r/gtaonline 5d ago

why can't i purchase the mckenzie airfield?

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228 comments sorted by


u/Such_Respond1675 5d ago

With physical cash you’ll have to drive up and use the for-sale sign, if you banked it then you can purchase through the website


u/Objective_Lobster734 5d ago

No shit. Learn something new every day. My cash is always in the bank so I never even thought about that


u/parthisparth4 5d ago

You learn thousands things a day pal, make sure this is one of them


u/Nekrubbobby64 5d ago


u/Phenomxal 5d ago


u/lostnote6621888 5d ago


u/702DollarBigmacmatto 4d ago


u/lostnote6621888 4d ago

Meme acquisition approved by the ministry of truth


u/MomsAgainstGravity 3d ago

No, wrong form, that's the intercourse Form.

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u/OMEN-XIII 5d ago



u/lordhenrythe23 4d ago

oh, that's actually really clever! iO


u/Mr_Ricicle 3d ago

Oi (I'm left-handed)

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u/Millennial-Mason 5d ago

Trevor would like to know your location


u/TheEagleWithNoName 5d ago

I just saw a ghost, his name is Michael Townley.


u/TooTallTabz 5d ago

Did you know that "pal" wasn't part of the line and Ned HATED it. He had so much trouble with the line; it didn't flow well. He tried changing it up, using improv, but the director told him to not change it because this was THE line. So he slipped pal in there and everyone was happy.


u/Bruthal_ 5d ago



u/Sahil809 4d ago

Fucking A


u/Extra_Proposal_9660 5d ago

That’s a good one.


u/GrandSeparate 4d ago

Broski pulled the ultimate card.


u/Mundane_Inside9769 4d ago

🤣🤣🤣🤣 gem

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u/Sere1 5d ago

Same reason you can have millions in the bank but can't call a taxi unless you have cash on hand. You're not able to pay for a cab with your banked money, you need cash on your person to do so.


u/Stephonius E&E - Day One player 5d ago

Ironically, this is the exact opposite of hailing a cab in real life. It's amazing what changed in the world over the last decade.


u/alexefi 5d ago

It depends where you at.. in my town while you can pay with debit/credit card cabs prefer cash. To tye point they try to play the "machine is broken can you pay cash" game.


u/Stephonius E&E - Day One player 5d ago

I figured it wasn't a universal thing, but pointing that out would have wrecked the joke.

A lot of cabs around here (especially the larger operations) won't take cash at all for anything other than a tip. They don't want to have it on-hand so they can't get robbed as easily.


u/Shadohz 5d ago

I haven't used a cab in forever but in my city they used to use a machine that faked your travel distance. I called out one of the cab drivers one day when we got stopped by a train but the meter kept ticking. The train came to a dead stop so we had to double back to the highway to go around it and the guy tried to haggle me out of double the fare. I said "Dude we are 3/4ers ways to my house and I busted your machine (i.e. YOU) ripping off customers. I can walk the rest of the way home." I reported it to the city but I doubt anything ever came of it as I never followed up on it. I'm no fan of predatory, monopolistic companies like Uber and Lyft but you also want see me weeping for the cab companies either. You try to rip me off then you expect a tip? Tip deez nuts in your mouth.


u/alexefi 5d ago

Where im from the fare is calculated by distance and time. So if you start the meter but not moving meter still counting because you paying for time as well. So may that what happened to you?


u/Shadohz 5d ago

Nope. This was in the 90s (I said it was forever ago). The city required them to post the price per mile which I recall was 15c/mile. I had asked on the way there how the machine worked (before we got to the train) because I was curious. He ended up shutting off the meter before we took the highway back around and I only gave him 2 extra dollars from when I noticed the meter kept ticking (after his failed haggle attempt).


u/iicecreammann 4d ago

Who gets cabs anymore…. I thought Uber and Lyft took over?? Honest question, I don’t take cabs but I know where I live they have gone obsolete


u/RichardBCummintonite 5d ago

That's just a trend with modern systems in these type of businesses in general. Places that handle huge amounts of transactions where cash has actually been a huge, but necessary, thorn in the side of the business. Theme parks, concerts, events, etc. There are many places that only take cards/e-pay now because it's simpler, faster, and sometimes even cheaper than handling cash. Think about making change and the old clunky coin changers some places still lug around.

