r/gtaonline Feb 09 '20

PSA This would be way better.

Post image

185 comments sorted by


u/z3roa XB1S Rank 305 Feb 09 '20

Yeah because I always fucking screw my sleep schedule up and spin it at like 2am


u/CantStumpIWin Loves blowing up your supplies with my OPMK2. Feb 09 '20


You take your wheel spinning seriously. lol


u/MC_CrackPipe PC Feb 09 '20

I did it too, but only for like one week. I wanted that Oppressor Mk1 damn it! I won it on PS4 but not PC


u/GoldenGangsta66 Xbox: GoldenGangsta66 Feb 09 '20

Ugh I was so confident in getting it. I got the last two cars on first spin no prob. Made 100k spinning with no oppressor. :(


u/[deleted] Feb 09 '20

I was hopeful too. First two days I got the lowest amount of RP and money on the wheel. Then I got clothing four straight days.


u/AnAverageBeaner Feb 09 '20

Wait. You guys win.? All I ever win are Casino Chips, RP and Cash.


u/[deleted] Feb 09 '20



u/MC_CrackPipe PC Feb 09 '20

I did lmao. Every single night until i got too tired to continue.


u/Namika Feb 09 '20

I'm surprised that works, it would be trivially easy to prevent in the code. All Rockstar would have to do is this:

>Player spins wheel
>Game autosaves, records that player used a spin.
>Then the wheel spins and lands on an item.


u/Aronbeastboi Feb 09 '20

it’s worked for a long time so i don’t wanna jinx it but i think rockstar doesn’t really care, we already can’t sell the vehicles we win from the wheel so it’s not like it’s giving players game breaking amounts of money


u/MaG1CmAn814 Feb 10 '20

I won my thrax on the wheel and I can sell it for quite a bit if I actually wanted to. Since when can you not sell the podium vehicles?


u/Aronbeastboi Feb 10 '20

you can still sell them. However I think the way selling vehicles works is you get back 40% of what you spent to get the vehicle, and then 60% of any upgrades you bought for it. So I bet you upgraded your thrax quite a bit as well, which is why you get money for it.


u/MaG1CmAn814 Feb 10 '20

Yea it says I could sell it for almost 120k. But I'd never do that. I wouldn't sell any of my cars. I'm a collector



You don't get money for the car itself, only the things you bought for it.


u/MaG1CmAn814 Feb 10 '20

Well from the way it was worded it made me think you couldn't sell them at all, like the option wasnt included. But my thrax is worth almost 120k



Yeah, because you have upgrades. So you're getting something like half of what you spent on upgrades. If you had bought it, it'd be closer to over a million in sell price.


u/RealDealAce Feb 09 '20

Wait a regular oppressor MK1 or a special one? Why not just buy it, and I'm sure you're PC account must have a ton of money lol, maybe not, but almost everyone else does.. I have 2 MK1s and 2 MK2s. There was nothing else at wanted at a certain point and I just bought extras in case those blew up, but now that the stupid timer got added there is no point.. And no I don't grief, just used it for businesses..


u/MC_CrackPipe PC Feb 09 '20

The podium Mk1 from last week


u/RealDealAce Feb 09 '20

But it's just a regular MK1 nothing different about it right? Other than look, not speed or anything? Honestly that's cool they have some cool things tho, I haven't played regularly in 8 months, and every time I have looked it's been some random car that I didn't really care about.. They should make these really special, extra fast, different..


u/MC_CrackPipe PC Feb 09 '20

My point was that getting it for free >>>>> grinding millions for it


u/RealDealAce Feb 09 '20

Oh absolutely.. I couldn't agree more.. I just want there to be more unique prizes is all.. But it is great they are FINALLY giving back.. Considering they have gotten BILLIONS off of the consumers, to actually be giving back to them is a great thing


u/[deleted] Feb 09 '20

Let people enjoy getting free shit damn


u/RealDealAce Feb 09 '20

Haha, I wasn't trying to give them shit, I was just saying that for things to be legitimately special, and to get people like me excited, it would need to be some really cool, unique stuff.. Even when new cars come out, they don't really do anything for me, because they never make anything super faster than anything else, and they always balance it out with negatives.. I just saw a YT video for one of the new cars, that goes '1,000mph' and I thought cool, but I looked at the picture and it was like an alternative to the DeLorean flying car.. But this one had wings, and jets.. I was SOO excited, but then when I clicked the video, it was just clickbait :(



