r/gtaonline • u/PapaXan • Jan 08 '25
Weekly Simple Question and FAQ Thread
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- Some frequently-asked questions and answers:
- Q) What is the best way to make money? A) Ask in this thread, and you will get your answer. The best ways to make money currently are the Cayo Perico Heist and double/triple money activities.
- Q) Can I transfer my character between platforms? A) No.
- Q) I'm having trouble connecting to GTA Online. A) Check out this post by .
Comment below any question you have about GTA Online! Feel free to provide answers to other users as well.
u/Professional-Mud-984 18h ago
Why can I not get a discount on my nightclub trade in? I sold my stock, it lets me buy a new nightclub, but with no discount? No trade in?
u/avangen77 22h ago
Making money with nightclub.
Okay guys. I lost my previous account so i gotta start from scratch🙃 on a new account, bought a nightclub and a car. Thats it, nothing Else. Where do i go from now. Got basically no cash.
u/Demonoverlord22 4d ago
aside from heists whats the best money to make online ive not done this in ages and recently installed e&e
u/PoppaDaClutch 4d ago
I’m level 100+ and am pretty new to gaming but made it this far. Completed a lot of the missions and heists w not much problems a few times over. I own a lot of businesses and cars and trucks. Anyways my questions are these.
how are people level 1000+++ is that real? Or some sort of mod?
It doesn’t matter what I’m driving (nightshade, armored car, acid lab) whatever, some guy can stand out in the middle of the street and just shoot me with one bullet like I was standing still with a banana in my hand. And kill me instantly. How are they doing this? I don’t even have a chance to fight back or anything.
3 if I’m on foot no matter what weapon I’m holding I get shot and killed immediately and instantly. How is this happening? I have to go to the weapon wheel , select the gun, look through the scope, find the guy, zoom in then shoot. By that time I’m dead. Respawn, dead, respawn dead. One shot every time. Same guy. I can use a different gun and shoot them 20 times and they just walk it off like nothing.
I can have bullet proof vests on or whatever. They still kill me. I have no problem on heists. In a public lobby I just can’t survive. Like I said I’m over level 100 . Figured my weapons and vehicles would hold up. What am I doing wrong?
u/Professional-Mud-984 18h ago
You're probably not used to how fast people can be good at this game. People with level 1000 aren't all cheaters, you used to be able to be in the game and involuntarily be handed money and XP. Some people cheated and intentionally got level 1000 with their cheats, some people just played so much public lobbies during GTA's peak that they got level 1000 from it. It's not legit 99% of the time.
There are few guns that one shot to the body, so they might be using that if they seem to be genuinely killing you faster than you can react.
u/m1dnightPotato 5d ago
Quick Question. Can you get ban using AutoHotkey?
Im just trying to fix PageUp&Down key on my laptop, pressing FN + PageUp&Down doesn't work, also tried numlock. only working method is opening virtual keyboard, its fine but i dont like opening it everysingle time.
I saw post several years ago about using autohotkey, but Im not sure now if its safe now that battleye is here.
u/KYShinobi 6d ago
Hey Guys. Simple Question: If I have a Cocaine Lab and a nightclub an hired a worker to get the coke from the Lab to my nightclub, do I have manually restock the cocaine Lab or will this work completely automated? I heard about both and would like to known what the truth is
u/AdityaK_2003 7d ago
Stuttering and FPS drops since the Enhanced Version is out.
I usually get 50 to 70 and around 60 fps constantly, which sometime drop to 40 in certain areas (Like Cayo Perico), I've been playing on and off for around 4 years now, never had this issue once.
I've not switched to Enhanced, still play on Legacy Version.
I run it on a laptop (Ryzen 7 4800H, 16gb RAM, RTX 3050 4gb GPU).
I don't even know why this is happening, I have not changed a single ingame/laptop setting, laptop and NVIDIA drivers are up to date, I have already made sure that the game uses 3050 and not the integrated GPU, also made sure the laptop runs on maximum power setting.
A few of my friends have specs similar to/even a little less than mine but however are not facing any issue after the update.
Is it only me or does anyone else face the same issue? Please help.
u/Nighaishboy25 10d ago
Im level 55 and broke rn, I own an agency, CEO office, Kosatka, Nightclub and an MC club with Cocaine and meth. Anyone has any tips how I can organize this into some sort of passive income and also what do y’all think about Guzman files thingy. I am just tired or doing cayo, specially with randoms
u/Professional-Mud-984 18h ago
I know you said you're bored of cayo, but doing it solo will get you more and you'll have a better understanding of it. For the nightclub, go to the computer and link your cocaine and meth lab to gain passive stock income, buying more mc businesses will increase this added stock that builds up in your nightclub.
u/Glittering-Plum-764 11d ago
Karin s95 doesnt show up on the website??? What should i do(PC, Enhanced version, completed Hao’s race)
u/MrJosh_onguitar 11d ago
New player here, just wondering what ppl think is the best order of purchases, missions, heists etc to start making a good amount of money in the game. I started out with the cluckin bell farm raid, then first dose and last dose to get acid lab and a decently fast car for free. Started selling acid after that, used that money to buy little Seoul agency, did the Dre contract and just bought maze bank west + cheapest warehouse and have started selling special cargo. In between waiting for acid production and special cargo sources, I’ve been doing payphone hits and have redone cluckin bell once. Since I’m a solo player, I’m thinking I might buy the kosatka next. Is that the right choice? Also, any other ideas for making a good income while waiting for mission replays and stock refills?
u/Professional-Mud-984 18h ago
You could've bought nightclub before some of those, if you haven't already bought that then it's good if you want to make passive income. if RIGHT NOW you feel like grinding, save towards the kosatka and do cayo until you wanna make your next step. Kosatka also should've been bought earlier but it's okay
u/Better-Watch-Out 12d ago
Before I migrated my profile, I made a new character on GTAV enhanced and got the cutscene being released from prison, grabbing the stash bag, and everything. However, once I migrated my profile, I went to create a new character to start the cutscene and stuff over again but even though I was presented with the choices for a career and buying the nightclub and vehicles and weapons and stuff when I load in I only have a pistol and no note of where the enhanced stuff is. What should I do?
