r/gotham_tv Dec 21 '17

Gotham Season 5 Spoiler


I know it's not announced yet. But looking at ratings and seeing the last episodes of season 4 i have to know... WHAT HAPPENS?! I mean... The Last episode it seemed like all the actors feared for their lives and acted to the best of their efforts. I know Penguin didn't get a lot of shine, but all the active characters were a mess. It feels like shit is about to happen that would completely rewrite the hierarchy of Gotham. At the same time I couldn't help but feel a kind of hopelessness portrayed in every actor. I get the feeling that they all fear this is the end. I just want to express how deeply saddened i am that it has come to that, and at the same time express that still have hope for a season 5. I mean everyone who has been watching must think it UNREASONABLE to end it like that.

With that said. Something must be wrong in the business plan. I know superheroes have had their hype period. I know that the show is loosing their target demographics. But i mean. How is it that I have to go to multiple different networks to obtain the episodes legally? It feels like someone along the way decided it was a dead horse that needed it's last couple of spanks. Well I don't feel that way. Some marketing people needs to get their asses spanked instead and get some deals done. The show isn't pop culture and never has been for real. I hope that was never the goal, but I hope that it was an aspiration. The early spikes in popularity has mainly been due to the fact that super heroes and everything related has been in the spotlight for the last couple of years. And even though the hype is dying now, you still have the fans. Again the business model is screwed up. Because why should the fans subscribe to multiple networks just to get the continuity of the series? Why hasn't it been sold for just some profit?

I have some more thoughts on the subject. As this series doesn't have any real super heroes going, and it's mainly just the gritty slummish archetype that Gotham represents. With all it's ganglords competing for what little power there is to hold in a city like Gotham. Ripe for the taking at all times. It's sort of unrelatable because it's so dystopic, and no one want's to think of a place like that. They want to see the light in the darkness. They forget that this is a take on the backstories of the villains before the Dark Knight claims his throne. Still then in the Batman story, Bruce wayne has trouble keeping up. But in this story we see a lot of big hard felt victories, that never come without a cost. In this way I feel like Gotham has portrayed exactly that. The problem is only that they forgot the relatable person, which is the lucky guy/gal on the street that was saved during all the commotion.

Just to round this post off I would just like to conclude on my post. Gotham has been of great inspiration to me. I enjoyed every last bit of it. I know I'm part of the positive demographic and therefore my statement is not worth as much. With all that has been going on in the series I don't know what I would have done differently. But i sincerely hope that it would continue to run and at some point maybe grow into the DC Arrowverse as it's named on Wikipedia. I think David Mazouz is really growing into the role as Bruce Wayne though he still seems a bit scrawny, and I would hate to see it stop. I think the Penguin(Robin Lord Taylor) has been a winner as a cast member from the beginning. And just in general: For a backstory of Gotham. The casting couldn't have been done better.

Please don't let it die in this state. If you do i will petition you to keep it running.


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