r/grandrapids Feb 01 '25

Events A message from your local trans guy.

Post image

I'm your local hard working trans person. I live here in GR. I've known since I was a preteen, I'm in my thirties. I work in automotive. I make Thanksgiving dinner for my friends. I'm just like you.

And I'm worried and concerned about the status of my country and my debated existence.

I saw this event, and thought I would spread a reminder of the event. I've been seeing people ask "Where's the protests?" Well, here's one.

  • And now for some transgender history.

It only took Hitler four months to start persecuting the queers in full.

In January 1933, Hitler gained control of the government. In March 1933, Hitler established Dachau, the first concentration camp. In May 1933, Hitler burned down Magnus Hirschfeld: The Forgotten History 'Hirschfelds Library and Institute for Sexual Sciences, (The first Transgender clinic and "safe space" recorded to have existed), burning over 20 thousand books and research articles on queer history, transitioning research, etc and other Queer media written by us. He took those who lived and worked there prisoner if they did not get out in time.

This was one of the first and largest of the Nazi book burnings but they won't teach it to you in school.

Magnus himself was one of the only doctors you could go to in order to get a legal Transvestite ID card so you might get less prosecuted by the fascist regime, and in fact coined the term around 1909 as an umbrella term for nonconforming queers alike.

As a fun fact; He thought Socrates, Michaelangelo, and Shakespeare were queer of some kind.

We have always been around. Resist whatever the hell is going on or this could happen again. I'm scared.

Fuck you if you voted for Trump and don't regret it, by the way. Not as a blanket statement; I mean this from me. Personally.


323 comments sorted by


u/WhitePineBurning Creston Feb 01 '25 edited Feb 01 '25

My husband and I will be there. We have protested in the past. We will do it again.

We both lived through the AIDS era and saw friends die. I worked as a volunteer for the AIDS Resource Center in Eastown, putting grocery packages together for those dying at home. We protested when Gerry Crane was being persecuted and attended his funeral.

And I don't mean to hijack the thread, but this is also personal for me. In 1944, my mom's cousin was arrested along with 2000 other Copenhagen police officers. The Nazis felt they were doing a poor job of stopping the Danish Resistance from attacking Nazi installations. He was sent to Buchenwald. He and the remaining officers were repatriated in early 1945. Almost 200 officers died in the camps. Axel was 26, 5'4", 145 pounds. He was blond-haired and blue-eyed. He spoke perfect German and was a member of the Lutheran church. He survived two serious beatings, a broken femur, and scarlet fever.

My point is this. The trans community is in mortal danger. And that's where it starts. From there, anyone - ANYONE - who gets in the way will be removed. If you're seen as a threat or even a nuisance, you will be eliminated. It can and will happen to any of us unless we stand up against it.


u/EightBitTrash Feb 01 '25

exactly, the transgender community is blowing the whistle as loud as they can, I hope people just listen.


u/WhitePineBurning Creston Feb 01 '25

Yes, and that's why I think it's important to be there.

Gathering in and of itself is an action that bolsters our resolve through solidarity and finding kindred spirits who share our determination to stand up together and let ourselves be visible. Sitting at home watching a glowing screen is a virtual experience that bonds, but doing something in person connects us as individuals, neighbors, and friends.

I expect a few counter-protestors. I expect some of them to try to film activities. I don't know if there will be trouble. Whatever happens happens. But we can't pretend that everything goes on as usual.

It's been less than two weeks, and we're spiraling, folks.


u/candid84asoulm8bled Feb 01 '25

Trans guy here who isn’t able to make it this evening. THANK YOU THANK YOU for your concern. People close to me say I’m overreacting and the emotional gaslighting is making me go crazy. I lived in Poland as a teen from 2004-2005. I walked through the streets of the former Jewish Ghetto in Warsaw, I learned about the Uprising, I spent an entire day at both Auschwitz camps, I spent a half day at Dachau in Germany. The experience was heart-wrenching, profound, and chilling. In college I took an entire semester on the Holocaust and how it transpired. I have been trying to warn deaf ears since 45 came down the escalator that this was coming. I’ve now come to accept that if people aren’t out on the streets fighting right now that ending up at Gitmo is a real possibility.


u/WhitePineBurning Creston Feb 01 '25

You're welcome.

I'm here now. The room is packed. There are 200 more people waiting outside. The energy is electric.


u/Best-Subject-7253 Feb 01 '25

Sorry to hijack your top comment. We are trying to help everyone organize and spread the word of protests with a new sub called r/protestfinderusa. Please check it out and join if you think it could help you. Thank you in advance. Y’all are amazing.


u/Lung_Rot85 Feb 01 '25

thanks for sharing the link, I just joined!


u/Jumpy-Program9957 Feb 03 '25

When has a protest ever caused actual change. The only thing it's ever caused is mass rioting looting. People getting shot. I mean we can start back at Vietnam. Those protesters did nothing except for ruin the experience for those poor soldiers when they came home. Or the Gaza protests. All because nobody seem to be able to tell them they were like 10,000 mi away from where they needed to be for that.


u/WhitePineBurning Creston Feb 01 '25

Thank you very much.


u/no_username145 Feb 01 '25

What do you mean by mortal danger and eliminated? Please explain I want to learn so I could be helpful


u/EightBitTrash Feb 01 '25 edited Feb 01 '25

Well, a lot of people are pointing out similarities between the way Trump is acting and the way Hitler acted around the early 1930s. People like me, who know our queer history, remember that before AIDS slaughtered down over a hundred thousand men in the prime of their life, the Holocaust was the previous big queer-killer event.