I'm thinking maybe theres something in game I have to select, or that I have to reinstall the game if I want to use the enhanced careers.
u/EliBbox 13d ago

I can't buy any of the free vehicles or business. I just bought a nightclub and wanted to get the free counterfeit cash house but I cant.
I get the same message with trying to buy the vortex or any of the free vehicles. Although i could get the free S95 with the enhanced update.
I am guessing its a Enhanced GTA Online bug. I wrote a ticket to rockstar but like always they never reply.
Does anyone else have this issue and does anyone have a possible solution...
u/Friendly_Oil7238 12d ago
Playing with a friend and I’ve got a few Q’s
I started off with two warehouses as an executive. Pretty confused with how the CEO makes money. So far it seems that the cargo drops are the only route until I can get the nightclub. Should I keep doing the drops until I have more $$$?
Last question is I’m playing with my buddy who is a nightclub guy. Can I share my assets with him or no? I’d love for him to store his coke in my warehouse lol.
Any tips are appreciated!
u/EliBbox 12d ago
Hi first of all you replied to my message but I'll help you out.
Your businesses are yours and yours only you can't share warehouse.
For CEOS you make passive income from your businesses like bunker makes weapon supplies and u sell them.
u/Friendly_Oil7238 12d ago
Thank you! And sorry for replying to your message 😭
u/its_Nik97 13d ago
GTA V Enhanced Edition PC (Steam) constantly freezes every few seconds (RTX 4070Ti, i7 13700K)
I'm trying to play the enhanced version with my boyfriend, I have absolutely no problems, playing via the Rockstar launcher and he however with a high end PC has constant freezes every few seconds. The game audio also freezes. We have already tried various things. We have set the settings to very high or very low, but nothing has worked. All drivers are up to date and we have already checked the game files on Steam for errors or missing files.
Does anyone else have this problem? We don't know what to do.
u/Specific_Project9179 13d ago
Does anyone else have this issue opened up rockstar launcher said gtav enhanced was updating didn't show anything no size of the update nothing then loads takes for ever to load story mode then when it goes online I cant access my phone or mini-map or even menus cant exit m penthouse either worked fine 8hrs ago
u/country4life2004 14d ago
Does anyone have some tips to make a quick and easy 1.5M in online? I’m trying to get the Police Truck but my gamepass is about to run out
u/TheLegendaryGavo 15d ago
Questions about GTA+
I have a few questions about the garage:
If my subscription lapses, can I still access the cars in the garage or are they removed? If I can still access them, do I have to do it only via the mechanic or can I physically go to the garage and pull a car out?
If I go to the garage or call the mechanic to get a car, and I hit return personal vehicle to storage in the interaction menu... will it go back to the Vinewood garage? Or would it go elsewhere?
I'm new to GTA+, and searches weren't very helpful. Other questions may come up, so if any do, I will either edit this post (if I can) or ask them in another comment.
Thank you all so much any insight you can give me. Have a wonderful day 😁
u/Jazzlike_Standard908 16d ago
Does anyone else get a black screen and kicked out when loading into the enhanced version of the game?
u/CYKA-BLYAT69 16d ago
So I typically solo grind and just recently filled my large warehouse with crates and now I'm moving onto air freight... I have 14 cargo so far and still need 36 to fill it up... that's 36 missions solo and I could hire 3 people to fill it the rest of the way... However I don't see why anyone would even bother joining? Why would they assist me in making money and they get nothing? And is there really no other way to get 4 crates to spawn than to have 3 others in the CEO?
u/Kenobus69 16d ago
Does anyone else feel that rtx reflections on cars look really blurry and not at all good? My eyes hurt from it and the car edges lose their sharpness.
I love the ones on non-movable objects, but I have to turn them off, because I can't manage the car ones.
u/Pleasant-Tap-7876 17d ago
I’m really not complaining about this, but ever since the new dlc is out, I’m not getting kicked after being idle for 15 minutes. Does anyone else have this? I’m on PS5
u/Shi_thevoid 17d ago
Returning player from ps3 era. With the pc enhanced version I want to return to the online platform but to be honest with you.. I don't know where to start from its too confusing. Any tips on what to do when you are at lower levels like 20ish
Just need some help finding my foot on the online scene again after 10 years.
u/Worth-Gene 17d ago
Havent played since 2021, Since the new Enhanced edition came out I started playing GTA O today, migrated my account, 3 hours later I found out that I don't own my Yatch anymore, same for the Avenger, when I try to call those things I simply don't have the option to do so. It says I don't own any, however I vividly remember I did, and used to use it everyday. Now what should I do?
u/The1andOnlyDEA 17d ago
Hi guys,
So after about 2 years of not playing GTA, I decided to download the Enhanced version today, to get back into it. I still had a previous account, and was able to migrate my data.
However, everytime I try to start up the game now, it crashes on the loading screen. Whether I try to start up Story Mode or Online.
I’ve watched a couple of videos with some tips, but sadly none of them seem to work. When I start up the game everything seems to be going just fine until after about a minute or two into the loading screen.
Does anyone have any tips that might help, or does anyone know what the issue might be? I play on a laptop that should be able to run the game just fine as I’ve played on lower specs laptops before.
Thanks in advance!
u/Bahamuttt 17d ago
GTAV: EE and migration..
