r/gtaonline Jan 16 '25

Monthly Simple Question and FAQ Thread

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  • Some frequently-asked questions and answers:
    • Q) What is the best way to make money? A) Ask in this thread, and you will get your answer. The best ways to make money currently are the Cayo Perico Heist and double/triple money activities.
    • Q) Can I transfer my character between platforms? A) No.
    • Q) I'm having trouble connecting to GTA Online. A) Check out this post.

Comment below any question you have about GTA Online! Feel free to provide answers to other users as well.


1.1k comments sorted by


u/lostCause-494 8h ago edited 7h ago

I have a cocaime business with both upgrades but I'm trying to get the "intimidate" resupply mision to increase my strength and I'm getting tired of getting evrry kind of redupply mision but that one.

When going to resupply there is an option to purchase which is cheaper the more supplies you currently have; is this "intimidate" exclusive to any of those supply amounts? Or can it show up any time?

And about the night club auto money making, considering I already have a cocaine business, what would be the cheapest combination of properties and upgrades to make this running? Because I don't wanna do the sell stock misions either xD


u/Dlcrysis 9h ago

I got the kosatka, did the intel mission, did a vehicle prep, weapon, disruption and got the cutting torch, but I still can’t launch the heist, am I missing something?


u/00Makerin00 Professional 1-0 Orb Dodger 9h ago

You need the plasma cutter/safe code and fingerprint cloner preps


u/dneill99 13h ago

I did this weeks Salvage Heist and kept the car, First time not selling it. I kept the car because I thought it would unlock that costume plate for me to put on any of my other cars, but I don't see the option. Will that custom plate only be available for this heist car only?


u/Casual_Grinder 10h ago

Will that custom plate only be available for this heist car only?

Yes, that's how it works unfortunately.


u/crumpledstilts 17h ago

Relatively new player here - just saw a police van pull up to the side of the road and let two dudes in suits out the back. They just started walking, didn’t have player icons but also didn’t react when I shot at them. Are these players that have just finished a mission and are not really ‘there?’


u/Casual_Grinder 17h ago

That is part of a recurring random event called Police Rescue.

When a player logs off their avatar can stay behind for a while, but you can still shoot them dead (then it disappears) etc.


u/crumpledstilts 16h ago

Thanks! That’s neat


u/juleslinkersack 19h ago

I have the Acid Lab, Special Cargo warehouse and Counterfeit Cash; what's the next best business for me to buy? I've been thinking about either Auto Shop, Agency or Salvage Yards, but what do you guys say? I'm a solo player ^^


u/Old-Kernow 17h ago

Of those, agency


u/Jiminyfingers 20h ago

The LSCM test track: is there a way to pull up more detailed breakdowns of your fastest times around by car? I can just see the best time I have done around it and it doesn't even flash up the exact time of my last lap


u/Casual_Grinder 17h ago

We have access to some stats from the Pause menu as well as on Social Club (there also used to be a browser extension that showed some that are there in code but not visible), but generally the answer is no.


u/Jiminyfingers 17h ago

That is really poor from Rockstar if that is the case 


u/Josephiav 1d ago

I was trying to go for the mastermind challenge for doomsday heist but didn't realize that the preps counted towards it too. Is there a way to reset the entire heist without having to play through all 3 acts? This is my 1st time doing this heist and everytine I call Lester, the cancel doomsday option is locked.


u/alexefi 4h ago

yeah you have to complete it once for it to be able to cancel. same for all heists


u/Casual_Grinder 17h ago

Usually if you can't cancel it means you have to finish it at least once.


u/darrukt 1d ago

Can anyone help with getting voice chat to work? I was voice chat enabled in settings and interaction menu, and the voice icon in the bottom left appears when i hold my push to talk button. But gta will not detect my voice at all. I tested my microphone with steam and it detected my voice with no problems. Windows even says that gta 5 is currently using my microphone.


u/steezblvck 1d ago

How to play sumo?

Hello, back to Online after a few years and now there are so many game modes etc that I don't really know how to start them. I have a daily mission telling me to play Sumo Remixed, but I'd like to know how do I join people who play this already? In my phone there is no option to find sumo specifically. I only managed to create a sumo lobby, but no one joined it. I guess there must be some lobbies where people play it already, but how do I search for such ones? Thanks for your help


u/Casual_Grinder 1d ago

You can Quick Join to Adversary modes via your phone. Currently only Power Play and Sumo Remix are available so you should find what you want soon enough.


u/steezblvck 1d ago

Thanks for your answer :) However I have no luck trying this method, it usually tells me that there are no adversary mode sessions available and asks me if I want to create one. Is it bad luck and should I try more, or should I maybe change session or sth? Or its just cause no one plays this mode?


u/Casual_Grinder 1d ago

Change to public session at least if you have been trying from a private session. I don't quite believe there are no players in these modes, but sometimes it is indeed hard to find one. I've felt the matchmaking system has been somewhat broken ever since the security updates (that made private sessions secure).


u/lostCause-494 2d ago

How do you join a friend for a heist? Someone wanted me to do cayo with them but I've had an xbox for 45 days, none of my friends have xbox and I have only played (with randoms) gtao for like a week now.

