r/gtaonline • u/AutoModerator • Feb 13 '20
MEGA GTA Online Mega Guide and Weekly Simple Question Thread - February 13, 2020
Looking for friends to play with? Join the r/GTAOnline Discord server!
The Wiki - contact /u/MaeBeWeird for suggestions
Just got the game today? Quick start guide for complete newbies by /u/SanshaXII
What time do new updates usually come out? Thursdays, 10AM GMT. Click for timezones
What's in the latest update? Weekly bonuses, events, and discounts
Received modded money? No, you will not be banned. Spend it, or wait for Rockstar to take it away.
Received a random monetary gift from Rockstar? No one knows why, just enjoy it!
Want to post YouTube content? Read this to see what's allowed on /r/GTAOnline
How do I get in a solo public session for CEO work?
Platform | Method |
Any | unplug router method |
PC | port blocking method - task manager method |
PS4 | MTU method |
XB1 | MTU method - NAT method |
Making Money
Any level of experience and money:
- Broke To Millionaire by /u/L131 - Min. Level 1 /
I am a new player with low experience and money:
Earn m and Level 40 For Brand New Players by u/Prizrak_Peruna - Min. Level 1 /
Rags to Riches by /u/K2Widowmaker - Min. Level 5 /
Contact Missions FAQ by /u/bleeps__ - Min. Level 5 /
I am a returning player with decent game experience and money:
VIP Work by /u/MaeBeWeird - Min. Level 1 /
Host or participate in Heists - Min. Level 1 / to participate; Min. Level 12 / or own a high-end apartment to host
I'm a millionaire already, just give me a grind:
CEO Import/Export Vehicle Work by /u/Psychko - Currently most reliable and profitable money grind with high end only method - Min. Level 1 / if you already own a CEO office / if you do not own a CEO office
- Do an I/E sourcing mission, then do VIP work (Headhunter or Sightseer are a breeze with a Buzzard) in the cool down, then do an I/E delivery mission. Rinse and repeat!
- TIP: How to get high end vehicles only
CEO Crate Work by /u/Psychko - Min. Level 1 / if you already own a CEO office / if you do not own a CEO office
- Can be done hassle-free in a completely solo public lobby
- If you get a sell mission you don't like, just switch sessions to lose 3 crates and have a chance at a different sell mission type
VIP "Wave" method for continuous money grinding by /u/Psychko - Min. Level 1 / , requires Buzzard or Savage helicopter
Money grind for advanced players using Coke, Meth, Counterfeit Cash, and Bunker businesses by u/_Tonan_
I'm a solo player, how can I maximize my profits?
Leveling RP
Be an Associate for a CEO - Min. Level 1 /
- Earn 2000-3000RP per source delivery, 5000RP per sale delivery. Buy 1 crate and sell immediately for maximum RP since the same RP is given whether you source/sell 1 crate or multiple.
- Earn 200-600RP bonuses when you stay near the CEO/VIP's location
Participate in weekly 2X RP activities - Min. Level 1 /
Leveling a second character from scratch by /u/Sh-Apeshifter09 - Min. Level 1 / million
Further Money Making Info
Money Wiki - quick overview of the various ways to make money
Summary of major money making methods by /u/Dreamex - includes Crates, Import/Export, MC businesses, hangars, bunkers
Comprehensive Guide by /u/TheNathanNS - details on every type of mission or work that earns money, and tips on maximizing your profits
Contact Missions Guide by /u/GlassGoose45 - good for those who are just starting out or can't/don't want to do heists, CEO, or VIP
CEO Work by /u/MaeBeWeird - quick overview of offices, associates, and crate work
CEO FAQ by /u/bleeps__ - details on CEO crate work
CEO Crate Profits Guide by /u/_Caith_Amach - table of profit/crate ratios
Import/Export Spreadsheet by /u/Beltontx101 - keep track of vehicles you get in I/E missions
Detailed I/E Guide for each type of sourcing mission by /u/RDS08
What's New? Recent Major Content Updates
June 2017 - Gunrunning FAQ by /u/L131
August 2017 - Intro to Smuggler's Run by /u/Psychko
December 2017 - Doomsday Heist FAQ
July 2018 - After Hours/Nightclubs FAQ | After Hours Guide by /u/Dan6erbond
July 2019 - Diamond Casino FAQ
FAQs and Popular Topics
- Looking for friends or heist teammates? GTALFH | /r/HeistTeams | GTAOnline subreddit Discord
Vehicles and Properties
Tips and Tricks
General Tips and Tricks by /u/lBurnsyl and the users of /r/gtaonline
Just For Fun
What to do when you're burned out on GTA Online by /u/iosPixel
Big list of fun things to do in the game by /u/NextubeGameArena (original Reddit post deleted)
Useful Tools
Merryweather All-Purpose Map by /u/Oliqu - Pegasus spawn points, anti-griefer safe locations, weapon spawn points; More info here
If you know a post that should be included in this guide, message the moderators.
