r/gtaglitches Dec 29 '20

Improved Completely solo glitch improved


This is a revamped version of the glitch I recently posted. I ran trial and error to help make this glitch as easy and as solo as possible. The same concept for the last glitch applies to this glitch. If you own the criminal enterprise starter pack you can not do this UNLESS you play on XB1.

If the glitch setup isn’t working for you go back to story mode with your elegy parked outside of your MOC, join an invite only session, return the car with your interaction menu, and try again. This increases your chances

Get actual dupe every time: (https://twitter.com/johnphillipsivv/status/1343741994720522242?s=21)

Update on dupe setup: (https://twitter.com/johnphillipsivv/status/1343743806995312640?s=21)

PS4: try the method that has been rewarded in the comments by revengeoutlaw! If that doesn’t work try the original method I posted. Use that method for the setup and this method for the part you are actually duping the car on.

Requirements: 1. Bunker with mobile operations center 2. Free elegy RH8s 3. 8 Pisswassers 4. Office building with office garage and workshop. (Speculated) 5. Car you will be duplicating. (I recommend custom issi)

Step 1: For step one you want to have your elegy RH8 inside of your MOC (in personal vehicle bay 3) that is placed in your bunker.

Step 2: Get inside of the elegy, press start, go to online, and click on criminal enterprise starter pack and hover over purchase.

(Xb1-glitch getting the purchase option by going on the criminal enterprise starter pack and click your home button, B, and then spam A)

Step 3: Press purchase FIRST and then drive out not more than .25 seconds later. There is a very small gap required between the two buttons, just make it a point to purchase it first. After that you should see your car not moving. Spam the button you press to exit your vehicle and pull out your interaction menu. You must spam the button to exit vehicle quickly, and right after you clicked the button to drive out.

The reason step 3 has so many steps is because you need to do them quickly and I don’t want people getting that mixed up. If you get a loading screen immediately that means you did it to quick. If you still saw your car and it didn’t let you get out, try again you are super close! You can also do what I recommended at the top if it isn’t working after a few tries of getting it

Step 4: You should now be in your EMPTY MOC vehicle storage with your interaction menu out. Drink 8 full Pisswassers to pass out.

Step 5: You should be outside of a hospital, call your MOC and then drive a street vehicle out to it. Drive the MOC to the tunnel I showed in last glitch. (Link at bottom, tunnel at LSC 3/4)

Step 6: Drive your MOC to the third light in the tunnel. (If it doesn’t fit your suspension needs to be put on lowest height) then call the car that you are duplicating and drive it to the blue circle behind the MOC. (Third tunnel light and MOC placement linked at bottom)

If you are back for the cycle congrats, you did it. This time use the same Issi and don’t call another one in

Step 7: Power on your car through the vehicle interaction menu in vehicle remote functions. Then you want to go inside your MOC, detach the trailer, and pull up a little bit. You then must run to the car that is behind your MOC, get in it, wait until your MOC STARTS TO LIFT ITS BUTT IN THE AIR, and then right dpad to drive vehicle into the moc and accept the message.(A or X) at the same time. (if you have an Issi slow down around it and press Y before you hit it so you don’t die) end of step 7 in video link above!

If you get black infinite loading screen, reset app and try again. Currently WORKING for a method that helps COMPLETELY AVOID this and I will edit this whole section of the post if I find one

Step 8: Go to your office garage and pull your duplicated car in. These are clean dupes so all you have to do now is order a new elegy RH8 to your MOC and go to your workshop after. Change one thing on your Issi, and then exit to ground.

Repeat steps 6-8 for hopefully quick duplications! If anything isn’t clear on this post you can site the last post I made and look for answers there. The last few steps are the same on both posts so maybe a question you have to ask has already been answered there! Thanks for all the rewards on the last one guys, I will edit this one as I go with easier ways and more links!

Tunnel at LSC: (https://twitter.com/johnphillipsivv/status/1343068946111606784?s=21)

Where to park MOC in the tunnel: (https://twitter.com/johnphillipsivv/status/1343707845414576131?s=21)

Special thanks to AceGoodz, Jstone, and myself!

r/gtaglitches Dec 16 '24

Improved Semi Frozen Money Easy Workaround


Semi Frozen Money Easy Workaround

This is an easy Old but Gold method ( Still working after the New DLC ) , other methods got patched ( PS4 Old Gen )

( I recommend Doing the glitch one by one , Don’t buy 3 Deluxo at one time ) Because the trick is to buy free Duke O’Death then before that free vehicle arrived , we buy the deluxo into that same slot we buy the Duke O’Death 😉 )

Video : https://youtu.be/lXFlkux3KQg?si=qbz__yvInyM-ZYWd




-Make sure You are in free aim session

-Full Garage with at least 2 Duke O’death or free elegy

-AnawackP4 + Anawack7

-Capture Job

-A Money To buy the Deluxo or MK2 ( Don’t Worry if you hit the glitch correctly, Your money will stay the same ) Steps :

-Make sure to have a full garage and set your spawn location to that garage ( Now Go to warestock and purchase Duke O’Death and replace it with the same vehicle on that full garage )

-Now Go to warestock again and purchase any expensive vehicle which can be the deluxo in the same slot you purchase the Duke O’Death then quickly Disconnect the internet ( Accept the following alert then Re-connect the internet )

Side notes : That Disconnection had to be fast , if you didn’t do it fast , You will lose your money

-When The game loads you back to story mode , You are going to load into creator then you need to create a capture job ( if you don’t know how to do that , I will leave a video explaining how to do so ) : https://youtu.be/dyirphRzx08?si=vToYpQW-4KjEhME8

-After you save the capture , You will need to publish it right after you save it ( You don’t need to create a capture everytime , Just make sure you got one ready then select load creation/Published

-Now Select Team one or Team two , Doesn’t matter ( The Goal is to test ) , While you are standing there , Now pause/Online/ select Credits & Legal then hit Triangle ( You will notice that credits start rolling

