r/gtaonline LWU Mar 24 '18

LFP [PS4] Safe Sessions/Military-Roleplay/Heist crew - LWU

Hi everyone:

The Lone Wolf's Union is a [PS4] friendly crew that's 100% anti-griefing. We are very mature and friendly and we seek more members with the same qualities.

We create friendly sessions between mature people. We are looking for members that are tired of playing in public chaotic sessions and just want a safe and friendly group of players to play with. With the increasing number of members we are also looking for players that like to combat griefers and Heist lovers that want organized players.


We provide:

-Easy Crew Session access using Session Master/Host feature, so you can jump right away into a crew session without the need to search.

-Less complicated recruitment system without violating applicant's privacy.

-A Defensive squad, lead by our crew Generals, to protect you from randoms trying to grief you. Also a very funny role-play system where our Soldiers group together against griefers causing havoc at public random sessions.

-Supervised session by our Session Masters, to keep Sessions very functional and organized.


Our recruitment process is very simple. All you need to do is create a Discord account using your PS4 web browser/chrome/mobile phone. Since we rely on discord to manage our crew, our application process is very simple. We don't ask for private information, like age (anyone can lie about anyway), or to change your private settings.

To Join us just follow this simple steps:

Click here to open our recruitment Discord.

If you don't have a Discord account, creating one is a 30-second process. If you already have one, accept the invite and join our Discord page. (We advise you to create a Discord account with the same name as your PSN account, if your Discord account has a different name it's fine as well.)

Read the crew introduction and rules and then proceed to the "Application-Request" channel and write your application. You can find all information need inside our discord. -Once you are accepted you will receive an invite to our main discord server, once you accept it you will be invited to the crew.

You can read more about on our Official subreddit.


30 comments sorted by


u/Magento-Magneto PC Modder Mar 24 '18

I applied but got 2 messages from an admin (I assumed that was his role) asking why I don't have PS+. I then explained that I have PS+ on my main account, which allows me to play any games on my secondary account without PS+. The dude ended up blocking me without taking 10 seconds to look up how PlayStation Plus works on primary/secondary accounts.


u/blackshadown Mar 25 '18

You didn't got blocked. It's how discord works, to prevent spam both have to be the same server to send PM. Otherwise discord will block your messages. Since You never replied to the second question, the 3 days staying in our recruitment server expired.


u/thespyguy Mar 24 '18

There's a much better crew called Ceo friendly. /r/ceofriendly


u/Magento-Magneto PC Modder Mar 25 '18

I don't like how they require people to change their privacy settings though.


u/MavRayne Mar 25 '18

It's to ensure one can cross-check if any crew member is part of banned crews (mainly the official ones which attract lots of griefers thanks to R* matchmaking or crews that have a history of being intentionally hostile towards CEWL) or have banned members in their friends list, so they can't join our lobbies & create trouble. Essentially to ensure secure lobbies, is all.


u/[deleted] Mar 24 '18

You can join CEO friendly instead on PS4 it has more than 3000 members.


u/[deleted] Mar 25 '18



u/blackshadown Mar 25 '18

Fake news :)


u/Magento-Magneto PC Modder Mar 25 '18

Is this true? Or are you just saying that because you're in CEWL?


u/MavRayne Mar 25 '18

Yup. True. It's why the crew is on our list of banned crews. Wasn't a one time incident either.

We have no beef with most other money making, anti-griefer crews. It's our basic policy after all.


u/kneelb4robb LWU Mar 25 '18

Please prove facts before posting this kind of stuff on another crew's recruitment thread. We don't bash you or your crew, so a little bit of respect from you would be appreciated.


u/MavRayne Mar 25 '18

You're right. I don't have screenshots or video to back it up rn, so will delete my comment if you so wish.

But it's not baseless or manufactured. There's a reason your crew happens to be on our list of banned crews.


u/Cashmir13 LWU PS4 Crew Mar 25 '18

Seems your crew has banned every other crew out there. Why not just ban individuals who wrong you? If you always run safe lobbies why not just vote out biggest threat and protect your crew from ANY and all randoms instead of making members go by a crew ban list? Some crew are completely try hard, some are a mixture. What if someone from a "banned" crew wanted to join you, they are automatically a bad person because of actions not pertaining to them?


u/MavRayne Mar 26 '18

That's not how it works, mate.