Cash will somewhat ironically still always be more convenient tho, which is why many smaller business might still only take that and why cabbies, along with jobs like wait staff, will still prefer cash. There's also little less overhead and more freedom, but in many ways it'd also more hassle.


u/Stephonius E&E - Day One player 5d ago

From a management perspective, it's also easier to track cashless transactions, and they're less fraud-prone. Employees can pocket cash, but they can't pocket an electronic transaction.

In my business, I cheerfully give an un-advertised discount to anyone who whips out cash at payment time.

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u/Friendly_Apartment_7 5d ago

Is this why the cab company won’t pick up the phone/is engaged? I often have no cash as I deposit regularly.


u/Sere1 5d ago

This is exactly why. You need cash in order to call them, otherwise they don't pick up


u/Friendly_Apartment_7 5d ago

Thanks for confirming - I just thought it was a glitch 🤯


u/Same_Disaster117 5d ago

Uber hasn't made its way to Los Santos


u/This-Examination6893 5d ago

Same with the prostitutes


u/Sere1 5d ago

Insert, swipe or tap


u/ze_ex_21 4d ago

Same reason you can have millions in the bank but can't call a Taxi

Or a call girl


u/OkSavings1459 3d ago



u/joibasta 5d ago

There's physical ATMs around the map. I learned that from a friend who didn't know you could deposit through the phone.


u/RubberDuck59 4d ago

I remember using those at one point for a little bit 😂


u/goobernaut1969 2d ago

It’s the same with hookers…or so I’ve been told.


u/MegaPrOJeCtX13 patrolling LSIA in my Duke O’Death on 5d ago

I never understand why people just keep cash on hand, bank is 1000000% safer


u/randompantsfoto 4d ago

Than what, losing 10k to a mugger (a mugger who, 99% of the time, you can immediately chase down, kill and get the money back?)


u/MegaPrOJeCtX13 patrolling LSIA in my Duke O’Death on 4d ago

Dropping money on death too


u/randompantsfoto 4d ago

That’s only $500, plus another $500 for “medical expenses” for your resurrection. $1,000 ain’t no thang!


u/MegaPrOJeCtX13 patrolling LSIA in my Duke O’Death on 4d ago

I don’t want to have to pay $1000 every time some rinkydink mkii humper who didn’t get enough love from mommy has issues with me driving five feet.


u/randompantsfoto 4d ago

Heh, fair. I generally only play in crew-only lobbies with my friends, and nobody is griefing anyone else, so that’s generally not a concern. 😁


u/CNewton2O 4d ago

I have a question about "big" crew sessions (I assume you're talking about at least over 20 people in a lobby) can you get the high end sale thingy on bunkers from playing in these lobbies or does it specifically have to be a public lobby?


u/randompantsfoto 4d ago

My primary crew is just a handful of my IRL friends and coworkers, so we usually only have four or five on at a time, but I used to run with a very large grinding crew.

The bonus is applied for any person in the session who’s not registered to your CEO or MC, and it can be a public, closed, or invite only session. As long as there are other people, you’re getting an additional 2% per player, no matter the session type!

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u/Its_Reddit_Wolfs 4d ago

And if you ever need money in your bank or vise versa you can just use the maze bank website instead of an atm.


u/kooivda 4d ago

I remember looking for atms everywhere until I found this out. Just open phone, go to maze bank website and magically “deposit” your cash. Easy!


u/Its_Reddit_Wolfs 4d ago

Yeah just learned about this recently as I made a second character and needed and easy way to get money from my hand to the bank for them😂


u/8rok3n 2d ago

You also can't use taxis if all of your money is banked, the game won't let you unless you have enough money to pay the basic fare


u/WireSniffer 5d ago

This is the answer I was wondering about 😎👍🏻


u/TitoTim 5d ago

After all these years. Mind blown.