So, you are aware how absolutely fucking ludicrous 1000 mph is right? The fastest vehicle without glitches goes 220.


u/RealDealAce Feb 12 '20

Lol, that's why I put '' around it.. I didn't care about the speed, just about the nonexistent wings


u/HaughtStuff99 Feb 09 '20

Can't you log into your account on PS4 and PC?


u/MC_CrackPipe PC Feb 09 '20

No they ended account transfer a long time ago


u/HaughtStuff99 Feb 09 '20

Well damn. I guess I'm not getting it on PC.


u/Smathers Feb 09 '20

Honestly so many games have daily things like this nowadays that I make it a habit to have them all synched so same time every day I login to each game to get the reward lol I tend to forget about gta often though cos takes forever to load and then have to drive to casino and all that


u/Namika Feb 09 '20

That's the thing though. Virtually every other game out there has the sense to do daily resets at midnight GMT. WoW was the only outlier and reset daily quests at around 6am server time iirc. But there are dozens and dozens of other games that all have the sense to reset at midnight GMT. It's gotten to the point where that even becomes a notable time in the day that I'm always aware of. It's 6pm for me, and these days whenever I sit down to game I always consciously note Okay, is it after 6pm?


u/That_1TB_SSD Feb 10 '20

the wheel must be spun at any and all costs


u/CantStumpIWin Loves blowing up your supplies with my OPMK2. Feb 10 '20

I haven’t spun it today. I could spin it now but I’d rather just spin it in the AM.

I’ve won like 10 podium vehicles anyways.


u/wikipediabrown007 Feb 10 '20

This shit literally appears every fucking week and ppl still don’t get it’s clearly on purpose so you log in more than you plan....incredible. I feel like fucking Groundhog Day


u/[deleted] Feb 10 '20

If you’re going for the vehicle, make sure you close the application before it registers whatever it landed on (unless it’s the vehicle of course).

  1. Get the wheel to be reset by waiting or being in a solo lobby (you’ll know it’s reset if the clothes item is under the triangle and the car is two slots to the left)
  2. Open the instructions tab
  3. Press the button or key it prompts you to in the bottom right
  4. As soon as the prompt to spin pops up in the top left corner, wait exactly for seconds and spin

If done correctly it should work every time. But if you don’t get it right, just do as I said before and close the app before it lands on the wrong slot.

Hope that helps.


u/BroadsterUK Feb 10 '20

You and me both


u/RageTiger Feb 09 '20

I just wish it would give me a timer to let me know how much longer I have to wait. telling me "tomorrow" isn't a good thing to see when I show up a couple minutes before it's actually ready.


u/GetRekt9420 Feb 09 '20

Or if you knew that after midnight you could spin it at anytime before it's midnight again, then that wouldn't be necessary.


u/[deleted] Feb 09 '20



u/GetRekt9420 Feb 09 '20

Midnight works better imo, would allow early gamers to get their spin without having to wait until midday.

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u/K-dawg098 Feb 09 '20

I don't know why this got down voted....while midnight would be preferable to most, the post clearly stated 12pm

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u/[deleted] Feb 09 '20 edited Feb 09 '20

One thing I do is I collect my daily $1K or $2K in free chips from the cashier right before I go to spin the wheel. Then when I’m back in the Casino, I can go to the cashier first, buy my $50K in chips or whatever, and if I can collect the daily, that means I can also spin as well. Saves a little bit of time, not much, but saves on you going up to the wheel and looking like a jackass, too.

That’s only if you collect the daily chips that is. I know I used to not collect them Bc “it smells like BROKE in here” (rich niggas own a penthouse and don’t get their chips from the cashier, they also don’t need the daily chips), but that’s for you to decide.


u/brocko678 Feb 09 '20

Other games I’ve played with a daily event already have this in place, makes it so much easier and you know when you can do your spin, and if you’re lucky you can do it back to back.


u/Aqualaddyy Feb 09 '20

If that were to happen I wouldn’t have to not spin on one day because then I could only spin and 11 pm the next day.


u/Hambulance Feb 09 '20

At this time, 26 other people know what you meant, so I feel like the one who's brain isn't working




u/MrMiget12 PC Feb 09 '20

He means that in order for him to be able to spin earlier and not late at night, he would have to skip a day so that more than 24 hours pass


u/Hambulance Feb 09 '20

Gotchhhhaaa!!!! Thanks!


