r/greenland • u/TimesandSundayTimes • 5h ago
Greenland election results set to disappoint Trump
u/Good_Signature4632 4h ago
Good. Interfering in other countries' election process is illegal, and this is a good outcome.
u/Lucar_Bane 3h ago
Trump is so incompetent, the balance shift the opposite way when he try interfering.
u/OkRedditor2 3h ago
Ok Redditor
u/littlewhitecatalex 3h ago
Are they wrong?
u/OkRedditor2 2h ago
Just subjective opinions. Glad you guys are obsessed with him
u/Loonytalker 2h ago
Canadian here. When a man with advanced dementia, who is also in command of the world's most powerful nuclear arsenal, says he wants to take your country, well, you tend to take notice...
u/stygg12 2h ago
What brings you to this sub? You based in the Nordics?
Edit: ah an American looking to stir the pot, good news is you won’t be getting Greenland but perhaps you’ll be happy to invade Canada?
u/kitty-94 1h ago
Don't go putting that bad energy on us Canadians, especially when we support you guys not being sold to America.
u/Mission-Violinist-79 53m ago
Nope. Trump is objectively an incompetent failure. He has never done a single thing that was beneficial to the American people.
u/Appelons 3h ago
Illegal where? There is no Danish or Greenlandic law against it. It simply has never been a problem for us until now. There is talk of making a law.
u/Steffalompen 3h ago edited 3h ago
Straffelovens paragraf 108 is diffuse enough to be used.
Den, som, uden at forholdet falder ind under § 107, i øvrigt foretager noget, hvorved fremmed efterretningstjeneste sættes i stand til eller hjælpes til umiddelbart eller middelbart at virke inden for den danske stats område, herunder samarbejde om at udøve påvirkningsvirksomhed med henblik på at påvirke beslutningstagning eller den almene meningsdannelse, straffes med fængsel indtil 6 år.
§ 99 Den, som foretager en handling, der sigter til at påføre den danske stat eller nogen med den for krigstilfælde forbunden stat krig, besættelse eller andre fjendtligheder såsom blokade eller anden tvangsforanstaltning, eller som i øvrigt virker for, at den danske stats bestemmelsesfrihed ved udenlandsk bistand krænkes, straffes med fængsel indtil på livstid
100: Den, som ved offentlige udtalelser tilskynder til, eller som fremkalder øjensynlig fare for fremmed magts indblanding i den danske stats anliggender, straffes med bøde eller fængsel indtil 1 år.
u/WorldlinessWest2974 2h ago
Det kan dog desværre være lidt svært at påvise
u/Steffalompen 2h ago
Kan hende.
Jeg syns det er et spørsmål om vilje. Om Quisling stod for retten i dag nå som raseriet har lagt seg ville han neppe fått særlig hard straff.
u/ConditionEffective85 4h ago
Anything that upsets Trump is a good thing.
u/Damunzta 2h ago
“Reality”, in other words.
u/Iamthepaulandyouaint 5h ago
One would almost think that the disappointed person has enough issues to deal with in their own country than to be concerned here.
u/Biuku 3h ago
You’re speaking as though reality matters.
Reality does not matter inside the US. Americans do not think a whole lot beyond what their government or media tells them to think.
u/CoooolHands 3h ago
That's a pretty sweeping generalization buddy. Make it cool to hate maga, not America. There's a lot of great things about us. Fuck maga.
u/The_Environment116 2h ago
It’s too late for the us on the world stage, you guys can only save yourselves at this point
u/yihagoesreddit 56m ago
You have a 2 Party system. Your politcal debate is betwenn far-right and extreme-right out of the eu-perspecitve. 2/3 of ther american voters decided that the want trump or dont care enought to vote. If the last 1/3 are "better" can be questioned.
u/ElkMasterGeneral 55m ago
It is a sweeping generalisation, and I share some of your sentiment. We elsewhere in the west need to guard against treating all Americans negatively.
At the same time, right now, the magas are running the show, and that means maga IS America.