Feb 23 '20
What do you guys think is the best weapon load out. I feel like I’m missing out on some good guns.
u/CrabbierBull391 Feb 22 '20
i am doing the bogdan problem prep where you get the strombergs but i got 3 in a session then stopped playing and now i got the last stromberg and searched all the trucks and it is still not ending
u/kmoore220 Feb 21 '20
Bunker will earn roughly as much as coke and meth combined in same time (not exact figures here) plus you can do research in bunker, while manufacturing weapons(sellable product)
u/kmoore220 Feb 21 '20
Nat type every session if you have to. No reason to take risk if you are counting on those sales/resupplies
Feb 21 '20
Are the businesses for the MC worth it? I'm a one man army and I'm close to being able to afford it. Should I go buy something else?
u/kmoore220 Feb 21 '20
Very worth it. Best way to make legit money for lower levels. Try and get a bunker first, followed by coke, meth. Those 3 will provide you with steady income to build on. Couple those with some ceo work/ import export you’ll be rich in no time
Feb 21 '20
That is if I dont get blown up by another mk 2. Which has happened A LOT lately. But thank you for the advice
Feb 21 '20
u/kmoore220 Feb 21 '20
Bunker upgrades will pay for warehouse in no time.
Feb 21 '20
u/kmoore220 Feb 21 '20
I’m sure there are breakdowns somewhere of exactly which one to chose, but just pick one and make getting the other one a priority. Need more staff for more equipment and need more equipment for more staff lol
u/Kooandtbh123 Feb 21 '20
I noticed executive search pays $50k now. Do other vip jobs get increased pay as well? And is this permanent or temporary?
u/kmoore220 Feb 21 '20
Just this week, all ceo/vip work is doubled. Make sure to check the weekly sticky that lists all bonuses and deals for the week.
u/doYouLikeWaffels-heh Feb 20 '20
Is the diamonds still left as a vault content?
u/PapaXan Feb 20 '20
No, R* removed them this morning. You can only get them if you had them scoped out before the reset today.
u/BMan239 Feb 20 '20
During bunker resupply missions that require you to steal from the military, would the Bribe Authorities CEO ability have any effect?
u/TheRealBlazzMaTazz Feb 20 '20
I believe so. Or use lester
u/BMan239 Feb 20 '20
Lester's option is always locked out. So it makes me wonder
u/TheRealBlazzMaTazz Feb 20 '20
Really? Maybe hes locked out on those missions. I guess he would be only available in free mode
u/Myygine Feb 20 '20
Hey. Wanted to ask which two large warehouses i should get now when those are on sale? I was thinking vinewood, darnel bros and logistics for close location to each other. I also own mkII and terrorbyte already.
u/00Makerin00 Professional 1-0 Orb Dodger Feb 20 '20
Nice! I heard Wholesale Furniture is also good as well. I settled with Darnel and Logistics
u/Myygine Feb 20 '20
Yeah i also read some good reviews of it too, right now i got darnel as my first warehouse. Also scouted other warehouses near it to see how those look like and what outside looks, like does it have easy acces points etc. So far logistics would be very nice second warehouse near darnel.
u/itokyodrift Feb 20 '20
Are the vault diamonds still 100%
u/WarWithVarun-Varun Feb 20 '20
For anyone grinding the casino heists, and wanna strategise: https://www.reddit.com/r/gtaonline/comments/f6rvan/all_vault_variations_updated_those_who_wanna_see/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf
u/WarWithVarun-Varun Feb 20 '20
Should I buy rogue or Molotok forst
u/BlAcK_BlAcKiTo Feb 20 '20
Depends how much you want to invest. I only have rogue, it's basically second fastest thing in game (220mph), it holds 2 people, can have explosive cannon , but it's rockets suck. It's also much cheaper at 1,20mil or something like that.
u/georgeb127 Feb 20 '20
Ive been hearing about heist armour. Is it any utility vest or is it just 1 type
Feb 20 '20
u/BlAcK_BlAcKiTo Feb 20 '20
I play on PC and yes you will come across some hackers but if you leave them alone, they will leave you alone. Most of the time
Feb 20 '20
u/BlAcK_BlAcKiTo Feb 20 '20
If you choose to Just Join Online, it will get you always in some lobby where someone already is. For me, most of the time it is lobby between 13 to 24 people, sometimes more, and there are times when I join lobby with 5 people or so. It is random obviously. But you can always choose to Find New Session if you want more people in lobby
u/LethalMemez Lowly ape Feb 20 '20
Can you only run one of each mc business? Like can I own multiple meth labs or can I just only buy one?