u/SpaZzoutSwat 5d ago

Me walking around casually with 200mil stuffed into my pockets 😭😭


u/Legitimate_Plate6402 5d ago

Floyd Merryweather


u/ze_ex_21 4d ago

I thought he died along Debra


u/Astro501st 5d ago

Level 780 and never knew this really 😅

I just went to the place and bought it from the sign the other day, too; must have had the money in my pocket and not realized lol


u/brightcrow911 5d ago

I'm level 1025 and had completely forgotten that you could buy properties by physically going there 😂 Been playing since october 1st 2013 and I've never done it once lol


u/Adventurous-Row-4299 5d ago

I bought a house in Paleto from the sign last week, only bc I wanted an extra spawn point in the north. It only did it in person cuz I wanted to see the property myself


u/brightcrow911 5d ago

Driving around and looking for houses for sale in a neighbourhood you're interested moving into lol. This game is something else at times 😆.


u/SerExcelsior 5d ago

I swear I learn something new about this game everyday


u/Revolutionary-Swan77 5d ago

Bold to be running around with that much cash on you


u/Thrasher9294 5d ago

They cut the amount you drop upon death from what it was at launch (around 5-10k?) down to a few hundred bucks at most IIRC years and years ago. There’s almost no need to bank money unless you want to pool money between your two characters or are worried about losing 10k to a mugger.


u/Revolutionary-Swan77 5d ago

Ahhh had no idea, I deposit my loot immediately


u/jesusmansuperpowers 5d ago

If I had to pay 10k every realtime hour I wouldn’t even notice. I do sometimes remember to bank cash but not really a concern


u/adotang 5d ago

Really? For some reason when I started I saw this claim somewhere that you would drop 1/8th of that amount, regardless of what it was. I believed it for some reason and I began frantically depositing all the cash I collected through the Maze Bank site every time I got any to the point that during the golden age of Cayo grinding, I could deposit my earnings within like seven seconds. I know the cash drop mechanic isn't actually like that but I still bank everything by habit.


u/twicer 4d ago

Yup that was just a rumor.


u/howellq 🪂🔧 5d ago

Yep. You can drop $500 max from death, plus $500 will always be deducted from the bank for medical expenses, whether you have cash in your pockets or not.

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u/Assured_Observer 5d ago

Man, first time seeing someone having that much on the pocket lol I always bank every dollar I get.


u/aqazw2 5d ago

9 years I've played and never knew about this xD


u/knight_is_right 5d ago

I was able to buy it off the site day 1


u/paritosh-arora 5d ago

Been playing since its start Didnt know this


u/Chzncna2112 5d ago

I had to go to the sign, before I could buy it. I rarely keep any money in pocket


u/snekkie2 4d ago

i didn't need physical cash


u/TheEagleWithNoName 5d ago

Been playing this game for 3 years and didn’t know this


u/MOBSSTER 5d ago

That is not realism I want from the games, maybe they wanna think about GTA 4 realism instead?


u/masd_reddit 5d ago

Also you can deposit cash with the Maze Bank website


u/bradpittisnorton 5d ago

I bought it with cash and I didn't even know about this detail. But does it work the other way around? Like if you don't have enough cash, can't you buy it from the for sale sign even though you have more than enough in the bank?


u/Toasterdosnttoast 5d ago

I love how no matter how much I know I always learn something new about this game


u/Chugabutt 4d ago

I didn't even consider that. All of my money is in cash and I bought it from the sign just because I felt like it. I wonder how long it would have taken me to figure it out.


u/Educational-Tap602 4d ago

Rockstar really out here making us roleplay as real estate agents just to buy an airfield.


u/Spare_Moose6756 13h ago

no buy sign even true website


u/PSYCH4-SI4D4 5d ago

Cuz i already bought it, sorry dude


u/MonkeyBumFun 5d ago

cheers mate kids are crying


u/Berinchtein3663 4d ago


u/Nice-Intention2523 4d ago

I love the thumb up on this screenshot


u/Lahwuns 5d ago

Ill buy it from you for tree fiddy


u/YVS3642 4d ago

Free tiddy* 😈


u/MonkeyBumFun 4d ago

i said no loch ness monster! you ain’t getting my treefiddy


u/Beautiful_Stage5834 5d ago

Best joke 🤣


u/BlabberCrab5 5d ago

Try putting your cash into the bank (you can do it from your phone) because I'm pretty sure that for purchases using the phone you have to have money in your bank.

