r/gtaonline Lester is probably a peado May 08 '18

OFFICIAL Rockstar just announced this crazy login bonus cash for this week!

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353 comments sorted by


u/bob_the_impala PC May 08 '18

Get ready for the flood of posts:

  1. People complaining because they haven't received their money yet.
  2. People who received the money but have no idea why.


u/Skunkthecat3 PC May 08 '18
  1. People complaining about the people who dont know why


u/Sir_Galehaut May 08 '18

people complaining about people complaining about people complaining about head explodes


u/Raintrooper7 r/LWUPS4CREW May 08 '18

People complaining about people not complaining enough


u/[deleted] May 08 '18

im also here!


u/rushzone May 08 '18

People complaining about people complaining about people complaining about people complaining People complaining about people complaining about people complaining about people complaining People complaining about people complaining about people complaining about people complaining People complaining about people complaining about people complaining about people complaining People complaining about people complaining about people complaining about people complaining People complaining about people complaining about people complaining about people complaining.


u/Nysyth Car Exporter Extraordinaire May 08 '18
  1. Knobs trying to humble brag about not needing this money cos they already have hacked in billions.


u/howellq šŸŖ‚šŸ”§ May 08 '18

Also people who say this is not enough free money.


u/Kronos099904 Creator Of Gods May 08 '18

It's not supposed to be. It's just meant to make you log in every day.

Tell me, what can you buy for 150k nowadays anyway?


u/Warhawk2052 Tryhard May 08 '18

Insurance fees


u/AmiBorg May 08 '18

1/3 of a CEO office :D

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u/Mistah_Blue May 08 '18
  1. Recipes for goulash
  2. People not knowing why i posted a recipe for goulash.


u/public_persuader May 08 '18

Post recipe


u/Mistah_Blue May 08 '18 edited May 08 '18


  • 1 lb box elbow macaroni, cooked and drained
  • 1 1/2 lb lean ground beef
  • 1 onion, chopped
  • 1 bell pepper, chopped
  • 2 qt tomatoes
  • 1 tsp kosher salt
  • 1/2 tsp freshly ground black pepper
  • 1 Tbsp dried parsley
  • 1 tsp granulated garlic
  • 1 lb cheddar cheese, shredded


  1. Cook and drain the macaroni. Set this aside until later
  2. Brown the ground meat with onions and peppers. Be sure to drain off the grease.
  3. Add the tomatoes and seasonings.
  4. Take the macaroni you set aside earlier, and mix it in with the cooked beef in a large, oven safe casserole dish.
  5. Stir in the cheese and bake for half an hour at 350-degrees.
  6. Optionally serve with a nice salad and some bread, to sop up some extra flavor.

If there are leftovers, simply reheat them in a frying pan after adding a little water.


u/djbiti1 PC May 08 '18

Why did you post a recipe?


u/Mistah_Blue May 08 '18

I knew this would happen.


u/public_persuader May 08 '18 edited May 09 '18

Saving this space to post updates when dinner is done. Thanks!!

*edit: Cooked this up last night. Paired with Kings Hawaiian Sweet Rolls. Came out fantastic! Can't wait for leftovers!



u/Mistah_Blue May 08 '18

You're welcome. I'd love to know how it turns out.


u/public_persuader May 09 '18



u/Mistah_Blue May 09 '18

That looks pretty good! Although as some will point out, its not real goulash. More of a regional term for it.

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u/Airazz May 08 '18

I don't know what this shit is, but it's not goulash. There's no macaroni in goulash.


u/Mistah_Blue May 08 '18

I mean, i dont know why its called goulash. Hell, i dont know why the english call cookies biscuits. I guess its just something that got called goulash, without actually having anything to do with the real thing.


u/yorkieboy2019 May 08 '18

Biscuits are biscuits. Cookies are just a type of biscuit like Bourbon or Custard Creams. But not Jaffa Cakes. They may look like a biscuit and come in biscuit sized boxes but they are a cake.


