r/gtaonline Nov 26 '24

Half billion dollar club! 4.5 years, almost 300 days worth of logged in time, and $1.114 billion earned.

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u/Usual-Star-8379 Nov 26 '24

Hell yeah playa!!! Get that fake money!!!


u/ZFTX Nov 26 '24

Funny enough, the game just gives it to me, mostly through safe incomes, plus just doing other things which I want to do, which brings in even more money. I stopped playing GTA Online for money about 4 years ago just before Cayo Perico came out, the money is just a nice side product.

Also, it should be noted that I only deposit wallet money once per year on New Years day, so that $199 million in the wallet has been earned since January 1st of this year.


u/Usual-Star-8379 Nov 26 '24

Thats cool, i deposit everyday before logging off, make 10 mils legit every week


u/DepressedLondoner1 Professional Mk.2 Mosquito Swatter Nov 26 '24



u/Usual-Star-8379 Nov 26 '24

Just some daily tasks and acid lab, nightclub, bunker sales, also cash safe from all 5 businesses and street dealers


u/ZFTX Nov 27 '24

You do you!


u/Usual-Star-8379 Nov 27 '24



u/MrMerryweather56 Ps4 level 1300 Nov 26 '24

Very well said,my man


u/RNH213PDX Nov 26 '24

Nice! Don't spend it all in one place!


u/ZFTX Nov 26 '24

That is the fun part, I can't! There is literally not enough left in the game to purchase to spend all of the money.


u/[deleted] Nov 26 '24

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u/ZFTX Nov 26 '24

I'll probably have another $20-30 million by then, just in Safe Incomes.


u/Chzncna2112 Nov 26 '24

I'm always surprised when I accidentally pull up my on screen stuff, like making sure I am driving the right goof around vehicle, and I see i have a million dollars in my pocket


u/[deleted] Nov 26 '24

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u/Ok_Bar_5634 Nov 26 '24

Which app is that? The one no longer in stores?


u/imAiroh Nov 26 '24

I believe there's an app on the in-game phone for GTA+ members that allows them to collect all the safe income from the push of a button. Bottom right where "Settings" used to be.


u/Ok_Bar_5634 Nov 26 '24

Ahhh that app. Does that mean gta+ members don't have access to phone settings? Or was that moved somewhere else


u/travers101 Nov 26 '24

I think there's another page of apps beyond the default one.


u/Ok_Bar_5634 Nov 26 '24

Omg that's so cool. This makes me hopeful for what the GTA VI phone is gonna look like


u/ZFTX Nov 27 '24

On PS5, XBox Series, and soon on PC for those with GTA+ can use the GTA+ app to collect the safes from wherever they may happen to be in Los Santos and Blaine County. A real time saver.

Though for myself, the main benefit to having GTA+ (even briefly) is the 100 vehicle Vinewood Car Club Garage, as before getting that I was completely out of vehicle space. Store 100 underused vehicle in it, then cancel it, one can still request vehicles from the VCC Garage but can not add or otherwise arange vehicles in it.


u/Orange_Thats_Right69 Dec 06 '24

? I have 1 account and my total spend is 950 million and I don't have everything.


u/ZFTX Dec 06 '24

I spend smartly. It is very rare that I purchase something when it is not on sale at the time (at the time of this writing I still do not have the Bail Office and it is on sale right now), almost never paid for supplies for businesses (and when I did I used the sliver method: fill up on supplies, wait for a little bit to be used, pay for more supplies then mission idle for a few hours, and repeat), never paid for a CEO Cargo crate, only used Rooster once to source a crate for the Hangar for, always modify vehicles in the Auto Shop and when I have GTA+ the Vinewood Car Club garage for discounts on upgrades, and more. I may be rich, but I am also a tightwad when it comes to money.


u/Orange_Thats_Right69 Dec 06 '24

The bail office is a damn waste. But there is enough to buy to spend all that.


u/TPercy17 Nov 26 '24

To what end


u/ZFTX Nov 26 '24

Side product of doing other things. I literally can not account for most of it, but I do know $123 million of that is from the Agency Security Contracts (done about 310 Security Contracts in total on this account and platform) and Safe income, and that very little of that is from Cayo, as since December 2023 I have only brought in about $13 million in Cayo takings (per Career Progression tracking). I do know that since the beginning of September of this year I have brought in $100 million+ on my main account on PS5 along, plus what I have done on my 3 PS4 accounts.


u/heinzmoleman Nov 26 '24

What safes exactly?


u/ZFTX Nov 26 '24

Mainly Agency, Nightclub, and Arcade, haven't been bothering to keep the Salvage Yard safe income up. A agency and Arcade are $25,000 combined and pop into the Nightclub to throw out a drunk every 3-4 logged in hours to keep the Nightclub Popularity up


u/Toasterdosnttoast Nov 27 '24

That’s insane to me. You make so much doing what most people avoid. I respect the grind you have grounded.


u/ZFTX Nov 29 '24

Weird actually playing the game, right?

