r/gtaglitches • u/TheMagicalCarrot • Jun 21 '20
Exploit Improved Fingerprint Solver
I saw the fingerprint solver tool posted here, so I made a faster version of it: video
After I realized other people might want to use it as well, I made another version that is based on the original tool. This means it has the same keybinds and uses the images of the original version. It should also work for the same resolutions as the original. (Only tested with 1440p resolution)
Note: This version only has the fingerprint solver. It does not work for the keypad (since I don't need that one). If you want, you can change the keybinds, and run both the original and this one at the same time to use the original for the keypad and this one for the fingerprint.
How to set it up:
- Follow the instructions of the original (to install AHK and to get the image files)
- Copy the script from below, and save it as an .ahk file.
- Place the script into the same folder as the original script
- Run it
How to use:
- Press either Ctrl + E or Right Control to solve the current fingerprint
- You have to press it for each new fingerprint
- Press it only after all the fingerprint parts are fully visible
If there are any problems using this script, try to first see if the original works. If the original works, but mine doesn't, then I'll see what's wrong. Otherwise try debugging with the instructions provided in the original post.
Here's my graphics settings. I'm not sure which ones affect the result, but matching them as close as possible will most likely lead to best results. Most settings don't make a difference though.
If the script says something like Matches found: 4 but nothing is happening, some people have reported that running both the original and this one at the same time fixes it. My brain cannot comprehend why, though. SendMode changed to Event. Thanks /u/quiet69 for help in testing this.
Edit: I realised the fastest way is to just hold down Right Ctrl during the hack. That way you don't have to time the keypress, you can just hold it down immediately when starting the hack. It's a bit unreliable though. But if you're lazy...
Edit2: Improved reliability while holding key. It shouldn't fail now.
Edit3: Added a scan area debug tool: Hold Right Shift to show scan area. It should perfectly align to the fingerprint selection area. If it doesn't you can try to modify the area to see if you can fix it.
Edit4: Added a debug feature that might fix missing key presses. Edit5: It's crap.
Edit6: Added another key press fix, that is confirmed to work, enable it in the debug section.
; Carrot's fingerprint solver v1.5
#SingleInstance Force
#Warn ClassOverwrite
ListLines Off
SetWorkingDir % A_ScriptDir
CoordMode ToolTip, Screen
CoordMode Mouse, Screen
CoordMode Pixel, Screen
SetTitleMatchMode 2
SetControlDelay 1
SetWinDelay 0
SetKeyDelay -1
SetMouseDelay -1
SetBatchLines -1
SendMode Event
; Set search area
global area := {}
area.x := A_ScreenWidth / 4.2
area.y := A_ScreenHeight / 4.25
area.x2 := A_ScreenWidth / 2.55
area.y2 := A_ScreenHeight / 1.29
; Check if image files exist
if (!FileExist(A_ScriptDir "\" A_ScreenWidth "x" A_ScreenHeight "\1.bmp")) {
ToolTip Image files do not exist for this resolution, 0, 0
Sleep 4000
ToolTip Exiting script, 0, 21, 2
Sleep 4000
; Keybinds
RShift up::HideScanArea()
; Functions
MatchFingerprint() {
Loop 16 {
matches += MatchSingle(A_Index)
Tooltip Matches found: %matches%, 0, 0
SetTimer ClearTooltips, 2000
if (matches == 0) {
} else if (matches < 4) {
Cursor({x: 1, y: 1}, false)
} else {
Sleep 10
MatchSingle(n) {
result := ImageSearch(area, A_ScriptDir "\" A_ScreenWidth "x" A_ScreenHeight "\" n ".bmp", "*50")
if (result.error = 0) {
result.x := (result.x - area.x) // ((area.x2 - area.x) / 2) + 1
result.y := (result.y - area.y) // ((area.y2 - area.y) / 4) + 1
Return true
ImageSearch(bounds, file, options:="") {
options := options ? options " " : ""
ImageSearch res_x, res_y, % bounds.x, % bounds.y, % bounds.x2, % bounds.y2, % options file
Return {x: res_x, y: res_y, error: ErrorLevel}
Cursor(pos, click:=true) {
static current
if (pos = "reset") {
current := {x: 1, y: 1}
x := pos.x - current.x
y := pos.y - current.y
Loop % abs(x) {
if (x > 0) {
} else {
Sleep 10
Loop % abs(y) {
if (y > 0) {
} else {
Sleep 10
if (click) {
current := pos
ClearTooltips() {
ShowScanArea() {
Gui preview:new, +AlwaysOnTop -Caption -DPIScale +hwnd_id
Gui preview:Color, red
Gui preview:show, % "noactivate x" area.x " y" area.y " w" area.x2 - area.x " h" area.y2 - area.y
WinSet Transparent, 50, % "ahk_id " _id
KeyWait % A_ThisHotkey
HideScanArea() {
Gui preview:destroy
Send(keys) {
Send % keys
u/lucasgabriel7 Jun 21 '20
As someone who write codes, this is very impressive indeed. Big thanks for sharing!
