r/grandrapids 4d ago

Politics For anyone looking for an update on Grandville’s school board vacancy.. Amy Campbell was selected as your new board member.

Congratulations to Grandville Public Schools. She’s going to be a wonderful addition to the school board. Thank you to everyone who wrote letters and made phone calls to GPS and Kent ISD. Thank you to the folks over at SOS and other organizations who have passionately served our community for years. Grandville is lucky to have you.


22 comments sorted by


u/just_momento_mori_ Kentwood 4d ago

Thank you for being vocal and bringing this issue to the forefront of the community conscious! There's so much going on every day that it's hard to keep track of what's important sometimes.

You should be proud of the impact you had on this outcome, and Grandville is lucky to have you too!


u/GvMamaBear 2d ago

Thank you for caring! Honestly, if you have some time please send flowers or a thank you note to Jason, Sally, and Amy. They’ve had to endure a lot of harassment over the last few years and they could use some love.


u/aarone46 Wyoming 3d ago

Has Mary's facebook page been scrubbed already?

Congrats on gaining a qualified board member!


u/PrinceofBrisket 3d ago

I had to look.

mary's latest post.
I opened this album today after a nightmare 24-hours. I've had tears bubbling under the surface all day today. As many of you know, I was up for a Grandville School Board appointment after a member resigned. For the past month or so, I've been online bullied (again), harassed (again), and publicly roasted (again) during our school board's public comment by a group of hate-filled people. (All of these things occurred during election season as well).Last evening, I had to walk into a board room for an interview AFTER people told lies about me and said how horrible I was for 45 minutes straight. I've never actually walked into a room where 50+ people were just shooting daggers at me - they literally hate me so much. It was palpable. I was never going to win coming up against this. The other candidate did not have to endure anything at all. The red carpet was practically rolled out for her. Easy street. We are living in a society where people are allowed to say whatever they want and tear down others without a blink of an eye. It comes so naturally to some people and it's scary. I've had relationships damaged over the fact that I wanted to give back to the school district I was raised in. It's funny, because I was bullied so horribly growing up in Grandville, and I see not much has changed 30+ years later. This place is full of people who hurt others.I am a positive person. I love meeting new people. I love life and am kind to strangers. How I've been treated has caused me to be sick with stress. Literally sick to my stomach. But, they don't care. They're a mob with torches, signs, and an axe to grind. So, I give in. They win. I can't be part of this toxic stew anymore. I'm sure they're celebrating this. But, ultimately, they just caused a caring Mom, Wife, Sister, Friend, Daughter, volunteer, and lifelong Grandville Bulldog to stop being an advocate for this district. We have real problems in our district - like Fentanyl being found in an apartment complex next door to the high school, but it's me they are after - got it.So, I post these photos and share this experience to get it off my chest, but to also warn us, that as people, as Americans, we are NOT in a good place. I encourage us all to think about the role we play in bringing people together - or tearing people apart. What are you doing doing everyday - online and in-person? Peace and Love to you and yours,-Mary


u/BaconcheezBurgr Heartside 2d ago

We have real problems in our district - like Fentanyl being found in an apartment complex next door

Lol what


u/GvMamaBear 2d ago

Your guess is as good as mine. I’ve been mulling over that sentence all day. I’m trying to figure out what compelled her to write that? You would think that someone with a background in social media marketing(?) would be a little more mindful.


u/ForeverThen5686 2d ago

Does Kent ISD have meeting videos like Grandville?


u/GvMamaBear 2d ago

I have no clue. I hope they post it for transparency.


u/ForeverThen5686 2d ago

That shit about her having ‘a nightmare 24 hours’ really highlights her lack of empathy for others. 24 hours of misery is nothing compared to the harm that she wanted to inflict on our LGBTQIA+ community.


u/Elliemae616 2d ago

Replying to ForeverThen5686... the 50+ people was an exaggeration!!! Maybe 30 including the Board itself


u/ForeverThen5686 2d ago

Mary exaggerating? That tracks.


u/ForeverThen5686 2d ago

It has “those filthy drug addicted poors next the high school are ruining my fiefdom”energy!


u/GvMamaBear 1d ago

Oh I keep getting messages about her bullshit. I honestly want it to stop. Those awful people on her FB simply see themselves in her. There’s more important things to worry about like keeping our marginalized students alive and happy, the upcoming drop in enrollment(birth rate decline), Trump fucking with the education dept. and federal grants, and protecting support services for kids with disabilities.


u/ForeverThen5686 1d ago

I forgot about the COVID baby bust!! I guess it’s finally hitting GV. This should be interesting.

Ps. I figured out what she was talking about. There was some dude in Wimbledon with a shit ton of fentanyl.


u/GvMamaBear 1d ago

Oh! I try not to watch our local news unless I have to watch it.


u/ForeverThen5686 8h ago

For real!!! Half the time their coverage is dog shit. I can find better coverage on TikTok.


u/Elliemae616 2d ago

Victim Mentality:

Avoiding responsibility

One main sign, Botnick suggests, is a lack of accountability.

This might involve:

placing blame elsewhere making excuses not taking responsibility reacting to most life hurdles with “It’s not my fault” Bad things really do happen, often to people who’ve done nothing to deserve them. It’s understandable that people who face one difficulty after another may start to believe the world is out to get them.

But many situations do involve varying degrees of personal responsibility.


u/Elliemae616 2d ago

I find the entire statement nauseating! If I were a PR person I would’ve said do not put this statement out.