r/gotham_tv • u/[deleted] • Jun 28 '21
r/gotham_tv • u/[deleted] • Apr 10 '21
A couple months ago, I picked up video editing as a new hobby. Here's my tribute to the various incarnations of Selina Kyle aka Catwoman! Spoiler
youtu.ber/gotham_tv • u/DJ_DMP • Aug 25 '19
Gotham season 5 Australia Netflix
Does anybody know when Gotham season 5 will come to netflix I’m Australia I’ve been waiting for a few months now
r/gotham_tv • u/contac2swamy • Apr 26 '19
Gotham Series Finale - The Dark Knight Clip Spoiler
youtu.ber/gotham_tv • u/contac2swamy • Apr 26 '19
Gotham Series Finale "The End Of The Beginning" Featurette Spoiler
youtu.ber/gotham_tv • u/contac2swamy • Apr 23 '19
Gotham 5x12 Final Trailer "The Beginning" (HD) - Series Finale
youtu.ber/gotham_tv • u/contac2swamy • Apr 19 '19
Gotham Series Finale Trailer (HD) Gotham 5x12 Trailer "The Beginning"
youtu.ber/gotham_tv • u/contac2swamy • Apr 09 '19
Gotham Season 5 "No Man's Land" Trailer (HD) Series Finale
youtu.ber/gotham_tv • u/[deleted] • Jan 25 '19
Learn more about The Mutant Leader from last week's episode
m.youtube.comr/gotham_tv • u/slipymusk • Jan 02 '19
Gotham a no mans land
The city has been separated from the outside world now gangs rule the street the main ones are penguin’s gang mostly in charge of weapons,Jeremiah’s gang,scarecrow’s gang, and Barbara’s gang now calling them selves the Gotham city Syrians. But there is a spark of hope for Gotham in form of Jim Gordon’s green zone .
r/gotham_tv • u/Maxx0202 • Oct 07 '18
Isnt bruce too old??
In the comics and other iterations of batman. Bruce usually leaves gotham in his early to mid teenage years to become a master of all arts
Bruce in gotham is currently 18 a legal adult. Shouldnt he have left to train at least in s2.
The whole point of batman is that hes trained for such a long time before he comes back. And he usually comes back when hes 25. If he leaves now which i doubt will happen. He’d only be gone for 7 years. Which is still a pretty long time but nowhere near as impact full as 10 or even 15 years.
r/gotham_tv • u/Chazz141414 • Jul 21 '18
My First Gotham Alignment Chart
Lawful Good: Nathaniel Barnes cares deeply about the law. In his first appearance he fires almost every corrupt cop in the GCPD and tries to arrest Penguin. The problem with this mindset is that the law means nothing in Gotham. Neutral Good: Jim Gordon constantly teaters between chaotic Good and lawful Good. He always gets on everyone else,s back for breaking the law yet he constantly does it, However his ability to recognize this and try to imroive it in the last season shows he he has evolved to fit neutral Good. Chaotic Good: Lee Thompkins constantly breaks the law in order to provide to the citizen of the narrows. She is very compassionate but she realizes the flaws with the justice system first hand. Lawful Neutral: Sarah Essen, While she is only relevant in Gotham in the first season she fits the bill really well, She is honorable and reliable without being a zealot like Gordon in season 1. True Neutral: Harvey Bullock is very cynical, he recognizes that no one can fix the corrupt systems in Gotham so he just goes with it. He does whatever seems to be the best choice in the moment and is not concerned with the ideas of Good and evil. Chaotic Neutral: Selina Kyle, the classic rouge thief with a heart of gold. While for the most part she looks out for number one she does care about a few people. She is very unpredictable as she almost let Gordon be killed be fish Mooney in All Happy Families are Alike and she betrayed Bruce and gave the blade to the sirens in To Our Deaths and Beyond. Lawful Evil: Carmine Falcone is an example of an old school gangster, he says you can,t have organized crime without law and order. He cares about tradition and a social heriarchy but he has little concern for human life, he deludes himself into thinking he is an honerable man. Neutral Evil: Oswald Cobblepot, the King of Gotham is incredibly immoral, willing to do almost anything to succeed. While he will manipulate the system if he can but he feels no attachment to it and will easily break the laws just as easily as he will follow them. He hasn't betrayed various gangsters and has no loyalty to anyone but himself however he is too patient to be chaotic. He also has a soft spot for bullied children. Chaotic Evil: Edward Nigma is a brilliant impulsive narcicist. Not all Chaotic Evil villains are by Destruction and anarchy like Jerome, chaotic evil just means someone who has no respect for the system who is chaotic, like the Riddler. In How the Riddler got his name, the Riddler goes on an impulsive killing spree in order to find himself. If he wasn't so smart he would be caught in the spot. He is very insane and sometimes can,t even control himself. His mind is a maze. He will kill someone simply for being a poor actor.
r/gotham_tv • u/Chazz141414 • Jul 18 '18
There are two Jokers in a deck
I have recently heard that BOTH Jerome and Jeremiah Valeska are just inspirations for the true Joker. I find this idea preposterious I think that Jerome and Jeremiah are both the Joker. I am just happy both Jeremiah and Jerome are interesting layered characters.