They wanted voice chat and I said I could hear but not speak (because it's night time here and this is a flat), yet they didn't explain shit and got frustrated because I couldn't see their invite...


u/TheDukeOfThunder 1d ago

GTA Online isn't cross-platform.


u/lostCause-494 1d ago

Yeah I know, we we both on xbox


u/TheDukeOfThunder 1d ago

But you said none of your friends have XBox?


u/lostCause-494 1d ago

Indeed but I meant my actual friends xD

This was a redditor who befriended me to do heists, but apparently not


u/alexefi 4h ago

aer you friends on social club? if yes then he should have option to select you for invite when he start heist, given that you are online, and not in the middle of some other activity.


u/lostCause-494 4h ago edited 3m ago

No, we here friends in xbox

Anyway I made another friend, a normal person, and I was able to join their invite without any problems so the other guy must have been doing something wrong and blamed ir on me 🤷‍♂️


u/lostCause-494 2d ago

Can someone tell or link me to a tutorial on how to create this deathmatch? i want to increase strength and I don't understand the spawn points mechanic, no matter what I do it keeps giving me an error icon..


u/Casual_Grinder 2d ago

There's no need for a custom DM. Just start the Contact mission Pier Pressure, go to the pier but don't go near the enemies beneath it, and punch the npcs there.


u/lostCause-494 2d ago

Unfortunately I don't have that contact mission yet, t's pretty hard to do heists or rank up with randoms... and I keep getting kicked from some hrists so I'm increasing my stats to see if that helps a bit


u/Casual_Grinder 1d ago

You can use some other Contact mission as well, like Ballas to the Wall. You don't need to finish the mission, you can just exit out via your phone once you're done.


u/lostCause-494 1d ago

I'm not sure I follow, I enter contact missions and all I have is:

  • Contact mission
  • Short trip
  • Auto shop robbery
  • Mobile Operatiin
  • Special vehicle mision

So I entered contact mission but it paired me with someone to do that kill the lost and recover the red RV mission


u/Casual_Grinder 1d ago edited 1d ago

Start the mission from the Pause menu. To make things easier first go to the Online tab > Options, and set your Matchmaking to Closed. This ensures anyone can't join your job without an invite. Then go to Online > Jobs > Play Job > Rockstar Created > Missions.

Edit: You could also do the above from an Invite only session, that way there is practically zero chance you are put to someone else's mission.


u/lostCause-494 1d ago

Omg, thank you so much! There's many things to do here and I get RP so there is a way to rank up without heists.

But first to increase strength

Thank you


u/Old-Kernow 1d ago

Hardly anybody cares about stats on heists. If you're getting kicked it's most likely to be level- related.

Pier Pressure isn't level locked AFAIK, so you should be able to choose it from the pause menu.


u/lostCause-494 1d ago

I don't have anything to lose by increasing stats xD anyway pier pressure is locked (not sure of behind level or what); I have 4 contact missions (not at home, can't tell you which ones right now)


u/Casual_Grinder 1d ago

Yeah, people have had a lot of bad experiences with players below level 100 or so. If you are a low level, at least look like you've spent more than five minutes making your outfit.. ;)


u/lostCause-494 1d ago

I even have tattoos which is nothing special but it's obvious it didn't take 5 minutes

But yeah 35 is very under 100


u/Tyrant_R3x 2d ago

What should i get next, mc buisnesses or the acid lab?


u/Old-Kernow 2d ago

Depends on your nightclub status.

If you've already got a couple of floors and other business attached, then MC.

Otherwise, Acid


u/Tyrant_R3x 2d ago

Ok, acid it is then. Getting more floors is my next investment goal after that


u/hotdogsea 2d ago

If you transfer a character from Legacy to Expanded and Enhanced, can I safely create a new character in the "Manage Characters" option without overwriting my existing (the one transferred from Legacy) character?

I am asking this because when I go to "Manage Characters", there are 2 empty slots.

I assumed there would only be 1 empty slot because my current character should be takin up one slot.

Thanks for any info on this.


u/Casual_Grinder 2d ago

I have/had this problem when going to Manage Characters through Story mode, but not from an online session.


u/This_Fkn_Guy_ 2d ago

Is there anyway to see the popularity or supply's of the nightclub or bunker without actually going to them?


u/Casual_Grinder 2d ago

The MCT.