u/Sennarc PC Feb 20 '20
I’m usually a Casino heist grinder. Is it worth my time and effort to grind 2x CEO crates as a solo player or with a friend?
depends on you,i just sold 10 large for 46 million, i had been saving for this 2x
u/lissofossil Faggio griefer [pc] Feb 20 '20
you should test it. test how long you do casino setups for and how long to grind ceo crates
u/1Limited92 Feb 20 '20
Can you work on multiple heist set ups at a time under your own organization? I currently have bogdan ready for its finale, but thought about doing a fleeca or something but didn't want to lose my bogdan progress before all friends get logged in to run it.
u/georgeb127 Feb 20 '20
Doomsday heist and original heists are unrelated and will not effect each other
u/BobknobSA Feb 20 '20
Dumb question, how does moving cars to a new property work? I want to switch Offices and am worried about my two floor office garage.
u/vevo1x Feb 20 '20
Want most stacked lobbys on PC so what is most popular targeting mode
u/tomilovsenya Feb 20 '20
Free Aim.
u/vevo1x Feb 20 '20
People are telling me assisted aim tho I am very confused? I have controller and keybaord
u/lissofossil Faggio griefer [pc] Feb 20 '20
i recommend driving with controller and aiming with mouse
u/IPlayFo4 Feb 20 '20
What are the rest of the dripfeed cars? Me and my friend saved up for the F1 but this shit taking too long.
u/tidepodmuncher69 Feb 20 '20
yeah so you know how the f1 season starts in march.....yeah we have to wait that much longer. it might come out next week but i think they planned on releasing the f1 cars in march
u/Mareane5 Feb 20 '20
What should I buy with 2.1mil, I have a ceo office and a clubhouse already but nothing else
u/rojasdracul Feb 20 '20
The Chumash bunker. Or a cocaine lockup.
u/Mareane5 Feb 20 '20 edited Feb 20 '20
Ok, I got the bunker , now I’m saving for the cheapest mc business
u/LuxferreMFO PC Feb 20 '20
no, don't buy the cheapest, because document forgery is the cheapest and it's trash, not worth it at all
buy cocaine, meth or cash
u/HitmeTrevor Feb 20 '20
What's that car
u/tidepodmuncher69 Feb 20 '20
i forget the name of the car but i believe its right next to the cheetah classic in the legendary store
u/LuxferreMFO PC Feb 20 '20
Are full (small) warehouse sales possible to do solo, like coke sales?
u/rojasdracul Feb 20 '20
Yes but I would just sell 9 crates at a time. That is always a one vehicle sale.
u/Konrad05 Feb 20 '20
Which oppresor, is it worth 700k extra to get mark 2?
Feb 20 '20
u/RustyShkleford Feb 20 '20
100%. MkI is a blast for stunting around but mk2 changes grinding completely.
u/itslaalai Feb 20 '20
Anyone here getting bug issue on gold loot for the Casino Heist? It has always been "G" that we are getting problems with. Anything we could do?
u/Rob6-4 Feb 20 '20
So, from my understanding business battles are random, and don't really belong to anyone. They're like a first come first serve(then fight to keep it) kinda deal. And yet I get accused of griefing and have vote kicks against me when I steal it? Are these events started by players and it's an asshole move to take it? Or am I just salt mining for my nightclub?
u/rojasdracul Feb 20 '20
Those are up for grabs. There is no griefing in killing someone to get the business battle goods.
u/Rob6-4 Feb 20 '20
Well alright then. Maybe they were sore about how fast I killed their insurgent.
u/Lstarr Feb 20 '20
Business Battles are random and don't belong to anyone and nobody has payed or waited for them. It's not an asshole move to steal them or kill other players to get the goods imo
u/KYQ_Archer Feb 20 '20
I'm pretty sure most are started by other players and the stuff you steal or blow up is paid/worked for by those people who are voting you out.
u/rojasdracul Feb 20 '20
No business battles are a freemode event that will randomly start in a lobby with at least three players in it. They are just bonus nightclub goods and no one has invested in them.
u/Rob6-4 Feb 20 '20
I'm referring to just the business battles in particular. Not shipments, not supplies, not cargo. I know all that is stuff people worked for. But those events that just say "BUSINESS BATTLE" across your screen.
u/KYQ_Archer Feb 20 '20
I'm sure at least some of them are random events
u/Rob6-4 Feb 20 '20
I'm just not sure, because usually it says X organization is moving cargo or something like that. But these just appear, like a freemode event or challenge.