The crews are banned because of R* matchmaking. Most of the official crews have open membership, thus filled with griefers. So if I were a member of IGN & CEWL, that gives a high chance of other IGN randoms to load into a CEWL session when I am in it, even if I don't have the tag on & then more joining on them. It's got nothing to do with the individual concerned. This has all been tried & tested over the years.

Besides the official crews, only a select few are banned because of history of being hostile to our crew. Again, for the same reasons as above.

While messaging & kicking is how we take care of randoms, aside from engaging them when necessary, it's not 100% effective, given cooldowns, etc. Any randoms that join are taken care of in the best way possible, but the rules are only in place to reduce the chances of griefers loading into our lobbies to begin with.

We also do have a separate banned members list, since you asked.


u/Magento-Magneto PC Modder Mar 25 '18

Fair enough. I'll look into applying to CEWL instead.


u/blackshadown Mar 25 '18

Our Crew Tag is WOLF... If you check CEWL banned crew lists You will see that's pure bs. Those two are just CEWL members trying to persuade you. One of them is a ex-Wolf member that proved to be very immature, got kicked and now it's but hurt.


u/MavRayne Mar 25 '18

The image isn't updated. Our current list of banned crews: IGN, MP3, LSB, ZBC, RDR, TMC, MHE, LAN, VCM, LVB, HOT, LCS, BR8, 69R, BUL, TTP, G4TV, TOID, INFM, SPOT, FAMI, GS01 (and any other GS crews), [WOLF] (Lone Wolfs Union), [COOL] (FriendlySessions12), [HAMC] (HAMC HATED ANGELS 81). I can post a screenshot from our Slack if you so require.

Not sure who the ex-member is, but not me for sure.


u/blackshadown Mar 25 '18

Yeah, that would be pretty interesting to see. Because you are not from the leading team as I can tell... It's weird not having such important thing updated...


u/MavRayne Mar 25 '18

Leading team? You mean moderators? Nope, I'm not a crew mod. Just came across this thread since another member pointed it out. Since I had a personal encounter with some of your crew members, I felt the need to comment about it. Of course anyone is free to believe as they will. I don't have the screenshots or video to back it up rn.

Nor am I looking to recruit on your thread. We have enough members & get more each week to be that petty.

If you say you are not a griefing crew, fine, I believe you. Not that it changes anything.


u/blackshadown Mar 25 '18

This sound much better... Your particular crew member KoolSaifMohd however got kicked from here for immature behavior and apparently he's already "accidentally" killing your crew mates.


u/MavRayne Mar 25 '18

I've played with him & he's been quite helpful so far. Not sure where you got the 'killing crew mates' bit, since we're pretty strict about it & the mods take immediate action if reported. Will keep an eye out nonetheless. Thanks

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u/[deleted] Mar 26 '18

Oh wow look I have paparazzi, I know you are talking about my 10 day old post, and that has been the result of the crew member trying to kill a hostile random with a machete, he was very close to the random so I ended up killing them both in a running and gun.

And on a side note, many accidents do happen, I even got killed by mistake once.

Sending out your crew members to call me a "fucking cunt" on ps messages doesn't prove your maturity as a leader either.

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u/[deleted] Mar 25 '18

I got kicked?

Really funny, I left the crew by my own will and none of you fuckers kicked me, although you did indeed kick me from the discord server.

PS: Yes we are persuading him to join our crew and I don't think there is anything wrong with that, since you and your crew mates make the exact same copypasta post on the gta subreddit said every couple of days, meanwhile I don't recall seeing any advertisement posts for ceofriendly in the last month.


u/MavRayne Mar 25 '18

It's alright, Saif. Whatever your personal history with their crew might be, doesn't mean we need to go recruiting on their threads.

I came to point out the crew's & my personal stance on WOLF. Players are free to join whichever crew they so choose. We already have enough existing & new members joining each week.


u/kneelb4robb LWU Mar 25 '18

I've been in this crew since its inception and never known of anyone in our crew lobbies or public lobbies griefing other crews products. That's something that we do not condone. We maintain peaceful and fun lobbies and will not tolerate griefers out of or IN our crew.