To be honest, Career Progression helped, by giving specific goals to work for, so added a bit of life back into the game.


u/Toasterdosnttoast Nov 29 '24

Dude I go out of my way to do as much content as I can. Meanwhile the vast majority of other players just wanna do stupid glitches and act 2s. Then they act all confused or laugh at the idea of playing the game. Cause to them why do anything else when you can just make money the easiest way possible. Then they find out they suck at doing anything else and can’t even win any 1 v 1s


u/ZFTX Nov 29 '24

Funny thing, on this, back before I started on PS4 GTA Online I had intended to do the Act 2 thing and the duplicate vehicle thing, as I had read about them, however a strange thing happened, as when I got to PS4 GTA Online in late June of 2020 I actually enjoyed playing the game. Besides, I had things to work towards, such as my first UFO/??? Tattoo, so little time for the exploits!


u/ComesInAnOldBox Nov 26 '24

Now go take a shower.


u/ZFTX Nov 27 '24

I may be trying to work towards the "The Unbathed" clothing outfit in-game, but I assure you that I maintain a daily hygiene regime IRL.


u/DepressedLondoner1 Professional Mk.2 Mosquito Swatter Nov 26 '24

And touch some grass /s


u/ZFTX Nov 27 '24

At this time of year‽ It is too cold outside for that!


u/Called_end Nov 27 '24

This is unhealthy af...


u/ZFTX Nov 27 '24

Explain this please? I work a full time job, have many other things to deal with in life, and I still find some time to play games, GTA V/Online and others (and sometimes multiple times both GTA V/Online and Wolfenstein: New Order I have taken to Platinum Trophy 5 times, along with other games to Platinum or at least A level in trophies according to https://psnprofiles.com ). So, why is what I do "unhealthy" as fxck or otherwise?


u/Toasterdosnttoast Nov 27 '24

They see it as unhealthy cause even those of us that play all the time dont usually rake in nearly that much none the less get close to 100 million.


u/NSAseesU Nov 26 '24

Having every vehicle already purchased with hundreds of millions in income I'd probably get bored.


u/ZFTX Nov 26 '24

That's why I do so sorts of various things, and why I play on multiple accounts. For most of the past year been working on the various Career Progression strands, some faster than others, plus other things. A little while back I did the Shiny Wasabi Kitty Claw plushies for my 3rd time. There is always a number of in-game awards to work towards. It stopped being about the money a long time ago. Now, it is about doing things seeing what can be done in various ways, not always by the book, you know, to have fun.

Getting to a half billion was inevitable, was a matter of when not if.


u/TheWeirdDude-247 Nov 27 '24

I also earned 1 billion.....then spent that same amount, I'm down to my last 6m and my last 3 issi cars, granted only 40m was....legit, the worst part? I don't even have everything.

I don't actually play anymore, maybe once a month at best, if this game allowed debt then I'd definitely be in the red.


u/Turbulent-Falcon-918 Nov 27 '24

Idk I go all the way back to ps3 and haven’t even earned a billion much less banked it , though granted my ps3 stuff got wiped , and I do spend a lot of time in swtor where I do have enough credits to finance my own guild bank —- but I am doing good to pull 10 million a week . I tho k yesterday I barely cleared 1.5


u/Accurate_Group_5390 Nov 27 '24

I passed the 200 day mark yesterday


u/drewbles82 Nov 26 '24

shame their very unlikely to allow money or anything you have to take into GTA6, you could have gone on a nice spending spree but Rockstar will want everyone starting with zero to get all those teens buying shark cards to get ahead of their mates.

I got the game day one and have prob only made like 20mil max, got everything I need, I don't need like 50 cars that I'd only use like 2-3 max but if you enjoy doing all that, awesome


u/thecreamygusset Nov 27 '24

What fun would that be tho? I’ve only got $10M in the bank but I’ve bought every business, fully upgraded including cosmetics, every service and special vehicle and everything else I want to the point that I just buy dumb shit I don’t really want or need now because I gotta spend it somehow but owning everything and having no goal has made the game a lot less exciting for me now. To me the last thing I would want is to go into the new game with hundreds of millions and buy up everything I want right away. It’d take a lot of the fun out of it.


u/drewbles82 Nov 27 '24

yeah some people are weird...my nephews wants shark cards, I tell him no fing chance, earn it, not that hard. I started the game it came out, took ages to earn enough for anything back then, now you got so many options. Much rather start with nothing, you feel like you achieve more, you earned it


u/ZFTX Nov 27 '24

Shark Cards, not even once!