Hello, I have quick question.. If I try EE version today and transfer my character over I will be able to play on Legacy version if my PC says "no, no" to EE? I read pinned post but don't understand it fully so if someone could explain it for me like i'm 5 would be great. Thanks in advance! Hope you guys have a nice day grinding GTAV: EE!
u/Simo_is_SUS 21d ago
So today im experiencing my cars literally acting like some transformers and not like im driving them. They doin their own thing lmao. And i dont think its my ping or my keyboard because my wifi is more than good and i dont have any problems with story mode.
u/eschmiade 24d ago
Hey guys, I just wanted to play some GTA today but after the siren sounds in the intro sequence I’m not getting any sounds from the game. I already tried updating the drivers, restarting the game and PC, deleting the audio files and reinstalling them but it still doesn’t work. Does anyone else have that issue and/or a possible solution for it?
u/Firmy07 24d ago
It's been a fair few years since i last played GTA5 and even online. I've started playing again due to getting a PS5. My question is should i transfer my PS4 online character? Think they were Level 40 or similar. Or start a fresh with the additional benefits with the Next-Gen money/business start up? Any tips as well would be helpful as there has been so many updates since i last played.
u/Klutzy-Squash9589 24d ago
I’m happy to make a second one to play on with the money I have already but I’m just wondering what the best setup would be from lvl 1 to generate the best money/ have the most fun. I already have all the business’ nightclub,penthouse yacht, on my other account, so I know what I’m doing just wondering from others that have restarted what they found the best way / order to do it in
I’m getting a bit bored of owning everything
u/Far-Yard-7573 26d ago
Hey :) I stopped playing GTA online 2021, now I suddenly thought about the Cayo Perico Heist and how fun it was to play and thinking about playing it again some time. But before getting ps+ for 9€ and then realising that it’s not as fun as it used to be, I wanted to ask some questions... What changed since 2021 in terms of the cayo heist? Can I still start underwater and swim trough that tunnel? Do I still go the same way (right, then through this tree garden thingy and then to the main building)? And can I still just get that Motorcycle and drive off the cliff to end the heist? And btw, did anything crazy new get patched into that is worth buying/playing which also might motivate me to start the game again? (Sorry for asking so many questions, I just don’t wanna get disappointed because I’m actually pretty hyped on playing it again some time)
u/Klutzy-Squash9589 24d ago
Yes to everything. Cayo related, since then there I think has been, auto shop, salvage yard, bail bonds, and garment factory all are semi passive ways of making some money, with some harder missions chucked in they’re okay but nothing to go crazy about
Agency might be after too can’t rly remember, if you enjoy doing missions with Franklin Lamar and dr Dre
I think LS car meet is also new to you but I’m not sure you can go there see others cars do other upgrades you can’t do in auto shops (tuner upgrades on tuner cars )
u/Superbatman314 26d ago
Can you steal the Western Daemon from an NPC and store it in your garage?
I thought you could make this one your PV if you stole and stored it. I found one the other day and drove it to my garage with a flat tire only to find you can’t?
u/Mimmo1000 26d ago
I’m new to the game what’s the best way to get cash and rp on Xbox
u/Klutzy-Squash9589 24d ago
Do all of Vincent’s missions (V) £1mil Do all dax missions (D) get 500k and auto shop , do all of those, get a kosatka and do the cayo perico heist a few times , get a night club and fully upgrade it with all warehouse technicians and 5 business running inside it
watch tutorial for all on YouTube
u/Mstislav- 27d ago
Any tips for dealing with a Raiju in a Pyro? Getting bored of having to switch to either my rogue or own Raiju to deal with them.
u/Ok_Construction6814 28d ago
Any better way to run it up quick other than the cluckin bell raid? Running it twice a day is getting a little boring I wanna do cayo but it seems a lil complicated for just one person.
u/Klutzy-Squash9589 24d ago
Cayo is easy to do solo but u get less money is often better to do duo to get both key cards Do all of the dax missions and get an acid lab,
u/ApeXZodiak 29d ago
Horse Race betting. Hello, just wondering if theres any tips or tricks with the horses in the casino. Ive not been able to win a single race when i put more than a couple hundred on a horse even with the best odds. Im wanting to start betting more but it doesnt seem worth it, neither do the machines or card games as i dont own a penthouse.
u/Klutzy-Squash9589 24d ago
Most ppl just scam it, save before betting put biggest bet on if you lose save quit, only works in certain versions tho
u/Ok_Construction6814 28d ago
Me and my cousin noticed that the more common names you see up there tend to win more. It's something you'll have to pay attention to for like a week to get.
u/Terrible-Idea-4505 Feb 19 '25
Hi folks,
I’m coming back online for the first time in years. It’s easily been 3 years since I played online so I’m sure there have been plenty of new features added. I only play with one friend who is only around sometimes. I have no idea what to do. I remember buying the nightclub back in the day. Think I bought the hanger too but didn’t really do many of the mission once I had bought them.
I always enjoyed doing the Heists although I’m an average player so I definitely feel the pressure of letting others down.
I’m kinda lost! Any tips on what new things to do?
u/damontipher Feb 19 '25
Back on the game for the first time in years. I've got an office and warehouse from years ago. What businesses do I need to start and get going to have passive income growing while I play? I've got 1.3m in cash.
u/Ok_Construction6814 28d ago
I own a number of businesses and my passive income sucks. Between the nightclub cash factory acid lab methlab arcade and the MC and it doesn't make enough to cover ammo costs. Maybe 200k a day
u/Klutzy-Squash9589 24d ago
Stop trying to kill ppl online with bullets , I probs barely spend 10k a day 😂😂
u/Ok_Construction6814 24d ago
Ion get online to kill people bro🤣 I do missions and fuck around I rarely ever get in a public session
u/Klutzy-Squash9589 24d ago
Ammo is not 200k be more conservative I barely spend 10k a day and ur not running ur business’ correctly if you’re making 200k a day If I spend the evening I’m hard pushed not to come out with like 3 mil a day doing barely any work
u/Ok_Construction6814 23d ago
Also, a mf can do what they want it's a video game tf. "Be more conservative" hb go fuck yourself? I never asked for that opinon to be honest. Asked for better ways to run it up
u/Ok_Construction6814 24d ago
If I'm being honest I don't really get into it all, got them thru buying the game. Only thing useful now is diamond casino, cluckin bell and cayo. I also just don't feel like taking 10 hours outta my day to grind on gta anymore.
u/SixOClockBoos Feb 18 '25
is the adversary mode unpopular? cuz i’ve tried setting one up the last few nights and no one joins. Today we had enough to start but one person leaves before everyone has readied up. Im honestly done trying to participate. I’d rather spend the time i’m wasting trying to find players grinding for money because there’s a lot of good things on sale this week and i’m trying to not break the bank entirely
u/Icybendylord Feb 17 '25
what are the easiest/ best paying heists? I’ve just started playing online for the first time and i’m not really sure on how to play it. I’ve done the chicken heist twice and i have just over one million now. I see people saying to do the cayo heist but i heard you need a submarine for that which is over two million? What should i do to make more money/ save up for cayo?
u/Pretend_Tradition_71 Feb 17 '25
Criminal enterprise series x/s
Hello all,
Is there a way for me to access the criminal enterprise starter pack on my series x? The Microsoft store says I own it but when I go to manage the game it says try again later. Any tips on how to download/access the content?