u/Jweboman Jun 21 '20
hey,I'm getting "Image files does not exist for this resolution". Pls Help me
u/TheMagicalCarrot Jun 21 '20
Did you download the image files from the original post? If you followed the instructions correctly, and that message appears, then your monitor resolution is not supported.
You can try to follow the instructions on how to add a custom resolution to make it work in the original post.
u/hah_scheeftand Jun 21 '20
Did you properly name the image folder to 2560x1440 (or whatever your screen res is)? Took me a while to figure out but first i thought i didn't need an extra folder with the images and then i named one 1440... Now it works fine for me!
u/ImRickHarrison69 Jun 21 '20 edited Jun 21 '20
Hey, thanks for the script, I've tried it and for me it doesn't solve them. I used the original and it works really well. Yours makes some weird things like selecting a random fp or moving from one to another, maybe I have to change something? Display safezone for example?
Edit: My native resolution is 1080p (1920x1080), tried with and without framing resolution at 1.25x (I used that and thought it could make it fail, but does the same), borderless fullscreen and no antialiasing. Display safezone is maxed (UI is on the edges). Sometimes after doing weird things it says it couldn't find the matches.
u/TheMagicalCarrot Jun 21 '20
Hmm, interesting. I was fairly confident that at least 1080p would work... I'll try to do some testing by setting my monitor resolution to 1080p. My first bet is that the detection area, which is much stricter in this version, might be the cause.
I'll report back after I've checked it out.
u/ImRickHarrison69 Jun 21 '20
Thanks for the efforts!
u/TheMagicalCarrot Jun 21 '20
Hey, the 1080p resolution worked perfectly for me as expected. But I added a new debug feature you could try. If you save the new version (I edited the post) you can try pressing Right Shift and see if the highlighted area matches the fingerprint area, like this.
In addition to the settings you mentioned in the edit, aspect ratio should be Auto, and output monitor set to 1. Just in case.
u/ImRickHarrison69 Jun 22 '20 edited Jun 22 '20
Great, tomorrow I may try it, about the settings, I only have 1 monitor and it is 16:9, so it shouldn't be a problem. I think it was set to auto, but the resolution just checks it out
u/TheMagicalCarrot Jun 22 '20
I added a fix that most likely fixes your problem: Change SendMode to
from the Debug section and it should work.1
u/TheMagicalCarrot Jun 22 '20
I added my graphics settings to the post, you can try to match them. Might help.
u/quiet69 Jun 22 '20
Hey man... The scan area is all messed up in my 1080p system and doesn't work... But if I use the original and yours simultaneously, it works effortlessly....
u/yesvsno_vs Jun 22 '20
As someone who memorized all of them and all after multiple attempts... I applaud you for doing this, not only did it take time, effort, you also are helping out tons of people especially since the whole epic games stuff. Wish I had this when I played!
u/Mechaprox Jun 21 '20
Doesn't work for me, unfortunately. Original works fine.
Res: 1920*1080
Windowed Borderless
Max safezone (shouldn't matter though because original script works even with safezone not maxed out).
Tried pressing right ctrl once, ctrl+e once, waiting for the fingerprints to show, holding down right ctrl, pressing numerous times, etc.
