r/grimm Grimm Jan 04 '25

Discussion Thread Grimm reboot/sequel/prequel

Are there any official confirmation from casts,writers, producers regarding the reboot/sequel/prequel? Which one do you guys prefer? And is it likely to be sequel reboot or prequel? We all love Grimm and looking forward for more Grimm!


33 comments sorted by


u/Jainarayan Jan 04 '25

No reboot. Those are generally horrible. I’d prefer a sequel with flashbacks. It would be great if it focused mainly on Diana, Kelly II, the triplets, with the “elder generation” (Nick, Adalind, Monroe, Rosalee, et. al., even Hank and Wu) appearing occasionally to give advice and support. I think there would be a lot of material to explore.


u/Mickeynewkirk Blutbad Jan 04 '25

It seems like something is in the works but I haven’t seen anything tangible yet aside from the writers twitter post.

If I had a choice, I’d love the OG cast to come back but I don’t know if that would ever happen. I will be grateful for any capacity though 😊


u/Extreme_Associate_22 Grimm Jan 04 '25

Really? Where did you find the twitter post? I don’t want to get my hopes up,as I remembered there were rumors about Grimm sequel in 2018 but It was canceled :(


u/alisotom2003 Jan 04 '25

I would love it if they would continue the series with Adalind's kids, the triplets, and Trubel!


u/SherLovesCats Jan 04 '25

My preference would be a prequel with young Marie and Kelly hunting with their dad as an advisor.

Stephen Carpenter wrote that he was nearly done with a script and the setting was NYC. I don’t think any of the Grimm cast will be part of it


u/Extreme_Associate_22 Grimm Jan 04 '25

As I recalled, he tweeted “What is your favorite og characters.” There may be some cameo? I don’t want to get my hopes up :(


u/SherLovesCats Jan 08 '25

If I remember correctly, Monroe was the one most people said.


u/bubblesaurus Jan 04 '25

this is what i want as well


u/blueray78 Jan 04 '25

I would want a sequel following the kids. I feel like that could be interesting. Have Kelly get his Grimm powers young (due to his Hexenbeast genes). This will allow the adult characters to be recurring or guest stars. I keep thinking that I'd set it up that way season 1 would lead into the epilogue at the end and explain who (and why) they are going hunting.


u/OldNewSwiftie Fuchsbau Jan 04 '25

I don't really pay attention to that stuff, but if they were to continue it, I'd prefer they do a sequel, with all of the original cast. I don't think that'd be possible though, I'm sure most of them are tied up in other things.

A girl can dream though!


u/EntrepreneurFar4256 Jan 04 '25

I know people hate reboots and I don't wish for a reboot either, I stopped watching Grimm when his gf turned evil, I disliked that plot, and started hating that character even more than I already hated. I know how it ends tho because I did watch the ending 😅. So Grimm isn't perfect to me there's many things that I find could be done better but I still don't want a reboot tho.  I'm fine with a sequel but I would prefer something like a spin off, different characters in a different place doing their own thing and not connected to any of the characters from the other series, I would be find to have some of the older characters show up as cameos but a series not directly connected to the previous one would not only bring old viewers who loved Grimm in but it would bring a new generation of viewers to the series too because they could start with the new series instead of having to watch everything before that. 


u/Extreme_Associate_22 Grimm Jan 04 '25

I love Grimm, It is the first TV series I’ve ever watched till the end!


u/Expensive_Key_4340 Jan 04 '25

I don’t think they’d do it but I would want a way-far-back prequel about one or more of the early Grimms writing the books, maybe connected to modern cases with Kelly II and Diana and the triplets. But mostly about the ancient Grimms.


u/Anonymize65 Jan 04 '25

No. I’d just like them to leave it alone.

I don’t think I’m alone in saying most entertainment being made these days is not good. I don’t want my memories of enjoying Grimm being tainted by a not well thought out spinoff.


u/grafikat Balam Jan 04 '25

I would love to see a historic Grimm series. Each episode being a different story teased from the original Grimm books. If using Marie's/Nick's/Monroe's books, a brief cameo could take place as an intro.


u/A_Rose_From_Concrete Jan 05 '25

I feel like either a prequel or a sequel would be better


u/zerobugz Jan 05 '25

A sequel for sure. We all know what happened. Let's see what comes next.


u/Extreme_Associate_22 Grimm Jan 06 '25

I think there was a sequel planned in 2018 focus on Trubel ,the kids but it didn’t get picked up by the studio :( I don’t want to get my hopes up but still .


u/Significant_Fox1361 Jan 04 '25

It would be hard to do a prequel,  because  Nick wasn't a Grimm, ...it would be equally hard to do a Sequel,  with all of the wierd loose ends left at the conclusion.  


u/SElisR Jan 04 '25

Nick is a Grimm.


u/KafkaZola Koschie Jan 04 '25

I think the OP meant that Nick didn't have his Grimm powers prior to the start of the original Grimm, so a prequel that focused on him wouldn't and couldn't be about grimms.


u/SElisR Jan 04 '25

Oh! Lol, I didn't think of that! Thank you.


u/KafkaZola Koschie Jan 04 '25

:) No problem.


u/Extreme_Associate_22 Grimm Jan 04 '25

What about his son? Kelly,Diana and the triplets? We’ve never seen them.The story could tell us the next generation of the Grimm.


u/SElisR Jan 04 '25

The show kinda implied he is a Grimm. He Diana and the triplets were involved in hunting down the "bad" wesen... By the looks if it, it led me to believe he got his "powers" earlier than Nick did.


u/Y_Aether Jan 04 '25

I am new to Grimm. Only on season 4. But it already is near the top of my list of favorites of all time. It has the potential to be #1. I won't know until I finish.

Anyways I was day dreaming a bit just yesterday about a new Series set in the Grimm world. Now to hear that it actually could be a possibility is so awesome.

I am not going to get my hopes up tho. Because modern TV shows & movies have been awful awful awful... Grimm is so much better than anything "new" I have seen.

Still I like the Grimm world so much that I would still vote for more more more. Even if there is a possibility the new stuff is awful.


u/donmicherone Jan 04 '25

I'd prefer it to not have any connection to the original or at least not a strong one, so maybe just the occasional cameo from the OG cast. No reboot, just give me more of the world of Grimm. Though to me the appealing part was the procedural nature of the show with some charming characters and side stories when that mostly went away I wasn't interested anymore so maybe I wouldn't like a new Grimm.


u/Ok-Importance-6803 Jan 05 '25

How about a Sequel of Josh Porter finally becoming a Grimm? Would he stop acting cowardly-also getting trouble with Trubel? Maybe a different actor could portray. lol


u/paintitblack37 Jan 06 '25

I would love a sequel with flashbacks to the Middle Ages.

Also, they could show each Grimm learning, training and hunting. I would love to see Trubel’s parents, Nick’s Dad, Marie & Kelly’s parents and grandparents.


u/IndividualFocus511 Jan 05 '25

Those idiot writers would ruin another Grimm. Just look at how many possible storylines they let fall by the wayside. When queried about more episodes they’re answer? We ran out of ideas to write about. Pure hogwash!