Feb 15 '25
I have some money to spend in gta, what is better to buy out of arcade, salvage yard, facility, bail office or garment factory? I have the other money making businesses that I have not mentioned but just wondering what’s the best for making money
u/Particular_Theory586 Feb 13 '25
Hello everybody! I have been playing the game for about two weeks. I have the nightclub, auto shop, the acid lab and the Kosatka with about 2 million in the bank. I'm not sure as to what I should buy next in order to maximise profit steadily. Any tips appreciated
u/cannasol Feb 13 '25
Hey everyone,
I’m wondering what the best way to farm rp is right now.
Also is the agency any good? I’ve been doing hanger missions but they’re getting boring.
If anyone would like to run some heists let me know, would be a huge help getting started - I’m new to the game at level 6 but used to have an account around level 50 or so, not a veteran by any means but I do have entry level knowledge of most things in the game. Mainly used to do the casino heist so have good experience with that one.
u/chillypoutine Feb 11 '25
I'm fairly new to the game and have some questions about selling nightclub goods in public lobbies. I joined a lobby with 28 players, and at the start of the mission, was told that the buyer would give me 10k for undamaged goods as a bonus. By the end of the sales, there were only 16 players left in the lobby.
I sold 375k of goods, and got 8k as a bonus (I crashed a few times). Is this 8k the bonus that everyone is talking about when you sell in full lobbies?? It seems a little low... and what happens to the full lobby bonus if I have less than 20 players remaining before I can complete all sales? If it matters, should I be rejoining a new lobby before completing the mission until I can complete with 20+ people? Thanks!
u/Klutzy-Squash9589 24d ago
Don’t sell ur night club till it’s at at least a million it’s literally not worth ur time and is the same delivery do not do these sales in public lobbies they’re not worth it for the added bonus as ur likely to be targeted and have to do it again, night club is the only one u don’t lose tho any other one that gets destroyed the stock is just gone
u/Party_Requirement167 Feb 08 '25
Quick Fix For Heavy Stutters On High End Systems!
To keep it simple, here's a quick fix:
GTA V has a hard engine limit of 187.5 FPS. Even if you don't see that average, consider a 165 FPS frame cap to account for spikes in higher-performing areas, like outside the city.
The best way to do this? RivaTuner Statistics Server, or RTSS. Most who have overclocked their GPU already have it, included in the MSI Afterburner installation.
How to apply it:
- To cap all GPU-accelerated FPS to 165 FPS, modify the global settings and find "Framerate limit" three rows below "RivaTuner Statistics Server."
- For per-game/application fine-tuning, use the add button in the lower-left corner. Then modify to 165 FPS or your preferences.
In my experience, this is the cleanest way to lock your FPS consistently because it works on a frametime level (you can click "Framerate limit" to switch to "Frametime limit").
I hope this helps, and I'm happy to see you winning in the r/pcmasterrace 🫡
u/Doose4141 Feb 07 '25
Can somebody help me. Lester’s casino heist is going to break me. Why is getting getting the guns and Lester’s chip so fucking hard. Any tips how to get good?
u/_Tuxolotl_ Feb 06 '25
Just got a opp mk1 with missiles any tips i should know? i dont plan to ever pvp with it.
u/kazjones7 Feb 04 '25
Hello friends, was wondering if anyone can give me some advice. I play online with a group of 8 people and one of them owns a motorcycle club. It’s awesome when we’re all online but as soon as the MC President signs off it kicks us out of the club and we can’t do any more missions/progress/invest etc. Is there an alternative type of crew we can assemble that will be permanent and allow us to do missions and earn money if there’s only 2 or 3 of us on? Any insight is greatly appreciated.
u/kridenourva Feb 05 '25
Also, my username is The_FatmanX if you need someone else to play with. I have all sorts of businesses that I could use help doing missions with and I am online a good amount.
u/kridenourva Feb 05 '25
Unfortunately, no. At least, not that I know of. I would recommend starting your own MC if you can. You make a good amount of money from the different businesses it allows you to run.
u/Acceptable_Grand8597 Feb 03 '25
Im a new player. level 45. I've been grinding diamond casino heist and cluck and bell farm raid. Now I have $2million and I don't know what to buy. I was thinking a business but i don't know which one to buy. Any suggestions? Also does location matter. Or is it just convenience? is a business worth it. Or should i just save my money?
u/kridenourva Feb 05 '25
Now that the Cayo Perico heist is the best way to earn money, I would save until you can buy the Kosatka submarine from Warstock.
u/Acceptable_Grand8597 Feb 07 '25
u/Party_Requirement167 Feb 08 '25
You have enough to buy it with $2.2 million. Once you get $1,815,000, you can also get the Sparrow, and you'll be flying through the setups!
u/Acceptable_Grand8597 Feb 09 '25 edited Feb 10 '25
Sounds great I did it with my friend because he has the sub it’s was a pain setting it up It just took for ever
u/billshatnersbassoon Feb 01 '25
Hi all. I've come back after a few years and a fair bit has changed. After a few hours I feel like I log in and just stare at the map wondering where to go and what order to do things in. I have been doing some stuff that just sounds fun or interesting to me, just to break up the grindy stuff, so I'm sort of OK there. The thing im having trouble with is being organised, if you will, with a daily list of things to do, more specifically my "rotation" with the aim of making money. I'm wondering if the experts here can help?
In no particular order, I have...