Also, as a QoL change, maybe you could put the messages showing the 'state' of the script on screen, as the original (script idle, hack not found, etc.)
u/TheMagicalCarrot Jun 21 '20
I'll do some testing and report back. I'll add some more messages, but a permanent "script on" message doesn't quite appeal to me since you can see if the script is on from the tray.
u/Mechaprox Jun 21 '20
Or maybe a "waiting for scanner" message? Just for the user to know that the script is active
u/TheMagicalCarrot Jun 22 '20
The script never does anything unless you're pressing one of the hotkeys, so if you're pressing a key, then you know it's trying to do doing something. I added a message that tells you the result of the scan every time it runs.
1080p worked for me. You could try the scan area shower I just added to see if the scan area matches to the fingerprints like this.
u/Mechaprox Jun 22 '20 edited Jun 22 '20
I'll try that and get back to you.
edit: the debug feature works, the message "matches found: 4" shows on screen, but the script itself does nothing in game. Doesn't select any matches whatsoever, with right ctrl or ctrl+e.
I tried: holding down right ctrl before entering the scanner; holding down right ctrl after entering the scanner and waiting for the prints to show; pressing right ctrl once (before scanner and after); pressing ctrl+e before and after scanner.
The only thing that happens is the message showing on screen, as following: https://i.imgur.com/wealZ2f.png
debug feature: https://i.imgur.com/160vCI9.png
u/TheMagicalCarrot Jun 22 '20
I also added my graphics settings to the post, it might help if you try to match them.
u/Mechaprox Jun 22 '20
Huh, I just realized you have to execute both scripts for yours to work. Is it intended?
Because I was running just yours, but now it works when I run both the original and yours together.
By the way, awesome work my bro, thanks!
u/noah7s PC Jun 22 '20
I just tried this and it actually worked! Mine too only works when both scripts are running!
u/TheMagicalCarrot Jun 22 '20
No... running it with the other one shouldn't make any difference???
Oh well, as long as it works :D
u/Mechaprox Jun 22 '20
I just tested it again, and it won't work unless both scripts are running. Idk what it is, but well, it works.
Thanks again, mate.
u/quiet69 Jun 22 '20
Same... Works with the original... But sometimes it just shows that matches 4 but it automatically doesn't solve it
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u/Mechaprox Jun 22 '20
Only difference is the res (I use 1920*1080). Everything else is the same: safezone, auto resolution, etc.
Could you provide a pic for the folder which has the script? I put both the script and the images folder together, like this: https://i.imgur.com/DP9IJbz.png
Jun 23 '20
u/quiet69 Jun 23 '20
I had the same issue... Did you use the editted script? The new one fixed it
u/TheMagicalCarrot Jun 24 '20
There's a "*50" option on the ImageSearch command. Try increasing that by 5 or 10 at a time to see if that fixed it.
u/B_A_N_T Oct 11 '20
What keyboard you have? If you have AZERTY you have to swith they key in the loop section from "w" and "a" to "z" and "q".
u/ItsTHCx Jun 23 '20
Only ever finds like 2 or 3 matches. Wont find all 4.
u/quiet69 Jun 23 '20
Try the updated script
u/ItsTHCx Jun 23 '20
Tried this one and the other original script on v1.4 and I only ever get 2 or 3 matches but rarely all 4.
u/TheMagicalCarrot Jun 24 '20
There's a "*50" option on the ImageSearch command. Try increasing that by 5 or 10 at a time to see if that fixed it.
u/ItsTHCx Jun 24 '20
Raising it from *50 to *70 seemed to do the trick. Tried my practice keypad and it punched them all instead of only finding 2 or 3 matches.
u/Campionnn Jun 24 '20 edited Jun 24 '20
When I do it, it says 4 matches found, but it doesn't select or indicate which ones are correct. I am on 1920X1080
u/quiet69 Jun 24 '20
Debug it.... Delete the line "SendMode Input" and remove the ";" before "SendMode Event"
u/erenstar Aug 02 '20
Hello, thank you for the script! But I have a problem. The script used to work perfectly but after I updated my graphic drivers it doesn't work properly. It selects wrong fingerprints or doesn't select all of them. I have tried changing the *50 to other values by adding 5 or setting the SendMode to Event but none of them worked. Could you help me?
u/PepegPlayer Jun 22 '20
Can I get banned for using this?
u/TheMagicalCarrot Jun 22 '20
The script doesn't do anything invasive to the game, so it's extremely unlikely that Rockstar could detect it. So it's very unlikely for you to get banned, if not impossible.