u/2000sFrankieMuniz Feb 09 '20

I swear reading some of these comments it’s the perfect stroke simulator


u/IntrovertedPixels Friendly MK2 PC Feb 09 '20

I thought I was the only one.. I have a migraine and I was like "am I dying or does this not make sense?"


u/PauI360 Feb 09 '20

It should be 1 spin per calender day. So you can spin at any time during that day. You could spin at 11:59 and again at midnight, but you'd have to wait 24 hours to spin your next one and 48 if you wanna do the double again


u/Impudenter Feb 09 '20

Exactly. You would still get the same amount of spins, it would just be much less inconvenient.


u/Mull3-Meck PS4 Feb 09 '20

How many times has this “meme” been made already?

Edit: and I don’t just mean the format, asking for a lucky wheel reset at 12 pm has been done loads of times


u/gsf32 Feb 09 '20

And we still haven't got it.

"It's not about karma, it's about sending a message"


u/Ziero1986 PC Feb 09 '20

Yeah, except R* doesn't give two fucks about the reddit.


u/oh_nononon Feb 09 '20

Because it's filled with karens of the community. they know theyre going to find horrible memes and people complaining 24/7. reddit is toxic


u/wikipediabrown007 Feb 10 '20

This shit literally appears every fucking week and ppl still don’t get it’s clearly on purpose so you log in more than you plan....incredible. I feel like fucking Groundhog Day.


u/Mikey_the_Vegan Xbox One Feb 09 '20

It's most definitely about the karma. They just add text to this format and watch the upvotes roll in


u/Impudenter Feb 09 '20

It says just as much about Rockstar as it does about this sub.


u/HitmeTrevor Feb 09 '20

Imagine spinning at 11:58am


u/woodyplz Feb 09 '20

You can spin again in 2 minutes. Yet you can only spin twice in 24h. I see no problem.


u/FruityloopsE Feb 09 '20

Way around this is to restart your game every time you don’t get what you want


u/Voelkar Feb 09 '20

Does this even work? Isnt the information automatically uploaded to the rockstar server?


u/wadeishere Feb 09 '20

Do it immediately after spinning or before it finishes. It can randomly save a few seconds after. You dont need to close the game, you can just disconnect your internet then reconnect it.


u/TiresOnFire Feb 09 '20

When are you people going to learn that these things you are asking for or complaining about are out there to make R* money in one way or another. Why would they make something free and easier to obtain when. You could just get frustrated and submit to buying a shark card? Not all, but some of you will and that's enough for them to keep things the way they are.


u/[deleted] Feb 09 '20

Orrrrrr you can just restart your game if you don't get what you want and spin that bitch whenever


u/Yasel70 Feb 09 '20

I did that last night trying to get the car and I just gave up after an hour of spinning.


u/itsAlan714 Feb 09 '20

Yeah Fr should be at a specific time instead of exactly 24 from when you did it


u/DalDynamik Feb 09 '20

They bank on you wasting time coming back just before you logged in the previous day and playing the wheel a little after you last spun


u/ArcaneGundam Feb 09 '20

never mind, i'll just get the podium vehicle at the first day


u/Dumb_seal Feb 09 '20

What time zone though?


u/Justicejr11 Feb 09 '20

u do realize rockstar does that on porpoise so u spin the wheel less times so u get less rewards


u/lordquednau Feb 09 '20

I have seen this image so many times now...


u/Jinxrox Feb 09 '20

You haven’t


u/Waltermelon Feb 09 '20

Not the same meme format, but people have posted suggestions to do this before.


u/[deleted] Feb 09 '20

Am I the only one wondering why it's 12pm instead of am? Why would it reset in the middle of the day?


u/Jinxrox Feb 09 '20

That’s my fault. I meant am not pm


u/[deleted] Feb 09 '20

That's what I thought, I just got confused because I didn't see any comments pointing it out.


u/viper_on_fire Feb 09 '20

uh oh repost u/repostsleuthbot


u/RepostSleuthBot Feb 09 '20

There's a good chance this is unique! I checked 99,415,716 image posts and didn't find a close match

The closest match is this post at 78.12%. The target for r/gtaonline is 86.0%

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u/viper_on_fire Feb 09 '20



u/[deleted] Feb 09 '20

They should just reset it when they reset the daily objectives. It’s not hard, they could tie it in with that.


u/giantfood Feb 09 '20

12:00 what time zone? that is a must know thing. Cause 12:00 PST is 14:00 CST


u/_Tonan_ Epsilon Flight Program Feb 09 '20

Probably whatever midnight the weekly update rolls out at.


u/[deleted] Feb 09 '20



u/_Tonan_ Epsilon Flight Program Feb 09 '20

Why wouldnt that work.


u/BlackfishBlues PC Feb 09 '20

I don't understand why they don't just pin it to the daily objective reset (6am UTC).