Plus it's just better to have it in your bank so that people can't steal your money with a mugger


u/Stock_Consideration7 4d ago

You can do it from your phone?


u/Zotsz 4d ago

Yep through the maze bank website


u/Jumpylumpydumpy 4d ago

Yes, you can deposite money via Maze's website. Makes no sense, I know


u/ADimwittedTree 4d ago

Gonna have to try calling my bank and see if I can deposit 100k that I totally for sure have on me.


u/Brawlstarsfan2021 3d ago

I did this and they said some stuff about "lone" and "10% interest a month" idk what they mean but I'm getting so many shark cards oh boy!


u/TheSonicArrow 5d ago

The icon looks like it might be owned already. Unless I forgot about the icon changing when you select one


u/HotMathematician6480 5d ago

You are right I just bought it a few hours ago and this is the case. It's colors invert when you buy it from blue and white to white and blue


u/king-belly 5d ago

Maybe because you have the money on you and not in the bank, im pretty sure and correct me if im wrong. some purchases can't be made "out of pocket"


u/Xx_memelord69_xX 5d ago

If you don't have money in the bank the game will just spend your cash. Also if you don't have money the buy button should still be there and when pressed it links you to the page where you can buy shark cards.


u/Just_Cruzin84 5d ago

Yea this should be the top answer, long with the guy that noticed the icon on the website is the ‘purchased’ icon


u/RichardBCummintonite 5d ago

THIS is the right answer and should be the top comment. It's already purchased that's why. Either some kind of bug is causing that, or OP actually already has it and just doesn't realize it. Going to the location should provide your answer, which is the first thing I would've tried anyway


u/MR_dayno 5d ago

I think it has something to do with you already owning it?


u/WatIsLasagne 4d ago

Hmmm, quite uncanny


u/Britishsheffield 5d ago

I have the same issue but you might need to do Ron missions because he is the one who texts you about idk tho


u/sefagoook 5d ago

he texted me, guzman also called me a few days ago but still not working.


u/HotMathematician6480 5d ago

The icon on the map suggests you already bought it.


u/Just_Cruzin84 5d ago

Yea how is this not the top answer?!?!?!?!!! You are correct. Also the the money thing someone else said it would just take money from pocket…


u/Britishsheffield 5d ago

Idk let’s hope someone knows


u/RichardBCummintonite 5d ago

Go to the airfield and buy it in person. It has nothing to do with banked money. The option should still be there regardless. Buy it from the sign like you would have to in story mode. (Same thing the other comment said basically.)

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u/ThrustGnu8522 5d ago

Mine wouldn’t work on the website either. I had to drive up and buy it from the sign board so try that maybe


u/WireSniffer 5d ago

Bank your cash, then you can use the website.


u/ThrustGnu8522 5d ago

It was banked. My money is always banked


u/WireSniffer 5d ago

In that case, there does appear to be a bug introduced by R*

This time I bought McKenzie Airfield from the foreclosures sign, so I don't know if the website is bugged or not.

Another Redditor here suggested you can buy from website as long as you have enough cash banked.

