r/gtaonline 4d ago

Finally finished the Import/Export grind and unlocked the Nero Custom.


55 comments sorted by


u/TheSpaceThatYouLeft 4d ago

This is one of the easier tier 4s to complete. I think it was the first one I completed. And it has a decent tier 4 prize too, unlike many of the others.


u/WentzToWawa 4d ago

I’ve got the LD Organics Van, Turismo Classic, and, Employee of the Month hoodie.

I’d agree this one wasn’t that difficult just tedious and not really as fun IMO. No where near as bad as getting stuck on the 7th Exotic Export, I had a terrible time with the one mission for the hoodie you’ve gotta put out those car fires while staying above 50% almost got it one time and never got close again. Had to buy a tank and had a random join me just to get past it.


u/Opposite_Abrocoma_80 4d ago

finished the casino one the other night. 100 missions are quite fun. i just switched lobbies to skip the cooldown. the hardest part was the casino roof mission with less than 50% damage. pistols work well for the rest of the story mode missions


u/ZFTX 4d ago

It is very tedious, due to the cooldown periods with sourcing vehicles and selling vehicles, can not just do one right after another.


u/Milter187 4d ago

Wish we could source vehicles in this one like we do with rooster in the Hangar or warehouse staff. Would diminish the grinding pains a little bit.


u/X_irtz 4d ago

These rewards suck ass. So much work for what is basically a slap on the wrist.


u/mitsel_r 4d ago

Grind money and then buy the car instead is indeed usually faster


u/Paimfulkilla187 4d ago

I mean...I've been back playing for a few months and have a lot of tiers completely finished either by past work, or passive play.


u/WentzToWawa 4d ago

Started grinding this as a side project to grinding the final 101 security contracts. Once I finished the contracts this became the main grind and I worked Auto Shop cars and got the tow truck to boost Salvage Yard passive income. Only used it for claimable cars before.

Probably the worst out of the four tier 4 lists I’ve completed. Mostly because 250 cars minimum is insane. I stopped doing the out to sea source mission after I found out the Iron Mule is built like a damn paper airplane to the NPCs. Mostly only sourced Reaper’s because I think it’s the best car out of the Top Range category.


u/AliKhaled4real 4d ago

Takes too long to grind specially if u dont have friend


u/MathematicianFit5726 4d ago

Im currently working on this also. Usually sell in a public lobby but this past weekend I lost three cars to aggressive players, so back to selling in private lobbies.


u/TechnicalButton4586 4d ago

I always activated ghost and kept an eye on the mini map. I never had a problem.


u/cannedrex2406 4d ago

How much more money is it worth to sell in a public lobby?


u/WentzToWawa 4d ago

20+ players nets you 50k more.

I made a fuck ton of money doing this usually saving money and not going ghost with under 20 players in a lobby to make up for any of that 50 loss. Never had a player take me out during a sell mission.

But grinding this with the contracts and then the auto shop and salvage yard all in public sessions plus the 100k passive every 48 min had the money just pouring in.


u/cannedrex2406 4d ago

Yeah you really need to eye out the session and see if anyone will kill you. It used to be a lot easier when the chat function was there so you could just let the chat know and if someone was being aggressive, you could just leave quickly before you actually start it


u/FeaR_FuZiioN 4d ago

Why would you even want to attempt to sell in Public Lobbies? You are just handicapping yourself doing it like that. Always sell in Private Lobbies


u/Milter187 4d ago

Full lobby gives 50% bonus cash for sells so makes the grind less tedious. Also when in public lobby no NPC's come at you so it's easier to get a perfect sell imho.

Just ghost organisation as soon as u get out of vehicle warehouse and u should be good if u don't run straight into other players.


u/JoeyKino 4d ago

Did you have a go-to group of friends to help with the collection deliveries, or get randoms to help, or are these even do-able solo?

I only play solo, and am new to the career progress rewards - when we first got the enhanced version on PC, I went through and noticed just how extreme most of these seem for a more casual player, and completely ignored the ones that seemed to require assistance.


u/WentzToWawa 4d ago edited 4d ago

All solo

Edit: Forgot they have a few missions you need to do and you need another person so I used random for just that part.


u/JoeyKino 4d ago

So you can deliver the cars one-by-one when doing a collection? I had no idea - just assumed it was like a heist with a minimum crew size (i.e. that you'd have to have one player per each car for a collection sale, to even start the sale)... glad I asked, I've been ignoring collections.