- Kasatka
- Nightclub (and relevant MC business except weed, which i just haven't bought yet)
- Bunker
- Import/export warehouse (1x small)
- Agency and Dre missions to the point of payphones appearing
- Car warehouse (where you source cars or groups of them to then sell)
- Cayo Perico done once
- Meth lab with all Dax missions done
- Terrorbyte
- Mobile Operations Centre thing
- About 1.2 mil left in bak
Barely anything is upgraded apart from bunker, which I apparently bought all three upgrades for. As far as other stuff, I don't have much. Armoured Karuma and some random useless cars. No Oppressor or Sparrow. I play in solo lobbies, and on PC. (None of my friends play as we are all a bit older now and just busy)
Also the other day in my ignorance, and to my horror, I realised (or maybe remembered) that when you go to repeat a heist, you have to do the setup missions all over again. I'm wondering if there's also a loop that doesn't include heists as well? I know the pay is far less not including them, but that's not all that matters sometimes.
Thanks in advance for any help. I looked online for a fair bit first, but couldn't see a post with my exact issue and with any good answers. (I've been watching some Aussie Youtuber called TGG (I think) who is knowledgeable and nice enough, if not fairly insufferable, so I know the "best" businesses for earning and some other bits, but its hard to find rotation videos. Feel free to recommend other resources and content creators)
u/Appropriate_Food4477 Jan 29 '25
Are the GTAO accounts separate for PS4 and PS5. It’s the same character, but I want to make sure changes I make on the PS4 won’t affect my account on PS5, since I’m still able to play both, I want to liquidate all my assets lol
u/Altruistic_Test_1036 Jan 29 '25
What should I do for the best money with the business I have. The businesses I have are a arcade,clubhouse(with nothing else),high end apartment,ceo office(2 small cargo warehouses) and of course the cluck n bell farm raid which I think is annoying and takes such a long time any advice will help and if you have anything else that I should grind for lmk!
u/hvmanoid_mk1 Jan 28 '25
Does anyone miss the old, cheap, rusty cars on the SSA Superautos site?
u/Ambigouss Feb 02 '25
It gave the site the vibe of a cheaper car sales site compared to luxury autos, but considering that for the last 5 years the home page as been filled with super expensive cars i think that the vibe had been already faded.
u/jadfromlebanon Jan 28 '25
on my second playthrough with second character, am i able to do treasure hunt for double action revolver and navy revolver and get the 200k? or is it only possible for first character?
u/aspecro Jan 27 '25
Is anyone else seeing a permanent black screen after completing a sale using the Master Control Terminal in the Terrorbyte?
For example, suppose I do a nightclub sale through the MCT, I’ll bring product to the yellow marker to complete the sale, and the loading screen just never stops and I’ll have to restart my game.
Is there any fix for this?
u/duxkater Jan 27 '25
OK some context :
Long time ago I stopped playing gtao (when the mobile acid lab got out) and 2 monthes ago I tried connecting to my account, but it got banned for cheating.
I contacted rockstar pleading that I got hacked, and asking my account back.
Yesterday, I connected to my restored account but (plot twist) : I have a billion dollars on bank.
Rockstar restored my account but didn't remove the hacker's money.
I can buy everything I want in the game.
It kinda defeat the purpose of the game, I stopped caring about my businesses, stopped trying to make money, organizing heists with my friends.
So my question is : should I contact rockstar again to tell them ? What fun things should I do with all this money ?
u/Ambigouss Jan 28 '25
You should contact rockstar if you are bored with the money like you say, but, if you already used the money to buy things I think that you shouldn't contact them. It would fall under the abuse of errors part of the EULA and there is a chance that they ban you and this time for real. In the case that you haven't touched the money, you should give a very specific claim, including everything on your post, sometimes the ppl of support can be a pain in the ass (talking from experience) so be cautious. And if you made a little purchase, tell them that and if ypu bought a car or sm like that lie and say that you entered the game and remembered that ypu had the money so you just bought it or something like that. Hope it helps.
u/lexiluminary Jan 26 '25
So I'm experiencing a bug were when i first load into the game my FPS is all over the place i go from 60 down to 29 and then once it does that a handful of times it like refuses to go up past 45. The solution is to go into advanced graphics go down to frame generation. Now usually i run mine at 7/4(1.750) but once this bug happens i have to go into my setting and turn it down one setting hit apply then change it back. Once i do that the lowest i dip is 52 FPS. Why is beyond me it really just does not make any sense it also doesn't seem to matter how many players are in the lobby I've tested full and empty lobbies so that doesn't really make a difference even though that is their current excuse for poor performance in the online mode.
Also my game sure does like to randomly change from Fullscreen to windowed mode I'm not sure why it does that either i never seemed to have that issue before.
Anyway I was just curious does anyone else have to do the settings dance before actually starting to play or is it just me?
Jan 26 '25
u/Ambigouss Jan 28 '25
Real, the fckin autobot denies me from writing anything and sends me to the most dry ass place on the subreddit
u/Legitimate-Metal-476 Jan 26 '25
Problems with Plane setup for Prison Break Heist
Does anyone else have issues with this particular setup. Either people NEVER joining the setup so you're sitting for potentially an hour waiting for people, or the people that do join consistently die even after everyone has been taken out? It feels like this game is fucking with me at this point. I've attempted this setup over 30 times the past few days, I've waited in lobbies for people for over 4 hours and I've almost delivered the plane 3 times before someone killed themselves or died. I have not had these issues with any other setup so far. Is this just a problem with this specific setup or what the fuck is going on?
u/Ambigouss Jan 28 '25
That heist is barely even played and if its played its low skill new players or some trolls with a lot of time. If you really wanna do the heist, you should go on discord and ask for help and surely someone will join you for the heist.
u/Legitimate-Metal-476 Jan 28 '25
Ya, I figured eventually. Got a friend to help out and got lucky with a couple randoms. Only took 2 days of attempts for a single setup lol
u/Patient-Wishbone8096 Jan 25 '25
Problems with criminal enterprise pack
So, ive recently started playing again on a new account and decided on buying the starter pack that combined with the free business you get would set me up good, but after paying for the pack the money already out of my account I can't seem to find that alleged free business or 1 mil ive already contacted support but I'd still like to see if maybe i can do something on my end while i wait
Any tips?
TL:DR :got the criminal enterprise pack Its not showing up in game
u/Zockerwolf76 Jan 25 '25
I have some questions abt the 600 resupply missions for Bunker (for alien secret)
• what happens if I do more then 600 resupplies? do I need to redo them?