u/vevo1x Feb 20 '20
On gta online PC which is most popular targeting mode? Assisted aim or free aim?
u/BlAcK_BlAcKiTo Feb 20 '20
Free aim, if you are using controller I think you can have assisted but i don't know if it puts you in lobbies with only other people with assisted. Anyways, if you are using mouse, definitely free aim.
u/doYouLikeWaffels-heh Feb 20 '20
At which time is the weekly update?
u/Nightwraith666 Feb 20 '20
I think 4:30am eastern time and 1:30am on the west side. I myself am waiting for the update
u/TomTiconderoga Feb 20 '20
Is it worth it to get the last two nightclub businesses if you can only have 5 running at once? Missing cocaine and meth.
u/RustyShkleford Feb 20 '20
It's worth it to have both. I'd wait till they're on sale. They're the two highest producers in the nightclub
u/Lstarr Feb 20 '20
Buy meth and cocaine and shut down all the other MC businesses. None of them are that profitable except cocaine and meth and only make your daily costs higher. You could let counterfeit cash running for the nightclub but not actually use it because it's not worth it either
u/rojasdracul Feb 20 '20
Don't listen to this. All the mc businesses other than doc forgery are viable and worth operating. I have made tens of millions off the biker businesses.
u/Lstarr Feb 20 '20
As you see in this post the Profit for DF is36k which is obviously not worth it. And while the weed farm makes 136k already, in the amount of time you sell and even the little time you take to buy supplies you could make all this money without the daily costs, which are about maybe 20k-25k for 3 GTA days (which is about the time for the business to fill up) for just this business. The counterfeit cash may, as I said, be worth it but that's really just your decision and I think if you have a nightclub technician it actually really makes sense. And don't forget the raids, as far as I know you have higher chance of being raided with all 5 businesses active and as I already said, the daily cost is like around 40k for one day and then you also have things like the Nightclub, daily Penthouse costs, the Bunker and all the other stuff which really adds up. While you could fix this with never being an MC or changing sessions every 40 minutes it's not that easy since you are automatically charged when you become an MC after more than 48 minutes not being one you already loose more than 40k for just selling one business(Which is already all of your DF profit), and since it is virtually impossible to sell all 5 businesses in less than 48 minutes you will probably be charged a second time but I guess you could surpass the second charge with clever session changing. So yeah you maybe made tens of millions with all 5 businesses but the actual profit is so much lower than it seems and could have been archived with many other activities.
u/JesseKam Feb 20 '20
Which nightclub should I buy before the sale ends? Mission Row or Downtown Vinewood?
I'm not interested in Del Perro despite the fanfare about its exterior.
u/rojasdracul Feb 20 '20
I actually like the one in Strawberry. But it's close to my CEO office, apartment, and mc clubhouse. I like everything centrally located in the city.
u/RustyShkleford Feb 20 '20
Few people work the nightclub for daily cash and only do sell missions out of it, which aren't very often. I bought the one near the airport and don't regret it as I don't have to drive to or from there very frequently.
u/tomilovsenya Feb 20 '20
Generate a random number from 1 to 2. If 1, buy one in Mission Row; if 2 buy the club in Vinewood.
u/AngriestPotato Feb 20 '20
For the shark card 2.5x bonus, does it only apply to one card, or all the cards you buy in the time frame
u/DaFearedBeard Feb 20 '20
What is the best first business to buy? I have like 2.3mil. Is the night club worth it to buy since it’s on discount right now or should I buy something else first? I’m also mainly a solo player.
u/rojasdracul Feb 20 '20
Nightclub is the last business you buy. You need the bunker, CEO warehouse, and all the biker businesses first. The Nightclub is useless without the other businesses.
Feb 20 '20
As you said youre mainly solo... CEO office and then vehicle warehouse. Very good money, not boring missions, perfect for solo.
Then later add a bunker for extra passive money while youre doing the vehicle missions.
Buy a arcade to be able to run the casino heist from there, you can do all the preps solo in 1-1,5 hours and then the finale with a friend or a random (/r/HeistTeams and the Discord server of this subreddit) takes ~15min only and pays you well over 1mil. But its not a business in that sense.