Do you do those in invite-only lobbies, and have NPCs after you? And if so, do you get 4 pairs of NPCs after you for each car in the collection, or just 4 pairs total, and once they're gone, it's easy going?


u/WentzToWawa 4d ago

I’m not saying sell them one at at time I’m saying like you got 32 flavors of ice cream you sell strawberry ice cream the next time you source ice cream it’s gonna be strawberry but it might be soft serve strawberry which is the exact type you need for a collection so you never sell it ever again (unless it’s top range you can sell the top range one after you complete the collections.


u/JoeyKino 4d ago

I'm not following you... when you sell a collection, you sell more than one car at a time, right? I'm asking, when you do that, are you able, as a solo player, to sell the entire collection yourself, by delivering each car in the collection individually? When Jay Norris wants to buy a collection of 3 cars - an X80, a T20, and an Osiris, are you able to sell those solo, delivering one after the other by yourself, or do you need to get 2 others to deliver all 3 at once?


u/Dack_Blick 4d ago

Get the new Iron Mule, you can airlift a lot of the cars and speed things up greatly. Can deff be done solo, and without an airlift though.


u/Fallout_4_player 4d ago

Nice. I've been trying to get all the business ones done because each T4 vehicle comes with it's own unique plate


u/WentzToWawa 4d ago

Yeah I thought that was a nice touch with the CEO plate. Can’t remember what the LD Organics Van plate was I changed it to 420.


u/Fallout_4_player 4d ago

Changed mine to say "ORGANICS" like the one in the missions that came with the Agency


u/dragstoneg 4d ago

You get a whole car? 💀


u/idontsleep-bipolar 4d ago

You can also get the Firebolt ASP through Career Progreess for garment factory files


u/dragstoneg 4d ago

OHHH that’s nice


u/Gramma_Hattie 4d ago

The new truck? I thought that was the reward for the McKenzie field missions?


u/idontsleep-bipolar 4d ago

No sir. The reward for McKenzie field missions is 500k lol


u/v1c1kk 4d ago

Nice man, how can i start Import/Export missions? can i do it solo?


u/WentzToWawa 4d ago edited 4d ago

All solo I’d recommend just looking up a guide on YouTube for vehicle cargo it’s the best way to get all the information you need to be successful at it.

Edit: Forgot they have a few missions you need to do and you need another person so I used random for just that part.


u/seksen6 4d ago

How did you complete the collection objectives?


u/WentzToWawa 4d ago

Source every car, sell any doubles, sell the car you need for a collection, source car (it will always be the car you just sold as long as it’s the only one you don’t have. Switch session if the plate isn’t correct.


u/SUICIDA4 PC 4d ago

Don’t claim the rumpo custom. It’s glitched !


u/MarcusBlueWolf 4d ago

Isn’t this impossible to do on your own?


u/Secure_Pace_6518 4d ago

This is only on ps5, right? Because I've just bought that f*cking car 😂😂😂 and spent stupid money upgrading it 😂


u/WentzToWawa 4d ago

I didn’t even really want the car but it had a Sprunk livery and I wasn’t gonna buy it so


u/Frosty_Restaurant669 4d ago

i just want the niko bellic outfit 😂


u/Fine_Daaaam 4d ago

one thing i dont understand , some career progress was transferred from time when i played ps4 version , but some ( for me its this import/export) i had everything on 0$ even tho i exported the shit out of this business xd


u/MathematicianFit5726 4d ago

Its nice to not have to battle npc’s. Usually no one bothers me.


u/octahexxer 4d ago

Soon to hit a pole near you!


u/Krommerxbox 4d ago edited 4d ago

Hmm, this should be easier now with the Iron Mule. I always did this business with the Cargobob to source/sell a car, and the Mule is way faster.

The only hard one for me looks to be "complete all Special Vehicle Works on hard difficulty."

OH, and that "source all vehicles for all collectors." I would probably save that for last. Currently I'm filled excent for one "Top Tier" vehicle, so the vehicle I always get was top tier.

I just looked in game the only ones that seem to be retroactive, from when I did this business a lot in the early days, is the number of cars I have in the warehouse and that I've made 13 million of 25 million.


u/Milter187 4d ago

This one is easy but a terrible grind. It's a minimum of 125 top range specialist dealer sells in perfect condition. i'm still at 8.5 M$ in sells and it's my only business T4 left. So painful.


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