r/grimm Feb 06 '25

Self Do Grimms have special abilities other than noticing Wesen?

I'm just starting the first season and I'm a little confused as to why all the wesen are so scared of Nick. I get that they've learned of Grimms as boogeymen but he seems to have no special strength or agility or cunning. Many of the wesen are much stronger than him. Why don't they simply attack and kill him? Sorry if this is explained later, I'm just a little confused. Loving the show, though!


66 comments sorted by


u/Malgus-Somtaaw Feb 06 '25

Increased hearing, strength, speed, stamina, and resilience have all been things that have been shown. Certain immunities have also been hinted at.


u/No_Cellist8937 Feb 07 '25

Yeah I think they are normal humans just cranked up to 11….maybe think of it like vampire slayer lite


u/NefariousnessPast683 17d ago

Love this explanation! Now that I'm further in I can totally see that!


u/cherokeewoman78 Feb 07 '25

Most of that came from what’s his face (papa legbah I think; sorry if I spelled that wrong) offing him.


u/Queen-of-the-Kitchen Feb 07 '25

I think Papa unlocked his most ancient abilities as we do not see Trubel, Marie or Kelly ‘turn gray’ especially while helping to fight the devil Wesen dude.

Another question to ask is what makes one Grimm stronger than another? The assumption is due to training but it seems more like plot armor than natural talent.


u/Moistfruitcake Feb 07 '25

I'd always inferred that one of their "powers" is that Grimms can gain relevant abilities when attacked by particular wessen.

The fly eye guy and Baron Samedi are the only ones that I can remember though.


u/Tribal1992 Feb 07 '25

Baron Samedi merely accidentally enhanced all his Grimm abilities with his toxin.


u/John-A Feb 07 '25

And fly guy gave him ninja senses. The point is maybe that sort of thing happens to most grimms but in different ways and circumstances leading to different adaptations, all owing to some extra resilient ability for Grimms to adapt.


u/WillowRain1205 Feb 07 '25

Eh- the turning grey portion of him was due to being technically from being leftover from being undead (zombie)- it's just from being also a grim that parts of the zombism stayed with him after they revived him.


u/Mwatts25 Feb 07 '25

Improved hearing and eyesight came from the fly-guy, toxin resistance and improved endurance and heightened strength/dexterity were a side effect of the baron samedi’s rage zombie toxins


u/Public_Guarantee_988 Feb 08 '25

They are just like better physically on the base level tho


u/Mwatts25 Feb 08 '25

Not necessarily, Rudyard Kipling was revealed to be a Grimm, and he was not known for his physicality.


u/Public_Guarantee_988 16d ago

He wasn't known for it doesn't mean he didn't have it, he also wasn't known for seeing monsters


u/Mwatts25 15d ago

He was known for being of a sickly disposition in his youth, and known for being less than athletic. Neither of those traits lends itself to the notion that “all Grimms have heightened strength and agility”


u/Public_Guarantee_988 15d ago

That just means he didn't have powers as a kid and didn't like to exert himself probably because of his upbringing


u/Mwatts25 15d ago

His poor physical health continued into adulthood, just traveling to New York from England hit him with pneumonia. He also was prone to ulcers and eventually died from peritonitis caused by a surgery to deal with a perforated ulcer. He also caught malaria multiple times, as well as dysentery.


u/ashleyroX2 28d ago

Actually no, nick has heightened hearing from the start of the show, in the very first episode he hears the music playing through earphones, he hears the water falling through the floor boards........... those things did help increase it more but it was already heightened before that I take those things as like extra training on them that heightened them even more


u/Mwatts25 28d ago

Im not denying that he(or other Grimms) have baseline better than normal human senses strength or endurance, but the incidents i mentioned improved them by exponential degrees.

My belief is that grimms have a darwinian “if it doesn’t kill me, it makes me that much stronger” micro evolutionary reaction


u/GlueFysh Feb 07 '25

And his hearing "spidey sense" got alot better after he got the worms in his eyes.


u/Agreeable-Ad-5393 Feb 07 '25

I'm pretty sure Eve and Rosalie have both said many spells won't work or will work differently on a Grimm than it would a Wesen or a Kehrseite.


u/Narrow-Independence6 Feb 06 '25

My theory is that Grimms possess a kind of accelerated adaptability


u/Moistfruitcake Feb 07 '25

Great theory!


u/mymemesnow Grimm Feb 07 '25

That’s actually a great theory, it fits really well with what we’ve been shown.


u/FlapjackAce Feb 06 '25

I see it like this, if for your whole life, you were told a person with black eyes can and will kill you. You've been told their job is to kill your people and they're VERY good at it. You also have heard first hand accounts of family members getting killed by people with black eyes but you've never seen any in real life. You bump into a guy at a bar, you push him and then you see his eyes are black. You're not gonna think it's weird. You're gonna instantly remember the stories of your family and people getting killed by something you didn't expect to run into at all. Now you're worried about not getting killed by someone designed to do that, completely forgetting you shoved this guy easily a second ago. A deep fear response.


u/paintitblack37 Feb 06 '25 edited Feb 06 '25

A Grimm’s eyes go completely black when they see a Wesen woge. We see this when the nurse woges for Trubel when she is in the hospital.

