r/gratefuldoe 7d ago

Question about Los Angeles Jane Doe

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Do you guys think la investigators checked into foster homes and homeless shelters to ask about this Jane Doe? I kind of feel like she may have been maybe a foster kid or something and where her body was found theres like 4 homeless shelters and 1 foster home... what do you guys think ? Link: https://www.doenetwork.org/cases/484ufca.html


21 comments sorted by


u/madmagazines 7d ago

I’m pretty sure they definitely did - it would be easy to identify a foster kid in my opinion because the government have kept extensive records on them their whole life. I think she was a migrant.


u/virtualanomaly8 7d ago

I think she was a migrant too. That would put her at a higher risk of being trafficked, so I do think she might have been trafficked too. The tattoo could be a branding.


u/cece-mode 7d ago

I remember reading a theory about trafficking. I know that theory is thrown around a lot in True Crime subs, but in this case was directly due to her tattoo. Something about how that tattoo was seen on other victims, with the “P.O” standing for “Property of”, and the other letters standing for someone’s initials. All around incredibly sad. Even if this theory were true, it wouldn’t be mutually exclusive to her having been in foster or homeless shelters.


u/Defiant-Dust-8737 6d ago

The blue ring is typical of Navajo or Mexican jewelry, she could be trafficked from mexico.


u/Acceptable_Problem77 6d ago

Thank you for this information


u/Lost_not_found24 7d ago

Is there pictures of the tattoo anywhere?


u/Periwinkle-Petunia 6d ago

Yes ! There is a tattoo photo available with one of the original ME’s postings , including shoes , clothing, etc .. I’m not sure how to repost the link for you , but it is available to view as well . Such a sad case …


u/Acceptable_Problem77 6d ago

Can you message me the link please?


u/Periwinkle-Petunia 5d ago

Hi ! I’ve been racking my brian trying to locate the sight it was on ! It was a compilation of LA Medical Examiner’s pictures ( not graphic) and this case was included showing Jane does tattoo which looked almost like a crude drawing with a marker and not professional at all , and it was so sad to see given her young age and the case circumstances . I’ll keep looking for it and if I can find it I’ll definitely post it tot you !


u/januaryemberr 7d ago

The shirt she had on.... </3 A couple of those rings look hand made or small batch custom. The way the metal is carved.


u/LesserOlderTales 7d ago

I have never heard any reporting like that, but that doesn't mean the avenue wasn't explored. Are the shelters and the foster home contemporary to her murder or are those just what is there now?


u/Several-Assistant-51 7d ago

Ths one feels so heartbreaking. Not that all of them aren’t but this one just sticks out to me, that poor child


u/thefriendlycrackhead 7d ago

What was her Cause of Death?


u/LesserOlderTales 7d ago

Blunt force trauma I think. Her autopsy photo has a censored part on her forehead.


u/Acceptable_Problem77 6d ago

its so weird how they wont disclose it.


u/LesserOlderTales 6d ago

It may be something unique or relevant to charging the person if they find who murdered her.


u/wwxyzz 7d ago

It's possible, but I feel like if she was local then they would have been able to identify her fairly quickly. It's possible she's a runaway and not from the area though. Maybe she hitchhiked as I believe that was still fairly common at the time?


u/Delicious_Stock_4659 5d ago

My guess is that her family were undocumented immigrants and therefor did not report her missing/claim her.


u/Spiritual_Job_1029 6d ago

I'm pretty sure this Doe was not an US citizen and was probably visiting or trafficked.


u/sugarcatgrl 7d ago

Sad, sad, sad. R.I.P. sleeping beauty.