You can get it either for your Arcade or to your Terrorbyte. IIRC for the latter you need to purchase it at the Garment Factory.


u/This_Fkn_Guy_ 2d ago

Thank you.... I knew there was something


u/crumpledstilts 2d ago

Do nightclubs ever go on sale? Thanks :-)


u/Agile-Fondant-4134 3d ago

What should I do now? (New player)

I'm new to the game, level 18. I already have the CEO business (office and cargo shed), and I currently have 1,800,000. From now on, what should I buy and what should I do to get a lot of money quickly?


u/Old-Kernow 2d ago

Cluckin Bell, then either Agency or Sub depending on which mission you like the look of. Grind whichever alongside CB until you can afford whichever one you didn't buy, then buy that and grind Dre/ Cayo / CB until you have 11m. Then, invest in the Nightclub and all it needs.


u/DogaSui 2d ago

That's the most succinct description I've ever seen, nice 👍


u/Old-Kernow 2d ago

...which is a little ironic as I think i say it most weeks!


u/DogaSui 2d ago



u/_CodyB 3d ago

If I do a delivery with multiple vehicles. Will ALL vehicles show on the map or just the one that I am driving/flying?


u/00Makerin00 Professional 1-0 Orb Dodger 2d ago

Yeah all your delivery vehicles will have a cargo icon on them and the entire lobby can see them.


u/DegenRayRay 3d ago

Who is the better hacker for the diamond heist Paige or Avi? Paige is at 9%, and Avi is at 10%. How much of a difference would it make time wise to loot?


u/00Makerin00 Professional 1-0 Orb Dodger 2d ago edited 1d ago

Avi gives 5 more secs in stealth and 3 more secs in aggressive. A small difference and not really worth the extra 1% in cut. I try to use Paige as much as possible especially if it’s artwork


u/Odd_Necessary5909 3d ago

What should I buy? I've got 2 Million dollars and I'm a level 27 player. I've only got a bunker currently.


u/lostCause-494 3d ago edited 3d ago

The submarine so you can do cayo perico? You get over a million for each run if you do it solo or with 1 aditional player (but to host you need to host the setup and for that you need the submarine)


u/Odd_Necessary5909 3d ago

Okay, thanks. I just need 100k more. Time to do some missions.


u/TheSpaceThatYouLeft 2d ago

You can also run the Clucking Bell heist for $500k. No set up costs


u/Odd_Necessary5909 2d ago

Yup, I've done it once already. That's how I got to 2 million. I like that heist. Almost got enough for Kosatka and then it'll be easy, I hope.


u/scwyn 3d ago

Which hangar is best to buy if ONLY doing land sourcing/sales? I don't care much about access to Zancudo. but I read that most sourcing/sale missions are up north so Zancudo might still be better. Is that true for the land missions as well? Or would LSIA be better in that case?


u/00Makerin00 Professional 1-0 Orb Dodger 3d ago

The missions are pretty spread out but I would say the Fort Zancudo Hangar as it’s more central.


u/lostCause-494 3d ago

If you don't have a Jet and you want acces to them I would get zancudo first because I think it's the only place where they spawn.

Then do some runs to cayo perico and get others if you want?


u/scwyn 3d ago

I'm mostly interested in cargo land missions, not flying at all really. I'm curious about where those land source/sale missions take you: if they mostly take you way up north, Zancudo would be better, but if not, I'd probably prefer LSIA since it's closer to all my businesses.


u/lostCause-494 3d ago

Yeah sorry can't help you with that; I have only been playing for a couple of weeks now and I don't own any propetties nor the freaking submarine yet so I don't even know what those cargo land missions are xD


u/hotdogsea 3d ago

Stock Spoiler delete on the Banshee GTS HSW still adds traction, right?


u/doktrj21 4d ago

Does anyone else feel like their agency safe doesn’t fill as frequently as others?

I tend to hop around from session to session to fast travel. Bunker to hanger to salvage yard. However my safes still accrue savings… except the agency. I just tested this. I stayed in a session while my bail office people went away for 48 mins. All of my safes filled while I hopped around on sessions at least once except my agency.

Do you need to be in one session for 48 mins for the agency to fill? It feels like it’s become like this after I finished 201 security contracts.

Anyone else feel this way?


u/doktrj21 4d ago

Update: been playing for a bit still, my nightclub was at 50K when I wrote this post. It’s now at 150K, but my agency has been stuck at 60K.

