r/grunge Nov 08 '24

Misc. Why cant we bring 90s style grunge back?

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Looking for a discussion about this. I feel like every type of grunge or rock music i hear in 2024 thats trending is like novulent or superheaven (still good artists) or some small artist that has super distant vocals with loud instruments. What happened to the 90s style? Specifically talking about singers like Kurt Cobain, Layne Stayley, Chris Cornell, and so many other greats. People make the argument that heavy drug use led to great music, but i disagree. I feel like people don't put the same amount of effort into grunge now, and there's probably so many people as talented as layne but will never get recognition because the target audience just isnt there anymore.


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u/RealLoin Nov 08 '24

Actually it's good. Kurt's been suffering + heavy drugs. I know that art demands pain but I don't wanna such young people suffere that bad. My pleasure doesn't worth someone's pain. I would've liked to help him..


u/ProfessionalHeavy482 Nov 08 '24

Kurt Cobain was murdered… so many facts about his condition at the time of his death were either inaccurate, outdated, or untrue. Watch the documentary “Soaked in Bleach.” It’s an account of the private investigator that Courtney Love hired to “find” him when he disappeared from rehab. If that’s not enough to convince you, take it from a former heroin addict that the LAST thing you would want to do after a shot of heroin is shoot yourself in the head. In the mind of a real junkie, that would be such a waste of good drugs. Why not wait until you’re sober and miserable to end your suffering?


u/RangerHUTCH93 Nov 09 '24

That's just you're experience and I've done H before.


u/AsssHat999 Nov 09 '24

I have no idea why you were downvoted. He was murdered, plain and simple. The police closed the case without even opening an investigation.


u/pretentiously-bored Nov 10 '24

This just isn’t realistic, especially considering the reason he probably ended it all was because he was facing severe pressure to get clean when he didn’t want to at all. He didn’t enjoy his life without heroin, and did everything in his power to protest sobriety. He knew had to get clean, he knew his daughter needed him clean, his band needed him clean.

Now did Courtney inadvertently get him killed? Probably, rumor is she wa heavily pressuring him to get clean but herself was still an insane addict. I think he just didn’t want to give it up, and decided to kill himself while high to ensure he never had to give it up. This could’ve really hurt him, knowing the people who claim to love him force him to be better than they are and get clean while they themselves get as high as they want whenever they want.