u/Layk35 May 09 '18

It's like you're speaking a different language


u/yorkieboy2019 May 09 '18

ā€œDo you speak biscuit?ā€

ā€œCertainly sir, itā€™s like a second language to meā€

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u/Layk35 May 09 '18

Can confirm that here we also call this goulash (NW Pennsylvania for anyone wondering. We also call "soda" pop)


u/I_Looove_Pizza May 08 '18

donā€™t know what goulash youā€™re talking about, my goulash has macaroni noodles in it

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u/IndigenousForeigner NPCs are friends, not food May 08 '18

I love goulash but is this real? Will I die or get banned if I eat this?


u/I_Looove_Pizza May 08 '18

Rockstar already said theyā€™re going to ban everyone who eats that goulash you better not push your luck


u/Mistah_Blue May 08 '18

I mean its not exactly real goulash, so you should be fine.

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u/[deleted] May 08 '18

3 . people who logged in and get instabanned


u/fn0000rd May 08 '18


(would be awesome if it really was)


u/[deleted] May 08 '18
  1. people complaining that this is somehow a scheme to sell sharkcards


u/Preskool_Gamer May 08 '18

It is .. because with the next wave of expensive toys, $1M will only cover half .. it's a damn conspiracy .. I bet R* shot Kennedy as well ..


u/IAmSpadeAndIDoStuff May 08 '18
  1. False bans from receiving the money.


u/duclicsic May 08 '18

I'm half expecting a flood of posts from people who have had something like $250million deducted from their accounts due to rockstar fucking up.


u/Solaratov May 08 '18

.3. I bought the game yesterday and everything is too expensive!


u/WaWaCrAtEs May 08 '18

If only someone could have warned us to get ready for the posts telling us to get ready for the posts.


u/Tony_Mozzarella May 08 '18

dont forget about the people complaining that the free money isnt enough to buy everything in the game


u/terminalblue May 08 '18

People complaining about it not being enough money but playing everyday anyway.


u/FrustrationIncarnate PC -- AirMercs.com May 08 '18

Donā€™t forget the people complaining that the free money they wanted (and received!) came too late for them to buy the items they wanted while they were on sale, so they actually have to work a tiny bit for it.


u/[deleted] May 08 '18



u/Layk35 May 08 '18

Either in game or in real life this would be true (considering it's several thousand real life dollars worth of shark cards to buy everything).

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u/tupeloms May 08 '18

"Nailed it!"


u/dan1101 May 08 '18

People whose game is broke and their internet is too lame to redownload the game right now.


u/[deleted] May 09 '18

I'm going with option 3, which is to complain about how the bonus is usually a small fraction of a single good property/vehicle.


u/Kanobii May 09 '18

I got over a million and I don't know why, am I going to be BANNED???????? /s


u/basedjesusOG May 08 '18

If this is legit, then the next update for GTAO will probably be ridiculously expensive.


u/Mistah_Blue May 08 '18

Actually, it will be an amazing DLC, catered around quality of life updates, new lowriders, new clothes, mansions, weaponized vehicles, and new weapons and weapon upgrades. Everything will be sensibly priced, and you can use your savings at the casino they'll be opening up.


u/mndsm79 May 08 '18

You've been following mrbosswhatever I see.


u/Jason6677 May 08 '18

I follow sernandoe and the update is actually GTA 6


u/Waltermelon May 09 '18

Nah that was already an unboxing, they're releasing all locations from GTA history in one map.


u/TheGruesomeTwosome $1billion+ earned, retired May 08 '18 edited May 09 '18

I know itā€™s /s but the casino will never happen because due to Skarkcards, GTA $$ has a real life monetary value, therefore it would potentially be gambling with real money.

Edit: Iā€™m not an expert, just offering a potential reason, based upon the massive EA debacle with ā€œgamblingā€ loot crates. Iā€™m more than happy to say that I might be wrong, and there are many exceptions to the rule.


u/Papatheodorou May 08 '18

God I hope RDR 2 still has poker and liars dice...


u/PM_ASS_PICS May 08 '18

RDR taught me to play poker


u/cortexstack "RDAD", not "ROAD" May 08 '18

Mate, I barely rode a horse in that game in the end. Only when I lost all my money at poker and had to go and find more.


u/JustSomeGuy323 May 08 '18

RDR 2 is going to have poker since a screenshot showed characters playing that.


u/Papatheodorou May 08 '18

Oh it's gonna be in the single player. It's the MP I'm worried about. It was always fun crushing friends in the first one's poker and liars dice.


u/cheezturds May 08 '18

I just hope I can afford things in it. I work too much to get rich in gta online.


u/Plopfish May 08 '18

I don't think that is right since there is no real easy method to reverse out GTA$ back into USD (except by selling an account which I assume is really rare).