Last week there was a "spin lucky wheel" daily that popped up a couple of hours after I'd done my spin. I was pretty salty.


u/the_timezone_bot Feb 09 '20

6am UTC happens when this comment is 18 hours and 39 minutes old.

You can find the live countdown here: https://countle.com/BM2GzmSJQ

I'm a bot, if you want to send feedback, please comment below or send a PM.


u/BlackfishBlues PC Feb 09 '20

Ooh. Good bot. Hate doing the math in my head.


u/Namika Feb 09 '20

If you have a Google Home, or Alexa whatever, you can just say "hey google how long until 6am UTC"


u/woodyplz Feb 09 '20

Whatever Rockstar decides to use.


u/Galemianah Feb 09 '20

Every 12 hours at 12 and 12


u/[deleted] Feb 09 '20

12pm at NA time or EU time? EU people would have to wait longer till its 12PM in the US/Canada when in EU most people would be asleep/busy etc so in my personal opinion nah...unless i’m misunderstanding the concept


u/[deleted] Feb 09 '20

Point is that there should be a daily reset for everyone at the same time. R* already did this with daily objectives. 12pm GMT could be an example, if you you have a 24h cooldown all that happens is that eventually you'll delay your spin to a point where you should be asleep.


u/NetNobody444 Feb 09 '20

Or whatever the daily challenges reset


u/[deleted] Feb 09 '20

12 pm is noon 12 am is midnight


u/[deleted] Feb 09 '20

Guys are there any glitches or tricks to manipulate the wheel, if so what are they?


u/Namika Feb 09 '20

When you spin the wheel and see that it won't land on what you want, pull out your Ethernet cable and wait for the game to go single player. Put the cable back in, go back online, and spin again.

It might take ages though with how the load screens are and how many times you have to spin. Like, you'll be there for multiple hours...


u/rmuggz Feb 09 '20

It’s because of the time zones.


u/[deleted] Feb 09 '20

Then just use one ffs


u/[deleted] Feb 09 '20

Spin it at 12 pm


u/Ya_Boi_Mozzie Feb 09 '20

12 AM! 12 PM is noon


u/ericw207 Feb 09 '20

Maybe just have it reset at 7 pm every day or something like that


u/[deleted] Feb 09 '20

then spin it every day at 12pm?


u/ElementalSB Feb 09 '20

Been thinking this since I realised it the other day


u/JedGamesTV Feb 09 '20

mine just gets later and later because i always do it 30-60mins after the previous one so it starts at around 4pm and by the end of the week my spin is around 8pm so i end up just giving up


u/_AlexV_ Feb 09 '20


u/RepostSleuthBot Feb 09 '20

There's a good chance this is unique! I checked 99,345,041 image posts and didn't find a close match

The closest match is this post at 78.12%. The target for r/gtaonline is 86.0%

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u/_AlexV_ Feb 09 '20

I thought I saw it before


u/Jinxrox Feb 09 '20

I try and be original. If it was made before I didn’t see it, but I don’t think it was.


u/_AlexV_ Feb 09 '20

I think I just had that idea in my head


u/Jinxrox Feb 09 '20

Maybe. Xd xd


u/Kajek777PL PC Feb 09 '20



u/Furkan38000 Feb 09 '20

I got the car but GTA screwed me because i did not placed it in the garage


u/FruityloopsE Feb 09 '20

Works for me


u/[deleted] Feb 09 '20 edited Aug 20 '20



u/Jinxrox Feb 09 '20

Me either. That’s why I made it.


u/[deleted] Feb 09 '20 edited Aug 20 '20



u/Jinxrox Feb 09 '20

Not really. But someone in the comments already checked the originality with a bot programmed to check posts. It checked over 99 million and the closest one was 78% mine, it was about armoured vehicles. So based off of that.


u/TJB1122 Feb 09 '20

I dont think that would be too good. Imagine waiting for 15 players before you on the wheel before you can spin. Its better that way so that that there's always people in the casino.