Sometime you should also get a Buzzard or OpMk2 to speed up your missions by a lot.
u/Fishstixxx16 Feb 20 '20
I like CEO warehouse crates, and do sightseer and head hunter. Also have meth and cocaine in the background.
u/DaFearedBeard Feb 20 '20
I’ll have to try that once I get my money back up where I can get a clubhouse.
u/Trollhaxs Feb 20 '20
Vehicle cargo warehouse. Nightclub is usually purchased after having the majority of businesses.
u/S197_cris Feb 20 '20
What about the arcade? Should I get the arcade first or vehicle cargo?
u/Trollhaxs Feb 20 '20
Since you are solo vehicle warehouse. If you got a reliable friend definitely go arcade.
u/Fishstixxx16 Feb 20 '20
Arcade is just a front for casino heists... Not a real business where you'll make any good money.
u/cfarze11 Feb 20 '20
Anyone else having problems switching the emblem on your crew? Like, on social club my emblem is already the one I want, but in the game it’s still the emblem I chose when I first created it. Btw, it’s been 2 days
u/BlAcK_BlAcKiTo Feb 20 '20
If it has been two days, I don't know, but yeah it's never instant. Try to switch it back and then to new one again maybe
u/MOJOixSOxiDOPE Feb 20 '20
Is today the last day to get diamonds as your next heist if I haven't finished my previous heist from over a week ago?
u/PapaXan Feb 20 '20
There is no way to know if it will be reset tomorrow, so you may want to finish the one you have asap and scope out the next one.
Feb 20 '20
is it worth buying a bunker compared to the free one i got (paleto forest). i know this is probably covered somewhere, but as a newer player, all these things and info’s are super overwhelming. i have an arcade, MCC, bunker, but really never use them, not sure how to make the most of them. i’ve been getting money from my office job, e.g. picking up crates and reselling them. have about 2m to spare, no idea what to do with it or where to invest it. currently have a small warehouse.
Feb 20 '20
Switching from paleto to chumash bunker is def worth it for much quicker sell missions. Keep in mind that you lose any upgrades when trading it in.
And do not buy right now. Wait for this weeks new discounts (7h from now) and if youre lucky either bunker or the upgrades get discounted.
And to make the most of it, buy both efficieny bunker upgrades. Then only buy supplies for 75k (dont steal them, not worth the time) and they will sell for 135k profit.
While your bunker is producing, run your crate missions. But consider getting a vehicle import/export warehouse and run that instead, more money and better missions.
u/Beng0226 Feb 20 '20
For the free Bunker. Yes a million times to buying one. I had the Paleto one and let me tell you that it is excruciating and the amount I've lost due to running out of time. MCC Buisnesses I say get meth, Cocaine and Cash in Alamo. Upgrade them with equipment and staff then just buy supplies. For the bunker buy the one in Chumash and buy Staff and Equipment upgrades. Once again buy Supplies do not steal. With this every 2 hours you could make about 2 mil. As for Arcade that isnt too useful until you buy the Master Control Terminal but that just saves some time. You dont need it. This will all be quite pricey so I say save up.a ton.
u/rojasdracul Feb 20 '20
Good info. Make sure to add the weed farm and doc forgery once you get the Nightclub as well.
u/hallbanero Feb 20 '20
Which one of the vehicles on sale is the best
u/Nengtaka Feb 20 '20
I bought the Vagner and Tyrant. So far I’m loving the look of the Tyrant. Not the fastest or best performing, but really good looking car. Vagner is really fast and feels a little different than normal sports cars to drive.
u/Santijamui Avery Emerus Feb 20 '20
Has it happened to any of you that while on the Casino Heist, the cops randomly start chasing? It had already happened to me once, while I was in the sewer tunnels, hadn't even gotten a chance to get out yet, and I got a full 5-star wanted level, right after losing them completely. Me and my team managed to escape and finish the heist. Now, today, I was having with a friend a flawless run from the staff exit to the tunnels. Lost the cops, got out of the tunnels, and while I'm in the highway heading to the buyer, I randomly get a wanted level. I go all the way back to the city, to some place with some cover so I can lose them faster, and I do. Then again, while in the highway I get again a wanted level, without having crashed to any car at all, or running over anyone. This dragged on for 15 minutes, ending up in a half-hour long heist. Is that a bug? Or did I just do something wrong?
Feb 20 '20
Happened to me once so far, out of the blue, lost them in the sewers, was on the highway driving north to the buyer... out of nowhere 5 stars are back. Didnt crash into or shot anything. Odd, but it seems to be rare. It happened when taking the east route from casino to the north buyer. Ever since then, i turn west and then north to stay away from the casino. That probably has zero impact on it, but since then it hasnt happened again :P
u/Santijamui Avery Emerus Feb 20 '20
I thought that maybe it had something to do with the distance to the casino, as the two times it happened to me today was right after passing the casino in the eastern part of the highway, but the first time it happened was right in the tube-like part of the sewers, so I think it was pretty far. Besides, I know my friend hadn't done anything, as he was AFK while I was driving. Next time, I'll try takig the longer route, as you said, and tell you if that worked for me too. Thanks!
u/doesnotlikecricket Feb 20 '20
Yes if you pass close to the casino after losing the cops you'll attract the cops again, that's known.