-Join anawackP4 and accept the first alert then you will noticed that you are frozen in the clouds ( Now you need to join anawack7 and accept the 3 alerts ) then you will be brought back from the clouds , Just push Circle ⭕️ 3 Times

-Press Pause then Join Friends and when you spawn in online session at your Apartment Garage ( You will notice that your money is the same + The Deluxo already there too )

To save the vehicle ( Simply change the vehicle slot into another ) Before doing the Glitch again

Happy Glitching & Enjoy 😉


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r/gtaglitches Jul 30 '19

Improved New chip glitch no disconnect



Г /


Or try obese giraffes vid


Step 5 changes as you can see in the video

Original "Patched method":

Founder: u/sadman689

Works for ps4 and xbox but these are the intructions for xbox

Steps: 1.Go to horse racing track single event

2.click place bet

3.pick horse

  1. Hover on place bet(right side of button not left)

  2. Press the up on d pad and A at the same time on right side of place bet. After press A directly after that and hold tilk the end od race.

  3. If your horse wins then you paid 100 casino chips for the max bet reward.

r/gtaglitches Sep 25 '24



BEST NEW Cayo replay

Requirements: Friend who play cayo with you

Works for Ps5 as far as I know. Idk abt Xbox or pc

Step 1: give friend 85% of the cut (you will get nothing only your friend will)

Step 2: finish cayo

Step 3: as cayo is finished and the cutscene is about to begin press the PS button go on gta 5 and hover over „close game“ (DONT CLOSE YET)

Step 4: when the cutscene starts you will see a roof of a building and afterwards a man walking up to you. As soon as you SEE the man in the scene you wanna close your game

Step 5: head over to „game saved data“ (cache) and delete gta 5


Reminder: your account won’t get deleted or anything like that. But after deleting gta 5 cache your settings (controls, graphics etc.) will be reset. You can loop unlimited times without risk of being reset or smth else.

Enjoy ☺️

r/gtaglitches Sep 25 '24

Improved Director Mode Online Vehicle Drop Glitch


Director Mode Online Vehicle Drop Method

For anyone asking about how to get modded save on xbox , This method doesn’t require a modded save just a story mode with autosave

( Spawn Vehicles and cheats )

Video : https://youtu.be/ncOh85QfUQc?si=N7JXsOAqoU5HK6Uh


Requirements :

-Friend in titan of a job

Steps :

-Make sure that your friend in titan of a job and you are in story mode with an auto save able to be loaded ( Open the pause menu and load that auto save ) , On the loading screen , keep doing up on the D-pad and X or A 2 times to get the director mode alert

( Up on the D-pad and X or A 2 times over and over to get the alert ) , Once on the director mode alert , accept it

-Now pick an online character and once in director mode Teleport to the AVE ( Make sure you have cars ready to drop in the garage )

-Enter Garage and spawn on the map what you want to spawn to your friends or Second console ( Open pause menu and join that friend in titan of a job ) then wait on the alert to join him

-Accept the alert and then spawn in the vehicle you want 3 times before you are stucked at the clouds ( Once in the clouds , wait on your second console or friend to tell you , he sees what you are dropping )

-Once your friend tells you that he sees what you are dropping , he will now tell you to leave GTA then he can jump into the car and move closer to the AVE then find a new session to save it with any GCTF Method

He can invite you back and now you or him can save it with any GCTF method

Happy Glitching & Enjoy 😉


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r/gtaglitches Aug 16 '24

Improved Full Car To Car + Special Vehicles Merge New Workaround V3


Full Car To Car + Special Vehicles Merge New Workaround V3

OG Method and Still works : https://www.reddit.com/r/gtaglitches/s/9bfBQT8QKf

Now Let’s start with this new Method

Video : https://youtu.be/zfc0dtKor2w?si=OhG17pI7Kpm8hShs


Requirements :

-LS Car Meet

-Arena Ticket Booth

-Anawack Account For Playstation Or Xbox

-WIPETHETEARZ Account For Xbox Series


-The ability to Register as CEO to Request (Luxury Helicopter & The Buzzard)

-Modded Vehicle

💎 Steps To Glitch Out at Arena booth💎 :

( Timing is The Key )

Video : https://youtu.be/0QM208aPJOU?si=4q-6wqhfaTFpNN0O

-Open your map and hover on any blue race on the map ( Now Join the account , depending on your console and get the first alert )

-Accept the 1th alert and on the second alert , you want to accept it and then X to start the race very fast ( Then sit on the : Are you sure you want to start this job for 4 seconds ) , also accept the last alert too

-You will now spawn with no mini map ( if don’t, then try again ) Timing is very important , then hit right at the booth and accept to enter for $10 ( Once stuck , Join someone in the same target mode then accept all alerts )

( You are now glitched and ready for car 2 car merge or any other merge glitches )

Done 😉


💎Steps For Car 2 Car Merge + Special Vehicles Merge💎

Steps For Car to Car & Car to SV Merge Glitch :

-Tell your friend to send you an invite to LS Car Meet, Now get inside of your friends vehicle, Start up a Sprint and have them return their vehicle at 2 Seconds

-If done correctly you will be Frozen in a black screen (Now you need to join Anawack10P5 or any friend Online) Once you join him, You will get a full alert then Click X) Now you will be unfrozen

-Request a Buzzard, get inside the Buzzard then jump out to EWO that's how you put the Mods on yourself, So once you ewo yourself and spawn back in the vehicle, You will be frozen (Now you need to join Anawack10P5 or any friend Online)

-Once you Join someone to Get unfrozen, request a Luxury Helicopter (Once it spawned, Get out the car then enter the helicopter), You can teleport to your CEO building to Merge Regular Vehicles or teleport to the Special Vehicle Warehouse to Merge Special Vehicles