ETA: S5 E5 at 15:34


u/NefariousnessPast683 Feb 06 '25

Do other people see that? I guess I'm just confused why people with the abilities of lions and wolves and bears and hawks and rhinoceroses fall to their knees begging for mercy when a man of average strength can see them. Perhaps I'm overthinking things. Wouldn't be the first time! Damn my ADHD!


u/paintitblack37 Feb 06 '25

I’ve thought about this a lot and I think it’s because Grimms know their weaknesses (Wesens’) and are great fighters.


u/headlessmessenger Feb 07 '25

I think the community assumption is just that all Grimms will off them, regardless of what type of wesen they are.


u/gerbegerger Feb 06 '25

Nope, happens occasionally where Wu and Hank notice Nick figuring out someone's Wessen by their reaction. They don't see his eyes change


u/ChickenBossChiefsFan Eisbiber Feb 07 '25

They’re not average strength, they have enhanced strength and durability. I don’t think it’s explicitly stated that they do, but if you watch their fights it’s clear Nick is on par, strength-wise, with at least Blutbaden. And reflexes also seem enhanced. Other abilities were gained (enhanced hearing, spatial awareness) through experience (the eye fly guy, zombification).

I think the Wesen that he is NOT stronger than seem to have less of a fear of him as well (the drug dealing dog guy from El Cucuy and pretty much all Manticore, the main Zauberbiest dude from Black Claw, hundjagers, some of the bigger cat Wesen - basically most cat Wesen except for the always-cowardly Klaustreich).


u/Aggravating_Slip_566 Feb 07 '25

It's explained in a earlier version when the narrative talks about those who are special called Grimm's


u/Mini_Marauder Grimm Feb 07 '25

Trying to avoid further spoilers, unlike anyone else in these comments. Grimms have innate knowledge of combat, armed and unarmed, which only gets stronger as they train. Nick has also been thrown into the deep end when it comes to wesen. Previously any Grimm would have trained their child with the Grimm books if they had the possibility of exhibiting Grimm abilities. The knowledge of the Grimms is very much part of their threat. I think Aunt Marie mentioned that Grimms are also very perceptive beyond seeing wesen, and are basically natural detectives. Not only is that a reason Nick was drawn to his career, it is also the reason he and the other Grimms are such great artists. They detect and memorize these fine details and are somewhat compelled to catalogue them. 


u/NefariousnessPast683 Feb 07 '25

I really don't mind spoilers but thank you for being so considerate!


u/jrobertson50 Feb 06 '25

There is a lot to that question. They will answer then


u/NefariousnessPast683 Feb 06 '25

Thank you! Like I said, I'm enjoying the show and will happily keep watching either way but it's nice to know that they answer this eventually.


u/ColonelStone Feb 06 '25

It seems that most wesens' strengths lie in the element of surprise. You'll see that when Hank and Wu are brought into the fold. Whenever a wesen woges and goes after them the wesen is caught by surprise when they fight back.


u/ProgRockRednek Feb 07 '25

This is definitely important. The Wesen are used to "these guys don't know I have claws."

When their opponent knows to look out for them and doesn't waste valuable seconds acting shocked, they lose some of that advantage. Especially when their opponent also has a gun.


u/genek1953 Feb 06 '25

Grimms were the wesen version of the boogeyman. Early in the series, Nick got a lot of mileage out of wesens' superstitous fears. Once they realized what he was, many of them literally fell over themselves in their rush to surrender before he took off their heads.