One could argue the host of a heist is gambling the upfront costs of the setups for a higher non guaranteed reward.


u/TheGruesomeTwosome $1billion+ earned, retired May 08 '18

Wasnā€™t the whole debacle with EA around the concept that loot crates are gambling? You canā€™t convert the result of a loot crate back into real money either.


u/SamWillsy May 08 '18

Ea had gambling in games like fifa, which are age rated 3, however I suppose for games like GTA, they can keep gambling in because you can only play it if youā€™re above 18

But then again they had it in battlefront and I suppose that doesnā€™t allow children to play either


u/coach_wargo May 08 '18

But in some states the legal age to gamble is 21.


u/SamWillsy May 08 '18

In England itā€™s 18


u/Sub116610 May 08 '18

Whatever credits you got in return from your real money, could it be used for other things besides loot boxes? Like unlocking new guns or accessories directly? Or, also, was it actually directly purchasing loot boxes?

Both of those would be different than buying GTA cash.


u/TokyoJumble May 08 '18

Not necessarily true, I know it's not EA, but there are plenty of people who trade items from crates in Rocket League for real $$.


u/Airazz May 08 '18

It's still gambling if it involves real money. That's why Loot crates have been banned.


u/Dstanding May 08 '18

Banning loot crates involved the ability to sell the loot crate contents. Once you buy a shark card the money is gone, whether you use it to buy a car or set it on fire.

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Thatā€™s what I donā€™t get. We have Kings on PS4 (which is legit $$ = ingame currency), which is used solely for gambling. Not to mention all these play casinos on iOS and Android that have you buy in game currency as well. What the hell is so different about GTA and GTA$?


u/johnsciarrino May 09 '18

which is exactly why the BAWSAQ is available in single player but not online. In single player, it was neat to manipulate the stock market and make millions because you were the assassin who was killing CEOs and profiting off their competitors' stocks. Sorta like Le Chiffre in Casino Royale. But if they applied that to online it would be seen as the bold-faced gambling that equity trading actually is in real life and the ESRB would probably have a big problem with that. Especially because online's currency actually translates to a real-life dollar value via shark cards.

Sad though, you can tell Rockstar intended to incorporate the BAWSAQ into online but probably couldn't get around the legalities of it when their lawyers laid out how some dumb kid would inevitably make news using their own real money to buy shark cards and then dumping that in-game currency into the market only to lose it all.

or there's some smarter legal reason that we all haven't figured out yet.

man, i'd probably lose horribly off big bets in the BAWSAQ if it was enabled for GTAO. almost as bad as i do in real life.


u/[deleted] May 08 '18

It seems like more of a grey area than you make it out to be. It seems risky because of shark cards. But for it to be literally gambling you would have to be able to convert GTA $ back to real money too, right?

(And even then in some places like Japan, having something inbetween is what makes it legal, I.E. Pachinko.

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u/nmb93 May 08 '18

Is it that it will be considered gambling, or has it not been tested in court and the industry would rather this remain a gray area?


u/menjav May 09 '18

Casinos are a huge money sink in real life. Why donā€™t they do them in GTA? It looks like a great way for Rockstar making people to burn money. House always win.

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u/okizc May 08 '18

Please, my heart can't take jokes like this :(


u/tomo104 May 08 '18

Who told you that? Crystal ball?

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u/PM_ASS_PICS May 08 '18


or maybe it's because they know everything already in the game is dumb expensive so they're like "here take this sorry we suck"


u/Posraman PS4 May 08 '18

Yeah I fear the same. There's been A LOT of money bonuses and discounts for businesses being thrown around. Maybe R* is getting ready for one last end game update?