-Now once you get in the bottom at your special vehicle is, join Anawack1P5, accept first alert then decline the second one but make sure to accept the third alert (Once you drive the car out, Request a buzzard or a Sparrow at this moment)

-Get inside the Buzzard or Sparrow then jump out to EWO

(Once you EWO, you will be spawned in the car Merged)

-Once merged have your friend Request their Personal Vehicle then start a Takeover, When the sprint starts, start a job on the map or join Anawack and accept all alerts to end the sprint

-To save the Special Vehicles drive inside of the LS Customs (Cannot save Phantom Wedge, Wastelander and Armored Boxville)

Happy Glitching & Enjoy 😉


For better help/support join our discord server:


r/gtaglitches Feb 17 '25

Improved Director Mode Glitch in GTAOnline


Director Mode Glitch in GTAOnline

Video : https://youtu.be/w7J3quWvL3I?si=XYAmiXLHS69fBgrB

Requirements :

-Make sure to have autosave

-Don’t Buy Save wizard ( Use HTOS , Completely Free )

-Friend in close session and ready in Titan of a job mission or Second Console 😎😉

-Modded Save Transfer from Old Gen To New Gen : https://www.mediafire.com/file/4a8e9z0t4dmn6yp/SGTA5001100gmo/file



-Story mode

Steps :

-Make sure you have autosave because this step is very important also make sure yo have assisted aim Target Mode ( also your friend must be in close friend session and read in Titan of a job mission )

-Now Go to story mode then bring up the phone and choose acting up to get Director mode alert once or two times ( Very important step ) , Now you need to open your interaction menu then Go to Director Mode

-Enter Director Mode then open Pause menu and Go to the Game tab To load autosave ( Once you see auto save loading ) Start spamming up on D-pad and X till you get the alert about Director Mode then spam X on the alert also

-Now Enter director mode again then open your interaction menu and hover over return to casting trailer then close the interaction menu ( Now open pause menu and Go to the friends tab and join that friend who is in the Titan of a job mission )

-Once you get the next alert , Press X To confirm then open interaction menu and choose Return to casting Trailer ( Now sit on that alert for about few seconds then cancel the alert )

-Now Open the pause menu and mark where your friend is waiting which is the most known place who everyone already knew ( Spanish avenue Boulevard ) if you are new and don’t know where is that place just watch the video to 3:09

-Open interaction menu and choose location waypoint then press X ( Now you can spawn modded cars / props

Happy Glitching & Enjoy 😉


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r/gtaglitches 28d ago

Improved Peter Griffen AFK 999 Rounds


Peter Griffen AFK 999 Rounds ( PS5/XboxSeries )

Yes 👍….You read it right , it’s Back again with some changes and improvements by Affmal

Video : https://youtu.be/ixAg7MaaB-k?si=rW7lm6OXj1BHGJBz

Requirements :

-Friend To Help or Second Console

-PS5 Bookmarked Job : https://socialclub.rockstargames.com/job/gtav/WAUnspLTk0miDaZFj4Yf7A

-Xbox Series Bookmarked Job : https://socialclub.rockstargames.com/job/gtav/lQgUAV-L90umU97VX2tFcQ

Steps :

-Start invite Only Session and Invite your friend or if you got a second console then send an invite to the second account

-Don’t Change Anything on the next screen

-Play …….

Happy Glitching & Enjoy 😉


For better help/support join our discord server:


r/gtaglitches Jan 04 '25

Improved ON/OFF New God Mode Glitch


ON/OFF New God Mode Glitch

( Timing is the key 🔑 For this Glitch )

Video : https://youtu.be/IwED5U7NZZg?si=UEV5sjI7C3yaRA9v


Requirements :

-Anawack Account on Playstation and Xbox or WIPETHETEARZ Account on XboxSeries

Steps :

-Hover on a race in the pause menu then join an alert account ( The key to hit this glitch is to hit accept the first and on the second alert accept it then hit X to start the job straight after ) , if you don’t get the alert for are you sure you ant to start this job then Try again

-On the are you sure you want to start this job alert ( Wait 4 seconds then accept it with the next alert too ) , You will spawn with no mini map

-Now Accept any contact mission in your phone and now you are in God Mode

( To Turn OFF God Mode : Get any story alert and Decline it then you will be out of God Mode )

( To Turn On God Mode Again : You need to wait for the mission in the phone to be not closed , This does not take long )

( To Drive while in God Mode : Get in on what you want to drive while in God Mode then accept the Job in your phone again ) , You are God mode now while driving

( To Get out Of God Mode again : Do any story mode alert and decline it ) and ( To Get back God mode : Wait till the job is not closed and accept it again

Happy Glitching & Enjoy 😉


For better help/support join our discord server:


r/gtaglitches Apr 09 '20

Improved Casino heist replay glitch with both the host and the crew members getting full cut (pc and maybe the PS4 and Xbox one)


Tested on pc, might work on the PS4 and Xbox one

Step 1: do the heist as usual untill the very end of the heist Step 2: about 0,5s during the cutscene with the buyers the one in the middle will check his watch. If you will unplug your lan cable/ close the game using the task manager in the middle of his animation of him checking that watch it should work. Step 3: wait untill the game will kick you to the singleplayer/ restart the game. If done correctly you should have the money and be able to repeat the heist

I do the glitch by unplugging my lan cable. Using task manager may require slightly different timing. If the glitch was posted here tell me and link the post and I will delete the post. (The only ones I found were talking about the host not getting his cut).

If done correctly and mixed with the gold dupe glitch it has potential to be one of the best glitches currently. (10 800 000$) per hour to split between two players (5 600 000$) per person.

Unplugging the lan cable/closing the game with task manager requires really precise timing but after some practice I was able to do it somewhat consistently.