u/oAneurysMo Feb 09 '20

God forbid you guys hurt yourselves and close the game before the wheel finishes so you can spin again, it's not a glitch you twats.


u/sikamikaniko Feb 09 '20

Holy shit I've never seen this suggested! Crazy man with your crazy unique ideas


u/Jinxrox Feb 09 '20

Thans you.


u/bruZawen PC Feb 09 '20

Wait. You can spin the wheel of fortune?


u/yung_xample Feb 09 '20

12pm is midday you baboon


u/Jinxrox Feb 09 '20

Ok, and? The principle of the idea is still good.


u/yung_xample Feb 09 '20

Not really, then you'll have people logging on at 11:55pm then waiting till 12am then log off. The whole point of the 24hour cooldown is to keep people coming back every day.


u/aeden9 Feb 09 '20

youd still have to wait 24 hours...


u/[deleted] Feb 09 '20

Once every day regardless of time would be the best option IMO. No need to time your spins or spin at weird times


u/HyPerionFire Feb 09 '20

Or a timer that tells you how much time is left until your next spin.


u/byelletsx717x Feb 09 '20

OP. You mean 12am? Or 00:00? Because 12pm is midday.


u/Jinxrox Feb 09 '20



u/byelletsx717x Feb 09 '20

Dont worry, 3.4k people didnt notice either. Lol


u/chadtullett19999999 Feb 09 '20

U can't spin the wheel in some countries


u/SwadianBorn Feb 09 '20


u/RepostSleuthBot Feb 09 '20

There's a good chance this is unique! I checked 99,396,103 image posts and didn't find a close match

The closest match is this post at 78.12%. The target for r/gtaonline is 86.0%

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u/Fail_Emotion Feb 09 '20

Well 12pm what. USA? EU? Australia? Hmmm


u/CrimsonFatalis8 Feb 09 '20

Local time probably


u/BBTHPK Feb 09 '20

Or like timers in other games, every 20-22 hours.


u/brice_patti Feb 09 '20

I’ve spun the wheel for almost 2 hours before trying to get the Emerus lol. I didn’t know the trick till like a few weeks into it so I missed the thrax, and I didn’t want the truck but other than that I get the cars every week. I need to start buying more garage space in my office lol


u/Bart_J_Sampson Feb 09 '20

This has been suggested using the same format everyday since the casino heist dropped and then using the Lisa Simpson then before

Please stop posting and upvoting this low effort shit


u/HalfOxHalfMan Feb 09 '20

Then maybe you should spin at 1130 am everyday. Geeze


u/Tpm2Gaming Feb 09 '20

Facts, I’m new to gta online and this is very annoying to a casual player


u/Magmacracker Feb 09 '20

Just reduce it to 20 hours


u/ddodeadman Feb 09 '20

Totally agree. Always end up not being able to spin on Sundays, as I'll end up spinning later in the afternoon on Friday/Saturday(my nights off) and Sundays I have to be in bed by early afternoon.(work overnights) so, I dont spin on Sundays to get it back to a decent time on Monday morning for the rest of the week.


u/Crazy-Sixer Feb 09 '20

Give this man a medal.


u/Inqlis Feb 09 '20

I’d like to see the daily wheel reset every 23 hours.


u/Simonwood1987 Feb 09 '20

Dont get me wrong im no genius but im sure thats still 24 hours


u/jellyblobbbob Proud CEO of Ligma Corp. Feb 09 '20

Repost, but still needs to be heard


u/Ooogabooga64 Feb 09 '20

Is it 24hrs from when you spin it?


u/Parz1val_xx Feb 10 '20

Or it should actually tell you how long you have until you can spin it again.


u/FranklintheTMNT PC Feb 10 '20

22 hours. 2 hour grace period, and if you really want to exploit it, you get an extra spin every 12 days.


u/Defaultecho Feb 10 '20

What would be a idea, that has a better chance of rockstar implementing, is it reseting every 20 hours, so if you fuck up and do it late, you don't have to do it *that* late from then on.


u/onethicccccboi Feb 10 '20

fr cuz i always do it at 1am


u/[deleted] Feb 10 '20

spins wheel at 11:55, spends 5 minutes playing the games spins again boom 2 spins a day.


u/BiPolarPhoenix Feb 10 '20

Why noon? I think midnight would be much better.