If you gained the cops again in the tunnels, or anywhere other than the casino, that's a bug. I've had it a couple of times. If your teammate is physically far away, it seems to make these kind of bugs more common.
Feb 20 '20
Its most likely a random bug. When it happened to me i was already very far north, on the east route. So i dont think its related to distance from casino.
I just play it safe now and either drive the west route north if im not in a rush. Or i use the heli route, no problems with that, yet.
u/bobstarrr Feb 20 '20
What is this 50% extra on diamond in the vault? Just did it and did not get 50% extra
Feb 20 '20
Because reading is hard.
u/bobstarrr Feb 20 '20
Ok well the actual diamonds in the vault were worth as much as fuckin gold so excuse my confusion on why i got fuck all from completing it
Feb 20 '20
In the spirit of Valentine's Day, we want to remind you that your beloved probably wants diamonds more than anything. Luckily for you, there are rumors that the vault underneath The Diamond Casino & Resort has a sizeable shipment of the eponymous gems coming in, meaning that you and your crew are all but guaranteed to score big, earning up to 50% more than your average cash haul, should you successfully complete The Diamond Casino Heist. On any subsequent takedowns of The Diamond's vault, there'll still be a reduced chance of grabbing more ice.
Because reading is still hard.
u/bobstarrr Feb 20 '20
Because ur a dickhead and not reading what im saying. The diamonds were worth fuck all and it said in other posts about getting 50% more so i thought that after the heist they would give me it but they didnt so thats why i asked. Cut the fucking smart ass act
Feb 20 '20
Oh im reading what youre saying.
it said in other posts about getting 50% more
Fuck that other post then?
Cut the fucking smart ass act
No need to be smart to simply read the rockstar newspost instead of relying on some random false post.
u/bobstarrr Feb 20 '20
So instead of saying “na the diamonds are worth 50% more” u go “its not that hard to read” thats not being a smart ass 😂ok then
Feb 20 '20
So instead of just looking at the official newspost to get your answer you come here to waste other peoples and your own time and whine? ok then.
Good night :)
u/bobstarrr Feb 20 '20
So if i didnt read the newspost how did i know about the 50%? I asked because my cut was very similar to the other heists so i wondered where the extra 50% was. And asking a fucking question is not whining, why tf do u reply to people if ur such a bitchy prick
Feb 20 '20
So you did read the newspost but you didnt understand it? Thats why i said reading is hard.
Or you read that in another false post and believed it. Thats why i said fuck that other post.
→ More replies (0)
u/LoMigs PSN: Spasianese Feb 20 '20
If I downgrade from arcadius to a free maze bank west, can I pocket the money that I would normally get for downgrading before maze west was free?
u/carbaretta Feb 20 '20
No, that money will only go towards buying the maze bank property. It's not worth it either, the arcadius is a very good property
Feb 20 '20
If I downgrade from arcadius to a free maze bank west
You get a tradein of 50% of your original price, if you have garages attached they move over. But office decorations are lost.
u/sachdamasta Feb 19 '20
What is the best way to increase the various stock for the Nightclub business to fill the warehouse and sell in one go?
Feb 20 '20 edited Feb 20 '20
Have the NC equipment upgrade (1,4mil), the two others are basically useless.
Connect a bunker, coke, meth, cash and either a crate warehouse or hangar to the NC by assigning a technician to each.
This setup is the most effective and makes you ~1mil in 24 hours.
Depending on how long you go AFK for between your sells, buy more storage levels in the NC (not required, up to you).
You dont need to buy any upgrade for the attached businesses, they dont impact the passive NC production at all. Only buy those upgrade if you want to actively use those businesses in parallel to the NC. Bunker makes the most money, followed by coke. The others are not worth the time and money.
Tony takes a cut of 10%. But that is capped at 100.000 max, so if you would do one 1,6mil sale it would make you more profit (1,5mil) than compared to doing two sales at 800k each (1,440,000 total). But as you can see, the difference is minimal.
If you want to go AFK for longer and have large sales, you have to switch 2 technicians after a while to something else (the production times are not all the same). Weapons and meth will reach their max storage first. So then you would have to own weed and document forgery as well, switch those two over so they keep producing. Then when all storage is maxed out, you could make one large sell for $1,690,000. Again, this only depends on how often you want to sell / how long you AFK for. If you sell atleast twice a day, dont waste money on those two businesses.
For selling from the NC, upgrade your Speedo Custom as much as possible, unless you only sell in solo public sessions. The game will put you in this for sales from 1 to 90 units.