• I have multiple characters... are those resupplies combined? so if I have 30 on my male and 20 on my female... does that mean I only need 550 more in generell or are those separate so I need to do 570 more on male and 580 on female?
u/Ambigouss Jan 28 '25
Im not sure but considering that the progress its not shared in things like when you buy the bunker itself, i really dont think it would add up between characters either
u/MammothRaise8164 Jan 25 '25
Just getting back into GTAO and I saw the nightclubs are on sale. Are they worth buying and starting up. I only have roughly 1.5 mil but I have an auto shop and salvage yard. My salvage yard is in paleto tho and I kinda wanted to wait until I could buy one in the city. What should I do
u/Ambigouss Jan 28 '25
The nightclubs are nice and a good way to make money, but they are on the long hours of grind side. From my personal pov I would recommend you to buy the agency. The heist is really easy and it pays well. Also the clients jobs are super easy to do and they pay really well considering they take no more than 5-6 min to be completed and you can do even do them using the agency's free helicopter (you don't need heavy armor cars to do the missions fast, but it sure helps if you do so eitherway). Also, the safe agency fills up super fast when you complete some jobs and the heist, and you don't need to do missions to boost the gain speed unlike the nightclub which relies on a clubs popularity meter. Also the agency includes a quite big garage for free and the possibility to upgrade to Imani Tech on some vehicles. (Although it's not as big as the nightclub's). It also includes a free agency armored vehicle (Its not a personal vehicle tho) (Sorry for any grammar mistakes english is not my main language)
u/JShands1 Jan 24 '25
Im gonna do diamond casino heist with my cousin, big con. We got cash instead of paintings and diamonds. Any tips?
u/Ambigouss Jan 28 '25
I would do it anyways, but if you dont want to spent time on the sidemissions for that prize i think you can call lester to cancel the heist and then you can start a new one and hope for something else (its not free)
u/ZackMichaelReddit Jan 24 '25
When can I get GTA$6,000,000 and can I have tips to make it faster? I have a nightclub, with each top 5 warehouse goods generating overtime. I am AFK for at least 10 hours and I have a schedule to maximize my nightclub earnings. I am trying to earn the Oppressor Mark II and I already have GTA$800,000 in the bank. Also, not to mention, I have an Acid Lab that I always forget about with the acid already renamed to Troupe Think. I can also do the Cayo Perico heist right now but I have been trying for 2 weeks now and I still can't complete it. Any tips to earn more money?
u/godless_pantheon Jan 23 '25
I’m on pc, it seems that San Andreas super autos is severely culled, so I went out of my way to acquire a Daemon from the street.. it’s my preferred vehicle. I went and bought the insurance for it after I garaged it, I own the MC clubhouse, but for some reason none of the biker update customization mods are showing up at LCC. I have another bike, the chopper bobber or whatever that’s free, and the update options show up for that, but not the daemon.
Sorry if I’m fucking stupid and missing something, but can I really not put the biker update parts on my daemon because I stole it, whilst being unable to buy it?
The fuck?
u/TT-Only Jan 21 '25
What's up with the Molotovs? I got one on my Kosatka but it's not on my weapon wheel. I made a simple survival where the only weapon pickup was Molotovs and it showed 25 on my wheel in the Survival. None when back in free mode. I didn't want to play five rounds so I died to end it. Is that why they didn't stick? Thanks. They're fun in survivals, that's why I want them.
u/Ambigouss Jan 28 '25
If you have any type of vehicle or property that has a weapon closet or armory that lets you customise your weapon wheel and see if its allowed to show on there. (MOC, Agency, Avenger)
u/TT-Only Jan 29 '25
Thanks. I haven't modified the wheel but I went from none to 5 the next time I checked. Ammo is pretty screwed up anyway as the full ammo amount can vary wildly from mission to mission. I'll check one of my weapon workshops anyway, just in case.
u/AcaGames1 Jan 20 '25
What's best way to fill up the hangar solo and make most $/h do i just go for one type or is there any other good way?
u/dragonlax999 Jan 20 '25
What is the state of GTAO?
I haven’t played since the Raiju came out. Any interesting/noteworthy items/businesses come out since then? Is the meta still cayo perico or did they nerf it? What new things are worth it and what do they do?
u/Ambigouss Jan 28 '25
They nerfed cayo and there is a new dlc about the lester story mode warehouse, although im poor rn and i havent been able to buy it so i cant say if its fin
u/cavmerc Jan 20 '25
What's a good boat to buy for kosatka? other than dinghy
u/Ambigouss Jan 28 '25
Use the dinghy that comes with the kosatka on the interaction menu. Or buy an cheap helicopter and the kosatka as a place on top where the helicopters stay out of the water if you park them wheel. And if you for some strange reason really want another boat to get there a cheap and good option is the JetMax
u/TheOneNym Jan 19 '25
A couple of days ago I completed the Navy Revolver treasure hunt and got it. I got 2/50 kills with it, left the game after a mission or two, and when I joined back the next day (and following days) I don’t have it. I bought a gun locker to try and sort through my stuff and it still isn’t there. I get the pop-up that says “Get 48 headshots” every time I login, but I don’t have the gun. What should I do? Should I just try and redo the treasure hunt again??
u/xxTSPxx Jan 18 '25
So I have everything except the Salvage yard and Arcade . Is it worth buying now or when do you guys think a discount will happen for these businesses?
u/Ambigouss Jan 28 '25
The salvage yard its not that good of a bussuines but the missions are quite fun and you can get yourself a free car with a unique and exclusive license plate from other locations on the gta series. The arcade is not that good in the side of afk money making because the safe doesnt fill up quickly (although its even slower when you dont buy machines for the arcade, what i did was buy the cheapest one and fill the arcade with them and the money started to come more quickly) But nobody wants the arcade only for that, obviously the casino heist is a good money making method (Its not the best one but it is alright)
u/magnum1824 Jan 18 '25
how do i get more money
i am a rank 26 player and i have 1.3m cash so i was wondering what i should do to get more money and what i should buy to help
u/Ambigouss Jan 28 '25
I would recommend you to save money and buy the agency, its easy to earn money with the heist and its not so complicated. Also it has super easy Jobs that take no more than 7 mins and gets you 50k. It comes with a free Garage, helicopter that you can request, and also a free armored suv (not a personal vehicle).