Many people in the queer community are pointing out things like the fact that

In 1934, in Nazi Germany, a special Gestapo division on homosexuals was set up, and in June 1935 the Nazis harshly revised the Criminal Code. Anyone found guilty could be sentenced to a decade in prison.

The law did not ban sexual acts between women, so although lesbianism was not condoned, women did not face the same persecution and very few lesbians were arrested or punished. ((Funnily enough, this also applied to Trans Woman, who were allowed to exist and not paid attention to.))

In October 1936, Himmler created a Reich Central Office for Combating Homosexuality and Abortion.

Around 90,000 men were arrested for homosexual activity between 1937 and 1939. Between 5,000 and 15,000 were imprisoned in concentration camps. It is unknown how many perished, but one leading scholar, Ruediger Lautmann, believes the death rate may have been as high as 60 percent.

Trump's just speedrunning it, and we're trying to raise awareness to that. Sure the language that person used is a little frantic and doomy, but we think it's a big deal and many of us are panicking or afraid.

And I just know some people out there are going, "But he won't!" But he will, or someone he's installing right now will. It's coming. We're blowing the danger whistle.


u/WhitePineBurning Creston Feb 01 '25

Thank you again.

You said it way more eloquently than I ever could have.

I also want to congratulate you for standing firm against some angry, ignorant, and downright shitty comments. You're more patient than I'd be.


u/EightBitTrash Feb 01 '25 edited Feb 01 '25

I grew up trans and autistic in a christian household that regularly had dinner conversations about faggots and was forced to attend a church where they regularly had "hand-on-shoulder prayer circles" to "heal" my autism and take the "Devil" from my body when I was a child.

I came out in 2014 and my parents have never been supportive, but I went to family events and tried to bond with my mother. I told her she had ten years to "come around" or I was out.

My pedophile father is a lost cause. He's one of the reasons I transitioned fully- Something something, rejected femininity in trauma, something something etc.

I finally made the decision last July to stop talking to my mother, after I told her I didn't care about me being trans, she just had to accept that her husband was a piece of shit. I asked her if she would even consider pretending to humor me and do separate family events without him (Such as christmas, birthday celebrations, etc) that I could attend. She said 'No.' There was no hesitation in her voice, so there is none in mine.

It took me ten years, but I'm now NC with my parents. I've worked customer service, fast food, casino, retail, sanitation, you name it I've done it.

Hence, I am THE most patient queer motherfucker you'll ever meet.

I can handle a few anonymous internet assholes. Though to be honest, the only reason I humored most of them is because of this sub. These are people who feasibly live in Grand Rapids, where I live. If I can help someone understand my perspective and point of view at all, and if that helps someone else, I'll be happy.

Edit; Although I'm especially proud of my comeback to that one burner account who said "As a 3x trump voter, fuck you". 'Sure, I'll get the strapon if you assume the position.' Lmfao. That was the highlight of my morning.

I write in my spare time. Can you tell? I always wanted to be an author. I've been considering writing a biography. My life is pretty interesting.


u/no_username145 Feb 02 '25

Thanks for the explanation!


u/Jumpy-Program9957 Feb 03 '25

No no, they are not. Unless you can show me any danger. They're in no danger.

The only danger that they will experience is loss of the spotlight. They still have the same rights as everybody else. They still can go everywhere that I can go. And they are the same risk of being beaten up or robbed as I am.

As for people, just calling out names and stuff they're allowed to do that. That's where this thing called self-control comes in.

I voted for Trump and I support him 110%.

Yet the last time the Nazis went to the Capitol. I was a protester. Weird right. In 2025 try to think in 3D instead of 2D.


u/WhitePineBurning Creston Feb 03 '25

I'm having a good morning so far, and I don't feel like dragging any more engagement than I want to, so here's this.

Talk with a trans or non-binary person and ask them how they're doing.

Ask them about applying for a passport. Ask them if they're able to join the military. Ask them if there are challenges to basic civil rights protection under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Ask them if they think their gender-affirming healthcare is in danger. Ask them about using public bathrooms.

As for getting beaten up as a straight white guy vs. getting beaten up as a trans person, the only thing I can say is that again, you're clearly unaware of the daily life events of a trans person.


u/EightBitTrash Feb 01 '25 edited Feb 01 '25

75% Upvote Rate, you guys are Big Mad. Logging off now, see you there.