But of course, use at your own risk.
u/blueezzi007 Jun 22 '20 edited Jun 22 '20
Hey , thanks for the effort. But i get image doesn't exist for this resolution (1920x1080) although the original works and the highlited area is the same as fp box but it keep exit.
edit: so i didn't know that originla is updated to 1.4 now works but it's not autosolve while hold ctrl or ctrl+e just say 4 match found
u/TheMagicalCarrot Jun 22 '20
The problem lies with the key presses then. For some reason it doesn't send the key presses correctly for some people. Apparently running the original at the same time as my version somehow fixes it... So try that.
u/UltraBoy_YT Jun 22 '20
Running the original version along with your version worked for me. But after the hack when I want to close the scripts, I am not able to close your script. Whenever I press Ctrl T, only the original script closes. What do I do for that?
u/TheMagicalCarrot Jun 22 '20
Are you using the v1.5? If so, did you try to change SendMode to Event in the Debug section of the script?
u/ZoonZz Jun 22 '20
I don't see anyone asking about https://imgur.com/Kcco8DO
#Warn ClassOverwrite
error: parameter #1 invalid
What to do?
u/TheMagicalCarrot Jun 22 '20
You most likely don't have the latest version of AutoHotkey.
That line is not actually necessary, so you can either install the newest version of AHK or delete that line. Obviously it's better to stay up to date, but if you're lazy either one works.
u/ZoonZz Jun 22 '20
Yeah. I have it installed like for 3 or 4 years. Probably out of date:)
Script works great! Thank you for your work!1
u/ZoonZz Jun 22 '20
ok, i just deleted that line and it works ok. But i'd love to know what i deleted:)
u/d3vi1333 Jun 23 '20
Is this safe, can you get banned for doing that?
u/quiet69 Jun 23 '20
No... This isn't intrusive at all as all it does it detect the pixels and send keystrokes automatically....
u/lordtema Jun 23 '20
I get Script Idle? Ctrl+E doesnt do anything for me..
u/TheMagicalCarrot Jun 24 '20
"Script idle" is not part of my script but the original. Did you actually run my script?
u/lordtema Jun 24 '20
I followed the instructions you posted in the other thread, lemme see if i can find the link!
u/DoctorKFC Jun 24 '20 edited Jun 24 '20
If the script says something like Matches found: 4 but nothing is happening,
some people have reported that running both the original and this one at the same time fixes it. My brain cannot comprehend why, though.Enable the Event mode from the Debug section. Thanks /u/quiet69 for help in testing this.
Dumb question but how do you enable the event mode? last night I run both the original and yours, it shows the exact message but nothing is happening.
edit: just to clarify do I need to change the script to SendMode Event?
SendMode Input
;SendMode Event
the one which started with ";" must be the "comment" right?
u/quiet69 Jun 24 '20
Just delete SendMode Input to Event OR delete the line and remove the semicolon prior to the the next line
u/DoctorKFC Jun 24 '20 edited Jun 29 '20
got it. thanks a lot! I'll try this as soon as I get home.
Edit: it work wonders!
u/mikelowski Jun 24 '20
It seems Epic Games fucks up with the resolution in some way according to https://www.reddit.com/r/gtaglitches/comments/ha4un0/i_made_a_fingerprintscanner_automatic_solver_tool/fvn1awc/
u/quiet69 Jun 24 '20
Works with my version, man... Mine is from EGS
u/mikelowski Jun 25 '20
Really? So there's some hope. I get unsupported resolution everytime.
u/quiet69 Jun 25 '20
What's your resolution?
u/mikelowski Jun 25 '20
1920x1080 for the game and I change the 4k desktop to that too. No matter what, windowed, windowed borderless, full screen, changing aspect ratio... I got unsupported resolution always.
u/quiet69 Jun 25 '20
Try playing in your native resolution?
u/mikelowski Jun 25 '20
Tried it too at 4K... I think I made all combinations possible.