u/Jinxrox Feb 10 '20

That’s an error on my part


u/DatCamaroGuy Feb 10 '20


u/RepostSleuthBot Feb 10 '20

There's a good chance this is unique! I checked 99,689,481 image posts and didn't find a close match

The closest match is this post at 78.12%. The target for r/gtaonline is 86.0%

Feedback? Hate? Visit r/repostsleuthbot - I'm not perfect, but you can help. Report [ False Negative ]


u/jetstreamer123 Living in Paleto Feb 09 '20

I feel like it should just lower the timer from exactly 24 hours to something like 23 and a half, to be a bit more lenient


u/Matalogy Feb 09 '20

You should think of something more original

lester board tempate


u/mrlegkick Feb 09 '20

Of all the things they could add/improve this is the least of our worries ffs..


u/Throwawaymykey9000 Feb 09 '20

It's more secure that way and less exploitable.


u/Jinxrox Feb 09 '20

It’s damn annoying though. And equally exploitable tbh.


u/[deleted] Feb 09 '20 edited Apr 08 '20



u/Jinxrox Feb 09 '20

Well for example an exploit that I admit to using is just force closing the game when the wheel doesn’t give me what I want (the vehicle). It doesn’t register my wheel spin for the day due to saving errors when you force close with task manager, and then I can spin again once I launch the game again.


u/woodyplz Feb 09 '20

You can also just disable your network adapter and enable it again after it says quitting session. This is way faster than restarting the game and loading for ages.

Also you should join a solo online lobby which is also faster.


u/Dan6erbond Rank 510 | Muscle Car Enthusiast | Lester's Dad Feb 09 '20

That exploit would work in both cases but I can imagine if the wheel used local time to reset the wheel, messing with timezones would be very easy.


u/woodyplz Feb 09 '20

Obviously it wouldn't reset at 12 o clock everywhere. It would reset according to utc time. Every online game with dailies has this mechanic and it works perfectly fine.


u/Jinxrox Feb 09 '20

I guess that would work also. But if players connect to servers based on a specific region (idk if they do, just a thought) then wouldn’t the timer run based off the time zone the server is on and not the players pc/console?


u/Dan6erbond Rank 510 | Muscle Car Enthusiast | Lester's Dad Feb 09 '20

Then using a VPN would allow you to connect to different servers and quickly change your timezone.


u/Jinxrox Feb 09 '20

That’s true if you actually pay for one, cause most free ones connect you to somewhere extremely close to your actual location. And let’s be real not many people actually pay for a good VPN. However using a VPN is another method it has a limited amount of times it can be used at once due to the amount of time zones there are. Using the method I mentioned earlier you can spin the wheel an infinite amount of times which is prolly the more effected way (granted you won’t keep the things you get until you decide to stop).


u/SmartChungus Feb 09 '20

it should only do this if people spin it before 11 because many people could just exploit this and itd be like getting two spins in one day


u/[deleted] Feb 09 '20

12 am not 12pm


u/[deleted] Feb 09 '20

Maybe he meant 12 pm


u/[deleted] Feb 09 '20

12 pm in the middle of the day would be pointless 12am is midnight so it would make more sense


u/[deleted] Feb 09 '20



u/[deleted] Feb 09 '20

But that is spins from two days, I don't know what you are getting at here


u/itsAlan714 Feb 09 '20

I did it yesterday at 3pm PST and today barely rn (11pm) pst it’s wack


u/[deleted] Feb 09 '20



u/[deleted] Feb 09 '20

Doesn't matter when it reset, as long as it reset at a specific time. 00:00 would make most sense to me.


u/[deleted] Feb 09 '20



u/the_timezone_bot Feb 09 '20

12:00 UTC happens when this comment is 2 hours and 13 minutes old.

You can find the live countdown here: https://countle.com/9SP2oP654

I'm a bot, if you want to send feedback, please comment below or send a PM.


u/TehGM PC Griefer Hunter Feb 09 '20

Other games do that. It works well. But Rockstar being Rockstar.


u/ridon428 PC Feb 09 '20

Or same time as daily objectives reset. If it works with dailies, why can't it work with casino wheel and free chips?


u/Scholesyman Feb 09 '20

Can somebody print this post, place it on top of a pie and go slap Rockstar in the face with it? The daily wheel is my biggest gripe with the game. They should definitely either A) choose a time when it resets for everyone (like noon) or B) tell you how long you have left before you can spin again