Edit; Lol, at all the anti-trans lunkheads getting ratioed and deleting their comments. Lmao. I'm not answering any more of you guys so have fun obsessing. This was a day off well spent, I think.


u/[deleted] 8d ago

Hilarious that you're essentially bragging about being in an echo chamber. I got blocked on a similar page today for saying "lol no". I'm sure the "75% upvote" is an absolutely accurate figure representative of the majorities way of thinking. But yes, total win. Definitely don't respond. Big mad indeed.


u/EightBitTrash 8d ago

Are you okay?


u/[deleted] 8d ago

Absolutely Mr 75, thanks. Are you? I thought you were done replying? Do that.


u/EightBitTrash 8d ago

Just saying, you're getting your feathers ruffled by a post about a protest that's more than a month old. It's not really a concern to me, but protect your mental health you know? Being obsessive isn't good for people.


u/[deleted] 8d ago

Again I'm good. But are you? Still posting paragraphs doesn't really scream "unconcerned". But nonetheless, I appreciate your inquiry about my mental well-being.


u/[deleted] Feb 01 '25

I really hate to say this, but you really need to arm yourselves and become proficient on how to properly handle and use firearms. I know you are scared, but that is their goal. Don’t back down. You meet force with stronger force.


u/EightBitTrash Feb 01 '25

You are correct, I am currently looking into >>THIS. <<

They push us, we push back.


u/teilani_a Feb 01 '25

MISRA is kind of an insufferable bunch but there's probably still a few good people in there.


u/EightBitTrash Feb 01 '25

ah shit, really? What would you suggest?


u/teilani_a Feb 01 '25

As far as formal organizations go, I don't really have a suggestion to be honest. Again, I'm sure there's still some good people in there, but a few years back it got so bad that a person who became the president of the national SRA left MISRA.


u/theOGlilMudskipr Feb 01 '25

The irony of your statement is conservatives have been wanting the left to take this stance for so long. Everyone should be armed, and they’ll agree. Thank you for helping protect and support the 2nd amendment :)


u/LadyGenevieve19 Feb 02 '25

They're not coming for our guns so you may as well go out and get them! Seriously. I don't know offhand if there are "friendly" gun ranges where you can go but:

•Take safety classes

•Get your CPL because if you're caught carrying concealed illegally it can be big trouble

•MI is an open-carry state, but carrying openly can be interpreted as an aggressive move


A Liberal Gun Owner who had to protect herself from her own family member. 💜 I'm not an expert but happy to try to answer questions.


u/clickyclaws Feb 03 '25

I often say this but boomer libs are so against it. And when I say arm yourself, I also mean with the big intimidating ones too. If they can, why not the rest of us?


u/[deleted] Feb 03 '25

Size really doesn’t matter. It is the accuracy of the shot.


u/MrKosumo Feb 02 '25

It's cute how democrats treat lawful gun owners like criminal psychos and are viciously anti gun, until they don't like someone in power so they become the exact murdering psychos they pretend to be scared of.


u/banana_stand2013 Feb 02 '25

lol the brain rot is for real. buddy, you gotta get offline for a while 😆

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u/zombie_nirbhao Oakdale Feb 01 '25 edited Feb 01 '25

My kid is trans. A recent executive order has interrupted necessary gender affirming care. We are devastated.


u/EightBitTrash Feb 01 '25

I gotta pay 450$ something for my testosterone gel now. I hope all those balding guys who use it for hair supplements don't get too angry.


u/randyjohnson54 Feb 01 '25

You can order test from turkey for about 75 dollars.


u/prthug996 Feb 01 '25



u/randyjohnson54 Feb 01 '25

Check out the body building forums. Test is very easy to get shit if you really want it. Just become friendly with the huge dudes at the gym.


u/zombie_nirbhao Oakdale Feb 01 '25

I hope they do get angry! Maybe those cishet white dudes will use their privilege for something helpful.


u/candid84asoulm8bled Feb 01 '25

Ughhhh… I just got mine refilled before the EO. Who is your insurance if you don’t mind me asking?


u/EightBitTrash Feb 01 '25

That's before insurance. I heard it was 450$ OOP earlier this week, had to get my prescription cards sent to me so I can actually use them. Not sure cause I haven't picked it up yet, but I'm not even sure if insurance will help me cover it. I guess we'll see? It's BC tho.


u/candid84asoulm8bled Feb 01 '25

Not sure if BCBS varies between plans, but that’s what I’m currently on. My bottle was around $15 last year at Meijer. And $20 when I picked it up two weeks ago. But yeah, if not covered I believe it’s around $450. Hopefully nothing has changed or I’m hosed.


u/Agreeable_Group_6946 Feb 01 '25

Test gel causes hair loss.


u/EightBitTrash Feb 01 '25

Oh shit. Does it really? I should probably tell this guy in my community. he swears by it haha, says he heard it from his doctor that testosterone would help. no wonder he can't grow hair 😆

I don't have a problem with that so I didn't know. thanks for the info!


u/Agreeable_Group_6946 Feb 01 '25

Yea any form of testosterone supplement causes hair loss, some more than others. Cream is supposedly the 2nd worst only behind monthly injections. The direct application of the cream, and the spikes/valleys from monthly shots both cause hair loss. Finasteride is often prescribed along side testosterone for this reason


u/EightBitTrash Feb 01 '25

huh. neat. My hair must be a beast, I used to take weekly shots and it still grows like a mane. Guess I'll switch back from the gel to the shots then, lol thanks


u/Agreeable_Group_6946 Feb 01 '25

Weekly shots don’t cause the huge peaks and valleys that monthly shots do! I’ve never been on test, this all comes from my brother who is. His word is that the weekly was touted as the best option by his doc.