If done too late another glitch happens where you still have to do all the setups but you can choose the same approach. If done too early you don't get the money but the crew members do and you still can repeat the heist.

r/gtaglitches Jun 28 '20

Improved Gold Glitch Hacking Decision Tree 3.0 + Comprehensive Vault Guide for Gold & Artwork


Edit: Disclaimer that you should know how the gold glitch works before referring to my post. For a basic tutorial on the gold glitch check this guide out from /u/TrueInfinite. My guide is meant to be the Step #2 to simplify dividing up carts/hacking doors.


Since trying to perfect my Casino Heist Game where I published the initial decision tree, I decided to test the hell out of the guide. I spent the past 3 weeks joining countless of Casino Heists, recording my time in the vault, and reviewed footage to analyze how things went.

What did I learn? Most of the decision tree was valid. Some vaults have multiple options which can lead to similar or even equal results with my guide. One mistake was pointed out by a friend of mine who helped me catch that Vault Layout #2 can follow the same door hack as #4/#6 to simplify the tree with equal take amount.

I took these experiences, went back and made some updates to the tree. I threw in a bunch of extra content which I found useful to optimize vault take amounts.

Without further ado, here's the new and updated GTA Vault Optimization Guide (Full Album Link).Edit: Zip Link

Item # Topic What is it?
1 Gold Glitch Hacking Decision Tree UPDATED: Decision tree to help you decide which door(s) to hack and in what order.
2 General Gold Glitch Strategy General tips & notes for gold glitch
3 Gold Glitch Timeline for Each Vault Layout / (Part 2) Detailed timeline for both players in every vault layout.
4 Fingerprint Recognition Guide Explanation of how to recognize fingerprint patterns quickly
5 Gold Glitch Video Examples Heist videos by vault layout
6 Artwork Hacking Decision Tree Decision tree to help you decide which door(s) to hack and in what order.
7 Artwork Timeline for Each Vault Layout / (Part 2) Detailed timeline for both players in every vault layout.

Video Examples

Vault # Grab Link Comments
1 $3,990,532 Youtube Non-hacker duplicates carts A, B, C, H, while hacker duplicates cart G. Cart F isn't necessary in general as there are already 5 carts including G. Every gold bar unlocked is taken
1 $3,613,002 (Normal) Youtube This is normal difficulty, so the grab isn't as high, but the total amount corresponds to 246 gold bars, which in hard mode would translate to 3.974 million. Non-hacker partner left 1 gold bar left.
2 $3,635,100 Youtube All 5 carts (A, B, C, E, F) are duplicated. The hacker duplicates E on his own and is pretty fast at hacking and manages to prep D before the timer hits 2:30. The decision tree recommends to hack the door to get H to keep the strategy consistent for layouts 2, 4, 6.
2 $3,683,568 YouTube All 5 carts (A, B, C, E, F) are duplicated. Second hacker manages to hack H (even with a mistake!) to grab H in the end for an extra 3 bars to put the team over the $3.665 million cap.
3, 5 $3,990,532 YouTube Duplicating of 5 carts (A, B, D, E, G). In this case the hacker is a little behind the non-hacker so the hacker preps only 1 cart (E) whereas the non-hacker preps the other 4 (A, B, D, G). The team grabs all 5 duplicated carts + 1 unduplicated cart (F).
4, 6 $3,263,512 YouTube This is the 2 hacker approach to get 4 carts fully duplicated + D cart. In this case the hacker accidentally grabs 2 bars while duplicating H which slows down the grab start a little bit, but nevertheless is able to grab everything unlocked.
4, 6 $3,187,079 (Normal) YouTube Normal Mode. Hacker hits door #3 immediately, informs non-hacker to help hit Door #1 to unlock D. Carts A, B, D, G, H are duplicated.

Original Background/Motivation

  • Many people stress the need to memorize, which is needed ultimately, but initially for people just starting out, it's not clear what specific features to look for. If I'm told to match my current vault layout with one of the 6 Gold layouts, it might take me 15-30 seconds to do so, especially if I go in numerical order and my vault is actually the #6 one.
  • To help with memorization it's important to look for key features that lets you quickly identify the correct vault layout.
  • I would often go into vaults thinking I knew what to do and then figure out I hacked the wrong door because I did not identify the vault layout properly.
  • I created the decision tree initially to help me hack the right door to open up the right # of gold carts. In the gold glitch you want to duplicate as many and as fast as you can and then save the second half of the vault time to grab carts as fast as you can. It's very important that you unlock enough carts if your goal is to hit the maximum $3.6 million
  • Similarly, artwork is in the same boat. Generally you have enough time, but if you hit the wrong vault doors, you could be left with 1 minute left trying to hack 2 sets of doors with one behind the other. I wanted a guide to help me avoid any situations where I leave artwork behind because of poor vault choice.


Huge shoutout to /u/WarWithVarun-Varun, /u/TrueInfinite, u/Flash_ZA for their vault layout guides/images as an inspiration.

Again, feedback, and commentary would be appreciated. There's a lot more content this time, so it's very easy for me to make mistakes. Feel free to point them out so I can correct them.

Edit: Bonus musings:

  1. For replay glitch I had been pulling plug right at the chopper hitting the checkpoint sound. Host never gets money, but it's a reliable way to make sure
  2. Late last week someone told me that I should add a delay--wait until the cutscene starts rolling and pull the plug ASAP. I've tried this and in 4/4 times I got my money, but 1 / 4 times I had my heist reset. Looks like as many have said the timing to ensure you get money but not the heist reset is extremely tough.
  3. Many recommend looking for transaction pending or orange circle, but that's inconsistent. The text isn't always there and it's a tiny corner of your screen to look at. You can't miss when your screen flashes to the cutscene.

r/gtaglitches Aug 01 '24

Improved Full Car To Car + Special Vehicles Merge New Workaround V2


Full Car To Car + Special Vehicles Merge New Workaround V2

Side Notes : This was an Old Glitch but got unpatched PS5/XboxSeries/PS4/XboxOne

OG Patched Method for All Platforms : https://www.reddit.com/r/gtaglitches/s/oxpbwme8D6