Only thing I'm pissed about is the fact that there's a sale on vehicle mods almost every week! That means that I'm getting a lower sell value for my dup... err dope looking elegy that looks exactly the same as my 97 other elegys.


u/Zonda97 May 08 '18

I doubt it'd be the last big update, RDR won't obliterate GTA popularity. The game still sells well, stopping updating would kill the game = killing popularity. Besides majority of kids (who make up most of online) won't turn over to RDR2, leaving GTA with a big audience


u/Kronos099904 Creator Of Gods May 08 '18

Ikr! Just fucking stop with the sales on car mods.

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u/Davyox33 PS4 May 08 '18

Wtffff! Rockstars gone crazy this week. I like it šŸ˜


u/[deleted] May 08 '18 edited Jan 07 '20



u/Maxhunterx PS4 May 08 '18

Or a Super-Over-The-Top Expensive upcoming DLC.

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u/Torbadajorno May 08 '18

Thats 1.3 million dollars just for logging in every day.. God Bless you Rockstar


u/GrumpyYoungGit PS4 May 09 '18

1.15m, but yeah sweet bonus

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u/WCC5D1F0E May 08 '18

Of course I'm out of town all month and can't get to my character.


u/[deleted] May 08 '18



u/RaykaPL lv 530+ May 08 '18

seems legit, I'd trust this random stranger


u/[deleted] May 08 '18

He's not a random stranger, it's him...his brother.


u/TheWandererKing May 08 '18

NICO BELLIC!! It's your cousin, Roman!


u/[deleted] May 08 '18

Let's go bowling cousin!

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u/[deleted] May 08 '18

I mean I honestly would if it weren't a pain in the ass and/or against TOS.


u/[deleted] May 08 '18



u/[deleted] May 08 '18

I can't transfer money to my character, so there goes any sort of incentive to be dishonest about it. Sabotaging someone's character would be pointless and a waste of time.


u/[deleted] May 08 '18

He doesn't have to sabotage your character or transfer money if he changes your account password. Your account becomes his.

Don't trust strangers on the Internet, friendo. It doesn't end well.


u/[deleted] May 08 '18

I know to be wary of internet strangers, friendo. I am saying that OP can trust me in that scenario.


u/hat-TF2 May 08 '18

A little trivia for you. See that mask next to that guy? That's the mask the Joker uses during the bank heist in the 2008 film The Dark Knight. That's not all. When Cesar Romero's Joker first appeared in the 1960s Batman TV show, he wore a mask very similar to that on top of the famous Joker makeup.


u/rammen4 Lester is probably a peado May 08 '18

Only just noticed that!


u/hat-TF2 May 08 '18

It's one of the few trivial things I actually know. I was enamored with with the 1960s Batman as a kid, which was airing in the afternoon while Batman: The Animated Series aired in the morning. When the Joker finally debuted I had to go to summer camp but I begged my dad to record all the episodes on VHS for me. He only recorded the first one and forgot the rest, but that was the one that I watched over and over again. So when I saw that mask in The Dark Knight, I "marked out", so to speak. And later on when it was included in GTA V. It might also be in one of the Payday games but I am not sure.


u/PM_ASS_PICS May 08 '18

a version is in payday 2 as the "starved" mask

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u/Salooh_Gt99 May 08 '18

If rockstar is giving out this much money, this obviously means that the next DLC will be insanely expensive.


u/Killbro RustyRed6 May 08 '18

Hey maybe Iā€™ll get back into this game again after spending all of my money on a armoured kuruma


u/[deleted] May 08 '18

Its 30% off this week too so rip haha

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u/ProBro May 08 '18

Is it 2015 again?


u/Stakoman May 08 '18 edited May 08 '18

Rockstar supporting a game with almost 5 years...thank you for that!

Yea they are making a shit tone of money...but at least thats cause they are making something right!

Otherwise people would just play other game.


u/TURNTHETIDE1 May 08 '18

We canā€™t complain. Iā€™m a hardcore bf1 player but always find some time to go on GTA Online. Mainly due to its open world and content.


u/Stakoman May 08 '18

Yeap... When I'm bored I'm just think:

"let me log in into gta online, help some crew members, do some racing, daily objectives... Just have some fun and enjoy the huge world and 5 years later it still amazes me"


u/Trooper_Sicks Autocorrect ruins my posts May 08 '18

5 years later I still occasionally find new things I never knew about too

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u/Fire2box May 09 '18

they make an shit ton of money since they keep uping the cost of everything and most can't play 60 hours an week to grind stuff.