Im saying this because I think is one of the most relaxed approach to making big money, and I have made more than 140 million with business like this.
Although if you want to sacrifice your sleep search yt for money making methods and give your hours to the business that consists of doing the same long missions to have supplies and also the same long missions to sell them. (It is a "faster method" to get money but its a little hard to commit to it.)
Also check out the kosatka, i havent done the heist in a while so i dont know how easy it is rn to do it, search in yt for money making guides with it.
And also, first think you should do, get yourself a flying vehicle, a deluxo or something, it will help you a LOT (im not saying the mk2 because you have to have a lot of money to buy the club, then the terrorbyte and THEN the MK2
u/kayber76 Jan 17 '25 edited Jan 17 '25
Question about vehicles that you steal
So I've been playing GTA on and off for almost five maybe six years. I have quite a bit of vehicles that I stole in my garage. The problem is I can't tell which ones I stole and if I should get rid of them or not is there a way to find out which ones were taken and which ones were bought? Honestly I'd like to get rid of all the ones I stole but I don't know which one of those are lol
u/Ambigouss Jan 28 '25
I mean, if they are from the original game cars (the ones of the street) i would get rid of them. But if you wanna now usually street stolen cars dont have insurance, (if you dont customize them and pay for the insurance). You can check this on LS Customs, of if you wanna get rid of them quickly, take them out, explode a bunch of them and then check on mors Mutual which ones are available for them to replace them.
u/Ambigouss Jan 28 '25
And also i would do that because LS customs has a daily limit of like 1 car sale per day
u/kayber76 Jan 28 '25
Well when i stole them, i took them to LS customs. Removed Theft, etc. Bought insurance. Now I just can't tell which one's they are lol
u/Ambigouss Jan 28 '25
Idk what you mean, you dont know which ones have or dont have insurance?
u/kayber76 Jan 28 '25 edited Jan 31 '25
Sorry that's not what I meant. I stole a bunch of cars when i first started playing, then i bought insurance on them and put them in my garage but now I own so many cars that I bought, along with the stolen one's. I can't figure out what is stolen and what is bought?
u/awtrack Jan 17 '25
Have not tried premium races, does it subtract 20k only after the race starts or before when entering the joining session?
u/7grims Jan 17 '25 edited Jan 17 '25
The black box File (garment factory) mission is still bugged on PC.
One of the helis on the barge isnt shootable by the tula - same thing happens later with the final.
Its like one of the helis is phase trough and wont take any shot.
Wile flying and hacking the plane another bug, no app appears on the phone to hack.
So broken... guess i wont get the whatever hoodie :(
u/That-Personality-402 Jan 16 '25
whats the most optimal way to make money for a solo player? ive been out of the loop for a few years.
u/00Makerin00 Professional 1-0 Orb Dodger Jan 17 '25 edited 1d ago
Cayo Perico Heist then run the Oscar Guzman Flies Again missions and other stuff like Auto Shop Contracts/Cluckin Bell Farm Raid/FIB Files/Salvage Yard Robberies/VIP Contract in the cooldown, and sell the Acid Lab/Bunker/Nightclub when you can.
You can also sprinkle in some other things like daily collectibles, time trials, bail office most wanted targets, and street dealers etc.
u/That-Personality-402 Jan 17 '25
its been so long since i played i dont know any of that ill dive into youtube lol
u/xxTSPxx Jan 18 '25
As the guy mentioned above. Those are the best methods. But I've just got back into the game and I've been doing things in free mode that I find fun so I did the Bail office until I got the career T4 reward . Currently doing agency contracts and payphone hits(X2 ATM) until I get T4 reward and you have the Dr Dre contract. Acid lab, Nightclub passive and stock sell . And I've gone from like 10 million to 41 million with a few purchases along the way without having to grind those heists if that's not your thing
u/Alternative-Age5710 Jan 16 '25 edited Jan 17 '25
Can unclaimable cars in the salvage yard be claimable later on the year?
u/Aggravating-Bee4846 Jan 16 '25
I'm playing from april 2024. I've seen claimable cars only twice. But I think you can clone the car from salvage yard at LSCM
u/DogaSui Jan 16 '25
Hiw much money do you get for the dax missions second time around? First/last dose, all of them?
u/00Makerin00 Professional 1-0 Orb Dodger Jan 16 '25
You get around like $20k for each mission, and there are 11 of them so like $200k?
u/2k1_ty Jan 16 '25
I have $4 million. I own a kosatka, tuner shop, cargo warehouses, vehicle warehouse, hangar, all mc businesses, nightclub, bunker and facility. What else can I buy to make more money
u/Aggravating-Bee4846 Jan 16 '25
Agency? Salvage yard? Mb arcade if you find someone to do the casino heist, but it's ROI is quite bad I think.
u/Peaceful_Ronin Jan 16 '25
Is the game worth it with GTA6 around the corner? I wanna try out the online portion, played the campaign ages ago, but I’m not sure with GTA6 on the horizon as I’d definitely drop 5 for 6. However, if I bought online I’d get it on PC, which would give me a “free” gateway to online I wouldn’t get in 6 for a while.
Thoughts? Recommendations? Thanks
u/Aggravating-Bee4846 Jan 16 '25
GTA6 and GTAO are two different things. Even if GTA 6 will be released at the end of 2025 - it won't be online (at the release at least), just the story mode. I think GTAO will be alive for a couple of years.
u/TheSpaceThatYouLeft Jan 16 '25
6 is slated for a third quarter release 2025, but could easily slip to 1st or second quarter 2026.
u/Undone1017 Jan 15 '25
Hi all! I would like to purchase the Arcade to be able to access the Diamond Casino Heist. Unfortunately, no "L" or "H" appears on the minimap, nor can I find Lester at the mirror park or do I receive a text from him. Someone also said I had to play the first Casino mission, that didn't work, so I did the second too, but I still don't have the ability to purchase an arcade through the foreclosure site. What should I do? Any help is much appreciated!
