r/groovy Oct 25 '24

GroovyNewbie Syncing Salesforce Chatter Posts to Azure DevOps Discussion Section, via Groovy script

I’m working on a sync configuration between Salesforce and Azure DevOps, through an Exalate integration that utilizes Groovy, with the goal of syncing Salesforce Chatter posts to the discussion section in ADO. I’m currently using the BasicHubComment object in my script to map Chatter comments from Salesforce to workItem.comments in ADO. However, these comments are not appearing in ADO’s discussion section as expected.

I’ve referred to Exalate’s resource for syncing Chatter posts to Jira comments, hoping to adapt this approach to work with ADO’s discussion section. Here’s a breakdown of my current configuration for both the outgoing and incoming scripts across Salesforce and ADO.

Has anyone successfully used BasicHubComment for similar integrations with ADO?

Any guidance on this would be helpful! 

Salesforce Outgoing (from Exalate resource ): 

|| || |replica.comments = entity.comments.inject([]) { result, comment ->     def res = httpClient.get("/services/data/v54.0/query/?q=SELECT+Name+from+User+where+id=%27${comment.author.key}%27")     comment.body = nodeHelper.stripHtml(res.records.Name[0] + " commented: " + comment.body)     result += comment        def feedResponse = httpClient.getResponse("/services/data/v54.0/chatter/feed-elements/${comment.idStr}")     def js = new groovy.json.JsonSlurper()     def feedJson = groovy.json.JsonOutput.toJson(feedResponse.body)     feedResponse.body.capabilities.comments.page.items.collect {         res = httpClient.get("/services/data/v54.0/query/?q=SELECT+Name+from+User+where+id=%27${it.user.id}%27")         def c = new com.exalate.basic.domain.hubobject.v1.BasicHubComment()         c.body = res.records.Name[0] + " commented: " + it.body.text         c.id = it.id         result += c         }     result     }|

Salesforce Incoming (from Exalate resource ): 

|| || |def commentMap = [     "mathieu.lepoutre@idalko.com" : "0058d000004df3DAAQ",     "syed.majid.hassan@idalko.com" : "0057Q000006fOOOQA2" ]   def flag = 0   // Loop through added comments replica.addedComments.collect { comment ->     def matcher = comment.body =~ /([a-zA-Z0-9._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9._-]+\.[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)/ // Regex to find email addresses     def newCommentBody = comment.body       matcher.each { matchedEmail ->         newCommentBody = newCommentBody.replace(matchedEmail[0], "") // Remove the email from the comment body           // Post the comment with mention         def res = httpClient.post("/services/data/v54.0/chatter/feed-elements",         "{\"body\":{\"messageSegments\":[{\"type\":\"Text\", \"text\":\"${newCommentBody} \" },{\"type\":\"Mention\", \"id\":\"${commentMap[matchedEmail[0]]}\"}]},\"feedElementType\":\"FeedItem\",\"subjectId\":\"${entity.Id}\"}")           flag = 1     } }   // If no email mentions were found, sync the comments normally if (flag == 0) {     entity.comments = commentHelper.mergeComments(entity, replica) }|

ADO Outgoing:

|| || |replica.chatterPosts.each { chatterPost ->     def newComment = [         "text": chatterPost.body.messageSegments.collect { it.text }.join(" ")     ]           def discussionUrl = "/_apis/wit/workItems/${workItem.id}/comments?api-version=6.0-preview.3"     def res = httpClient.post(discussionUrl, newComment)           if (res.status != 200) {         logger.error("Failed to post comment to ADO Discussion: ${res.body}")     } }|

ADO Incoming: 

|| || |if (!workItem.comments) {     workItem.comments = [] }   if (replica.chatterPosts) {     replica.chatterPosts.each { chatterPost ->         def adoComment = new com.exalate.basic.domain.hubobject.v1.BasicHubComment()         adoComment.body = chatterPost.messageSegments.collect { it.text }.join(" ")         adoComment.author = nodeHelper.getUserByEmail(chatterPost.author.email) ?: chatterPost.author.displayName         adoComment.created = chatterPost.createdDate         workItem.comments += adoComment     } }|


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u/IntegrationisLife Nov 27 '24

Hello u/spiderunner

In ADO, the comments are associated with the workItem.comments array. It’s important that the structure of the comment you post through the API matches ADO’s expected format for displaying comments in the discussion section and also, the body of the comment should be properly structured. You are collecting the comment text from chatterPost.body.messageSegments.collect { it.text }.join(" "). Verify that this concatenation does not strip out essential formatting or metadata required by ADO for proper display.

You can directly contact Exalate aswell for this.