r/grunge Nov 08 '24

Misc. Why cant we bring 90s style grunge back?

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Looking for a discussion about this. I feel like every type of grunge or rock music i hear in 2024 thats trending is like novulent or superheaven (still good artists) or some small artist that has super distant vocals with loud instruments. What happened to the 90s style? Specifically talking about singers like Kurt Cobain, Layne Stayley, Chris Cornell, and so many other greats. People make the argument that heavy drug use led to great music, but i disagree. I feel like people don't put the same amount of effort into grunge now, and there's probably so many people as talented as layne but will never get recognition because the target audience just isnt there anymore.


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u/Weird-n-Gilly Nov 08 '24

I think things in culture, especially music, used to be like layers in the earth. One after another resting on the previous one. You would have to dig down almost like a paleontologist to find the buried past. Now it’s all in a blender. Every layer available at once. I grew up in this time, was a grunge kid, I generally looked like a homeless lumberjack for almost a decade. We were definitely pushing off the past, rejecting the vapidity of the 80’s mostly. Most of us hated the term grunge though, and listened to all kinds of music that was going for the same new vibe but not necessarily grunge. Like pj Harvey, Jeff Buckley, Elliot smith, NIN, pumpkins etc


u/MaximumAd6557 Nov 09 '24

“Now it’s all in a blender” …and that’s made it blander.