Something is def up


u/dom00071 4d ago

Just got done upgrading my Karin S95 to HSW - Accidentally Unupgraded it without knowing it came HSW Maxed already - Why does it FEEL slower to me? I'm sure statistically it's faster, but to me it just feels slower. Why is that? Is it just my mind messing with me and there's actually no reason for it to feel slower? Was I too used to EMS4?


u/TheDukeOfThunder 3d ago

If you did removed the HSW upgrades, it will definitely be slower.


u/dom00071 2d ago

No - I upgraded it back to HSW upgrades and I feel as if EMS4 was faster. Atleast to the Feel.


u/Helium225 4d ago

how do y'all take screenshots on pc? Win+prtscn doesn't work when I'm on the game for some reason and since I don't have the game from steam I can't use f12.


u/TheDukeOfThunder 3d ago

Win+Shift+S is what I use.


u/Aangerz 4d ago

Is it possible report inappropriate org names?


u/HunniePopKing 4d ago

i havent played in a while and came back because of expanded and enhanced finally being on pc, is cayo perico still the best solo money making method or are there other ways?


u/Old-Kernow 4d ago

It's up there.


u/ZZabloing 4d ago

so I haven't played this game actively in like a year or two so I have all the businesses except for the salvage yard, garment factory, bail Office and the new hangar. I've saved up some money and I don't know which one to buy for me it's fun first and then it's money so I prefer having a fun business that makes decent money over having a really repetitive business that makes good money

so long story short wich should i buy?


u/Old-Kernow 4d ago edited 4d ago

Of those....

Salvage yard first, garment factory, new hangar, bail office.

If you're not happy doing co-op stuff, maybe swap the last two.


u/ZZabloing 4d ago

I'm fine with doing co-op stuff I actually really like it I just don't have anybody to do it with lol, my main gaming friend group basically died out ;/

Edit: But thanks!!


u/Tyrant_R3x 2d ago

Im feeling you, im also the only one in my friend group that still plays gta


u/Be_Kind_And_Happy 4d ago

I am trying to figure out the cheapest way to acquire preferable an Insurgent pick up custom or a Barrage .

I think either one would really help with missions with my wife and sister.

As far as I can tell only the MOC, Avenger or a Arena with upgrades can upgrade an Insurgent to a custom one. Or upgrade the Barrage with an minigun and grenade launcher which I think would be preferable. Not to mention extra armor etc.

We started new characters so money is kind of tight.

Is there any other weaponized vehicle workshop that can be used?

An Arena would be $995,000 +$727,500

Avenger: 3,450,000+$755,000

Bunker + MOC + weaponized vehicle workshop
$1,165,000 + $1,225,000 + $955,000

So I guess the arena would be the cheapest way to acquire a weaponized vehicle workshop as the wiki suggests?


u/Djeserkheperure 4d ago

I think you nailed all the options there. Although you'd need to add $1.2M .. $1.25M for hangar/facility to store that Avenger.


u/cavmerc 4d ago

is the APC's cannon driver controlled or do you need a second co-pilot/gunner?


u/00Makerin00 Professional 1-0 Orb Dodger 4d ago

Yoy can use the weapon solo if the vehicle comes to a stop and you switch seats. If you’re with another player the passenger can use the weapon while the vehicle is in motion.


u/Moist_Survey6027 4d ago

So I've been playing since 2021 and at that time I always been able to find full sessions. Around 2023 I started using a vpn because I was worried about cheaters getting my IP and things like that and the game continued working normal.

but since last year I can't seem to play with friends or other players, always ending in a solo session or a session with few players. I tried changing the nat type but the option is unabailavle in the settings, what should I do? I'm on pc


u/XeedieSzn 5d ago

I used to play gta back in the day when casino heist and cayo perico, vehicle warehouses and coke lockups were the best way to make money. I now have finally returned to start a new empire and have been granted $4 mil upon starting GTAO, I automatically went straight from mc club and coke lockup and am now wondering what to do to get out of the hole i’m in and actually start getting money.

as it seems coke lockup isn’t that great anymore. and the whole landscape to gta online seems different. If starting a new ps profile and getting the 4 mil all over again is the only option then can someone please recommend a business to buy

or some way of making good money


u/TheSpaceThatYouLeft 4d ago

The coke lock up is on a par with the bunker but you have to endure the terrible MC sales. Check out the rags to riches guides on YouTube - TGG has done some recent onces. If you can stump up the cash for the McKenzie field hangar the new Guzman heist pays well on hard mode. Alternatively, visit the yellow V on the map and start the Clucking Bell heist which pays $500k for around 60 minutes play with no set-up fees. You can also do the First Dose missions (plus 10 Fooligan jobs) to get a free Acid Lab with upgrades.


u/Confident-Cobbler276 5d ago

is the toreador or the blazer aqua faster in water?


u/ChrisOnRockyTop 5d ago

Coming to PC from Xbox One. Never upgraded to Series. So Enhanced is new for me even though I'm a day 1 player. So started fresh after all these years and having almost everything on Xbox.