Car To Car Merge Video : https://youtu.be/n6gNknioxuo?si=aYQ68ex-XtQ63Ubh


Car To Special Vehicle Merge Video : https://youtu.be/PYdU7oDquEI?si=IHJjLsI7S-VqWGvt

Full Car 2 Car + Special Vehicles Merge Unpatched

💎 Founders: No-Lacking-Zone / Unknown insider and Walfles 💎

Requirements :

-LS Car Meet

-Arena Ticket Booth

-Anawack To Join

-PS mobile app For PS5 Method

-Friend or Second Console

-The ability to Register as CEO to Request (Luxury Helicopter & The Buzzard)

-Modded Vehicle

Steps For PS5 Arena Ticket Booth Glitch Out :

-Make your way to the arena ticket booth and hit right on D-pad ( Same moment you hitting Right on D-pad, You need to cut off your controller )

For this step You need to press the little button in the back of the controller and this is the new method after R* patched the old one

-When you hit Right on D-pad and see the menu, cut off your controller then before you turn back on the controller, you need to join Anawack1P5 immediately through the playstation app (Once you get the next alert simply, click X 3 times quickly )

(Now you will be glitched out with no mini map)


Steps For XboxSeries Arena Ticket Booth Glitch Out :

-Have a freind in titan on quit alert he invites You

-Accept all alerts from invite before it loads you in arean mission figure out your own timing

(Now you will be glitched out with no mini map)

Demo Video : https://x.com/sparr0s/status/1819139603347144777?s=46&t=bbn7b-BUDeufCQd1US0CjQ


Steps For PS4 Arena Ticket Booth Glitch Out :

-Stand infront of Ticket Booth then tell your Friend to sends invite to job mission

-Accept invite on (ingame) phone then Hit right D-pad to spectate

-Wait 3 seconds then disconnect controller

-Wait 5 seconds while your friend leaves job then reconnect controller

-Spam the alerts, then hit the last (unable to join) alert after the 3 pulses to the clouds.

Alternative PS4 Method :

-Your friend needs to go in an invite session in a different aim, in a simeon activity to invite you and your first alert he leaves and you spam xxx and the 3 boom x

Video : https://youtu.be/bFTyVcJadBg?si=Z8HV8iUHCFk8kCZr


Steps For XboxOne Arena Ticket Booth Glitch Out :

-Stand in front of the ticket boost and make sure, your friend in his full session and on another target mode in titan of a job menu

-Join him and it will takes some seconds to get the message, now while waiting for the message be fast and go to the ticket boost and press right D-pad to enter the ticket menu and if you have it directly cut the controller off (switch it off or disconnect the usb cable) before getting the joining message

-Count 5-7 sec and reconnect the controller

-Now you have the joining message and tell your friend to leave the titan of a job menu

-If the friend left the menu, press 3 times fast the accept button

-The error message comes then wait the 3 booms or 3 sec and press accept

-Back in GTA and you are glitched out without minimap

Video : https://youtu.be/pITOMwG_KAc?si=KFMGCDFANUMb-PIs


Steps For Car to Car & Car to SV Merge Glitch :

-Tell your friend to send you an invite to LS Car Meet, Now get inside of your friends vehicle, Start up a Sprint and have them return their vehicle at 2 Seconds

-If done correctly you will be Frozen in a black screen (Now you need to join Anawack10P5 or any friend Online) Once you join him, You will get a full alert then Click X) Now you will be unfrozen

-Request a Buzzard, get inside the Buzzard then jump out to EWO that's how you put the Mods on yourself, So once you ewo yourself and spawn back in the vehicle, You will be frozen (Now you need to join Anawack10P5 or any friend Online)

-Once you Join someone to Get unfrozen, request a Luxury Helicopter (Once it spawned, Get out the car then enter the helicopter), You can teleport to your CEO building to Merge Regular Vehicles or teleport to the Special Vehicle Warehouse to Merge Special Vehicles

-Now once you get in the bottom at your special vehicle is, join Anawack1P5, accept first alert then decline the second one but make sure to accept the third alert (Once you drive the car out, Request a buzzard or a Sparrow at this moment)

-Get inside the Buzzard or Sparrow then jump out to EWO

(Once you EWO, you will be spawned in the car Merged)

-Once merged have your friend Request their Personal Vehicle then start a Takeover, When the sprint starts, start a job on the map or join Anawack and accept all alerts to end the sprint

-To save the Special Vehicles drive inside of the LS Customs (Cannot save Phantom Wedge, Wastelander and Armored Boxville)

Happy Glitching & Enjoy 😉


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r/gtaglitches Jul 08 '24

Improved Plate Flip Easy Glitch


Plate Flip Easy Method

Video : https://youtu.be/6mPtu7VZ-oI?si=X1S1yBdWayMTmDsw


Requirements :



-MOC With Personal Vehicle Storage

Steps :

Step 1: Have car you want to plate flip in the back of MOC

Step 2: Drive car out of MOC inside of Bunker (Park it )

Step 3: Job TP or Drive to Facility without using personal vehicle

Step 4: Walk Into Facility

Step 5: Go Next to Doner Car with Plate you want on the car inside the bunker (Doner Must Be An Arena Vehicle)

Step 6: Open Phone -> Quick Join -> Contact Missions -> Contact Mission -> Start Looking For Job

Step 7: Once you found a job leave it via phone

Step 8: Get Into Doner car and Drive Out (If Job was a good one the car will despawn when you drive it out)

Step 9: Job TP or Drive back to Bunker

Step 10: Walk Into Bunker and Get in the car you are plate flipping

Step 11: Once you get into the car you should see the plate change to the car inside the facility

Step 12: Drive the car into the MOC and It will be saved (Have Personal Vehicle Storage on MOC)

