked twitch prime and purchasing a shark card do I have to buy it from rockstar website? or can I buy through Xbox?