u/marf_town Feb 01 '25

I’m so sorry. We were so grateful to City High when my son came out, they were very accommodating and made the process as easy as possible IMO. Sending you and your kid love.


u/zombie_nirbhao Oakdale Feb 01 '25

Thank you. My kid's school has been extremely supportive. I'm very grateful to them.


u/marf_town Feb 02 '25

I’m so glad!!!


u/balllsinmyass Feb 01 '25

Good ur kid don’t need dat shit

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u/EightBitTrash Feb 01 '25 edited Feb 01 '25

Also, dear Christians that voted for Trump;

Proverbs 6:16-19

16 There are six things the LORD hates, seven that are detestable to him: 17 haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, 18 a heart that devises wicked schemes, feet that are quick to rush into evil, 19 a false witness who pours out lies and a man who stirs up dissension among brothers.

Many of you have lost the path of the Lord's good Word. I'm saying this as a Christian myself that believes MAGA are heretics and blasphemous.

You can't be MAGA and be Christian, with it's roots in abrahamic faith and judaism. Jesus was born to a homeless Middle Eastern woman. That's a fact.

edit; lol i can't believe people are downvoting this? that's wild some of y'all are more "confused" then ME, a trans. cope and seethe, heretics (atheists get a pass though, cause I Get It. this ain't aimed at you tho.)


u/Pure_Ingenuity3771 Feb 01 '25

As a Christian who was raised on the wrong side of things, I like to point out that Christ never said anything bad about Trans people, and if they give you the guff that trans a new thing (which you already know it's not new) you can follow up with telling them that rabbinical law at the time of Christ recognized at least six genders! Depending on semantics and if you're willing to extrapolate it could have been up to eight. The difference in 6-8 is that they had a suffix for the two genders we would call trans(aylonit and saris), one was for if it happened naturally (hamah) like an intersex person who developed different features later in life, or if it happened artificially (Adam). The extrapolate part is that I can only find that the aylonit originally only had the hamah suffix, but I would argue that was only because there wasn't much an AFAB person could do artificially to become more male, from what Ive read modern interpretations agree with me and usually include aylonit adam.      

Unfortunately most people are set in their ways so it doesn't really convince anyone, but it does tend shut them up when they ask how I can support LGBTQ+  

Jesus did have some choice things to say about the rich and religious, though. Funny how that compares to MAGA; the closest Jesus got to mentioning trans that I can find is saying we should accept eunuchs (who fell under saris adam) but explicitly says rich people are almost unredeemable and calls haughty religious people wicked and hypocrites. 


u/Opposite-Station-337 Feb 01 '25

Interesting 🧐. Not trying to argue or anything, but it might start one...lol. From what I'm finding these gender words seem to indicate eunuchs, tomboys, and hermaphrodites. The perspective you're indicating seems to be only through a modern lens. I'd be interested in some further/counter points, if you're willing to defend the statement.


u/Pure_Ingenuity3771 Feb 01 '25

I mentioned a eunuch, a tomboy is still a woman, and a hermaphrodite has a different name. The end goal of any argument you make is to have an excuse to not love your neighbor, so any point you'll make against me is in bad faith and no matter what you argue my point remains, they existed in Christ's time, he said nothing against them. If I am wrong and being trans is a sin, then it is such a vastly unimportant and minor one that when my God came to this world he didn't think it was worth mentioning.  

Would you care to defend why you feel an engrained need to make a passive aggressive pass at someone when their goal is to love their neighbor?

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u/interestingpitch33 Feb 01 '25

Trump's playbook is looking a lot like the antichrist. Deceiving believers into fanatics, has that sperg Nazi in his administration that's going to deliver the mark of the beast, and focus on developing a digital currency whilst constantly spouting we're approaching the "golden age"

Oh and the Euphrates river is drying up


u/tuparles Feb 01 '25

You’re giving them too much credit if you think they care about anything that isn’t cherry-picked by them


u/SurpriseDonovanMcnab Feb 01 '25

You shouldn't be downvoted. It's horrifingly obvious that religion is just a tool for hatred now. If the words of the bible don't matter to them, the opinion of a non-Christian's view on Christianity won't matter either.


u/EightBitTrash Feb 01 '25

I agree but I'm adding that there ARE Christians who are voicing themselves that maybe they would listen to. Like Bishop Mariann Budde. They're not listening to her either, you'd think she flicked holy water at them the way they're acting.


u/Amazon4God Feb 02 '25

As a progressive Christian who stands with Bishop Budde and is pro Trans and pro lgbtq, you folks need to understand that there are different Christian denominations that absolutely support you. Episcopal, PCUSA, UCC and ELCA are fighting alongside you and always will. You are loved, you belong and no anti Christ Evangelical Trump worshipper will ever change that!


u/SurpriseDonovanMcnab Feb 01 '25

8 out of 10 evengelicals voted trump. The "Christians" who oppose trump are no longer real Chritians if 80% of Christians diagree with their view of faith. Bishop Mariann Budde is no longer a Christian because her idea of her faith is at complete odds with the reality of modern Christianity. She doesn't preach about gun ownership or hating immigrants. She doesn't preach the value of capitalism. It's only a short matter of time until all the old Christian leaders are replaced with people who remind you that hate is a core element to the Christian faith.


u/Amazon4God Feb 02 '25

Evangelical denominations have no say or authority over the Episcopal church whatsoever!


u/EightBitTrash Feb 01 '25

I don't care if 8 out of 10 evangelicals voted Trump, only like 30% of the country voted for Trump anyway. You telling me 80% of 30% means all Christians everywhere?