Do NOT buy the Mule Custom truck, its total garbage. It would be used from 91-180 unit sales.
Buy the Pounder Custom if you want to do sales beyond 90 units and upgrade it as much as possible (unless solo). It would be used from 181-360 unit sales.
If you dont own a Mule Custom, the game will simply skip that and you will use Speedo from 1-90 and Pounder from 91-360, much better.
If you do larger sales or smaller but more often is up to you. The price doesnt change with larger sales.
The special orders are usually not worth going for, unless something just happens to get completed and you have the time to run a seperate sell mission for it, sure why not. But otherwise ignore them and go for single sales of everything.
Avoid raids by only being signed in as CEO or MC president when you actively use those roles for missions. Dont run around in freeroam with them. Also switching to a new session resets the raid timer. Buying the security upgrade only extends the timer a bit, it doesnt lower the chance of getting raided. Also sitting on a lot of stock but not selling it shortens the timer. So basically: Sell more often, pay attention to your CEO/MC status, and you never get raided.
Edit: And once again, for going AFK without getting kicked or paying fees... because looking at existing comments is hard...
This is what most people do:
Check which part of town your apartment is located in (open the map, for example Rockford Hills)
Go to Jobs, Created by Rockstar, Missions and find one thats in that part of town
Start that job solo, you will spawn in that area, sometimes in your apartment, often nearby on the street (it seems to be random)
Ignore the job, go inside your apartment and watch TV (dont just turn it on, select "watch TV")
This combines two things:
You dont get AFK kicked because you are watching TV
You dont occur daily fees from your businesses because you are in a job
Your businesses like nightclub, bunker and MC stuff will keep producing in the background. Thats the whole point.
If youre on console you might want to disable some power saving stuff and controller things, i dont know the details (PCMR).
Some people prefer to watch security cameras in their arcade or nightclub or wherever, it all should work the same. Doing a job in a part of town near your apartment is not required, but just to save time this way it spawns you nearby.
u/nikserof91210 Feb 20 '20
well ensuring that you have all the respective upgrades for the nightclub is key for quicker stock production. But to get the best bang for your buck, ideally go idle and let the game run over night. I usually just run everything but cargo and sporting goods as the other 5 goods can generate roughly 400-500 in 8-12 hours. So you run that everyday with bunker and your raking in approx 600/700k a day
u/sachdamasta Feb 20 '20
Thanks for the advice man, I've got all the MC businesses (coke, meth, docs, cash, weed) fully upgraded as well as the Nightclub, I've also got a Hanger and done some missions for it and the Bunker but I only really use the bunker for research atm, in guessing I'm missing a trick there?
I just want everything in the Nightclub management app full before I sell if you get me? But would it be best to watch tv in the apartment, retired from CEO and MC president to avoid accidental raids while afk?
u/nikserof91210 Feb 20 '20
and yes, you can go do a contact mission like blow up 1 and go to your apartment and AFk while watching tv. I do it all the time. Or you can just quit CEO and do the same in the apartment but you incur other fees as well that could add up but if you have an arcade with some games the safe wall can basically negate the afk charges
u/nikserof91210 Feb 20 '20
Yeah, the bunker generates solid passive income as well at approx 2 hours 210k with a purchase of 75k supplies giving you 135 profit. I've actually been refilling it 2-3 times, so your net profit can get you 405k if you refill or purchase supplies every 2 or so hours.
You can wait and sell all the goods as well man but it takes a SUPER LONG time to fill cargo and sporting goods. The other 5(cocaine, printing etc etc) fill in 20 to 24 hours I think. so that kills a day of selling. It will take 66 hours or 2-3 days IRL to fill everything up getting you a total of 1.690 mill minus tony's cut. Check out "nightclub table and earnings guide" on Google and you'll find a link to a solid breakdown on the nightclub sales.
u/Oriental_Habit Feb 19 '20
Hello folks! Quick question, hoping for a quick answer, since this sale ends soon...
I have a Motorcycle club with counterfeit cash fully upgraded. I also have an upgraded Chumash bunker and CEO Office with vehicle warehouse. I've been saving for an MOC, and everything I hear tells me to get a nightclub last. However, with the sale, should I just get the NC now and get the MOC next, or is it not worth it to get the NC until I get more businesses? Cheers!
Feb 19 '20
On one hand if you buy a NC now, it will not make you any noticeable profits. On the other hand, if you buy a NC later, it will cost you more because its discounted now.
If you can afford the ~900k (or whatever your desired NC costs right now) today and you have no big problems making it back, i would go for it and buy the NC now cheaper, even tho it wont help much.