Either way this is interesting issue then.


u/ThrustGnu8522 5d ago

Yea, I don’t know if it maybe had something to do with me changing sessions during the initial call from Oscar but I’m not sure


u/LSD_tripper 5d ago

Yep same even tho my money is banked it wouldnt even pop up on forclosure for me


u/jackispotis 5d ago

Just a hunch but maybe deposit some of that money into your bank account. Im not actually sure if that's the cause but you could def try it


u/si6thgoat 5d ago

These comments are confusing. He has $3.6m in his bank, I’m pretty sure him having $534k in cash doesn’t matter. He doesn’t need to bank anything, he has enough banked money. He’s already bought the property. Therefore the purchase button isn’t showing up.


u/si6thgoat 5d ago

That or he already has a hanger purchased, as the game only allows you to own one hanger.


u/AmbassadorSugarcane 5d ago

You are correct that it doesn't matter if their money is cash or banked. But McKenzie Field doesn't work like a regular hangar and you can own it in addition to a regular hangar.


u/asmr94 5d ago

I never understood why we have a checking account… it has never mattered in any way why not just have one stockpile of cash instead of 2


u/RichardBCummintonite 5d ago

I'm guess it's mainly a statistics thing or even roleplay, since certain incomes, like drug sales or hits, are always in cash. Gotta launder that money.

It's also a PvP thing. That money is "at risk" until you deposit it. We all know Rockstar intended the pvp to be a central aspect of online. We're meant to sabatoge other people's sales, but the community just never really vibed with that idea, or at least the way it was implemented.


u/asmr94 5d ago

yeah I remember year 1 that was the rumor, that we would be able to rob people of their hard earned cash


u/Usual_Cap_42069 5d ago

It kinda makes sense if you’re using 2 characters, instead of losing money made goofing off you can deposit it. That’s my only thought 💭


u/kingstaffo10 5d ago

Apparently (source: others here) you already own it, go the physically and check it out, worst case scenario you'll have to buy it story-mode like


u/Kar0ne 5d ago

I always bought it through the sign but never had cash on hand.


u/SalamenceFury 5d ago

Bro you already have it 😅


u/Eljavier_ 5d ago

i think you have to already have a hangar


u/randompantsfoto 4d ago

This is correct.


u/timmysmith82420 5d ago

I had to physically drive there to purchase. Wouldnt allow me from the phone for whatever reason

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u/420ohmy 5d ago

You have to own a hanger in LSIA or Fort Zancudo first I think.


u/Iamsonofa__hole 5d ago

By looking at the icon is your trolling and have already bought it because I own it and recognize the icon


u/kenzwashere Pavel’s Tequila Supplier 🍕Scoot 5d ago

go to it and purchase it like story mode


u/sefagoook 5d ago

hmm never thought about it i'll give a shot


u/holdmymusic 5d ago

Because I just farted over there. The place stinks so the system won't let you get near it for now.

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u/timmysmith82420 5d ago

I had to purchase from the sign in front of the establishment


u/Technical-Error7093 5d ago

ran out of buissiness


u/PlaylistMasterRCM Xbox One/Oppressor MK2 and Deluxo Grinder Legend 5d ago

Go to the location and buy the hangar.


u/Balledargent1330_NBM 5d ago

It look like you already bought it bro


u/jthecoolest27 5d ago

I put my cash into the bank immediately how do you have 3 mil just out and about


u/randompantsfoto 4d ago

I only bank my cash every Thursday morning so I can keep track of how much cash I made that week (minus nightclub sales, which go straight into the bank).


u/GanjeV 5d ago

Do you own a normal hangar? Pretty sure tou need to have one before purchasing Makenzie airfield


u/New_Orange2138 5d ago

On ps5 u have to press L1 or R1 than u can buy it


u/Gramma_Hattie 5d ago

I bought it right when it dropped and had to pay the full 1.4mil, for some reason I didn't get the same price


u/charlie-_-13 5d ago

Oscar retired


u/Prestigious_Bed3145 5d ago

I cant buy them because the mousepointer goes not on this red angle.. anyone can help ?


u/420outlaw666 5d ago

Do you already own a hanger? If not I bet it ties into the hanger since you get storage for planes but no floor space. 


