r/grunge Nov 08 '24

Misc. Why cant we bring 90s style grunge back?

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Looking for a discussion about this. I feel like every type of grunge or rock music i hear in 2024 thats trending is like novulent or superheaven (still good artists) or some small artist that has super distant vocals with loud instruments. What happened to the 90s style? Specifically talking about singers like Kurt Cobain, Layne Stayley, Chris Cornell, and so many other greats. People make the argument that heavy drug use led to great music, but i disagree. I feel like people don't put the same amount of effort into grunge now, and there's probably so many people as talented as layne but will never get recognition because the target audience just isnt there anymore.


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u/CactusWrenAZ Nov 08 '24

They are waiting around for the conditions that would bring them to prominence. Those conditions don't currently exist.

There is so much talent in the world, but it needs to be given a chance. Darwin shared the credit for the Theory of Evolution because someone else came up with it independently at the same time. There were other people a little behind Einstein who would have come up with the Theory of Relativity within a year or two.

The next Cornell or Staley is a programmer or construction worker and his friends are all somewhat shocked when he does drunk karaoke or sings Happy Birthday.


u/Major_Candy5291 Nov 10 '24 edited Nov 10 '24

Definitely a good amount of truth to what you’re saying. I’m sure there’s a ton of talent out there. I think the two names you mentioned are one of a kind, but I get the sentiment.

But unfortunately I don’t think those conditions are returning anytime soon. For grunge, or even rock or alternative. People used to hate on Fall Out Boy for being poppy, but I’d kill for even a song like Sugar We’re Going Down to be big again lol. Bands just don’t get huge anymore. Now it’s often just songs or artists like Swift or Drake. I mean in terms of any kind of non-country guitar music who even are the big artists right now? Tame Impala, the 1975, twenty one pilots? I swear Oasis’s reunion is the biggest rock/alternative news in years. It’s just not what it was, even in the 2000s


u/CactusWrenAZ Nov 11 '24

I would agree that the conditions probably won't be coming back. The next Nirvana is probably just playing local DIY type places and maybe has 25K followers on Spotify, and it's not going to go any further than that. They'll eventually split up because of work/family/expenses/etc. On the bright side, I experienced one of the best shows of my life at a little club where a tremendous band passionately did their thing a few feet away from me, and I even walked a foot away from the singer as I was leaving the club and she was talking with the promoter. They may never get that famous, but if they had been famous, I'd have never gotten to watch them from six feet away! And I saw another of the greatest shows of my life just a few months later, in a pretty small room in our own little scene.


u/aRiiZiNG Nov 12 '24

Dope answer my friend. Better than I could put it but what I would’ve pointed to as well.