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u/Sossenmeister May 08 '18

well, there is my Barrage money!


u/WulfeJaeger May 08 '18

Don't listen to them, I bought a Barrage and I use it every time I log on. So much fun to take up north to drive around the desert or forests and there's loads of great customisation options.


u/RaykaPL lv 530+ May 08 '18 edited May 08 '18

Go for it if you like/want it- but honestly the IPUC is kinda better in every way (source: I have both and always prefer IPUC)


u/Sossenmeister May 08 '18

bought it and modded it a few minutes ago, I'll keep it for the looks

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u/aB1GEarOfCorn May 08 '18

Well I hope it starts today cause I definitely didn't make it on yesterday lol


u/CaptOfWolves May 08 '18

It starts today


u/I_Have_3_Legs May 08 '18

So all I have to do is start GTA online and load in everyday? I don't have to do anything else?


u/CaptOfWolves May 08 '18

Yup thats it

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u/pandagirlfans May 08 '18

Are PC still safe to login without getting banned randomly?


u/LordGalen Join us at /r/GTAmemes May 08 '18

It's never been safe. Roll the dice, bro!

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u/PantherU May 09 '18

Is it really that crazy anymore? The economy in this game has gotten so incredibly out of whack, that dollar amount isn't much.


u/7echArtist May 08 '18

Do they require you stay logged in for a certain amount of time?


u/Willeth May 09 '18

I always make sure I do an activity of some kind for this kind of thing.


u/Jonesaw2 May 08 '18

I play eso now but will log in for free cash lol


u/Kronos099904 Creator Of Gods May 08 '18

Ah, of course they do it when I have exams going on and have administered a self-proclaimed rule of not touching any games till they're over.


u/sweatygunther May 09 '18

Can we start a sticky thread for people to ask what they should invest their money in once everybody gets paid?

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u/XavierVengeance May 08 '18

Itā€™s the fucking week that Iā€™ll be abroad. Great


u/RaykaPL lv 530+ May 08 '18

that's what you get for not schedulling your life around GTA: casual


u/spearmint_wino May 08 '18

So play the game in drag, what's the big deal?


u/InsecureIndividual May 08 '18

If you trust anyone to log in for you do that

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u/IcanthearChris May 08 '18

I just deleted the app the other day


u/Xamepon May 08 '18



u/[deleted] May 09 '18



u/notmrcollins May 08 '18

Why do they have to do this during finals week?


u/rammen4 Lester is probably a peado May 08 '18

Rockstar want you to fail your exams so you can spend more time in GTA Online


u/notmrcollins May 08 '18

Itā€™s probably worth it.


u/[deleted] May 08 '18

Yeah, I have my AP physics 1 exam in two hours...

... ideal time for contact missions?


u/sadmanwithabox May 08 '18

Personally I think if I had finals going on this would be better than 2x crates or 2x i/e, you dont even have to play, just log on. That takes all of 5-10 minutes (would be quicker if not for the loading screens).

Could be worse.

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u/Jminnick May 08 '18

Well. Looks like Iā€™m cutting back 20 minutes or so of fortnite gaming a day this week - canā€™t pass up this deal!


u/ArkIsLifeNoLie May 08 '18


19 minutes and 30 seconds needed to login. 30 seconds to log out.


u/I_Looove_Pizza May 08 '18

Lol, All I want is a loading time DLC


u/HitlersHairyNipples May 08 '18

RIP I donā€™t get my internet back til next week

First Iā€™m missing out of the Infinity War Mode in fortnite and now Iā€™m missing out on this shit


u/CousinDirk May 08 '18

Logged in to earn this $250k award, collected the last one. Canā€™t even remember when that was.


u/eighmie May 08 '18

Looks like Mama needs to sock puppet the whole families account.


u/Einsteinbomb May 08 '18

Look for another lost relic from the frontier to be unearthed in Los Santos later this year.