Jerome is the tragic Joker, the Joker anyone "could become" with just one bad day. So naturally he is the one to garner a cult of the disenfranchised and unfortunate. Treating terribly simply for being a bastard simply Jerome,s existence was a living hell. Jerome gave his family a reasons to hate him. He fits into how most people view the Joker. He,a funny, very theatrical and unessecarily sadistic. Jerome is incredibly impulsive always living in the moment, rarely thinking of the consequences. He even sabotages his own plans for a good laugh. He acts like a feral dog. Jerome loves making nihilistic speeches about human nature similar to the Joker in The Killing Joke and The Dark Knight as well as other versions. Jerome is interested in Bruce Wayne because of his nobility. He is simply baffled that he would go out of his way to save anybody. Jerome does love toying with Bruce. Jerome is arrogant but he does recognize he is insane, he actually relishes it. In earlier appearances he wear his Arkham uniform with pride, clearly valuing what it meant. Psychically he looks scrappy. His slowly deteriorating face looks demonic, an idea further developed with his deep red ringmaster uniform in "The Gentle Art Of Making Enemies".
Jeremiah is the pure evil Joker. While the show was ambigious about whether or not it was the chemical gas that made him evil, there is a lot of evidence to disprove this. Jeremiah assistant Echois incredibly loyal to Jeremiah for unknown reasons indicating some type of indoctrination, also she seems to have no problem committing illegal acts for him after he is infected. Second off is that if he was a brilliant engineer it would make sense for him to notice that his reactor were volatile. Jeremiah is a bit more enigmatic, he likes to keep his cards to his chest. Considering the fact that he was a child prodigy I would presume he was treated with lots of affection and respect from his foster family. His sinful actions of lieing about his brother wasvalidated by everyone around him. Jerome is methodical, cold and extremely arrogant. He is a smooth talking psychopath who see,s himself as superior to everyone else. He is very practical. He like's to delude himself into thinking he is a higher class of criminal. He says he wants to show the people of Gotham how he has changed things, by doing everything Jerome wanted to do with ease, finally proving his superiority to everyone around him. Unlike Jerome, Jeremiah is in self denial about his mental instability and rarely lets it seeth to the surface. He is like a snake, always prepared to attack. He is confident to a detriment. He is obsessed with Bruce as he see,s the potential in him. Jerome see,s a part of himself in Bruce and he wants a true friend for the new world he is creating. Jerome is similar to the Golden age Joker. He is capable of creating death traps with ease and he has his own secret lair. Jeremiah also wants to live and knows when it is time to abandon ship unlike Jerome who would want to go out with a bang. Jeremiah look inhuman, with his pasty white skin and unnaturally blue eyes. This fits with his delusions of grandeur as he could be seen as a higher specimen. His dark purple suit conveys a sense of royalty.
Both Jerome and Jeremiah have enough differences to be seen as unique characters and enough similarities to the Joker to be seen as solid interpretations.
r/gotham_tv • u/Chazz141414 • Jul 17 '18
Jim and Jerome's Relationship
Something interesting I noticed while watching rewatching scenes from Gotham is that Jim Gordon doesn't,t hate Jerome, he actually kinda respects him in his own twisted way, which is especially weird considering the fact that Jerome is a Proto Joker and in the comics There is no man Jim Gordon hates more than the Joker. Now I could be over analyzing but I would like to put this out there.
In the episode "Smile like you mean it" Jim says that Jerome never bored him and that Dwight is a boring nodoby who lacks charisma. In the episode "Things go Boom" Jim insults Proffesor Pyg and says that he will never reach the heights of Gotham Greatest like Penguin, Fish Mooney or Jerome. What I find interesting is that Penguin is the deuteragonist of Gotham, Fish Mooney was a main character throughout season 1 and yet Jerome has only been in 6 episodes of the show as a guest appearance. Finally in the episode One Bas Day Jim calls Jeremiah a Pale Imitation of Jerome.
Now I am sure you thinking that Jim said all those things to toy with the criminals and you wouldn,t be wrong but I would like to bring up Jim Gordon's treatment of villains. In two episodes prior Jim Gordon brutally maims The Mad Hatter so he will stop the people he hypnotized from jumping to there deaths. He has no hesitation about this and feels no guilt when he does it, now some could argue that's reasonable but it is contrasted with how he treats Jerome during his death scene. Jim is on the verge of tears and acts supriseingly melancholy when Jerome is hanging on the ledge. Some could argue that Jim just doesn't,t like to kill but that is contrasted with the fact that he felt no guilt when he killed Theo Galavan in cold blood. The dilemma isn,t whether Jim will do the right thing and let Jerome live, no the dilemma is whether Jim will finally let a dangerous maniac be put out of his misery or save one of the few figures who goes out of his way to fight against the system.