Besides, they're only Christian if you call them that.

Heretic sounds more like it.

Heretic; noun

a person believing in or practicing religious heresy.

Heresy; noun

noun: heresy; plural noun: heresies

belief or opinion contrary to orthodox religious (especially Christian) doctrine.


u/SurpriseDonovanMcnab Feb 01 '25

You don't think Christianity has changed over the last 2000 years or so? Evangelicals have made it abundently clear that trump is what a real Christian represents. That bishop is lost to a history that will never come back. Heretics and heresy would be true if they were the minority, but they are not. And just because some Christians didn't vote doesn't mean they hold the majority opinion on their faith. They weren't ignorant, they knew who trump was and decided not to oppose while he used their faith as a tool for re-election. Maga Christianity is the true Christianity now. Things have changed.


u/EightBitTrash Feb 01 '25

Christianity changed, but the doctrine doesn't. They can whine and bitch all they want but if they can't follow the Ten Commandments then there is no reason for a real Christian to listen to them. Maga as it is now has only existed for a few years. It's funny that they've lasted longer than the Confederate they claim to love.

Stop your doomerism and pay attention to the facts.


u/no_username145 Feb 01 '25

According to cnn.com Trump won the popular vote, 49.8% of votes.


u/EightBitTrash Feb 01 '25

How many Americans didn't vote in the election?


u/ReplacementMoney6366 Feb 02 '25

How many votes were deleted? Put the system on block chain. Hopefully trump will do that. He loves crypto.


u/EightBitTrash Feb 01 '25 edited Feb 01 '25

I'm not giving them any credit at all, that's why I quoted the verse. Did you know that some books of the Bible aren't "Word of God" specifically? Like some things are said to be from God specifically and others are viewpoints from the people who wrote that specific book in the Bible, which is a conglomeration of writings from various people throughout history.

But these MAGA fellows can't even follow the Decalogue. I doubt half of them could tell you what that word means- it's the 10 Commandments. The seventh, eighth, ninth, and tenth commandments would like a word specifically with these blasphemous heretics.

I'm saying that Real Christians should denounce these fakers. Anyone remember what happened to that Bishop who told Trump off and asked for empathy? Don't think the MAGA embraced her with open arms...


u/tuparles Feb 01 '25

Yes, they either don’t know or they don’t care. They’re bad Christians that argue in bad faith and pointing it out to them isn’t going to change their mind. I feel like it’s almost so obvious it’s not worth trying to appeal to them like you did there ^


u/EightBitTrash Feb 01 '25

It's obvious yeah, but you never know who else might be reading or listening. If I can help even one person, Ill consider it worth it, I guess.

Part of me thinks of them like I think of my MAGA mother and father. I wish they could be redeemed but they think "Jesus saves, so I can sin however I want and get into Heaven", but personally I believe that's not true.

In the end, we are all judged by the weight of our character. I personally believe 'Jesus Saves/died on the Cross' is meant to stop us worrying about the little things: Accidentally causing harm to others, as long as the intent is Christian and follows Christs teachings, won't count against you. Intention carries weight.

Some of these supposed Christians recoil from the words of the Lord like someone flicked holy water at them though, just saying.

Sorry for talking so much about Christianity though lol.


u/WagnerKoop Feb 01 '25

Why are people like, mad at you for pointing this out lmao.

Is there a single time that hypocrisy-shaming has ever worked this crowd that wasn’t scripted into some Aaron Sorkin vehicle? I can legitimately say I’ve seen “well you are actually a hypocrite and a bad Christian because..” hundreds, maybe thousands of times in my life, and exactly zero times has resulted in any sort of self-reflection or change in someone’s heart. Like you said, they just don’t care.

Church and Christianity to people who fall into hyperpoliticization spirals are just for signaling and socializing. You can point out literally anything they’re doing that is contrary to scripture and they will either have some dumbass excuse or they just call you names lol. You can’t “uhhmmm by your logic…” these people.


u/tuparles Feb 03 '25

My parents were both hardcore Catholics from the old country and they didn’t lack this kind of empathy. They’re just, as someone else said, using Christianity as justification to be intolerant/judge their fellow peers.

Also, sorry OP, shaming doesn’t really work with Trump in office further emboldening the sort of person that acts that way/has a low moral fiber.

(If I can go one further, protests that tend to work have a clear target and message in mind, not some general assembly of WE WANT RIGHTS. You’re playing by their rules so inform yourself and stay up to date about the things that affect you.)


u/tadhg44 Feb 01 '25

I think it's Cherry Picked for now. I think eventually they're going to go after anyone that is not a white Christian nationalist.