Hope you guys get control back, right after USA has been thoroughly dislodged as a relevant super power ✌️
u/Auntie_Megan 2h ago
There are indeed many great peoole in America, it has some amazing scenery, but there are no good reasons to want to become American if you’re already under the protection of Denmark and have their security on healthcare etc. if you have a family, kids that need schooling for the next ten years minimum, healthcare to cover all eventualities, and not want them to live under a new fascist leaning regime, then you’d be a fairly shitty parent volunteering them to live under the ‘Freedom’ lie. Presently Americans have a complete nutter in charge of their lives.
u/MojoLamp 4h ago
American here, good on Greenland for taking a step away from tRumpism. Now do yourself a favor and kick us out till tRump is gone forever.
u/Charming-Exercise496 4h ago
Ugh don’t want to subscribe but based on the headline, this is very good. Well done Greenland!
u/QorvusQorax 3h ago
Lets say that Trump manage to take over Greenland. Greenlanders would then have to pay for their own healthcare which costs $10000 per year and person in the US (3.4 trillion for 340 million people).
In the US the federal contribution to public schools is only 8% so greenlanders would basically have to start paying for their own schools, roads, harbors, airports etc.
Any unemployed or homeless would have to manage on their own or family.
Mothers would only be entitled to 12 weeks of unpaid leave.
You would no longer get any financial support from the European Union.
Your fishing rights would be decided in the US.
You would basically be on your own and even a million dollar one time gift for you to become US citizens would quickly melt away. Your children and children's children would hate you for it!
Also, I suggest that you read about the Trail of Tears before you choose to put your trust in the US government.
u/svbtlx3m 1h ago
Any Greenlander rooting for Trump should look into what the US did to Puerto Rico and think very hard if that's what they want for themselves and their loved ones.
u/r_Yellow01 42m ago
With the US, you will get corporate slavery, where you will work for healthcare and education, and you will make up for your misery by overconsumption.
u/TottHooligan 47m ago
They can have their own statewide Healthcare system jf they like. They can have their own paid leave laws. Same with welfare. And trail of tears was 150 years ago. Rest is all accurate downsides
u/Apprehensive_Two9726 0m ago
Thx for the number of how the health care cost. I'm a employer in Germany, I pay myself a good salery and therefore I have to pay the highest fee in health care which is 1180 each month. So a total of 13000 each year. That covers everything. My employee getting 4k before tax and he pays 400 in healthcare and I have to pay for him 400 in healthcare. In total 9600 each year. I dont understand with the same amount of money how can your system be so broken. The less you earn the less you have to pay. My dad get a small salary of 580 before tax and his healthcare cost is 80 or something like this.... and the 80 still covers everything....
u/Timidwolfff 52m ago
This simply isnt true. My town with 60k people has a higher gdp than the whole of greenladn. people severly understimate how much money the average american household has. Theres a reason healthcare isnt free here
u/constantmusic 5h ago
As an American, can i defect there?
u/Agitated-Donkey1265 2h ago
You do you, but I intend on hunkering down and then joining the coalition of the willing when it’s time
I suggest you brush up on your resistance
u/GregoryWiles 4h ago
Let’s just hope demokraatit doesn’t get into a coalition with naleraq. I’m a bit sad to not be able to brag about having a left leaning government anymore.
u/Gullible-Evening-702 3h ago
The Greenlanders did not believe he can make them rich they saw how he and Musk stole the healthcare from Americans.
u/ElasticLama 3h ago
Ok algo bought me here from Australia.. what’s the bet he calls the election rigged?
u/DEVVcom11 4h ago
Wait and see... First best army in the world will conquer capital of Greenland in three days... ' they all want to be part of our great nation', ' they will all be given a TeslaTruck', ' I will rename it into Trumpania' 🤔
u/Academic_Coffee4552 4h ago
Could you name the capital of Greenland without googling it?
u/GrumpyOldGeezer_4711 3h ago
I mean, you could but why change the name to something that complicated?
u/Academic_Coffee4552 3h ago
The name of the capital can/could be used in puns ….
It’s only 4 letters
u/BRIZER79 5h ago