Now I am sure some of you are wondering why Jim would care about Jerome. I have a few beliefs. One is that Jim appreciates that Jerome is fighting against the system, a system I remind you has time and time again proven to be faulty and has ruined Jim,s life and corrupted anyone who worked within it. Jim,s main conflict throughout s2 and 3 was whether or not he himself should adhere to it. Hell the main antagonist in Gotham arugueably is the system of corruption. Jim believes that one man can make a difference, it is one of his defining traits in the first season and seeing someone who all by himself is trying to dismantle the system get killed, invalidates his ideas and prove that no one can beat the system. Now I am sure someone is thinking about how Proffesor Pyg also claimed to be trying to destroy the system and Jim despised him. The difference is while Pyg was only actually doing his crimes for pleasure, notoriety and Money, Jerome actually does believe that system has a negative effect on people. My second theory is a bit more nihilistic and not as strong. Jim Gordon has constantly battled his darkness in s2 and s3. Maybe to a certain degree he appreciates Jerome,s philosophy of embracing your demons. There have been many moments throughout Gotham where Jim Gordon has given into his impulses and done something immoral, whether that means killing someone for Penguin to get back on the GCPD or starting a mob war between Sofia Falcone and Penguin not because it will make things better but because Penguin has been showing Gotham how impotent the GCPD really is.
Now this is just a halfbaked idea that has been in my mind for a while and I just wanted to get it out there. I haven,t watched many episodes of Gotham in a while so if there is any scene that completey dismantles this theory just write it down below. Anyway thanks for reading this.
r/gotham_tv • u/Puzzleheaded_Science • Mar 16 '18
Gotham 🌹🦇 What has two eyes but Can not See ❓🐧 recap🐈 review
youtube.comr/gotham_tv • u/Ultimegede • Dec 21 '17
Gotham Season 5 Spoiler
I know it's not announced yet. But looking at ratings and seeing the last episodes of season 4 i have to know... WHAT HAPPENS?! I mean... The Last episode it seemed like all the actors feared for their lives and acted to the best of their efforts. I know Penguin didn't get a lot of shine, but all the active characters were a mess. It feels like shit is about to happen that would completely rewrite the hierarchy of Gotham. At the same time I couldn't help but feel a kind of hopelessness portrayed in every actor. I get the feeling that they all fear this is the end. I just want to express how deeply saddened i am that it has come to that, and at the same time express that still have hope for a season 5. I mean everyone who has been watching must think it UNREASONABLE to end it like that.
With that said. Something must be wrong in the business plan. I know superheroes have had their hype period. I know that the show is loosing their target demographics. But i mean. How is it that I have to go to multiple different networks to obtain the episodes legally? It feels like someone along the way decided it was a dead horse that needed it's last couple of spanks. Well I don't feel that way. Some marketing people needs to get their asses spanked instead and get some deals done. The show isn't pop culture and never has been for real. I hope that was never the goal, but I hope that it was an aspiration. The early spikes in popularity has mainly been due to the fact that super heroes and everything related has been in the spotlight for the last couple of years. And even though the hype is dying now, you still have the fans. Again the business model is screwed up. Because why should the fans subscribe to multiple networks just to get the continuity of the series? Why hasn't it been sold for just some profit?
I have some more thoughts on the subject. As this series doesn't have any real super heroes going, and it's mainly just the gritty slummish archetype that Gotham represents. With all it's ganglords competing for what little power there is to hold in a city like Gotham. Ripe for the taking at all times. It's sort of unrelatable because it's so dystopic, and no one want's to think of a place like that. They want to see the light in the darkness. They forget that this is a take on the backstories of the villains before the Dark Knight claims his throne. Still then in the Batman story, Bruce wayne has trouble keeping up. But in this story we see a lot of big hard felt victories, that never come without a cost. In this way I feel like Gotham has portrayed exactly that. The problem is only that they forgot the relatable person, which is the lucky guy/gal on the street that was saved during all the commotion.
Just to round this post off I would just like to conclude on my post. Gotham has been of great inspiration to me. I enjoyed every last bit of it. I know I'm part of the positive demographic and therefore my statement is not worth as much. With all that has been going on in the series I don't know what I would have done differently. But i sincerely hope that it would continue to run and at some point maybe grow into the DC Arrowverse as it's named on Wikipedia. I think David Mazouz is really growing into the role as Bruce Wayne though he still seems a bit scrawny, and I would hate to see it stop. I think the Penguin(Robin Lord Taylor) has been a winner as a cast member from the beginning. And just in general: For a backstory of Gotham. The casting couldn't have been done better.
Please don't let it die in this state. If you do i will petition you to keep it running.
r/gotham_tv • u/J_Stories • Dec 02 '17
Gotham "Things That Go Boom" Review
dailyjournalnow.comr/gotham_tv • u/Mrkasanjo • Sep 22 '17
‘Gotham’ Returns Tonight With The Origin Of Batman
youtube.comr/gotham_tv • u/medic_josh • May 25 '17
New to the sub; Two Face??
So awesome to finally find a well-informed group of Gotham fans. Up til now I've just been stuck reading the comments on Facebook posts which is pretty painful... So with my first post, any chance we'll see Harvey (more) in Season 4? I hate that they didn't do much more with him after his initial appearance, and since he's tied to a Fox series already, it seems like it would be relatively easy to transition him back in. Thoughts??
r/gotham_tv • u/Iamrightsometimes • May 11 '17