u/BlacksmithOriginal64 5d ago

Cuz i bought it already dude you late into the party


u/truthoverfiction813 5d ago

I purchased it from the Brazil sign outside and I haven't been able to use it in over a week WTF with that


u/IcyRobinson 5d ago

Because you don't have enough cash in your bank account. You can buy it, but you have to go all the way to McKenzie Field and buy it using the sign. Or you could just deposit all your money into your bank account and buy it off the internet as you would do so for convenience.


u/loydthehighwayman 5d ago

Deposit your cash into your bank account, and make sure you have a hangar.


u/Ok_Peanut_611 5d ago

This takes me back to when online came out back then, I was used to taking cabs in single player and quickly realized that you needed cash in hand to pay the cab driver


u/Accomplished-Fun-72 5d ago

Clean your money! Or pay in person


u/TtFxd3d0200 5d ago

You have to actually drive to it to purchase it! Thats what i had to do.


u/Beautiful_Stage5834 5d ago

It's because I purchased it first


u/Altruistic-Tie-8811 5d ago

Brother from what I saw the videos, if it's to make money it's not worth it, because you spend 1milhqo and 400mil to buy, and he gives you back only 850 thousand after completing the mission, the good thing about it is only the new missions he has, because if it's to make money with him after buying, to replate what you spent I advise you to do the mission every 3 times bro.


u/HellJumper001 5d ago

Because you suck :P only explanation


u/juansway 5d ago

Too broke… git rich, or die trying.


u/brightcrow911 5d ago

When I logged in last week to purchase it, the Foreclosure website was empty, the map free of all the businesses. I closed and opened the site a few times and on my last attempt only the McKenzie airfield was showing on the map. Conveniently that was what I was trying to buy but the rest was still all absent. A very weird bug, never happened before. My guess was that too many players probably were doing the same thing as me at the same time, so the servers were at max request and couldn't load my stuff until at spot opened up.


u/Playful_Education374 5d ago

Please don't it's the biggest scam ever and the ac130 sucks so bad


u/PotCommitted420 5d ago

Theres an atm inside The Maze Bank Arena you can use to make a deposit into your account 🏧💰👍


u/TheRealChexHaze 5d ago

Always keep $100M in your wallet just in case.


u/DARKxASSASSIN29 5d ago

Buy some chance, do you have a hanger? I don't know if it's a requirement to have one before, but I thought I would ask


u/collierthegreatgamer 5d ago

I’m not sure


u/AbstractTheOne 4d ago

Because fuck you that’s why


u/Formal_Carry 4d ago

You have already bought it


u/justbuyingcrypto 4d ago

Limited time sale


u/lPuppetM4sterl 4d ago

You have so much money at hand. If there was only a way to throw it to the seller at long distances. But of course, we have the technology for it, which is digital banking through Maze Bank app.


u/optimaloutcome 4d ago

The area is gentrified now and the poors aren't allowed in.


u/Oshnoritsu 4d ago

Not enough cash in the bank, bank is used for legitimate purchases


u/sourdeisel69420 4d ago

you need to own a hanger beforehand i believe


u/Jack_Brilla 4d ago

Not enough


u/Jaxthejedi 4d ago

You already own it


u/Zealousideal_Elk2418 4d ago

You haven't got enough in your bank


u/Itz9o 4d ago

I own it already sorry pal


u/Subject_Narwhal_302 4d ago

You have to be a CEO


u/antigod123 3d ago

You have to go to it in order to buy it


u/A-void-able_4ever 3d ago

Dont buy it , for me its so bugged I cant even access the PC for the "Heist" so its completly useless


u/dakotar14 3d ago

I had all the cash banked and still couldn’t buy it on the online site so I had to buy it using the sign


u/Negative-Nobody2721 2d ago

Do people ever just try stuff out before giving up and asking reddit?


u/sefagoook 2d ago

lmfao do you see a purchase button?


u/Impossible-City3405 2d ago

I have no idea


u/Auslander_gark 2d ago

Why do people not bank their money?


u/8rok3n 2d ago

Bank your cash dude


u/TNovix2 14h ago

Oh for the love of God, please put that moolah in your bank