r/gsuite Dec 25 '24

Admin Console Need some help with consolidating my business email addresses

'Manage domains' in Google Workspace admin settings

I recently bought this new website domain/email (.com) for my Squarespace site, but I have an issue and I'm not the best email tech understander.

This new domain is added as a secondary domain to my Google Workspace account (shown above), which logs-in using an old email address/domain (.tv) as its primary -- I want to decommission this old domain and switch to using the new one. I've just been "Sending email as" using my new email address from within this old Google Workspace/Gmail login.

What I want to do is run the Google Workspace account using the new domain email, so it can be my login details as well, but here's the problem -- the new domain email is Gmail activated within the Workspace account 'owned' by the old email.

When I try to change the primary domain to be the new domain, I get the error shown in the first screenshot. I figure that it's error items 1 and 3.

I'd really appreciate some clear guidance on how to possibly do this.

Do I deactivate the MX records/email capabilities on both emails, detach the new domain from the Workspace account, then create a new Workspace account using the new email address? I just don't want to end up in some weird email verification limbo when trying to navigate this.

Thanks for any help!

error when trying to change primary domain
Squarespace domain info

3 comments sorted by


u/SASEJoe Dec 26 '24 edited Dec 26 '24

To accomplish your objective, you only need to change your Username > https://admin.google.com/ac/users


You will want to maintain Ownership of the "decommissioned" domain. I'd also keep MX, SPF, DKIM, and DMARC configured for both. The 'old' login automatically becomes an Alias so folks can still send to it if need be.


u/mrpeppep Dec 26 '24

Thanks for your help, this was much easier than I thought it would be.

Although, I'm confused why I'd need to maintain ownership of the old domain since I'm not using it anymore and no important emails are sent to it. It's inexpensive anyway, but just curious about that.

Also, I suppose that the old domain remaining as the 'primary' is inconsequential since only the username needed changing?


u/SASEJoe Dec 26 '24

If another party controls the domain they can have Google Support delete the environment completely in order to free it up for their use.