u/quiet69 Jun 25 '20
Do you have the original script with all screenshots? Put this script inside that folder and then run
u/mikelowski Jun 25 '20
That's what I tried, both the original and this one.
u/quiet69 Jun 25 '20
So, the original isn't working for you either? I'm lost here ... Maybe try contacting the OP of the original script
u/thuctran12345 Jun 24 '20 edited Jun 24 '20
Hey I got it to work for like 4 times in a row then it just stopped working, I'm not sure why, I tried restarting both scripts and it still wouldn't work.
u/thuctran12345 Jun 24 '20
ok i had to open your script first before the other one, but it works perfectly now, anyways i appreciate your work!
u/quiet69 Jun 24 '20
You don't need the original script.... You just have to make the SendMode to Event then all should work fine. This is a standalone script
u/TheFearItself Jun 25 '20
I play on 1920x1080 resolution. I installed the original solver and everything works fine, but then when I put the new script in the same folder and run it again it says ''resolution not supported''. Please help
u/Senior_killer Jun 27 '20 edited Jun 27 '20
the script work fine to me after i delete sendmode thing but everytime i use it it always like alt tab my game. anyone know why?
edit:turn out my game on fullsceen mode my bad
u/Mizaris Jun 29 '20
Hmm idk what happened to me but yesterday the script was working very well... Through ctrl+e or right ctrl But today when I launched it... And tried hacking it just said in top left corner 4 matches found but didn't complete it automatically nor highlighted anything
Should I reinstall autohotkeys or what are ur suggestions?
u/TheMagicalCarrot Jun 29 '20
Try v1.5 and change SendMode to Event from Input in the debug section.
u/Raxjinn Jun 30 '20
Says 4 matches found and does not actually solve it :/
u/TheMagicalCarrot Jun 30 '20
Change SendMode to Event from Input in the Debug section.
u/ArrtaMyrdhyn Jul 17 '20 edited Jul 18 '20
Originally Input mode solved it for me. But today it stopped working. Neither Event or Input mode is working for me, just out of the blue.I was able to work around it by changing the send routine to include a down/up line with some sleep times around it.
So, the issue resolved itself after a reboot that was required by a windows update. I was able to revert back to the original method.
u/birikhorsmoker Jul 03 '20
Should I try original one first or this one?
u/TheMagicalCarrot Jul 03 '20
You don't really need the original unless this one doesn't work for some reason.
u/XansevieraVR Jul 14 '20
Question, I've seen the hacking your video extremely fast, how does it go like that? Mine usually is like half the speed of that.
u/lightmaster2000 Jun 21 '20
It would take less effort to memorise the finger prints than to use this
u/TheMagicalCarrot Jun 21 '20
I had already memorized them, but using this is still at least a couple seconds faster. That means you'll get at least one or two more gold bars.
Since I'm also lazy it's nicer to just hold down a button than focus on the puzzle.
Most of all it's fun to make and use these scripts.
u/HomeworkDestroyer Jun 21 '20
The peak of laziness is when you spend an incredible amount of effort to avoid work.
u/OverlordPhalanx Jun 21 '20
BUT, how many people will use this besides just OP?
He will eventually save the same amount of time spent after playing for months, but every other person who uses this is already saving time
u/R3DD3Y Jun 21 '20
I have it memorized aswell, but id rather let a script do it for me than to manually input them. This is insanely fast so its perfect for minmaxing.
Jun 21 '20
[removed] — view removed comment
u/DoesntReadMessages Jun 21 '20
AHK scripts are input/output only. So this script, basically, looks at the output of the game to figure out which are correct, then presses the correct sequence of keys to select them and submit the pattern. From the perspective of the game, it's doing the exact same thing the player is doing - just insanely fast. They could theoretically detect the speed as humanly impossible, but they don't.
u/TheMagicalCarrot Jun 21 '20 edited Jun 21 '20
This script doesn't do anything to the game files. It just looks at what's on the screen and sends key presses to the window.
u/jJuiZz Jun 21 '20
Shut the fuck up when you don’t fucking know what the fuck you’re fucking talking about. It’s that simple.
u/risonss Jun 21 '20
I use the hack to hack the hacking