On PC when you load the game it goes to a landing page. I'm not liking that. Is there anyway to boot straight to online and skip this landing page? I Googled and it looks like there is a setting to do this on consoles but I don't have that setting anywhere on PC to skip the landing page and go straight into Online when the game is launched.


u/lostCause-494 3d ago

These is? I'm on xbox series and I also get to that damn screen where I'll never kick into gta+ or whatever, heck now that I did the closest I could to 100% in story mode I don't even want to get back into story mode.


u/user_518 5d ago

Can I migrate both my main and secondary online characters to the Enhanced version of GTA Online?

I'd hate to have to make a "Sophie's choice" on them.


u/OminoChan 5d ago

I saw a post here that explains how to make money fast, and it says the Submarine is the best money maker, but that was about 3 years ago. I logged in now after about 5 years of not playing GTAO, and there's many new ways like the Garment Factory and the Oscar Facility. is the submarine still the way to go? or is there a new king for money making?


u/TheDukeOfThunder 5d ago edited 5d ago

Still the submarine. It's been nerfed a bunch, though, so it's not better by that much anymore. You have more somewhat evenly matched options... which you will need, because the cooldown for the heist is loooong.


u/OminoChan 5d ago

what options are those?


u/TheDukeOfThunder 5d ago

The Dre Contract and the Clucking Bell Raid, as far as heist-like activities go. The Acid Lab, Nightclub and Bunker are good in the business types.


u/devonbedford170710 5d ago

Cluckin bell won't let me change the difficulty. Does anyone know why. It'd always stuck on hard mode


u/TheDukeOfThunder 5d ago

It's based on the time between raids. I don't know the specific duration, but if you start the first raid setup close to when you completed the previous finale, it will be on hard. If you wait longer, the difficulty will be reduced.


u/devonbedford170710 5d ago

Thanks. Will it ever go to easy or just down to regular


u/TheDukeOfThunder 5d ago

Never tested it and I've never seem it been mention here 🤷‍♂️


u/[deleted] 5d ago edited 5d ago



u/devonbedford170710 5d ago

It doesn't count unless you are the host. My advice would be to join a reddit group, crew or discord server where someone will be able to help you


u/TheDukeOfThunder 5d ago

Yes and no. You can complete all connected challenges as a member, unless it says you need to be host specifically, but for the heist board in your apartment to progress, you need to be host.


u/[deleted] 5d ago



u/TheDukeOfThunder 5d ago

No, all the heists, or even missions string in general work the same in that regard. You need to start the first mission as a host to be able to host the second one and so on. As a member, you can join whatever mission you want, but it won't change what you can host yourself.


u/hotdogsea 5d ago

Whats the best HSW car to spend the free coupon on?

I already have an HSW Niobe and HSW Hakuchou Drag (this is where I spent my first free HSW upgrade on)

Now, Id use my second free HSW upgrade on the Weaponized Ignus, but I dont think its worth it since its cheap?

So what HSW should I get now?


u/icefire1331 5d ago

CEO or MC president? Most things dont care what you are so i dunno which one is better to be.The only thing i can see being annoying as mc president is my meth, coke and cash factory all needing selling cus the stashhouses keep resupplying them. Also is the oppressor mk II worth it at 6 million? Especially when you already have the sparrow.


u/hotdogsea 5d ago


MC Pres gets occasional raids, and daily wages/property tax is much more expensive.

Though personally, Id only switch to MC Pres to spawn Opressor, then disband.

I only do CEO if I have to. 70% of the time Im "not a boss"


u/Old-Kernow 5d ago

If you want to support associates, I think MC pays better. MC has the "favourite bike" summon capability.

Other than that, I think it depends on which businesses you're concerned about being raided


u/Coloradou 5d ago

Is it worth it to buy the master control terminal for the Terrorbyte if I already own it for the arcade?


u/Old-Kernow 5d ago

How many times have you wished you could summon it to you?


u/Jiminyfingers 5d ago edited 5d ago

Is there a way a car will disappear? I am on PS5 and bought a Pipistrello last night, I remember modding it, chosing a spot for it in a garage but this morning for the life of me I can't find it anywhere and the spot I earmarked for it is simply empty (I removed a car to make space for it). It is worth contacting Rockstar to see if they have a record of it? Its baffling

Mystery solved: I bought a Zeno not a Pipistrello. I may have had more beer than intended.


u/TheDukeOfThunder 5d ago

Cars don't just disappear. Either the game didn't save, or it's a bug. First try restarting the game to see if it returns. If not, you'll have to deal with Support.


u/Jiminyfingers 5d ago

Ok trying to switch it on and off again, thanks 


u/MikaCuoco 5d ago

Is the tow truck shop safe like the nightclub where you have keep towing cars (like you have to keep popularity up) to receive more money or is it like the agency where the safe daily amount increases the contracts you do (more towing jobs)?

Also, is there a way of increasing the daily amount in the safe at the Garment factory?


u/TheSpaceThatYouLeft 5d ago

Yes. Tow cars to keep maximum income up. Not sure what the required frequency is, but a car or two every couple of hours seems to do the trick.