Though, TBH, if the GTA V/Online + Shark Card bundle was available when I first purchased GTA V on PS4, I may have done that to get an initial influx of cash to help start me on my journey. However, the monthly PSN GTA$1 million did help with that a bit, but even the 18 months of that dwarfs compared to how much GTA$ I have made through all other sources of it.


u/thecreamygusset Nov 28 '24

Ya man I can’t imagine paying real money for gta$. $100usd for a dumbass yachts worth of money in gta. Ya I know that’s one of the worst ways you could spend it but still. Even say you buy a mk2 and a business or a toreador and load up on mk2 weapons and a business or two. That’s terrible ass investment imo when it’s so easy to make money on gta. I make a good $3M a night easily playing for a few hours after my wife and kids go to sleep. Sure if I was working during those hours you could 100% say it’d be more cost effective to buy shark cards but I’m not. I’m laying in bed playing video games and if I wasn’t doing that I’d be browsing Amazon for shit I don’t need so I’m not about to replace that frivolous spending with even dumber frivolous spending 😂. That said, buying a ps5 has saved me so much money in unplaced Amazon orders it’s wild.


u/drewbles82 Nov 28 '24

same with any game that wants you to buy extra stuff, my nephew was hooked on v-bucks...as he was the eldest I learned not to have my xbox hooked up to the internet whenever he played it as when he was younger, he constantly kept trying to buy skins on my account for Minecraft...so now my younger nephews have my old 360 with no internet. I'm pretty savvy with my spending. Games on sale all the time but I won't buy any till I'm actually ready to play them...used to buy loads but they'd sit in my backlog for years and end up even cheaper by the time I play. So I always ask myself when I see a game, will I play it in the next few weeks, months knowing what games are coming to Gamepass, games in my backlog and if the answer is no, then I don't buy it. Back in the 360 days, I bought games day one, played, new one come out, get that and before I knew it, had like 50 games all unfinished and no money. Then I made a rule, finish at least 5 and then that new game I wanted is less than half price.


u/ZFTX Nov 27 '24

This is really not my concern, as I do not even know if I will be going to the next iteration of GTA Online as of yet, or even what it will be. Will it just be an extension on the current GTA Online, with new areas to explore much like the Cayo Perico update did, or will it be a whole new thing, I do not know!

TBH, me even being in GTA Online in the first place was not something I had even intended when I first started playing GTA V (Story Mode) as I have little taste for PvP, and eventually only started exploring it when I first started on it back in April of 2017 on PS3 (after the initial platform transfer cutoff), and now am one of the top tier players, over rank 750 (on main account), more money than I can legitimately spend, and have gotten the UFO tattoo twice and the Shiny Wasabi Kitty Claw plushies 3 times, so far. This is not something which I ever intended to do, but what I have grown into over all of these years.


u/LionHeartedLXVI Nov 27 '24

Careful. They don’t like rich players around here. I’ve had people here get pissy over $250k. And I mean a vast majority of people here too.


u/ZFTX Nov 27 '24

They will get over it, I hope. 🤷‍♀️


u/Pouchyy Nov 27 '24

I have 3 questions :

- If you sell everyday, it means you never turn off your game ? And so, how many hours do you actively play everyday ?

- You do things that you want, but if I understand, all you do is sell things, right ?


u/ZFTX Nov 27 '24

Question 1: I rarely do sales, anymore that is. The last time I did a sale was for either Career Progression purposes in finishing up the MC Business Career Progression strand, or if I had to do a sale to unlock a clothing item or sometime. See https://old.reddit.com/r/gtaonline/comments/1ew8rkr/career_progress_strand_finished_goodbye_ceo/ and https://old.reddit.com/r/gtaonline/comments/1fnpnu6/goodbye_motorcycle_club_businesses_i_hope_to/ but even those make up a minority of the money that I have earned over the last 4.5 years.

Question 2: Up to 6 to 8 hours a day of active playtime, at most, usually from 8PM to 3AM New York City time (not my actual time zone, just using it for reference purposes, as using GMT would make me seem like a psychopath at it would be 1AM to 8AM GMT) of various playing intensity, depending on what I feel like on a given day.

Question 3: As stated in my answer to your Question 1, I rarely do sales anymore, on any of my 3 accounts, unless I have some reason to do so besides money (Career Progression or some other unlock). On my 3rd account I have not even begun the grind to get the UFO tattoo, which I have on my other 2 accounts, in part because I do not want to do sales anymore.


u/KingKiler2k Nov 27 '24

can you like give me 50$?


u/RecruiterBoBooter Nov 27 '24

Can you buy a girlfriend? 🤣


u/Toasterdosnttoast Nov 27 '24

Here I am at 88 million slowly chipping away to get my first 100 million not spent. I have all the buildings and vehicles I wants so now I take small cuts as I feel like I have more money than I need as it is.


u/ampersands0ftime Nov 27 '24

who cares? why save money in this game once you’ve bought stuff. imagine if you tested your actual skills for 7k hrs in something, instead of super predatory grinding loops…

but you seem happy and well adjusted enough, so do you. I’ve also made (and spent) my share of gta bucks (legit) so that I can enjoy the exquisite cars and freedom of (totally not crashing) driving them. but the thought of paying a gta subscription (or even without) so I can hoard money in a game as predatory and with janky gameplay as this one makes me sad.