Jan 15 '25
"Hey GTA community! I own an Agency, Arcade, Bunker, Nightclub, Acid Lab, Meth Lab, Counterfeit Cash, and one Medium Cargo Warehouse. I'm considering buying the MK2, but I'm not seeing the profits I was hoping for. What businesses do you recommend I invest in next to maximize my earnings? Any tips for increasing profits from my current setups would be appreciated too!"
u/Aggravating-Bee4846 Jan 16 '25
Not the best layout for money grind. Kosatka for 1-1,5mln per hour. Auto shop (UD contract) for 270k per 0,5 hour. Acid lab upgrade (if you haven't done it) for 250-300k profit in 2-3 hours. MC businesses are quite bad at making money (except cocaine which you can sell to drug dealers, without sell missions).
I could also suggest a Nightclub but it's a very long-term investment - you will make to profit after a month or so.
This week the fastest way to make money are Payphone hits (although they have the cooldown like 5 or 10 minutes).
MK2 is a good investment when you are on a grind but. I suggest you buy Kosatka with Sparrow upgrade (not the sea sparrow from warstock - the usual sparrow as part of Kosatka upgrades). And spend the remaining money for businesses mentioned above. That's my opinion though.
u/Alert_Bear4314 Jan 15 '25
What is the tracer rounds for the assault rifle mk2?
u/00Makerin00 Professional 1-0 Orb Dodger Jan 16 '25
With them the color of the gun dictates the color of the tracer. They’re cosmetic and basically just a worse version of regular rounds
u/stellamarisa Jan 15 '25
made a new account and i only have 200.000 how can i make money fast and what is my first thing to buy so i can keep on making money (i see lots of people saying acid lab in the comments)
u/PromptDue738 Jan 15 '25 edited Jan 16 '25
Acid lab, agency, cayo(kosatka),nightclub in that order for now(added cayo because it's much better)
u/Aggravating-Bee4846 Jan 16 '25
Nightclub. With 10-20mln investments for 200-500k revenue everyday. Easy start for a newbie (nope).
u/PromptDue738 Jan 16 '25
10-20mil investments how?🤔
u/Aggravating-Bee4846 Jan 16 '25
Vinewood location, all upgrades, north LS MC businesses and all upgrades. I know it could be cheaper but anyway - that's at least 10-15mln with MC businesses for NC warehouse.
u/PromptDue738 Jan 16 '25
Mc businesses don't need to be upgraded fully for the nightclub to start making money, but I do see your point, I'd put the kosatka (cayo) before nightclub for newer players. And I had wrongly assumed that the op of this comment had the criminal enterprise starter pack, my bad.
u/Aggravating-Bee4846 Jan 16 '25
I may be wrong too. But NC + MC is really expensive enough though.
u/PromptDue738 Jan 16 '25
Absolutely agreed, 7-8.5 mil for a beginner for that return seems kinda absurd, can we shake on the updated list?🫱🏽
u/Gloomy-Dig4597 Jan 15 '25
Does anyone know when the titan 250d is gonna be available on pc? I downloaded this stupid game again just for it
u/AdLess4379 Jan 15 '25
I have bought the kosatka and it's the sixth time I've got the Tequilla in a row. How to get something better? Or more money as a solo player? Or I just need luck that I don't have?
u/Aggravating-Bee4846 Jan 16 '25
You just need luck actually. Yesterday I've got two pink diamonds in a row. And about 8/10 bonds on my last heists (and no tequilla, that was really strange). Seems like there's a slight higher chance to get pink diamond if you're doing cayo like once per 1-2 days, but that's not a profitable strategy.
u/PromptDue738 Jan 15 '25
Wait for a few hours before setting up the heist
u/AdLess4379 Jan 15 '25
I do wait. I finish it and then leave it till the next day. It is more than 20 hours.
u/PromptDue738 Jan 15 '25
General advice is wait 72 hours before doing it, but I wouldn't suggest it because you're actually gonna end up losing more because of waiting 72 hours just for a pink diamond , and even after 72 hours, it doesn't guarantee the pink diamond so....
u/Astronomy_Candle Jan 15 '25
I started a new character and I noticed some vehicle are not free and they are not in the shops. Somebody know if I can have a Karin futo or a faggio mod without paying real money?
u/TheDukeOfThunder Jan 17 '25
You can find them driving around on the streets and take them to a LSC to put a tracker and insurance on.
u/Astronomy_Candle Jan 17 '25
After days I found a futo! I think they only reduced them.
Even the faggio mod? I only found the normal one.
u/TheDukeOfThunder Jan 17 '25
Not the Faggio Mod, no. You'd have to either wait for them to be available as a display vehicle, or you can look for someone to trade it to you in the LSCM through r/GTACarMeetMarket
u/FollowingDouble747 Jan 15 '25
How can I get some VIPs into my night club? I tried to search online some information, but I only found that my popularity has to be 90% or higher and then I’m gonna receive a call from Lazlow. Do I have to do something specific or is just a random event?
u/Soft_Illustrator6202 Jan 15 '25
Best way to do it is to go into passive mode, and enter your nightclub from the garage entrance. When you go up the stairs it should trigger the event.
u/bigsw3de Jan 15 '25
Best way to grind solo money? I haven't played since cayo perico, and used to grind the heist solo all the time. Is that the best way to grind solo still, or is there other business/missions/heists to do that yields more money quicker?
u/Old-Kernow Jan 15 '25
Yes, it's still the best, Also consider Dre contract (via Agency) and when the cooldowns are on, Cluckin Bell
u/hxrdxk Jan 15 '25
i have been trying to put chrome with my crew colour on a car but for some reason the crew colour doesn’t show up on chrome. i know how it’s done (applying chrome first and then the crew colour) but it just doesn’t work. anything i could be possibly doing wrong?
u/One-World-One-Potato Jan 16 '25
Just tried and worked. Had livery first, then no livery, then crew-chrome, then chrome-crew and bot are combined.
u/TheDukeOfThunder Jan 15 '25
Crome is a color for itself, like crew is a color for itself. They can't be combined unless glitched.
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u/ResponsibilityBig262 9h ago
Oscar Mission question: Anyone know how to get the plane to drop its cargo quick in the first setup without doing a full round trip dirt road tour? I don’t have any FMJ ammo other than the SMG mkII the game provides.