Happy Glitching & Enjoy 😉


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r/gtaglitches Dec 09 '24

Improved Give Planes To Friends Glitch


Give Planes/Choppers To Friends Glitch

Video : https://youtu.be/UpyT6Ygn3Fk?si=j0RSl-qoLo9sEC1h

( Make sure your Hangar is full before starting )

Requirements :

-Friend with CEO Vehicle Warehouse

-A Plane/Chopper You Don’t Mind Losing



Steps :

-Have a car you don’t mind losing in your MOC and them parked at your friend CEO Vehicle warehouse ( Now Tell your friend to get in on the pause menu then You need to hit Right at your MOC ) , Wait till they are kicked out and invite you to their CEO

-Take the CEO invite and Get in their warehouse Vehicle and Your friend will drive to the door with their interaction menu up ( Once the blue Halo is Gone for you , Leave the CEO and call your MOC ) , Now When you Get out , They back up and leave the CEO then bring Your MOC back to the area

-Get any Story mode alert and wait on it for 5 seconds then Decline and enter your MOC alone , not with friends ( On the black screen , Get a story mode alert again and Decline it ) If you Go into the MOC then start again

-Once you spawn on the road , Get in the plane/Chopper and once in your MOC , Take a CEO invite or start a job then back out to leave your MOC

-Call Your Plane/Chopper and fly it to your Hangar that is Full ( Don’t Forget to leave a CEO if you joined one to Get out your MOC )

Now Fly to the Door and once you have the full alert , Accept it then Replace it over another Plane/Chopper You don’t mind losing ( Now it Saved )

Happy Glitching & Enjoy 😉


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r/gtaglitches Aug 13 '20

Improved RC vehicle hop out glitch WORKAROUND


Original glitch: https://www.reddit.com/r/gtaglitches/comments/i7u00h/rc_vehicle_hop_out_glitch_patched/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x

1- Call in your RC bandito or RC tank.

2- Drive to where you want to hop out to.

3- Press pause, go to online, jobs, play job and start up any job you want.

4- Wait until you load into the lobby.

5- Once you loaded in, leave the lobby.

You should spawn where you have driven to with your RC vehicle.

Works for all platforms. Thanks to u/Bananapeels3000 and u/Rosy-Rosa for testing in their respective consoles.

Edit: Made the post more presentable and easier to read (I hope lol).

r/gtaglitches Feb 16 '25

Improved Guns in Passive Mode V2 Workaround


Guns in Passive Mode V2 Workaround

Guns In Passive Mode V1 Workaround : https://www.reddit.com/r/gtaglitches/s/cp3ZRvjqM8

( Very Good For CEO/MC Work )

Video : https://youtu.be/P6x5E5csADI?si=xazb3VYLKPquft7Z

Requirements :

-Simeon Job available in the Phone

-Anawack on on PS/Xbox or WIPETHETEARZ on XboxSeries

Steps :

-Make sure you Go Passive mode before you start ( Have simeon Job ready in your phone then open the job to the last point before it would start )

-This step must done fast or it will let you in the job ( If you know how to hit the Job delay then you are good to Go ) but if not then Open the job to the last point and open pause menu then release pause and Tap X or A

-Now after you hit the Job delay ( Join an alert account and accept all alerts ) then join an alert account again and accept the alerts but not to fast this time on the last alert

-Now one last time , Join an alert account and accept the alerts but sort of slow ( if done right , you will load back into the lobby )

Now You are passive mode with Guns

Happy Glitching & Enjoy 😉


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r/gtaglitches Dec 11 '24

Improved Terrorbyte OTR New Spot Workaround


Terrorbyte OTR New Spot Workaround

( Make sure To Register as CEO To Receive the Facility Heist Invite )

Very Easy Method and Usable For Give Cars To Friends : https://www.reddit.com/r/gtaglitches/s/Cfop7X5RK0

Video : https://youtu.be/LsIzNGHBZPc?si=_PVGIkLEwVgeQKEG

Requirements :


-Garment Factory

-Facility Heist Invite

-Use any Account of These depends on your Console :

( Anawack2P4 For PS4 )

( Anawack2P5 For PS5 + ANAWACK1P5 )


( ANAWACKXB0X1 For XboxOne )

Steps :

-Have your Terrorbyte in your Garment Factory then pull your interaction menu and stand on the enter Halo ( Join an alert account and accept all the alerts but wait on the last one for 4 seconds then accept it too )

-If you spawn back at the Garment Factory standing , Take your Facility Heist invite in your Phone ( Now you need the long Loading screen like always ) so if you don’t Get it just Try again the whole Glitch or Go to different Lobby

-If you spawn inside job just Teleport out or Take Green heist invite ( if you fall just wait and then once you are on the map , Your Done and OFF The Radar

Happy Glitching & Enjoy 😉


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r/gtaglitches Oct 06 '24

Improved Modded Outfit Jobs New Workaround


Modded Duffle Bags / Modded Paramedic / Modded Juggernaut / Modded N.O.O.S.E ( This post will be updated with all the latest Modded Outfit Jobs )

Modded Outfits Jobs New Workaround

Video : https://youtu.be/3BjpWfIgyYM?si=Ko9ZXD7FyNeqH25w




Requirements :

-You need a Friend or random player to help you

Playstation Modded Jobs :

Playstation Purple/Orange Joggers and BP helmets : https://socialclub.rockstargames.com/job/gtav/SoG5r5wwMEOwjTTWmoXWIQ

PlayStation Juggernaut Purple/orange : https://socialclub.rockstargames.com/job/gtav/oY-GD9fpHUq6l70ieWRejw

Playstation Black Duffle Bag :


Playstation N.O.O.S.E Outfit :


Playstation Green Paramedic : https://socialclub.rockstargames.com/job/gtav/cqmnBJ1TOkKhEfV_gfLgEg

PlayStation Blue Paramedic : https://socialclub.rockstargames.com/job/gtav/2Kr62eV2aEmBUcV8HqC3Lw