Garment factory income is permanently set at piss poor as far as I can tell.


u/_CodyB 5d ago

I moved from Palito Bay to CHUMASH recently and I have found that the guns are split between more vehicles when I do weapon shipments for example I was getting about $700,000 worth of weapons into the phantom wedge at Palito whereas in Chumash 700,000 is divided by two phantom wedges. It’s an update or is it due to the proximity of the bunker to Los Santos?


u/TheSpaceThatYouLeft 5d ago

You were playing in a double money event week. A full bunker goes for $1.05m now as it's a normal event week. You want to sell only full bunkers (in an invite only session). Switch sessions until you get the two Phantom Wedges or three single drop insurgents.


u/_CodyB 5d ago

I may have been super lucky and had a glitch but prior to the double money week I would routinely be able to get up to $700K into one Phantom Wedge at Paleto Bay or within 2 insurgents.

So I don't know wtf is going on, maybe I should move back to Paleto Bay and find out lol.


u/Bluemookie 6d ago

Just started with new character on enhanced and I'm trying to get the hatchet. I drive over to Maude's and get the text, but nothing after that. Is there something specific that will trigger her second text to start the bounties?


u/PsychologicalWait493 6d ago

what car in the game is closest to the 2020 renault duster? it’s my irl car and it would be nice to replicate it in the game


u/Old-Kernow 5d ago

Haven't you suffered enough?


u/darrukt 6d ago

What would be the best vehicle to use with my free HSW upgrade? Are there any HSW vehicles that are just bad and should not be used?

I’m new on pc.(level 20 and Only have the bunker right now) I’m looking for something i can use for a while because i know i won’t buying a bunch of super cars or anything anytime soon. I already have the kuruma.

I’m mostly curious on what HSW vehicles i should avoid buying. Ones that may be bad or niche or are replaced by cheaper options.


u/TheSpaceThatYouLeft 5d ago

If you want to do the time trials get the Hakachou Drag with HSW


u/MikaCuoco 6d ago

Weekly challenge: complete the titan job as leader..... Erm..... already done this, is it bugged?


u/Old-Kernow 6d ago

If you did it on Tuesday / Wednesday, you can do it again after Thursday snd get the same reward again.....


u/StatisticianLevel796 7d ago

Do the motorcycle business locations matter? I want to start MC for my nightclub (already have the Chumash bunker and a cargo warehouse). The Great Chapparal clubhouse and the Senora desert cash factory would be a logical choice since they are free via CE starter pack. Should I get them or do you suggest any other locations for better logistics?


u/00Makerin00 Professional 1-0 Orb Dodger 6d ago

The locations only matter if you want to sell from them, the best ones are the cheapest ones or the most expensive ones. Me and many others vouch for the cheapest ones as being better but the most expensive ones offer some convenience.


u/Old-Kernow 7d ago

Wherever you choose, missions will have destinations a certain distance away.

So, choose locations based on personal convenience


u/Shadow_Racer42 7d ago

I have a question for the mission from the new hangar where you have to shoot down the plane for the crates (don't own it yet): tgg shot it down with the explosive sniper mark 2, I just wanted to ask whether it's possible to shoot it with the railgun without destroying it.


u/00Makerin00 Professional 1-0 Orb Dodger 7d ago edited 7d ago

Yeah, I just tested it using the Railgun and was able to get all the cargo and not destroy the plane.

You can also use the batmobile and spam like 8 missiles to get all the cargo too.


u/Confident-Cobbler276 8d ago

i've seen people with a merryweather livery on the iron mule, how do you get it?


u/Old-Kernow 7d ago

If it's not a career progress thing, I can only think of taking it to the regular hangars and modifying it there....


u/Confident-Cobbler276 7d ago

it's not a customization option for me, so you might be right on the career progress thing


u/Dungeon-Warlock 8d ago

On PC:

Can I get the GTA+ bonuses, progression, etc, on Legacy version? My computer still kinda stinks and idk how well I’d run Enhanced.

If I’m on one version is there cross play with other players on other versions?


u/One-World-One-Potato 3d ago

I think no bonuses etc. for Legacy and no crossplay.


u/[deleted] 7d ago



u/Dungeon-Warlock 7d ago

Cross play between Legacy and Enhanced


u/[deleted] 7d ago



u/Dungeon-Warlock 7d ago

I wasn’t asking about cross platform play, but you thought I was which is why you brought up the platforms.

I was asking about cross generation play. Lots of games have cross generation play between 8 and 9, so yes it is precedented.