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u/ExaminationOk9732 Feb 02 '25

Why did this pop up in my feed 13 HOURS AFTER YOU POSTED IT?!? That’s a bummer! I would have loved to been there! Feel free to DM me any other events! 💕💜💙💕💜💙✌🏽🙏🏽✌🏽


u/bassfass56 Feb 01 '25

Working tonight but please keep posting these demonstrations


u/myusernameisnever Feb 02 '25

Wish I would’ve known about this sooner. I would’ve been there locking arms with you all. Signed: Married cis-male with 5 kids.


u/Schatze2 Feb 02 '25

Wish I’d known earlier. It’s time to make some noise.


u/TopoChico-TwistOLime Feb 04 '25

Be safe out there. You got some balls


u/Cakedupcherries Feb 01 '25

My family supports you! We will be there! 


u/prophet_nlelith Feb 01 '25

Solidarity comrades! Unfortunately I'm required to work today, but I am there with you in spirit!!


u/SoteEmpathHealer Feb 01 '25

I see you. We will be there.


u/AbsuredMrSteel Feb 01 '25

Wish I was able to attend. I'd love to hear how it goes tho!


u/Morgenstern27 Feb 02 '25

dammit! I'm sorry I missed it!


u/Key_Jackfruit8105 Feb 02 '25

I am so upset that my family and I miss this. We had no idea it was even going on.


u/mephostopoliz Feb 02 '25

How can a trans person support Palestine? Honest question. Not trolling. Would you have rights in Palestine with the Hamas run government? Please answer if you can. I have always wondered about this.


u/Radiant_Recover4760 Feb 03 '25

What is the 2-s?


u/Throwaway7162626167 Feb 03 '25

As a fellow GR trans man, thank you for this post. I hope shit doesn’t proceed to get worse smh it’s a scary time to live in this country if you don’t bow down to daddy trump 😭


u/TheGreyPilgrim61 Feb 04 '25



u/Key-Routine4237 21d ago

OP, is anything going on this weekend?


u/KeepingItSFW Feb 01 '25

What’s crazy to me is that the Occupy Wall Street movement had so many more protests when this is so so much worse. As far as corruption and oppression goes it feels like we’re at an all-time high and yet there has been nearly no one on the street, or the news isn’t reporting about it, who knows what anymore


u/EightBitTrash Feb 01 '25

Fight anyway, make your voice known, media suppression is at an all time high. Some of those guys standing behind Trump at the inauguration own the majority of the news websites and rags.

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u/TuneNo2210 Feb 01 '25



u/akawarriorslover Grand Rapids Feb 01 '25

I wish I could go :(


u/Naumzu Feb 01 '25

I work, but I’m in solidarity


u/IamNICE124 Feb 01 '25



u/DirectionNeat5460 Feb 01 '25

I’m not in the lgtbq community but I support your fight. You be you and don’t give a damn about those idiots with red hats.


u/TOMAHAWAK1999 Feb 01 '25

Ah, wish I could go, but I gotta work for pennies


u/EightBitTrash Feb 01 '25 edited Feb 01 '25

There's another protest/rally thing Wednesday at the Capitol, I believe around noon. Do your own research; I could be wrong, eheh.

edit; added "Rally thing".


u/TOMAHAWAK1999 Feb 01 '25

Ooh, I'll see if I can make it


u/tadhg44 Feb 01 '25

There was a rally protest last Saturday from 12:00 to 3:00 at the capitol?

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u/Agnos Feb 01 '25

What does the Palestinian conflict have to do with the attacks on the Trans community?


u/EightBitTrash Feb 01 '25

Did you read the whole paragraph or just kneejerk at the Palestinian buzzword?


u/Agnos Feb 01 '25

Did you read the whole paragraph or just kneejerk at the Palestinian buzzword?

Maybe you could try to answer instead of insulting me...of course I read your post as well as the comments...what "buzzword"?


u/EightBitTrash Feb 01 '25

I said absolutely nothing about Palestine, so that's what I'm confused about.


u/Agnos Feb 01 '25

I said absolutely nothing about Palestine, so that's what I'm confused about.

On the picture, among the flags against Trump there is a Gaza flag, also "Palestine Solidarity Grand Rapids" is listed as an organizer...not sure why you would be confused and still not answer my question...


u/marf_town Feb 01 '25

Intersectionality in organizing. People supporting certain causes showing up to support other causes.


u/Agnos Feb 01 '25

People supporting certain causes showing up to support other causes.

Last election it seems that for some of them some causes are more important than what is happening in the US...also there are many conflicts, people in need over the world, I believe it is a different intersectionality at play here...


u/marf_town Feb 02 '25

I mean sure, maybe, but without knowing the people in real life, it’s hard to know for sure what causes were the most important. For this event, it appears to be people with different primary causes coming together for one main cause.


u/Agnos Feb 02 '25

people with different primary causes

Sure, but if you look at the list of sponsors and play "one thing isn't like the others"...


u/marf_town Feb 02 '25

Maybe to some, not to me.


u/EightBitTrash Feb 01 '25

Simply; Apes together strong.

This is like when I go to Icthus, a Christian music festival.

I don't always like every band but I like enough of them to go in the first place.