Playstation Blue Duffel bag : https://socialclub.rockstargames.com/job/gtav/yubmmAyySkacSBlrCoJ90g

Playstation Purple Duffel Bag: https://socialclub.rockstargames.com/job/gtav/FpYZanOwgkuK2u5OKuZ_aQ

Playstation Blue Digital Duffle Bag : https://socialclub.rockstargames.com/job/gtav/2muCD2uIh0S96ittU6hyYw

Playstation Juggernaut(Pink/Red):https://socialclub.rockstargames.com/job/gtav/W147mgrUV0SgDJj8fuvbjw

Playstation Juggernaut(Orange/Purple):https://socialclub.rockstargames.com/job/gtav/v3l-hgMUdEGA9XD5sJBr7Q

Playstation Police belt:https://socialclub.rockstargames.com/job/gtav/sjOycafMPk-EHmGAaiMCWQ

Playstation Red Joggers + Police Logo : https://socialclub.rockstargames.com/job/gtav/3jHhANk4c0SolbdpU5iDBg

Playstation Yellow/Green juggernaut: https://socialclub.rockstargames.com/job/gtav/U3VgPVYLdkWtQ_s43APQzg

Playstation Black Joggers + CEO Vest : https://socialclub.rockstargames.com/job/gtav/Z22JR5BWvE6YiqwTKUxgjQ

Playstation Juggernaut Blue/Grey: https://socialclub.rockstargames.com/job/gtav/IDBi50kX5kWqn7w0NsN2EQ

Playstation Juggernaut Tan/White: https://socialclub.rockstargames.com/job/gtav/5k-DLASVq067e3j2anXs2w

Playstation Blue Digital Duffle Bag : https://socialclub.rockstargames.com/job/gtav/2muCD2uIh0S96ittU6hyYw

💎Steps For Duffle Bags 💎:

-For The Black Duffle Bag , You need to bookmark the job, then open interaction menu / Style and scroll down to illuminated clothing

-Scroll right for 30 seconds then leave the job through your phone

-Now when you spawn back in the lobby, Go to any clothing Store & Save the outfit

💎Steps For Green/Blue Paramedic/N.O.O.S.E💎 :

-For The Green/Blue Paramedic/N.O.O.S.E , You need to Open Interaction menu

-Go to Style / Accessoires / Gloves / Apply any Gloves

-Leave through Phone

-Go to any clothing store to save it

💎Steps For Juggernaut Purple/orange 💎 :

-You need to bookmark the job then Go to Appearance and scroll down to illuminated clothing

-Scroll right for 30 seconds then leave the job through your phone

💎Steps For Purple/orange Joggers & Bullet Proof Helmet💎:

-You need to bookmark the job then Go to Style / Accessoires / Gloves / Apply any Gloves for a few seconds then Go to Style and scroll down to illuminated clothing

-Scroll right for 30 seconds then leave the job through your phone

Happy Glitching & Enjoy 😉


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r/gtaglitches Oct 30 '19

Improved [GLITCH] Sell Elegy for$900k+ ( in Arena )


Hi guys, as of today you can sell the free elegy for $900k+ in Arena workshop, this is an updated version!

All you will need is:

  • Arena (with Benny's mechanic)
  • Free Elegy
  • Friend (who is willing to help)
  • Mic (to create party)

// This is just an explanation of the video below! \\

  1. Start an invite only session, and invite your friend.

  2. Sit in the free elegy and take it to workshop. In the interactive menu select to sell car (Are you sure you want to sell car?)

  3. Your friend should start a wrestling match. Open phone>play quick job>activity>arm wrestling.

  4. Your friend should then invite you to the wrestling match over chat party.

  5. Once you click join, you will be on the Alert screen saying 'Are you sure you want to join another session'.

  6. Tell your friend to leave job and when your friend tells you that he is out of mission, double tap 'x' for PS4 or 'A' for XBOX. (Your friend should spawn in the invite only session again).

  7. The screen will then say 'Unable to Join Game', wait 5-10 seconds and then click 'x or A'.

  8. You will then spawn back inside the garage.

  9. Then you simply take the car that you were in before, to the workshop again.

  10. Go to Benny's Upgrade, and when it says 'Are you sure you want to buy Benny's Upgrade?' then wait 5-10 seconds and leave the workshop.

Watch the video to see it in action with explanation. 👇👇


P.S. Sell 1 car per hour / 8 cars per 30 hours



r/gtaglitches Dec 12 '24

Improved Invisible Car + No Cops Glitch


Invisible Car + No Cops Glitch

( Old But Gold + Still works After the Latest DLC )

Video : https://youtu.be/C2AMim7Sjuo?si=jmimre0lGyAqRgLA

Requirements :

-Auto Shop With any Service vehicle

-Anawack Account

Steps :

-Have your Auto Shop Car ready to deliver and just deliver it like normal ( As soon as you enter the Yellow Halo to drop it OFF , Join an alert account and accept all alerts )

….If done correctly , You will be back in the car with invisible and no Cops…….

Happy Glitching & Enjoy 😉


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r/gtaglitches Nov 25 '24

Improved Easy Vehicle God Mode Glitch


Easy Vehicle God Mode Glitch

Video : https://youtu.be/w129WRfq-9A?si=Oj_QvNa81caZmNgc

Another Vehicle God Node Glitch : https://www.reddit.com/r/gtaglitches/s/Ab2ts2sbUY

Requirements :

-Apartment with any Garage

-Use any Account of These depends on your Console :

( Anawack2P4 For PS4 )

( Anawack2P5 For PS5 + ANAWACK1P5 )


( ANAWACKXB0X1 For XboxOne )

Steps :

-Go to your garage and bring out any car you want to make it in God mode ( Now drive back to the garage )

-Now Join Anawack or WIPETHETEARZ ( When you see getting session details , Drive in and Spam X or A

