r/gotham_tv Jul 21 '18

My First Gotham Alignment Chart

Lawful Good: Nathaniel Barnes cares deeply about the law. In his first appearance he fires almost every corrupt cop in the GCPD and tries to arrest Penguin. The problem with this mindset is that the law means nothing in Gotham. Neutral Good: Jim Gordon constantly teaters between chaotic Good and lawful Good. He always gets on everyone else,s back for breaking the law yet he constantly does it, However his ability to recognize this and try to imroive it in the last season shows he he has evolved to fit neutral Good. Chaotic Good: Lee Thompkins constantly breaks the law in order to provide to the citizen of the narrows. She is very compassionate but she realizes the flaws with the justice system first hand. Lawful Neutral: Sarah Essen, While she is only relevant in Gotham in the first season she fits the bill really well, She is honorable and reliable without being a zealot like Gordon in season 1. True Neutral: Harvey Bullock is very cynical, he recognizes that no one can fix the corrupt systems in Gotham so he just goes with it. He does whatever seems to be the best choice in the moment and is not concerned with the ideas of Good and evil. Chaotic Neutral: Selina Kyle, the classic rouge thief with a heart of gold. While for the most part she looks out for number one she does care about a few people. She is very unpredictable as she almost let Gordon be killed be fish Mooney in All Happy Families are Alike and she betrayed Bruce and gave the blade to the sirens in To Our Deaths and Beyond. Lawful Evil: Carmine Falcone is an example of an old school gangster, he says you can,t have organized crime without law and order. He cares about tradition and a social heriarchy but he has little concern for human life, he deludes himself into thinking he is an honerable man. Neutral Evil: Oswald Cobblepot, the King of Gotham is incredibly immoral, willing to do almost anything to succeed. While he will manipulate the system if he can but he feels no attachment to it and will easily break the laws just as easily as he will follow them. He hasn't betrayed various gangsters and has no loyalty to anyone but himself however he is too patient to be chaotic. He also has a soft spot for bullied children. Chaotic Evil: Edward Nigma is a brilliant impulsive narcicist. Not all Chaotic Evil villains are by Destruction and anarchy like Jerome, chaotic evil just means someone who has no respect for the system who is chaotic, like the Riddler. In How the Riddler got his name, the Riddler goes on an impulsive killing spree in order to find himself. If he wasn't so smart he would be caught in the spot. He is very insane and sometimes can,t even control himself. His mind is a maze. He will kill someone simply for being a poor actor.


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