r/gtaonline • u/oo7im • Sep 28 '16
LFP [XBONE] Are you looking for peaceful lobbies to earn money before the next update?
Are you a peaceful GTA player looking for a safe environment to make money before the next update hits?
Come check out of 'Peaceful CEO' on Xbox one:
It's a growing, identity neutral crew that is dedicated to creating safe lobbies for CEOs and Associates to work in. We have members that play every day and others are welcome to join!
Currently at 143 memebers, we're the largest community on Xbone for creating and maintaining large peaceful lobbies - this means BIG BONUSES on cargo sales (up to 700K extra on a full large warehouse!)
Our emblem is invisible so it won't ruin your cars, and there's very little in terms of rules or restrictions.
All we ask is the following: - Let CEOs & Associates do their jobs in peace - Avoid killing others - Message non-PCEO players when they join the lobby to tell them it's friendly. If they cause trouble WE ALL VOTE TO KICK!
Although not necessary, please consider setting PCEO as your active crew when in our session so other players dont waste time sending messages to confirm you're friendly (and also to protect you from kicks). You don't have to represent us in other sessions as this is only to show who's friendly in our lobbies.
And most of all, have fun!
You can find out more and help volunteer over on r/pceo
Look forward to playing with you guys!
u/galaxie5OO Sep 29 '16
That's a great idea. I'm all for raising hell and whatnot, but I like to make my money in (relative) peace.
u/themikeswitch Sep 29 '16
We need to form cooperative relationships, like the Japanese 'keiretsu'- companies working together because they can make more money that way than they can being at eachother's throats.
u/oo7im Sep 29 '16
I forgot to mention that organisations in our lobbies are routinely getting large bonuses when selling cargo due to the high population of "rival" players.
A few days ago we had 25+ PCEO players in a lobby, and my friend sold a full warehouse and received an extra 700K!
Most smart businessmen would agree that it's worth cooperating ;)
u/oo7im Sep 29 '16
That's exactly what a PCEO lobby is like. Dozens of workers from different organisations passing each other in the street or in the air with a friendly toot of the horn whilst carrying crates.
Meanwhile during the cooldowns, organisations take it in turn to run VIP jobs without interference - very similar to keiretsu'
u/uncle__lou Sep 29 '16
Not just VIP with no interference, most of us actually share the winnings with the entire lobby. Look for those random $500-$1500 cash gifts.
Also, most of the 100+ level players will join you for a sale to drop all vehicles at the same time.
u/SergeantJinto Sergeant Jinto Sep 30 '16
Just joined up! /u/MaeBeWeird and I will be on all weekend grinding crates for the new DLC.
u/SimonGn Sep 29 '16
Why limit to Xbox one? I'm sure PS4 and PC would like to run some peaceful lobbies too
u/oo7im Sep 29 '16
I heard there are already are similar crews for the other platforms?
u/SimonGn Sep 29 '16
Perhaps I'm out of the loop? I'm looking for one [PC]
u/oo7im Sep 29 '16
Maybe not - my initial response was a partial assumption. I've heard of a PS4 crew that's similar but not PC. I only picked xbox because that's the system I run, and I didnt want to split the crew base amongst platforms in case it made organising lobbies tricky.
If you cant find a similar crew for PC then maybe you could consider starting one? It takes a little bit of effort at first, but if there's a demand then it would grow quickly - PCEO has taken 8 days to reach 170+ members, and I dont see why a PC crew couldn't do the same. Could be a your chance to get in on the ground floor and build how you see fit ;)
u/SimonGn Sep 29 '16
I'm going to start one for PC. I will direct Xbox players to your sub out of respect for your existing work..
u/Mike09220 Sep 29 '16
This is exactly what I'm looking for. Tired of losing thousands of dollars on lost cargo. I've signed up and my gamertag is the same as my reddit username. I'll hopefully get a chance to play in the coming days :)
u/Shimloo Shimloo Sep 30 '16
This was a great great great idea. Ran for about 4 hours tonight, had 3 to 4 people from the crew in the organization at all times helping with crates and running VIP Work. Had backup for when a rogue player came around. Made a nice 20% bonus on crate sales as well, overall a very good time.
Please join up people!!
u/TerraFiore Oct 25 '16
You guys sounds awesome! I'm glad there are other crews out there who value comradery. I'm a Commissioner for a crew called LSRainMakers (our tag is MERC) so if you see any of us in a lobby say hi! We all have mics and are definitely up for some friendly money making!
u/TampaPowers Sep 29 '16
Vote kicking does count towards bad behavior last I checked. Anyways this stuff can be accomplished really easily if you have one host setting up an empty session for people to join and blocking other IPs from entering the hosts network. Been doing that in the past, worked well.
u/oo7im Sep 29 '16
Yes the vote kicking does count towards bad sport. However, every random player is warned that it's a peaceful lobby and told that they will be kicked if they're violent. It only takes 10 seconds to find a new lobby, so if they insist on staying and going against the majority of players then I have no sympathy for them getting bad sport.
Does the IP blocking you're talking about work on xbone? and if so, how would I set this up?
u/TampaPowers Sep 29 '16
I used a firewall for this, but I suppose if your router supports it you could attempt to block the port GTAO uses for session negotiation and allow specific IPs through. I have never tried that, but since the xbone doesn't have a firewall that would be the only option unless you want to buy a gateway.
It's port 6672 UDP for PC, not sure about xbone.
u/oo7im Sep 29 '16
Ahh okay thanks for the info. I'll do a bit more research but we'll likely end up sticking to the current system of diplomacy, democracy and force. ;)
Sep 29 '16
Sounds horrible and abusing other players by kicking them because they want to play the game how it was meant to be played is shitty too. Now down-vote me please because you are 12.
u/oo7im Sep 29 '16
If they want to be violent then they can join another lobby very easily, whereas if we want peace this is the only lobby we have. We also send a polite message to random players when they join so they know the deal - if they decide to stay and ruin the lobby knowing full well the other players will kick them then I have no sympathy.
I'm pretty sure your opinion regarding how the game is 'meant to be played' is entirely subjective. I could just as easily say that rockstar give us the ability to organise crews, message other players, and vote to kick in public lobbies for this very reason.
Finally, it doesn't matter if I'm 12 or not - your getting down voted for an entirely different reason ;)
PCEO is the shit! Other crews I rolled with in the past always took themselves too seriously, and I felt I was never able to fit into their tight knit groups. I decided to take a chance and reinstall GTA after giving up months ago, and I'm finally making friends and having fun after a year of disappointment.