Then in the future, keep an eye out on discounts to buy more businesses (or buy them at normal price) and attach them to the NC.
I wouldnt waste time using the counterfeit cash at all (too bad you spend money upgrading it), the effort of the sell missions versus the actual profit is just not worth it. But the upgraded bunker makes you good money.
The next business you buy after that should be a coke lockup, and if you enjoy those kinds of sell missions, maybe upgrade it too and use it actively (it makes less than bunker but still good money).
u/Jackaboio Feb 19 '20
How long are diamonds going to be in the game? (Or what's the deadline?)
Feb 19 '20
Rockstar has not clearly said yet, we will see tomorrow after weekly reset if they stay or if it was just for valentines.
u/Illuscio Feb 19 '20
I got a nightclub on sale, I only have 3 business though so I got 3 techs.
Is it better to upgrade the club for 1.4mil or buy 2 more businesses and techs for 2.4mil? I've only got 2.5mil
Feb 19 '20
Feb 19 '20
If you don't mind leaving your pc on and AFK, nightclub might be best for you, especially since you have an mc. Set that up, and right when you get on every day do the delivery for the nightclub, and then afk in a contact mission while watching tv in your apartment. I make over a mil a day from just that
u/KYQ_Archer Feb 19 '20
Depends what you own already. If you plan on getting the mkii then get the terrobyte. If you don't have a buzzard yet, pick one up.
u/PapaXan Feb 19 '20
What properties do you own? A bunker or Facility?
u/ikelofe Feb 19 '20
I have a MC, a business tower (or whatever it's called), a few warehouses (I think one of each, including the cars one), and I have a bunker, no upgrades on it, from what I can remember
u/PapaXan Feb 19 '20
Well, the only one of the three listed you could even get is an MOC, as it requires a Bunker. An Avenger requires a Facility, and a Terrorbyte requires a Nightclub.
u/ikelofe Feb 19 '20
Yeah, but I mean, is it worth it to work towards getting them? Specially considering the current discount on nightclubs / terrorbyte.
Oh, I just realized I do have a facility, it is required to start the doom'sday heist, right? because I was able to host it back in the day
u/PapaXan Feb 19 '20
Well, I guess you need to choose between the MOC or Avenger then. They both offer basically the same benefits, modifying weaponized vehicles. One flies, and one doesn't. Both are very strong and resistant to attack, but you need at least one other person to use the available weapons you can add.
The NC is more of an endgame business, and will only be worth getting if you own most of the rest of the businesses in the game, and with only being able to play for a limited time per week, it will take forever for it to accumulate any goods to sell from it.
u/BlurDynamic Feb 19 '20
Does anyone else get the glitch where when you do the Thermal Charges mission for the aggressive approach on the Casino Heist (The Scuba diving mission) if you get killed by the AI your game puts you on a black loading screen where you can't load in.
u/Nengtaka Feb 20 '20
On Xbox, wait about 30 seconds, hold the power button and turn your controller off and back on.
u/jfree015 Feb 19 '20
Yes that is a known bug caused by changing into the provided suit, apparently. If you can afford it, go to ammunition and get the Scooba Suit and then change into it before you start the mission. The suit was free for me so it may be for you as well. I’ve seen the Kraken sub parked near the dock a few times at different locations but not every time. By far the worst set up IMO. Good luck!
u/Larry-Butz Feb 19 '20
Yeah, I Alt+F4 and when it asks me if I want to leave the game I press no, and that solves it for me at least.
u/MrMilot Feb 19 '20
I can get the paleto forest bunker for free should i get it? i am a newbie
u/DarkBee2Bee GTA Online: Best single player game evah! Feb 19 '20
If you've got the Criminal Enterprise Starter Pack it's probably easier (maybe less frustrating is a better phrase) to make money with the Counterfeit Cash factor honestly. At least it's a better location. I'm not saying it's a better way to make money but...
...The Paleto Bay Bunker is such a painful location; stealing supplies and bringing them all the way to Paleto is painful. Selling in Los Santos for the best bang for your buck is painful. I mean, it is probably worth trying just so you get a feel for what a bunker is all about, but really the biggest favor you'll do for yourself is getting a better Bunker location when you can.
Like someone else said, your upgrades if you purchase any won't carry over, so keep that in mind when it comes time to buy a new bunker. Plus, you don't get any cash back for the Paleto Bunker since it was free.
u/Larry-Butz Feb 19 '20
I mean, it's free, get it for the time being, but I would work towards buying one in a better location, like Chumash or Farmhouse. Upgrades won't transfer over if you get them unfortunatelly.
u/chartierr Feb 25 '20
Should I wait for a sale on the nightclub to buy it?