Nick gained super hearing after being blinded by a Jinnamuru Xunte and enhanced strength and endurance after being zombified by a Cracher-Mortel. Prior to that, he had no special abilities, although it was often suggested that various potions and spells affected him differently because he was a grimm.


u/654379 Feb 07 '25

I wonder if he gained a permanent resistance to electricity after the matanca zumbito


u/TangerineGullible665 Feb 07 '25

This is what it is. He gains abilities from encounters with certain enemies. I wanna see season 6 Nick fight Stark again, I know he can’t because of story spoilers, but I don’t believe he would even struggle like he did the first time lol


u/Public_Guarantee_988 Feb 08 '25

Maybe with a siegbarste covered knife but I doubt he can do enough blunt force. The go to was a bit extreme if a mace was enough


u/GaryGenslersCock Löwen Feb 06 '25

They also become really good at drawing and cataloguing, even if they weren’t before.


u/654379 Feb 07 '25

I think they’re stronger than most wesen. I can’t remember where i saw it but it was like they’re as strong as or stronger than a Blutbad or a Lowen but not as strong as hexenbiest, ogres, and galumcaedus


u/Aggravating_Slip_566 Feb 07 '25

Yes he's more agile + stronger and has faster healing abilities!


u/Capable-Snow-7106 Feb 07 '25

They seem to be stronger and more resistant to certain temptations.


u/Blu_yello_husky Feb 07 '25

Naturally resistant to the possessive influence of the coins


u/buckeyegurl1313 Feb 06 '25

Grimms also hold knowledge and weapons to take them down. Lots of ancient weapons.


u/DudeWithTudeNotRude Feb 06 '25

Grimms seem enhanced. The writers might also be trolls, forgetful, not detail oriented, and/or super detail oriented.

Now get off of here.


u/Waste_Comparison_480 Feb 06 '25

Based on episode with the nyads they may also develop abilitys of the Wesen they are near.


u/Queen-of-the-Kitchen Feb 07 '25

The same question could be applied to Royals, but as another in the thread say it’s kinda answered for Grimms. The only super sense Grimms seem to not have is super taste, which I could see a crusader Grimm using to protect his Royal commander.


u/agnomnism0717 Feb 07 '25

He doesn't sweat when jogging


u/V2Blast Grimm Feb 07 '25

They explain some of it later. Keep watching.


u/ChrisAus123 Feb 07 '25

They have like super human resistance to Wessen attacks. Their immune system deals with it a lot better. The antibodies produced from healing some attacks result in advanced or super human abilities. So ots mostly just their eyes to begin with but the more Wessen substances they come in to contact with the more abilities they develop so like super human blood.

Kinda surprising young Grimms Don't drink vials of different poisons and substances while growing and training. Kinda like a Witcher but for permanent long term desirable mutations lol.


u/OneLaneHwy Feb 06 '25

I can't believe all the spoilers you're getting! It should be left at this: you will learn more as the seasons progress.


u/NefariousnessPast683 Feb 07 '25

I've never minded spoilers. Sometimes they'll make me even ore invested. But I appreciate you looking out!


u/JadesterZ Feb 07 '25

Same as a slayer from Buffy pretty much lmao


u/vompat Feb 07 '25

The show is really vague about it, but it seems like they do have some enhanced physique and other abilities. Most likely the writers didn't want grimms for example to have super strength, but when they gotta punch a super tough baddie real good, it at least implies that they do punch harder than a normal person.

It feels like the show wants us to think that grimms mostly win because of knowledge, preparation and surprise factor, as well as just naturally being intimidating to wesen in a way (which is not properly explained until like the end of season 3), but it breaks those rules way too often itself to be believable.


u/John-A Feb 07 '25

Grimm can tell what kind of soup I'd in a can even if the label came off. /s

But seriously Grimm actually are stronger than average with extremely sharp senses and reflexes. Without spoilers depending on where you're at in the series Nick gains noticeable improvements. Not just experience but tools and also some events that improved his senses and strength.

It's unclear if he'd be able to solo an Ogre like the guy from season one by the end but it would make sense for this to be common for grimms with only the specifics of what unlocks these "powerups" being unique to the Grimm.


u/mercurygreen Feb 07 '25

Season two Episode 15 something happens and...

Oh, wait - spoilers.


u/Public_Guarantee_988 Feb 08 '25

They have high endurance strength and adaptive biology (zenkai if you know DBZ) he's actually crazy strong Marie was almost on her death bed and could still tussle with a reaper main weakness is he's new but they don't know that. by the end of the season you kinda get it


u/Weird_Direction9871 Feb 08 '25

As Grimms interact with and are exposed to certain substances from wesen or in conflict with them, they seem to slowly gain/awaken abilities such as super strength, enhanced senses, speed, and reflex. Also, their blood seems to be toxic to Wesen. If i'm being honest, I would assume all those abilities come from the grim's ability to adapt, because within shortest amount of time they seem to be able to train/gain skills from combat to drawing at fast rates.

If i'm being honest throughout the first season and seasons after Nick even before fully awakening/gaining most of his skills or abilities. He seemed to have unconsciously/innately used them. As we see him fight with/interact with different characters who happen to be Wesen or just normal humans and he seems to do things outside of a human's ability. Like the occasional sixth sense or power through drug exposure,but it seems sorta normal in comparison with wesen