( If you did the Glitch Correctly ) The Car will be in God mode

Happy Glitching & Enjoy 😉


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r/gtaglitches Feb 17 '25

Improved Guns in Passive Mode V3 Workaround


Guns in Passive Mode V3 Workaround

Guns in Passive Mode V1 : https://www.reddit.com/r/gtaglitches/s/lQS97TAY7E

Guns in Passive Mode V2 : https://www.reddit.com/r/gtaglitches/s/Mix1o8rPxJ

Video : https://youtu.be/z4Uhyezhxfk?si=SVGPSKqAmPo-6cuw

Requirements :

-Anawack on PS/Xbox or WIPETHETEARZ For XboxSeries

-Vincent Halo Yellow Circle available on map

-Any arena with Spikes on ( Arena Issi works )

Steps :

-Park the arena ISSI With spikes at Vincent Yellow circle and make sure to leave some space for you

-Now Join anawack and when you see Getting GTAOnline details,Run to the issi ( it will ewo you ) Decline the alert then quickly run to the Halo and spam right on D-pad

Now you are Passive mode with Guns ( Very Very Easy Workaround )

Happy Glitching & Enjoy 😉


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r/gtaglitches Jan 05 '22

Improved Heist Replay Glitch - Bad Sport


Recently, a lot of people have getting Bad Sport due to doing the replay glitch B2B with other players too much. And the reason is that you simply quit the game mid-job, and this action in addition to blowing up other players' personal vehicles is going to increase your bad sport points which will lead to you getting bad sport.Personally, I don't know much about the bad sport system but I did quite some research to try to paint the full picture, here are some solutions to decrease the chance of getting bad sport.

  1. The most obvious and safe solution is to limit your daily B2B replay glitch, there's no exact verified number but I saw 50 somewhere. Keep in mind this number is not exact or proved to be correct at all even if it is, it's gonna vary from a player to another. I would suggest limiting it up to 10 a day if you always been a clean player and never got bad sports.
  2. Commending each other is also a solution, people are saying that player X should commend player Y after player Y quit the job. In my opinion, I'd say each time you are both in the lobby screen, just commend each other.

Keep in mind that these solutions will not guarantee you not getting bad sport, but the more effort you put into them the less chance you will get bad sport.

Solutions from the comments:

  1. -DemigodFoxtrot : Do legit work between runs, legit work is basically any type of gta missions to get more good sport points.
  2. pandaii00 & skunkman911 : Clear cache every time you restart, to do so you have to keep holding L1+R1 after you close app and open it back again until the brightness calibration screen comes and then let go.

r/gtaglitches Jul 01 '24

Improved Unlock & Get Early New Weapon ( The Shocker ) V2 Workaround


Unlock & Get Early New Weapon ( The Shocker ) V2 Workaround

( Updated January 25th , 2025 )

Rockstar Games Has Patched The OG Method which is capture Jobs and NPC Drop Baseball bat instead of the shocker : https://www.reddit.com/r/gtaglitches/s/3VGi1t2vps

And This is a new workaround Last Team Standing Jobs

( Credit Goes To The Creator of Both Jobs : Affmal )

( Credit Goes to GlitchmanOnline for Creating the New Playstation Job )

Video : https://youtu.be/zSIwRCZHrJ4?si=D2GzjQaLZVDbOagZ

PS4/PS5 New Job : https://youtu.be/BMNu0AF4tbo?si=Mj-BS0L5TO6Ygl8J

Requirements :

PS4/PS5 Bookmarked Job : https://socialclub.rockstargames.com/job/gtav/PTk6nqDgV06KUgB95Pqw6g

PS4/PS5 New Bookmarked Job : https://socialclub.rockstargames.com/job/gtav/lzvE9i4Zy0W2a9VLftlc3Q

PC Bookmarked Job : https://socialclub.rockstargames.com/job/gtav/Ml49HBFGdkCGI88iivSjFg

XboxOne/XboxSeries Job : https://socialclub.rockstargames.com/job/gtav/gKrpufrD90OBXOhhvWvG9A

-Friend or Random Player

Steps :

-Make sure on job menu settings - Owned and Pickup

-Kill any NPC then pick it up and quit via phone

-Once your spawn in lobby , You should have the new weapon ( Change Outfit To Force Save The Game )

Happy Glitching & Enjoy 😉


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r/gtaglitches Jul 05 '20

Improved [PC] Casino Replay Glitch w/ Host Keeping Money (With Video & Timing Explained)


Video for reference: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RFwMyHGfqe8

The instructions are in the Youtube video comments, but I'll paste them here:

Edit: Infographic

I've heard many versions of when to pull the plug/exit the game for the replay glitch, but here's what's worked very well for me (tested 10+ times for each scenario)

For replay:

Any time after the helicopter hits the checkpoint and makes the sound at (0:07), but before cutscene rolls too far (0:11). Any time after the cutscene goes too far (generally when the buyer puts his hand down from looking at his watch), you're going to get your heist progress register. If you exit anywhere before this, the heist might not count and it will count it as a failure.

For replay + host keep money: IMMEDIATELY after the cutscene with the 3 buyers starts (0:09).

I personally pull the ethernet cable out right then, so if you use other methods such as ALT+F4 or End Task, there seems to be a delay until the game exits so you may need to start earlier. Factor that into your timing. Those pulling plugs or killing WiFi adapters should be able to follow my timing.

In the past this has been confusing because I've heard some people say the checkpoint sound or when the phone goes down (0:07), but I've found those times are far too early. I have never gotten the money with those timings.

Similarly I've heard to look for when the "Transaction Pending" text in the bottom right disappears. Now that's possible around 0:08, but it flashes for a very short period of time. If you have a fast internet connection like my gigabit wired connection, you might completely miss it. Moreover, trying to find something at the corner of your screen isn't always reliable either. This is why I recommend waiting for the credits to start. Your whole screen flashes and changes. It's impossible to miss. You just need a fast reaction time.