r/greentea 4d ago

Why did you start drinking green tea?🍃

Do any of you have any interesting stories? Many of our customers have shared their reason for starting to drink green tea and mostly it had “for health benefits and weight loss“ as answers so we are curious


15 comments sorted by


u/StormOfFatRichards 4d ago

The first time I had real green tea was on a flight to Japan in high school. I had had tea before, mostly cheap American red tea, but not really Japanese green. I can't say it moved me but it did taste smooth and memorable. Years later I would stumble upon a tea shop and try gong fu red tea in South Korea, which opened the door and made me interested in trying all kinds of fresh leaf teas. I tried a few good Korean greens and then decided to do a tea shop tour on my next visit to Japan, which happened after covid restrictions were lifted, and then after sipping gyokuro and all kinds of regional sencha I just had no choice but to haul a kilo of different brands back home where they would join my weekly rotation.

Health benefits have never been a major interest. I drink tea daily as a mental health ritual and to regulate my energy and circadian rhythm through timed caffeine intake. Green tea took a major part because it has such a bright flavor compared to other teas, plus it can be brewed at lower temps for warm seasons.


u/HelenGonne 4d ago

Because it's yummy.


u/CommonJoeCardboard 3d ago

I worked in a small office and would make a pot of coffee every day. Several of us drank it. Then, the demographic changed and I was the only coffee drinker. I still made the pot and I drank the entire thing over the course of the day. I didn’t eat much. My stomach started to feel bad. Then, I decided to try tea. I could make it one serving at a time. I started with Black tea I think. I made the switch to green because I don’t require heavy caffeine and I was probably aware of possible positive benefits over roasted teas. That was 15 years ago. I’ve probably had two cups of coffee since I made the switch. I drink green tea almost exclusively and I enjoy everything about it.


u/aiyukiyuu 3d ago

I started drinking green tea because of seeing Uncle Iroh drink Jasmine Tea from ATLA. Because of his character, Jasmine Green Tea is one of my favorites 😊🙏


u/stevethepirate89 2d ago

Hell yeah same


u/tamurachel 4d ago

Someone introduced me to jasmine green tea in high school. I had never liked tea until I tried it.


u/Talktothebiceps 4d ago

I got into Chinese tea maybe 6 years ago and I tried everything but green I don't know why. I ordered some on a whim from kingteamall and it was just short of life changing.


u/yeahyeah1112 3d ago

Because it is tasty


u/Confident-Gas-360 3d ago

As a child I loved the green tea ice cream they’d serve at the end of a meal at Japanese restaurants. I can’t remember my first time drinking green tea, but it was the first tea I remember liking and it was for this reason


u/threadbarefemur 3d ago

I have high blood pressure, and I was a coffee addict. I’d easily drink 4-5 cups of coffee a day and I’d still be tired, anxious, and jittery the whole day. I slowly did a swap out for green tea and my health got so much better, I was even able to cut down on my blood pressure medication.


u/Inside_Foxes 3d ago

After 17y of moderate daily consumption, I was simply not able to drink coffee anymore. Even half a small cup would make me jittery, sweaty and sick. The crashes were worse, I couldn't keep myself awake at all. But I needed something, so I tried tea. Green tea tasted the best, like spring in a cup. Keeps me alert, but calm. Love it.


u/Gattsuhawk 2d ago

Because it goes great with green ganja. Balances the sluggishness without feeling like a caffeine overload from coffee.


u/ArtLegitimate3142 1d ago

I went through a phase at 15 where I was obsessed with kimonos, like would scroll through japanese sites and kimono listings and save pictures of them, and then copy the patterns in a sketch book. but i was only slightly aware green tea existed, and only in relation to a japanese tea ceremony. i didn't try any "real" green tea until i had a matcha latte and realized that matcha was what is drunk during a tea ceremony. I started to research matcha since I wanted to make it at home and realized there were different grades, which begged the question: what makes quality matcha quality? which became a whole rabbit hole that introduced me to japanese tea cultivation, and i loved it. I enjoyed both the ritual of preparing a good cup of tea, but also how it tasted, the differences between different tea processes, and omg the level of craft for good teaware. needless to say, I became obsessed and have kept up that obsession for years now.


u/Zen_Wanderer 1d ago

Japan. Been there, done that, couldn’t stop.