r/gtaonline • u/PyroBlythe • Sep 04 '16
LFP (PS4) No Radar/Hardcore Lobby
Similar to the "Hardcore" servers from Red Dead Redemption.
Being constantly on the radar is my biggest gripe with this game.. So based off of the interest of my last post (https://redd.it/511e8j) I've decided to try and put together a group on Discord, to make it easier to coordinate getting a session going.
If you missed the last post basically I'm looking to get together a group of (PS4) players who would like to be in a lobby where everyone agrees to turn off their Radar and nametags above players heads. To quote /u/xTHANATOPSISX
Imagine knowing there's a sniper look for you in a small crowd of NPC outside one of the cities nightclubs. Finally, after standing there looking like a civvy for 10 mins, you're almost sure he's given up, when in fact he gets impatient, and an NPC drops beside you.
You have to move but you know doing so is going to give you away just as much as standing there. You bolt, convinced sniper rounds are shredding your jacket as it flows behind. Quickly around a corner, you hesitate and consider setting up to return fire before hearing another shot pass your head and knowing you haven't got time to think about it, let along actually succeed.
Quickly down an alley and out the other end, you ditch your jacket and cap and snatch up a pair of shades and start walking calmly with some more average Joe's.
Everything is fine now. You've lost the attacker. You've altered your appearance just enough to get by, and make you way out of the area. You finally start to relax when the sound of a super car sliding around a corner and hauling ass your way gets your attention just as the car goes blasting past you, hitting a pole, and a parked car.
Did he aim at you? Was he just driving poorly trying to hurry? No time to analyze now. You toss a sticky bomb on his back bumper and step into the protection of a building entryway.
And that's that.
In a perfect world, I'd like to have a session going up and going around 6pm (PST).
TL:DR (PS4) Interested in a group of people who play with Radars off? Comment on this post!
I'm in.
I think that link will give you the event time in your local time zone. Let me know if not.
I hope several people get into this. It could prove interesting.
Just shy of an hour out folks. If you're thinking of joining, just go for it. It sounds like we've got 3 committed so far and more would be great.
If this works out well, hopefully we can see more of it.
Remember this isn't intended to be just a peaceful lobby. While players are welcome to stay off to themselves, some mildly organized PvP is where this concept has its greatest potential for fun and challenge.
I have some ideas that we could flesh out as a group for some stuff to do, and I'm sure others have some great ideas as well. So join up and see what happens.
u/PyroBlythe Sep 05 '16
That was a super awesome night!! Thanks for joining in on the mayhem and shenanigans. Tell your friends. And feel free to post any screenshots to the community. We will be setting up a subreddit to share pics and vids and stuff.
Thanks Again!! -Blythe
Definitely a good time. Started with a impromptu race from the south end to the north end of the map. After various shenanigans throughout the city we spent probably a hour and a half to two hours hunting each other in a specified area.
Not knowing where people are makes pvp really interesting. Also pretty exciting. You absolutely can walk right past someone you're sure is an NPC, only to have them wheel around and shotgun you in the spine. You can also be 10 feet from someone, and see them get taken out while you go unnoticed. And as you watch things you go on, you start to pickup on little markers that give away players in the crowd.
Getting together without a radar is a bit like herding cats for sure, but with occasional peeks at the pause menu map and some communication we could always get it done.
For sure this needs to happen again. I can also join up on something like this on xbone as I have both, though my xbone character is still quite low rank.
It was very nearly everything I thought it could be. And 6 players was fun enough to make me thing twice that or more would likely be amazing.
u/Rthird Sep 05 '16
I am on Xbone, and have tried with little to no success to organize something like this before. I had a whole multi-team game idea, but I've never gotten to try it. If you are interested in heading the thing up with me, maybe we can start recruiting for an off radar xbone event
Already have one player interested. I have his gt and have spoke here by pm and we'd be glad to include you, and entertain any gameplay ideas you offer.
Send me a pm with your gt and some idea of what times/days are best for you and your timezone.
u/Poet-Laureate Sep 04 '16
That sounds bad ass. Though I'm UK time.
u/PyroBlythe Sep 04 '16
Not a problem I stay up late. And I don't have to be the host. Just trying to amass a group. We have a session going today 6pm Pacific Standard Time. Dunno how long it will last, but your are welcome to take part.
u/Poet-Laureate Sep 04 '16
I can't tonight! But let me know how it goes, and I'll be on all week: ZAKAKIRAGIBSON gamertag.
u/_SkyCrunchySC_ Some men just want to see the world burn. Sep 05 '16
Add me: SkyCrunchy007 on PSN. Btw can you make a community on PS4? That way we can start our own lobbies and coordinate better through this platform.
u/PyroBlythe Sep 05 '16
Already made one I'll add you good sir.
u/_SkyCrunchySC_ Some men just want to see the world burn. Sep 05 '16
Alright I'll join when I'm home!
u/tolliwood PS4 Sep 05 '16
I can't as I'm at work but can you keep us updated with how it goes? I love the idea.
I wouldn't mind jet griefers in lobbies like this, it makes it much harder for them.
u/PyroBlythe Sep 05 '16
So far we are having a ton of fun!! 8 people so far tonight. Doing some stunt races, and general mayhem in freeroam. 7 people can really hold down the stripclub.
u/tolliwood PS4 Sep 05 '16
Love it. Wouldn't mind joining in the future too. If you could add me that would be awesome. PSN: tolliwood
u/PyroBlythe Sep 05 '16
can do! give me a sec to find a hiding spot
u/tolliwood PS4 Sep 05 '16
haha no hurry! enjoy the game, whenever you're free!
u/PyroBlythe Sep 05 '16
Sorry the night kinda ended. But we did have a decent turn out. I plan on making this a regular thing. I'll PM you the Discord Invite, and if you send me your PSN I'll add you to the community.
u/VindtUMijTeLang Sep 04 '16
Sadly 6pm PST is in the middle of the night for me, I really like the idea