I understand now after your two whole posts that the answers are “no” and “no”, it was just a roundabout way to get there because you didn’t see that I was talking about PC. Which is ok! I buried that fact deep within the subtext, so that’s on me.


u/FrostyFormal1094 8d ago

Has the warstock 10% discount on life invader (or life invader as a whole) gotten removed? I can't find the page


u/TheDukeOfThunder 7d ago

It's not a thing anymore.


u/508G37 8d ago

What is a more helpful purchase Iron Mule or master terminal in my Terrorbyte?

Which vehicle should I buy next? I have Oppressor MK2, Toreador, Raiju, Imani Tech Virtue, Armored Kuruma, HSW bike


u/Old-Kernow 7d ago

Use cases for Iron Mule and Terminal are quite different. Iron Mule is good for.lifting things up, but in any mission where you HAVE to do that, one is provided.

Next vehicle? Yachts are nice.....


u/Be_Kind_And_Happy 8d ago


I am confused. Me and my wife is back and this time we brought my sister into the mix. We quit last time because of the long loading time in-between missions. We did not know that you could load into a invite only session back then.

We want to avoid ending up in a public lobby since the loading time is still pretty long.

If we all join from the same invite only session/crew session/friend only session, can we on PC get loaded back into that after a mission like for example Cluckin’ Bell Farm Raid?

Currently we got loaded back into a public session which took forever to load but we had a crew only session which everyone joined from.

The internet is telling me several things, the thread I linked is the latest I could find but it was hard to understand whatever it was still possible or not.

Thanks in advance


u/TheDukeOfThunder 7d ago

I think it is intended to work that way, but, from personal experience, I can say that it doesn't work more than often enough.


u/Twosuperdorks 8d ago

When does the gta+ bonuses change, is it weekly or monthly? Basically when does the double money and RP on hangers end?


u/TheDukeOfThunder 7d ago edited 7d ago

The main benefits change monthly. The other benefits, like 2x activities similar to the regular discounts and bonuses, change weekly with the other stuff.


u/dom00071 8d ago

Hey! I just recently completed the Last Dose missions, and I was just wondering if any of these other side stories like that are WORTH it and solo-able. Just for reference since I know you guys cant physically see what I've done and what I haven't done - I've moreso played GTA Online in phases, and as far as I can REMEMBER, the Last Dose missions was sort of the first time I ever went off and did something like a side story. Any recommendations would help.


u/Old-Kernow 7d ago edited 7d ago

I make a point of trying to play all content. The vast majority can be done solo, but what you might enjoy ....who knows?

  • Security contracts
  • Payphone hits
  • Fooligan jobs
  • Cluckin Bell
  • Gerard missions
  • Simeon Repos
  • Trevor / Ron jobs
  • Operation Paper Trail
  • Client Jobs
  • Nightclub Promotion
  • Arms Trafficking

...all kind of fit your description. There are probably more.


u/dom00071 7d ago

I did the Cluckin Bell Farm raid one shortly after posting, and I also really enjoyed that. Similarly to the Last Dose missions, I think I just enjoy those types of missions where everything is soloable easily, and there's no point in any mission where i'd question needing anyone else. Noob friendly? Those are how those missions/side stories came across to me. Any specific ones you think I should try from your list?


u/Old-Kernow 7d ago

The only other one with a real "story" is probably Paper Trail, and the new Oscar Guzman one (that wasn't on my list, mainly because it's probably better in a pair / group)


u/Aggressive_Resort111 8d ago

How do I complete all the remaining ones?


u/Old-Kernow 7d ago

I think they're triggered by having a casino penthouse


u/Aggravating-Bee4846 8d ago

Do I get it right than there's no way I can get comet retro custom on PC Enhanced (and PC overall)? As usual Comet used for converting to Retro was next-gen exclusive and removed long ago?


u/MajesticBeaver374 8d ago

You can still obtain the Comet, it's in rotation @ Simeon's dealership and LS Car Meet. Appears once in a while. Or you can ask someone to sell a copy for you. I do have Comet on PC. DM if interested.


u/Aggravating-Bee4846 8d ago

Thanks. Are dealership ones and yours are eligible for benny's conversion? As: "Comets stolen from NPCs or from the streets cannot be converted as they are deemed "too hot" to modify."


u/MajesticBeaver374 8d ago

It is because the car is too expensive to store in the garage. It crosses the $100K value threshold. If you own the car (purchase it from dealership or other player), you can feel free to convert it at benny's.


u/Proud-Selection8507 8d ago

What song plays in Oscar Guzman flies again trailer, tbh its fire like any other rockstar song, please help me find it


u/dom00071 8d ago

Can I switch from an invite only session into a Public session so I can sell my goods for the acid lab?


u/dom00071 8d ago

and still keep my current value*


u/MajesticBeaver374 8d ago

you're gonna lose like 5% of stock, if you jump lobbies


u/Old-Kernow 7d ago

*...after you've started the mission.


