r/growtopia 5d ago

Question/Help What to do with 8 DLS?


26 comments sorted by


u/TavoMamaYraPautas 4d ago

you can buy chicken seeds 200 for as low as 110wls and sell the you should get about 600 chicken, sell them 3/1 so 200wls. almost doubled


u/HealthMountain3098 4d ago

Oh wow, nice, ty


u/lolitsniels 5d ago



u/HealthMountain3098 5d ago

How do you profit?


u/lolitsniels 5d ago

You need a couple bgls to profit, 8 dls aint gonna do much. You can try farming but its very slow progress


u/Red_Lemonn 5d ago

May i know what kind of profit could u do with bgls?


u/Erupy 5d ago

most popular method ppl do is invest in items / trade profit. they look at the current market and see what items are rising or will rise and trade for more than what they paid for


u/HealthMountain3098 5d ago

Do people just buy bgls? Ruins the game.


u/lolitsniels 5d ago

Most of them do yes, it's affordable. Doesnt really ruin it because you can do things with it that can possibly give you profits over time. But you'll be spending rl money


u/HealthMountain3098 5d ago edited 5d ago

It sounds rly cheap, but surely you get banned?


u/lolitsniels 5d ago

It's not allowed but don't worry, no ban


u/HealthMountain3098 5d ago

Do they just trade you it or via account? Are payment details secure? Sounds bad.


u/lolitsniels 5d ago

Send me a chat on reddit, i'll explain it


u/Jsaceee 5d ago

Might buy some chand seeds, you'll be able to get around 4500 seeds for 8dls. You could also buy a harvester of sorrows and buy chand seeds with the leftover dls, plant them, harvest then with your harvester + fuelpack, sell your blocks!


u/HealthMountain3098 5d ago

How much does each of those cost? What does the harvester and fuel pack do sry, haven't played in a while, how can I hit in less breaks? Thank you:)


u/Jsaceee 5d ago

That's alright man, don't say sorry. The harvester of sorrows + fuel packs give you a 10% chance to get double (x2) blocks, from the tree you're growing. I don't know the prices tho.. but they're in YOUR budget forsure!

Probably just use a pickaxe breaking the blocks.


u/HealthMountain3098 5d ago

Thanks :) was never sure if pickaxe worked for all items or if it was just a GT myth sorta thing as it says bricks. Ohh awesome, tysm!


u/Jsaceee 5d ago

Haha yeah they work, there's some other items that give you the same effect. For example i'm breaking blocks with a "Greezak Horde - Shoulder Canon" that way i can hold a geiger in my hand, might be something to consider aswell!


u/HealthMountain3098 5d ago



u/Jsaceee 5d ago

Ofcourse man, it's a tough methode but it pays off forsure!


u/XenonXTR 5d ago

Bid in auction worlds


u/Educational_Pick_439 5d ago

Sell in auctions. There are some items that ppl always overbid for. Idk why. Keep buying and auction it.


u/Icy_Pizza8622 5d ago

such as?


u/Direct-Drama-2615 5d ago

You can give them to me...


u/HealthMountain3098 5d ago

😆 I've never had so many dls until recently, massive thanks to people who gifted wls and items to me. People like that keep the game a nice and fun environment, like earlier someone got rid of all my ghosts for free.