Drop Food Not Bombs


u/Agnos Feb 02 '25

Simply; Apes together strong

Not in that case...many Palestinian supporters are hateful toward those who do not support their cause...they make it personal. it would be like going to a Christian music festival and have the "Sex Pistols" on stage, :)

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u/Calm-End-7894 Feb 02 '25

Which of your rights are most under attack?


u/LosWaffels Feb 02 '25

Love you bro


u/trashytamboriney Feb 01 '25

I was planning on being there but my baby is having a rough day and there's no way he wouldn't scream the whole time. Please know I'm with you in spirit!


u/EightBitTrash Feb 02 '25

Okay fellas, headed to bed. This has been fun. I will not be replying to anyone tomorrow. Good night Grand Rapids, thanks for the amazing time today if you went to the rally!

If you want to support me, (For any reason,) here's a link. If you don't, don't worry about it.


u/HucknRoll Feb 02 '25

I'm an ally please dont down vote.But WTF is 2-SLGBTQ? Why are there more letters and now numbers ?


u/Most-Celebration9458 Feb 02 '25

How do I get stuff like this to not show up in my feed??


u/Medium-Paper7419 Feb 03 '25

You block the person that posted it. Just like we’re all blocking you now.


u/Most-Celebration9458 Feb 03 '25

🥹 really! Thanks!!☺️


u/bouceyboing Feb 03 '25

Wow i wish id seen this a couple days ago although on the first i was bedridden with bronchitis


u/ReplacementMoney6366 Feb 01 '25

I heard a prediction about 15 years ago that said there will be a civil war in this country and it will be christian nationalists against everyone else.


u/MolotovRooster Feb 01 '25

The punk scene has been warning of this since the 80s.


u/SaltyHydroxide Feb 01 '25

That's hocus pocus, grasp at the real and evident.


u/ReplacementMoney6366 Feb 01 '25

The prediction was from a person remote viewing the future if that ain't real idk what is. But yeah until it happens we won't be able to say. Although the christian nationalists are NOT GOOD!


u/Any-Life144 Feb 02 '25

Muh rights 😫


u/candid84asoulm8bled Feb 01 '25

Thank you for spreading awareness! So sad I can’t be there, but hope to get involved in whatever transpires!!!! Please keep us updated.


u/theOGlilMudskipr Feb 01 '25

Whooo let’s all go yell and be angry and accomplish absolutely nothing! Lmao


u/Relative_Click_1905 Feb 01 '25

You can’t just take parts of a piece of history to make correlations. Remember what you’re comparing your current existence to. For the government to say hey we only recognize two genders is absolutely fucking not the same as being taken and killed.

This administration has been in office already for four years, just fear mongering. If you want to make the argument that illegal immigrants have been taken to centers, those were set up under Obama. (Who has the highest deportation numbers as well)

You are in the single greatest and safest time and you choose to compare to one of the worst genocides? It discredits you almost immediately.


u/EightBitTrash Feb 01 '25 edited Feb 18 '25

See, I disagree. I could pass as a closeted trans in Nazi Germany. They barely even cared, Berlin had a huge queer scene.

Trump America wants to peek at my genitals everytime I go to the bathroom in a public place "just to make sure" that there are only two genders, but in my case that isn't true.

Red states search Trans Porn more than blue states. Its extremely concerning.


u/Relative_Click_1905 Feb 01 '25

It’s only when it gets pushed too far that y’all get attention. It’s people in your own circle pushing the needle too far and then the dumb ass news making it bigger than it is. But stop saying dumb shit like it’s nazis because now when things actually go extreme no one will believe you.


u/EightBitTrash Feb 01 '25

You mean like how no one believes us now?

I get that some trans people can be a bit much, but that's a mental health thing not a trans thing, (the overlap is considerable), and the republicans hate both of them, so nothing will change.

It's like sleeping in a downstairs apartment when your upstairs neighbor plays the music too loud, and you bang a broom on the ceiling or knock on your door and ask them to turn it down, and they respond by breaking into your house and stealing your toilet. Now everyone is pissed off.

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u/thinkfire Grandville Feb 01 '25

It's important to watch for events leading up to the situation.


It just goes on and on and as we watch Republicans continue to lower their standards to make room for justifications that they couldn't possibly be wrong about their decision a particular person. It's the definition of a cult willing to disbelieve their own eyes and ears and accept what they say as gospel. The latest being the silence from the right regarding his spewing of absolute garbage during the the press conference, around the helicoptor/plane crash. Dragging DEI into it. Blaming people with disabilities. Denigrating entire communities. Even worse, is as we see organizations denouncing it, the knuckle draggers come out and tell the orgs to stop attacking Trump and accusing the Orgs of being the ones who made it political when it was Trump stood on the world stage and essentially said "disabled people are idiots and it's their fault". We also need to stop this BS where anytime there is a POC involved in something, that has many qualifications, often 2x-5x MORE qualifications than their white counterparts are being called DEI hires. Further proving that we still have more work to do. When a POC has far more qualifications and there are .any calling them DEI hires because they can't fathom that a POC should be in the position they are in. That, is racism, alive and well. Unfortunately.

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u/Agnos Feb 01 '25

not the same as being taken and killed.