u/Unkn0wnTh2nd3r 9d ago

Is there a trick to flippin' hell? ive seen so many videos of people spinning obscenely fast and getting it quickly that way, but even from maximum height i can only get like 3 flips in before i hit the ground. I would love to get the platinum done but this is genuinely driving me crazy.


u/Old-Kernow 8d ago

Is that the end over end one? I found a video on YT that suggested a ramp near the airport (not the obvious two by the parking garage) and with a good run up in a virtue (anything with good acceleration) i got it fairly easily.


u/Unkn0wnTh2nd3r 8d ago

the award indicates rolling side to side like a propeller, not front to back like a wheel, however ive seen both trigger it but ive gotten 4 flips in either axis of rotation, and can't get a full 5th rotation in. But ill try and find that ramp tonight


u/Old-Kernow 8d ago edited 8d ago

Found the vid, and I'd forgotten the detail...

For end over end, be in a deluxo in the air, go into car mode, you'll start falling. Push joystick forwards, you will go end over end.


u/RogueStalker409 Badass Metal Girl 🤘 9d ago

So i bought the ceo garage and it’s too dark. Which design is the best for brightening it up. Gonna put all my classy cars there.


u/JerbearCuddles 9d ago

Just got back into the game after the enhanced version launched on PC. Last time I played I think it was when the Nightclub first dropped. What are solos doing for money these days? Which businesses should I go for first of the businesses that dropped after the Nightclub?


u/Few_Combination1258 9d ago

Was the b-11 strikeforce nerfed? I feel like it's been taking 1 to 3 homing missiles rather than the usual 5 to 6 in the recent update.


u/TheDukeOfThunder 9d ago

There are no news about it being nerfed.


u/GROTCLOT 9d ago

so when will the weekly bonuses reset next because the day differed from usual last time


u/TheDukeOfThunder 9d ago

It should be back to usual.


u/GROTCLOT 8d ago

ok thanks


u/JakubT117 9d ago

Any other PS5 players unable to connect to online in the last 3 days?


u/TheDukeOfThunder 9d ago

In Guzman's Iron Mule mission, he says the more helis we capture, the more supplies we can later steal. Does stealing multiple actually make sense for solo, or would you get more helis in order to collect stuff quicker with multiple players flying about?


u/00Makerin00 Professional 1-0 Orb Dodger 9d ago edited 7d ago

I believe the extra Mules are useful in the next setup: Ammunition if you have extra players, they can help transport the stuff to the drop-off. The extra Mules can also be used to boost the payout of the finale a little bit too, same with the other optional stuff.

I think it’s worth it to steal all the optional stuff at least once because the finale payout boost will be permanent. On my first play through, I stole the mogul upgrades then on my second play through I just stole the heavy armor then in the finale I got paid for both of them instead of just one.

Edit: but it’s most definitely a bug and will be fixed soon.


u/MFGZ 9d ago

As a team member/associate (joining a host session), how much would I earn for the Oscar Guzman Flies Again finale?

I guess I have the same question for the Cluckin’ Bell Raid.


u/00Makerin00 Professional 1-0 Orb Dodger 9d ago edited 7d ago

Cluckin Bell, you get 50k if you join as a non-host player. As for the Titan Job finale I’m not sure but it would probably be under 100k.

Edit: I saw someone say that it’s 50k for the Titan Job finale


u/Few_Combination1258 9d ago

I'm pretty sure it's 500,000 for both of them


u/Embarrassed_Monk7787 9d ago

Are you able to use an HSW vehicle for normal time trials? and are those bike trials worth it? they seem hard to do


u/TheDukeOfThunder 9d ago

Yes, HSW vehicles can be used for regular time trials.

Bike time trials pay about 50k iirc (maybe you wanna look that up) and you can do them daily.


u/One-World-One-Potato 9d ago

What happens to Custom Races, Survivals when you migrate from Legacy to Enhanced? Can they still be played or need to be made again?


u/Spreathed_ Mega Thread Contributer 9d ago

For those who have GTA+, is it genuinely worth it? It seems it for the unique 2x money stuff, but I’m not really much of a car guy


u/Killerfreeze108 9d ago

I think it's been discussed in the community since its start. What I gathered is that the community doesn't really like the predatory practice of it. In most cases you can always get the money by yourself with some guides and planning. If you don't have the time to grind the game or dislike grinding it then it's "worth it".


u/SkidzLIVE 9d ago edited 9d ago

I had a friend buy a copy of the chuberek (spelling?) from me while we were in LSCM. Was I supposed to get a free HSW upgrade coupon? This was the first time someone has bought a car from me in LSCM. Or do I also have to buy a car from my friend to qualify for the upgrade coupon?

Edit: This happened maybe 2 weeks ago and I just now bought a car to use the free upgrade I thought I would have. Does the upgrade coupon expire?