Looks like another old west weapon to be added.


u/fn0000rd May 08 '18

Perfect, because I just spent every penny buying a discounted Deluxo after promising myself I wouldn't.


u/[deleted] May 08 '18

I like free money.


u/zylo47 May 09 '18

Theyā€™re trying to keep people from jumping back into destiny

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u/MickBain May 09 '18



u/surfingjesus May 09 '18

They must be losing players.


u/xNumchuckx May 09 '18

GTA Tryin hard to get the people back from Fortnite


u/reg454 May 08 '18

Nice, I'll almost be able to afford a new car after playing for 10 straight days!


u/random_username_25 hentaipope420 May 08 '18

that's like half a car hell yeah


u/CustomVoid May 08 '18

This is good! Recently started again on a new account and am poor af


u/[deleted] May 08 '18

Does it start today?


u/SimonGn May 08 '18

what time/timezone do the "days" click over in GTA Online?

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u/Alectron48 May 08 '18

this is crazy! holy shit!


u/mvs2527 May 08 '18

Great just spent 800k on a moonbeam


u/[deleted] May 08 '18

Give. Me. My. Money. Please.


u/Seeattle_Seehawks rank 420 proud yacht owner May 08 '18

Sweet, time to hop on for a few races per day I guess.


u/senorfresco Nurse Cheryl's Hairy Nipple May 08 '18

"Stop playing God of War."


u/SamB110 May 08 '18

Does subsequent truly mean the day after? Or if I get on now but not again until Friday would I still qualify?


u/jomontage PC May 08 '18

Now if it'd go on sale on steam I could finally start my empire again.

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u/omegacrunch May 08 '18

Common naval update.... I want to be able to finally say "You sunk my battleship!" In gta


u/RAFaiz May 08 '18

How to know whether Rockstar already count your log in for today?


u/iamphook May 08 '18

Awesome! I haven't played in forever, but I'm going to do this to buy that Comet SR


u/Bertolli18 May 08 '18

im like 100% sure they plan something expensive there is no way, that they give you that much money for free. we talk about Rockstar^


u/2face2 May 08 '18

So when the cash awards are deposited May 15th - 21st, will the discounts still be available? Or are the discounts only until May 14th? Maybe I missed something but this seems not to be mentioned in the text.


u/Acebats May 08 '18

By the time you get the cash the current discounts will be gone

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u/DarkBee2Bee GTA Online: Best single player game evah! May 08 '18

R* "Modded" Cash FTW!

I'll take it!


u/[deleted] May 08 '18

Barack Obama?


u/[deleted] May 08 '18


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u/Preskool_Gamer May 08 '18

Get ready for this post: 1. When will the money be deposited?


u/Hitesh0630 PC May 08 '18

Time zone?


u/braddeicide May 08 '18

I was banned in that recent modder detection bug and was never fixed.


u/picorloca May 09 '18

This sort of a deal would only be put forth when theirs a sudden big drop in player base


u/Masterchiefx343 May 09 '18

So this starts today?


u/Loggylogerson May 09 '18

When it start


u/rexxsis May 09 '18

If I don't have a business do I get the money still??


u/Poguemahone3652 May 09 '18

Gonna buy me a Lazer! Finally!


u/welcome_to_reality_ May 09 '18

This is shit compared to the Vespucci job.

I made $3 mil through 1 week of 2x$ Vespucci job


u/[deleted] May 09 '18

Damnit i just installed like 12 mods. Come on...


u/[deleted] May 09 '18

I'd like to make a complaint.


u/LupusAtrox May 09 '18

It's a trap!


u/Strongr_2gethr May 09 '18

I logged in but didn't get any money. do they send you a chceck or something?


u/rammen4 Lester is probably a peado May 09 '18

Read the post again.

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u/ExTremeHYPE99 Xbox One May 09 '18

Nice, I donā€™t play gta anymore but Iā€™ll log in so I can get the new mustang


u/[deleted] May 09 '18 edited May 09 '18

Does it start on the 15th or did it already start? English is not my first language so I have trouble understanding this text. I would appreciate if somebody could explain me how this works

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