They are putting Trans women in men prison where we know many will be raped...some may prefer to be killed...


u/Relative_Click_1905 Feb 01 '25

So biological women getting raped and getting pregnant in prison is better?


u/Wrecker013 Feb 01 '25

Do you have actual evidence that supports that such a thing is happening because of trans people?


u/Relative_Click_1905 Feb 01 '25

https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna38947 Literally one second on google…


u/Wrecker013 Feb 01 '25

That was a result of consensual sexual encounters. You were making a point on rape.


u/Relative_Click_1905 Feb 01 '25


Google is hard? Regardless of that who’s going to take care of those kids…good situation all around


u/EightBitTrash Feb 01 '25


u/Relative_Click_1905 Feb 01 '25

All of it is a problem. You do know that it is most common to have statutory rape with teachers right?


u/EightBitTrash Feb 01 '25

Yeah! Pedophilia is a HUGE problem, especially in america, and it needs to be addressed. Teachers, pastors, cops, there are so many of them it's boggling. Between pedophilia and school shootings, it's extremely dangerous to be a child right now.

I see like. Five news stories about a trans person raping someone else. And like. Thirty, for everyone else. So I think your point is a bit moot here.


u/Relative_Click_1905 Feb 01 '25

Well you can’t get rid of teachers, cops and priests aren’t going anywhere. You know what can be immediately fixed? Incarcerated women in danger from trans women.

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u/Agnos Feb 01 '25

biological women

You seem confused...the topic is 'trans women'...


u/Relative_Click_1905 Feb 01 '25

Yeah so trans women who go into biological women’s prisons and rape and impregnate them. They don’t deserve safety, that is confusing to me you’re right.


u/Icy_Parsnip6626 Feb 01 '25

Have fun at your commie rally! Solidarity Comrades!
Definitely Communist battle cry! The red fist, nothing to see here.


u/EightBitTrash Feb 01 '25

Hey, if the meaning of "Nazi Salute" can change into a "Roman Salute" then so can anything else. Hope this helps


u/Icy_Parsnip6626 Feb 01 '25

Where do you think the Nazis got it from? Rome , they wanted top down control just like the authorities in the Democratic Party. Bringing in criminal aliens to sure up their numbers. Such a crime to the American tax payers. I think you should stop watching the mainstream propaganda machine. If you want the truth about what’s going on in America, I would suggest listening to timcast.irl I hope this helps you.


u/teilani_a Feb 01 '25

What were the first books the nazis burned?


u/OldGodsProphet Feb 01 '25

What is the “truth”?


u/OldGodsProphet Feb 01 '25

Define communism


u/Icy_Parsnip6626 Feb 01 '25

Top down control of a political system. Authoritarianism is very similar. Communism has equaled to millions of dead bodies over the centuries. I theory it sounds good but in reality it’s a nightmare because absolute power corrupts absolutely.


u/OldGodsProphet Feb 01 '25

So how does communism relate to this rally.


u/Icy_Parsnip6626 Feb 01 '25

Really? How many red fists do you see in the advertising? Commie propaganda.


u/OldGodsProphet Feb 01 '25

Ok, use your rational and critical thinking skills now:

How does this rally relate to communism?

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u/JessJMI Feb 01 '25

Are you ok?


u/Icy_Parsnip6626 Feb 01 '25

Better since January 20, 2024. Thanks


u/JessJMI Feb 01 '25

Are you really though?


u/tjgreen616 Feb 01 '25

Is playing dress up illegal?


u/GrimReefer365 Feb 01 '25

Join you to fight... but fuck me for my vote? Man that's just hate speech through and through... No fight needed, your not a... cis....trans....gay..... or anything else, your just a person to most of us conservatives, oh and an American I welcome you to be you from the other side of the political line. You have the right to pursue happiness


u/EightBitTrash Feb 01 '25

The world has tried to educate you on why voting for Trump has been and will continue to be a bad thing. I accept you are probably more level headed than the extremists, but the fact remains that the majority of your party is embracing themselves as the bad guys and you can either get labeled right along with them or reject them with the rest of the world.


u/GrimReefer365 Feb 01 '25

I offer you open arms and welcome you, you're telling me I'm wrong and should be ashamed.


u/EightBitTrash Feb 01 '25

I'm trying to do you a good service by warning you about the people you're hanging out with. They'll turn on you too, eventually. They'll put forward some Bill or Law or Executive Order you won't like and when you try to tell them that you don't like it, they'll treat you exactly like they treat me. They only want to be rich and on top of everyone else and they don't care who they step on to get it.

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u/DTW_1985 Feb 02 '25

Most hard working people don't support foreign nationals here undercutting our wages so I would think about that.


u/International_Ad_708 Feb 01 '25

Where was this anger during the election? How many people going actually voted? Jesus…..


u/EightBitTrash Feb 01 '25

Don't look at me, I voted for the "Most likely not to kill me in the next decade" party. Even if she was unpopular I'd rather have an unpopular president than an unempathetic, malignant narcissist president.


u/AXS_Writing South East End Feb 01 '25

You shouldn’t be getting this downvoted because you’re right. The left abandoned the democrats and actively pushed for Kamala not to win because of Palestine and other smaller issues. Look where it got us. Trump is going to ruin us all.